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I stopped watching 15 seconds in when he said it may be time to give up on the game, then looked in the description to see his referral link.


Here's my 2 cents. If you're not having fun, then yes, it is time for you to quit. That holds true with every game, not just SWTOR. Go, find something else you enjoy, and have fun doing that instead. If that applies to you, then I wish you the best, and I will give you the same response I give everyone who posts an "I quit" thread.



K. Bye.



However, if you're having fun, then no, it is not time to quit.

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I stopped watching 15 seconds in when he said it may be time to give up on the game, then looked in the description to see his referral link.


Here's my 2 cents. If you're not having fun, then yes, it is time for you to quit. That holds true with every game, not just SWTOR. Go, find something else you enjoy, and have fun doing that instead. If that applies to you, then I wish you the best, and I will give you the same response I give everyone who posts an "I quit" thread.



K. Bye.



However, if you're having fun, then no, it is not time to quit.


Spot on.

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State of SWTor, he is spot on:



If you play a drinking game and drink every time he says either "garbage" or "terrible" you should just call an ambulance before you start the video. He's a very unhappy endgame pve'er.

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All those saying 'unsub if you are not having fun' are nothing short of selfish or stupid, or both. Why? You are missing his point.


Hundreds ARE leaving - thats his point. And Bioware are doing nothing to stop the dramatic decline.


3.0 wasn't tested, pushed out broken. No class balance, LOL Bolster broken, LOLowSlash, Ship components counting in PvP stats - and the game breaking SoR final battle being broken for 2 months - the list goes on with stupid game breaking bugs.


People like SWTOR and have hung on for so long but clearly Bioware are happy just to leave things be. The fact they have hardly said 2 words this week paints the picture - they have given up, so should you.

Edited by GrimRita
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It is time for us all to give up Swtor and leave.


Hundreds of players worldwide have already left.


The game is obviously dying. With this speed, I predict that it will close in September 2013.


P. S. Rita, please don't always be so grim. There is still good left in you. I can sense it.

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Another YouTube nobody looking to boost his view count...


We all have to start somewhere you know...


Funny, how everyone just ignores his point. He is spot on.


As a melee dps endgame currently:

- You get 60HM pop after waiting hours only to get kicked


- It's bloody tactical again and again and again...


Does anyone see the problem? Not even 55HMs which should be faceroll at level 60.


I think my Marauder is best geared currently. I've optimized stats as far as I can. That's it, I can't even get crappy 192 vendor stuff anymore because not even 55HMs pop anymore. Then people keep saying that I'm undergeared and I should get better gear... I really, really would like to know how...

Edited by Halinalle
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We all have to start somewhere you know...


Funny, how everyone just ignores his point. He is spot on.


As a melee dps endgame currently:

- You get 60HM pop after waiting hours only to get kicked


- It's bloody tactical again and again and again...


Does anyone see the problem? Not even 55HMs which should be faceroll at level 60.


I think my Marauder is best geared currently. I've optimized stats as far as I can. That's it, I can't even get crappy 192 vendor stuff anymore because not even 55HMs pop anymore. Then people keep saying that I'm undergeared and I should get better gear... I really, really would like to know how...


Aside from HM Revan all classes are viable for PvE.


But yeah, HM Revan will eat your Mara and spit out it's bones.

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Sword Squadron SM is perfectly doable on melee classes: I've cleared it on my guardian, sentinel and vanguard. Were I so inclined to get my scoundrel and shadow to the same level of gear and rotation practice I could clear it on them as well. All of the SM bosses are perfectly doable on melee classes. It's HM where you run into the real problems with melee DPS.
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All those saying 'unsub if you are not having fun' are nothing short of selfish or stupid, or both. Why? You are missing his point.


Yes, because the smart people are making videos and posting on the forums lamenting how the game is so bad. :rolleyes:


What's not to get? His point is pretty clear. He wants the developers to make the game to his liking, and who doesn't wish that about any game really?


What other answer is there to his question other than yes, if you no longer enjoy the game, its time to give up on it. What naivety does it take to believe that any company is going to listen to suggestions as long as they are making profits? Changes will happen when enough people stop playing. Either the developers will make the necessary changes, or they will shut down the game.


In the end, who cares? Is anyone here for anything other than recreation? If I had been going to the same pool for the past 2 years, and one year found the water was nasty, I'd go to another pool. Sure I might say something about it to the owners, but in the meantime I owe nothing to that pool, I just want a fun place to swim man. But, that's just me being selfish and stupid. :confused:

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Good analogy above. Yup, but in this case we pay a pool boy to come every week and do his thing. When he no longer does his job, **** happens.


I felt it was prudent to link Beattieus video because he is giving voice to many of the issues TOR has atm. He is spot on about the issues he raises.

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BS. Malee dps is viable for SM... For walkers, for Underlurker, for Torque, for pretty much any Op. Not saying it's easy but it's totally possible. I'm getting so damn tired of the posts about how it's time to abandon the ship, blablabla. Unsub and go play ESO (which isn't much better anyways since the issues there are just as present)... the problems with the game and many and varied, there is not denying that. But come on, making a 21 min video in which you complain about everything that has been rehashed over and over is unnecessary, and as you say "a waste of time".
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Good analogy above. Yup, but in this case we pay a pool boy to come every week and do his thing. When he no longer does his job, **** happens.


I felt it was prudent to link Beattieus video because he is giving voice to many of the issues TOR has atm. He is spot on about the issues he raises.


This (we pay a pool boy to come every week and do his thing. When he no longer does his job, **** happens.) would only work if the damn pool was yours. It's not. It's a public pool that you have no right to. You pay to use its services and if they're not up to your standards you cancel your sub and find a different pool. You don't go banging to the managers door and yell how YOU don't think it's done correctly. I mean you can, but chances are they're more likely to kick you out and ban you than to listen to you.

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I think the comment that maybe they should skip NIM for now and release a new raid sm and HM that is melee friendly is a fair comment.


They made the content so hard that the average baddie that plays melee DPS just cannot handle it even in SM. Its a sad day when I am the last DPS alive on an 16 man lurker run pulling 5k dps and surviving through 2 enraged crosses with only a tank and a commando healer left alive having to do the last 200k dmg alone and this happens all to often no wonder these people get sick and give up.

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BS. Malee dps is viable for SM... For walkers, for Underlurker, for Torque, for pretty much any Op. Not saying it's easy but it's totally possible. I'm getting so damn tired of the posts about how it's time to abandon the ship, blablabla. Unsub and go play ESO (which isn't much better anyways since the issues there are just as present)... the problems with the game and many and varied, there is not denying that. But come on, making a 21 min video in which you complain about everything that has been rehashed over and over is unnecessary, and as you say "a waste of time".


Ok, so lets just pretend everything in the game is perfect - opposite to what he is saying. What other reason can you conjure up in the rapid decline of player numbers? The decline has happened since 3.0 arrived. The Red Eclipse, which is 'standard' population by 10am/11am not only 2 months ago, is now light at 2pm/2.30pm .


Players aren't feeling it, so maybe there is some truth in what he is saying.

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Whenever I play, I don't think about "what do I need to get done," I ask myself, "what would be fun?" And then I do that. If I don't have an answer, I don't log in. If I ever stop logging in permanently, I'll unsub. That day hasn't come yet, so no, it's not time to give up.
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