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What does George Lucas think of SWTOR?


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I am sure we will see a remake of 4-6 someday.


I am also a fan of Jar Jar. Dunno I felt the movies needed more comic relief more than Anthony Daniels. Really Really liked C3P0 but Anthony starts to grate on my nerves about halfway into episode 4. They said the same things about C3P0 as they are now saying about Jar Jar.


Honestly if your gonna be able to take your young kids to see this and have them keep their little traps shut while you watch, you need a little comic relief

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I am sure we will see a remake of 4-6 someday.


I am also a fan of Jar Jar. Dunno I felt the movies needed more comic relief more than Anthony Daniels. Really Really liked C3P0 but Anthony starts to grate on my nerves about halfway into episode 4. They said the same things about C3P0 as they are now saying about Jar Jar.


Honestly if your gonna be able to take your young kids to see this and have them keep their little traps shut while you watch, you need a little comic relief


Comic relief is important. The problem was that Jar Jar didn't actually provide any comic relief. To provide comic relief you need to be funny. He was just annoying.

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I would love to know.


Has he had input or played it even.


I have tried looking around for some interviews but can't find any.


Perhaps one day he could write a story mission special.


I asked him...


He said the following:


"Droids must go 'oooooo', 'owwww', 'eeeep' every time they are shot, stabbed or otherwise killed."


"Monsters must comically burp every time they eat someone/something"


"The writing and acting are far too good."


"Man, I am short."


"I can't hear you over all these piles of money."

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Comic relief is important. The problem was that Jar Jar didn't actually provide any comic relief. To provide comic relief you need to be funny. He was just annoying.


I thought a lot of the slapstick style stuff was pretty funny and some of the things he said were hella funny. Ill quote my fave line by him: "I don't know. Mesa day startin pretty okee-day with a brisky morning munchy, then BOOM! Gettin very scared and grabbin that Jedi and POW! Mesa here! Mesa gettin' very very scared!"


But its not just about the things he says but the funny slapstick bump and stumble stuff... Clumsy people make me laugh im sorry lol

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I asked him...


He said the following:


"Droids must go 'oooooo', 'owwww', 'eeeep' every time they are shot, stabbed or otherwise killed."


"Monsters must comically burp every time they eat someone/something"


"The writing and acting are far too good."


"Man, I am short."


"I can't hear you over all these piles of money."


I'm sure you didn't quite include all of what he said. You left out "Darth Vader was one of the greatest movie villains of all time. Please find a way to include him in the game and make him look increasingly ridiculous."

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Go watch all of the Episode I-III reviews at redlettermedia.com and then ask me if you think GL should have ANYTHING to do with this game. :p


Also, the highest fan/critcally rated of all the SW movies was The Empire Strikes Back.


Lucas did NOT direct it.


That should tell you something right there. :rolleyes:

Edited by Slugamaniac
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Lucas knows the game exists and is tracking how much money it is making or losing. Outside of that, he's never played it and doesn't really know or care about the miniscule fraction of the gaming community opinions on writing, performance, or customer support complaints.
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Lucas knows the game exists and is tracking how much money it is making or losing. Outside of that, he's never played it and doesn't really know or care about the miniscule fraction of the gaming community opinions on writing, performance, or customer support complaints.


Seems an accurate assessment.

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He is a person. He made some movies decades ago, then new ones later. Of course he will capitalize on that, it's free money for him, everyone with a lick of sense would do the same. Imagine if people would line up on your door to give you money? For DECADES? Lots and lots of money with no continued effort whatsoever on your part?


Taking shots at him is just childish and dumb. He only cares that stuff with the SW logo doesn't completely ruin the SW IP, only he has the prerogative to do so.


Star Wars has inspired many, many great games and that's all I care about. I'm grateful for any person who can inspire such creativity, regardless of their personality or how they conduct their business. The more they get out of it, the better.


Besides, didn't he donate a truckload of money to charity? Yeah, how many millions did you donate last year?

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Pretty good to assume he has never played but im sure at some point in the creation of this game he was shown some sort of presentation on the game and where to expect some of his checks to be coming from.


I give it another couple of years and he will be doing commercials for it. Just like when world or warcrap was released no one truly thought it was going to take off the way it did.


If this is the World of Warsplat killer then im sure we will be having this conversation till the quote comes out something like "My name is George Lucas and I approve this message" lol. I swear though if they make a commercial with Chuck Norris or Mr T im out!

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I suspect mister Lucas will continue to bathe in his solid gold hot tub fulled with hundred dollar bills, while being openly dismissive and contemptuous of the fans that gave him the money to buy a solid gold hot tub filled with hundred dollar bills.


No man hates his fanbase as much a GL.

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Meh, after George passes away, we'll see a slew of new movies (EU) and perhaps remakes of the first three episodes to make them more sufferable.


I'm pretty sure he set up his will fairly recently to not allow any new SWU stuff to be done after he dies. Books,comics and games, I'm sure can keep going under Lucas Art's direction as long as they follow his lore directions like no more Wookiee Jedi, no more info on Yoda species etc;but the movies will be untouchable as well as the creation of any new movies.


As for the Op's question, GL has said that he has little interest outside of the movies SW universe and little interest in the EU aside from Clone Wars; so I doubt he cares or thinks about SWTOR at all. it's just another paycheck to him.

Edited by Temeluchus
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Three interesting things here.


I agree that people are forgetting that he's just a person who had an excellent idea and was smart enough to market it in an infinitely profitable way. Why is his continued income and enjoyment thereof such a problem for some people?


There is almost no way that George Lucas can satisfy Star Wars fans. They are too rabidly defensive of their own ideas of how his intellectual property should be. With a fan base like Star Wars fans, can you blame him for not liking some of them? What's more, why should he care about SWTOR? He doesn't seem that interested in video game creation. Sure he got heavily involved in The Force Unleashed, but generally, I get the impression he steers clear of Star Wars video game creation. Why should SWTOR be any different? If it was your franchise, you'd probably focus on the aspects of it interesting to you (Clone Wars for Lucas), would you not? Let the other parts (Books, Video Games) run themselves.


Lastly, I'm no expert on intellectual property laws, but from what I recall, they become fair game 70 years after the creator's death. That's why no one pays royalties on Mozart and you can get Tolstoy for free online. I'm pretty sure Lucas could not will Star Wars to stay the same forever, even if he wanted to. Some lawyer-tastic clarification could help, but I believe that 70 years post mortem, Star Wars will be up for grabs, creatively.

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I have trouble with the depiction of George Lucas as motivated by money above all else. His fortune has been cemented for decades, I imagine he is shrewd and challenged by the game of dollars, but I don't think he is a wall street guy disguised as an artist. With each new endeavor the envy crowd comes out and cries foul at the money made by the franchise. If I'm that rich, my time isn't worth pandering or any other stupid crap. I probably have some lingering sense of responsibility for the creation and some sense of wanting to make sure the people I employ are still able to be employed.


As for the movies, they were never meant to be Blade Runner, 300, Pulp Fiction, or any other grim mature-only type film. They were also not meant to be high-brow drama. They are basically family action movies, and when they cannot be all things in one thing, peeps complain.


I will cede that the prequels seemed to have especially bad dialogue, some unfortunate exposition, and a love affair that took up too much time on screen. Even with the faults they are still basically family sci-fi action movies.

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Three interesting things here.


I agree that people are forgetting that he's just a person who had an excellent idea and was smart enough to market it in an infinitely profitable way. Why is his continued income and enjoyment thereof such a problem for some people?


There is almost no way that George Lucas can satisfy Star Wars fans. They are too rabidly defensive of their own ideas of how his intellectual property should be. With a fan base like Star Wars fans, can you blame him for not liking some of them? What's more, why should he care about SWTOR? He doesn't seem that interested in video game creation. Sure he got heavily involved in The Force Unleashed, but generally, I get the impression he steers clear of Star Wars video game creation. Why should SWTOR be any different? If it was your franchise, you'd probably focus on the aspects of it interesting to you (Clone Wars for Lucas), would you not? Let the other parts (Books, Video Games) run themselves.


Lastly, I'm no expert on intellectual property laws, but from what I recall, they become fair game 70 years after the creator's death. That's why no one pays royalties on Mozart and you can get Tolstoy for free online. I'm pretty sure Lucas could not will Star Wars to stay the same forever, even if he wanted to. Some lawyer-tastic clarification could help, but I believe that 70 years post mortem, Star Wars will be up for grabs, creatively.


Intellectual property laws and copyright laws vary by region,states,country so it's hard to pin down. The trend over the last 20 years has been to grant copyrights and IP protection for longer durations of time, some things have even been given 100+ years of protection and counting.


You are talking about public domain with the IP being opened up after the creator's death. IPs that fall under public domain are usually from patents and copyrights that have expired or from things that are no longer considered patentable or protectable like powered flight,The Happy Birthday Song,specific languages etc.


IPs like Star Wars generally don't fall into public domain because the creator usually has or retains residual rights for a very long time, and relatives can legally extend the rights after the creators deaths in various ways. Residual rights make it so anything new from the IP has to be under license or with the permission of the creator or the whomever the creator left in charge of their estate.


The 70 years you are talking about is accurate for some countries, others go with Life plus 25 or 50 years for the most part to be protected. The US has Life+70 years but they have been extending this in some cases and there are examples of works that have been given perpetual copyrights.

Edited by Temeluchus
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Go watch all of the Episode I-III reviews at redlettermedia.com and then ask me if you think GL should have ANYTHING to do with this game. :p


Also, the highest fan/critcally rated of all the SW movies was The Empire Strikes Back.


Lucas did NOT direct it.


That should tell you something right there. :rolleyes:


The redlettermedia "reviews" of Ep. I-III are just bad overall....

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