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Digital deluxe a !@#$ing ripoff, and yes I'm mad


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I mainly did it for the speeder, as mounts are always expensive as hell in these games. So I see these speeders are only 4k credit.....okay whatever, at least I don't have to worry about buying one.


Finally get 25 and go to use it......need piloting 1 trained. Okay, no biggy, how much can that be?


40k credits?!?!?!?


*** Bioware? I feel so ripped off right now and pretty pissed off as well. I can crap 4k credits, but 40k? So basically you sold me a bunch of worthless crap for $20.


Don't buy the digital deluxe edition, ripoff.


This wreaks of EA.

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I mainly did it for the speeder, as mounts are always expensive as hell in these games. So I see these speeders are only 4k credit.....okay whatever, at least I don't have to worry about buying one.


Finally get 25 and go to use it......need piloting 1 trained. Okay, no biggy, how much can that be?


40k credits?!?!?!?


*** Bioware? I feel so ripped off right now and pretty pissed off as well. I can crap 4k credits, but 40k? So basically you sold me a bunch of worthless crap for $20.


Don't buy the digital deluxe edition, ripoff.


This wreaks of EA.



You got the DDE for the wrong reason. It is for people who want some extra fun items like the speeder, flare gun and holo dancer. I upgraded when I completed my subscription, could not be happier.

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Yeah I can see what you mean, usually the mounts are costly but training is cheep....

That said, 40k is nothing by the time you hit say.... Level 27? Don't sweat it.


I know it's not the only thing our upset about but it's something positive :)

Edited by Halacs
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You got the DDE for the wrong reason. It is for people who want some extra fun items like the speeder, flare gun and holo dancer. I upgraded when I completed my subscription, could not be happier.


i also bought the digital uopgrade pack. i could be happier though. got a message the purchase failed and to try again. after doing this a few times and giving up i got charged 5 times by paypal. if it hasnt sorted itself by the middle of the week i will get angry!

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Funny I bought it and no regrets. It is not a pay to win type of thing. Even in that other game I am sure you play and worship the ground it spits on, when you get a cool mount through CCG or whatever you need the skill. 4k saved is 4k saved and my holo dance entertains me during rest.
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I mainly did it for the speeder, as mounts are always expensive as hell in these games. So I see these speeders are only 4k credit.....okay whatever, at least I don't have to worry about buying one.


Finally get 25 and go to use it......need piloting 1 trained. Okay, no biggy, how much can that be?


40k credits?!?!?!?


*** Bioware? I feel so ripped off right now and pretty pissed off as well. I can crap 4k credits, but 40k? So basically you sold me a bunch of worthless crap for $20.


Don't buy the digital deluxe edition, ripoff.


This wreaks of EA.

You actually paid for unique looking speeder. I wouldn't be surprised if this game brings in mini pet shop as well. Extra money and many peoples like mini pets. Oh... Forgot, cash shop mounts as well.

Edited by Chaffery
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  • 4 weeks later...

Like most deluxe editions, it just comes with some gimme crap.


For some people this is worth it. For most, it is not.


It's basically like all other deluxe editions: they've packaged some incredibly inexpensive stuff that they will NEVER be able to convert to money later (would you pay $10 for a cloth map of Skyrim a year after it came out?) in order to squeeze more dough out of early adopters.


In short, some incredibly clever person in an office somewhere figured out that they could grab an addition million bucks in profit at launch by doing something like this, and everyone else caught on. I will never forget going to the EB in the high income neighborhood where I was and discovering that the regular editions of bioshock were all sold out, only to call the one in the low income neighborhood and discover that all the special editions are sold out.


But, if we're being economic about this (and we should), if you've got the sort of willingness to pay that encourages special editions, have at it! The rest of us should be buying regular retail ONLY (exceptions for genuinely awesome packages like BF3 where an additional $0 expenditure gets you a whopping $15 of genuinely amazing content).

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I mainly did it for the speeder, as mounts are always expensive as hell in these games. So I see these speeders are only 4k credit.....okay whatever, at least I don't have to worry about buying one.


Finally get 25 and go to use it......need piloting 1 trained. Okay, no biggy, how much can that be?


40k credits?!?!?!?


*** Bioware? I feel so ripped off right now and pretty pissed off as well. I can crap 4k credits, but 40k? So basically you sold me a bunch of worthless crap for $20.


Don't buy the digital deluxe edition, ripoff.


This wreaks of EA.



I had a little over 100K credits by 25..


Learn to play.

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You got the DDE for the wrong reason. It is for people who want some extra fun items like the speeder, flare gun and holo dancer. I upgraded when I completed my subscription, could not be happier.


No he didn't. I wanted the speeder. The other stuff is complete garbage.

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the stuff included with the dde are things you will either vendor after 1 use or put in your bank never to look at again.


No fun involed and all items are beyong useless. even the speeder is ungly and can be replaced with a 4k nice one.


so to sum it up for your 30 extra dollars you got an item worth 4k credits.


who ever doesnt think thats a rippoff in these forums clearly they dont pay thier own subs and know not the value of a dollar.

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The issue here is not HOW TO MAKE CREDS at lvl XX and XX and XX


The issue here is how the Deluxe edition for a real life 20 USD worth only so little in game


Try not to twist other people's point around your e-peen at this game


To be fair, almost all other dd items or colector edition items for any mmo is always pretty much worthless and just simply fluff items that you can get ingame or similar style items ingame.

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Yeah I can see what you mean, usually the mounts are costly but training is cheep....

That said, 40k is nothing by the time you hit say.... Level 27? Don't sweat it.


I know it's not the only thing our upset about but it's something positive :)


This game is mostly a clone of WoW, in WoW training is very expensive and mounts are cheap.

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I mainly did it for the speeder, as mounts are always expensive as hell in these games. So I see these speeders are only 4k credit.....okay whatever, at least I don't have to worry about buying one.


Finally get 25 and go to use it......need piloting 1 trained. Okay, no biggy, how much can that be?


40k credits?!?!?!?


*** Bioware? I feel so ripped off right now and pretty pissed off as well. I can crap 4k credits, but 40k? So basically you sold me a bunch of worthless crap for $20.


Don't buy the digital deluxe edition, ripoff.


This wreaks of EA.


Not even going to read the other posts because you will probably be flamed. The deluxe is a complete ripoff. It's ridiculous. A mount that isn't different enough, and you still have to get training for it. I blame myself for being F'ed by EA, not knowing the digital items were vanity or whatever. I thought the mount was like it is in Rift, where you can ride at level 1. Should have spent the $75 on an NFL playoff game or a Caps game or some chit.

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depends on your point of view, one mans garbage is another's gold. Views are subjective and purely opinion.


This is true.


What is NOT subjective is this is a calculated move on the part of EB to extract surplus from a certain segment of the market.


Some would say (and this is subjective, but it is a pretty credible position) that the segment of the market we're talking about is people who are stupid with their money.

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