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Debunk the new Patch; Retiring A Lightning Sorc,


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Playing a Sorc for several year's, this patch has to be the most outrageous...thank you republic for filing your complaints about sorcerer's to the Dev's. Keeping the Jedi OP


Force Storm now consumes 60 Force (down from 120) over the duration of the channel (3 seconds, down from 6 seconds). Additionally, the snare on targets damaged by Force Storm has been removed. ~ Now Useless in PvP and Ad control.




Abilities affected by Forked Lightning now have a 25% chance (down from 30%) to trigger a second arc of lightning that deals 25% damage to a target. *Nerf*


Forked Darkness now grants a 25% chance for Crushing Darkness to tick twice (down from 30%). Additionally, Forked Darkness now grants Thundering Blast a 25% chance to produce a second blast that strikes the same target for 25% damage (both down from 30%, respectively). *Nerf*


The damage dealt by Lightning Flash has been increased. Additionally, the cooldown of Lightning Flash has been increased to 15 seconds (up from 12 seconds). *Nerf, even though we got a dmg boost with it, it's Cooldown is to big.*


The damage dealt by Lightning Bolt has been slightly decreased. Additionally, Lightning Bolt now costs 33 Force (up from 30). ~ ARE YOU KIDDING ME, YOUR GOING TO CHARGE MORE for LESS.....Get out of here!) Didn't realise Bioware.


Fixed an issue that caused Conduction to apply Unshakable early, negating interrupts. *WELL Hey you fixed a bug* ^_^

Edited by Akyrox
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I'm glad you gave your character a fair chance to reassess just what the changes mean in real terms. You know, seeing as the servers have been back up for a whole 40 minutes thus far.


umm... really? I mean really?


These changes have been on the PTS server for awhile.. and there was like 40+ pages of posts saying the nerfs were in the wrong directions.. many posts on how to implement better changes to the class.. never once did we get a response from the DEVs.


Now all we are going to get is the people who don't keep up with the PTS coming out and looking at the changes and coming to a collective "what were they thinking" moment.

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I'm glad you gave your character a fair chance to reassess just what the changes mean in real terms. You know, seeing as the servers have been back up for a whole 40 minutes thus far.


LOL, it takes about 5 minutes to see what it means in "real terms." I tried playing my Sorc for the last 30 minutes and it's painful. I'm throwing everything at mobs and it's sad. Force Storm isn't even worth the aggro at this point and makes for a poor follow-up power when the mob is interested in fighting my companion.


The fun of playing a Sorc or a Sage was very much tied to Force Storm / Quake, for me anyway. It made you a true warrior of the Force, a feeling that's captured in the end-games of the first 2 KOTOR games. What I played for the last 30 minutes wasn't fun anymore.

Edited by mflacy
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That means: no more force quake in single target rota - reduced benefit (50%) from force potency with force quake for AoE rota - reduced damage for force quake, too - reduce momentum chances - the only little thing that is buffed is telekinetic gust (together with it´s own nerf).

So basically they took a class that is far from being in the top of damage dealers and reduced it´s output.

That goes hand in hand with almost useless 4 and 6 piece set bonus that was already there.

I had several tries on the puppet - average dps seems to be down by 500 - 300 after I brought project back into the game.


I`m trying dot now - at least he has some benefit of the piece set bonus ...


My thanks to the balancing team - great job taking a balanced class and changing it - but the guardian/juggernaut really REALLY needed more survivabillity !

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Playing a Sorc for several year's, this patch has to be the most outrageous...thank you republic for filing your complaints about sorcerer's to the Dev's. Keeping the Jedi OP


You... You realize these changes were also made to the Jedi Sage class right? They're mirror classes. This affects Jedi and Sith equally.

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Well, they go by metrics, so use the metrics to your advantage. Stop playing sorc dps, stop playing lightning spec and stop using force storm. When the metrics show people aren't using the bloody class or spec anymore they will have to reconsider....at least if people stop. If most people are fine, then that's it. Edited by Tsillah
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I can honestly say, I have been parsing for 40 minutes, on dummy and in a 60 hm fp. The results broke my heart. I don't wan't post the results because I am seriously contemplating deleting my main toon and I don't wan't to think too much about the damage the devs have done.


I am well aware the forcestorm nerf was long overdue, but this is ridiculous. I mean seriously, cutting the channelling almost in half? it's basically useless now. If they wan't to remove an ability, why not just remove it? Because that's what it feels like they are trying to do.


Everybody has a class they favour and in my case it was the sorc. Now I am forced to reroll to Merc or Sniper if I wan't to continue on HM Ops without being carried in terms of dps, and I am quite certain I am not the only one in the world who feels that way.


Call me what you will, a whiner or whatever, I don't care. Fact is, this is not a justifiable nerf and it is utter ********

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You... You realize these changes were also made to the Jedi Sage class right? They're mirror classes. This affects Jedi and Sith equally.

I saw that too lol. He's been playing for "years", and doesn't realize Sage is a freaking mirror class?! Wow lol

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Additionally, the snare on targets damaged by Force Storm has been removed.


How is this working out? I haven't gotten in game yet, but I'm concerned. In the the early days XFreighter Flyby it didn't have a root, and all the critters would run out of the circle before the damage even started. That was changed, and I thought that the root part of skills like these was there for this exact reason. Why take it out? Are people finding that they can still hit things with it, or are all the mobs running out now and not taking damage?

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I just read the patch notes but haven't tried playing yet.


I'm looking forward to the Death Field nerf. It will be a super happy fun time to aggro mobs before I cast it. It was clearly an unfair advantage for squishies to deal any sort of damage at all before being wasted.

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I play all classes and with my sorcerer, I used 3 or 4 abilities, never ran out of energy, roflstomped all enemies. Ridiculous.


My main is a commando medic since 1.1. I use about 30 abilities regularly and I have to fight hard to keep my peeps alive.


I haven't checked the game after the patch, but honestly, every change that makes me need more than 3 or 4 same abilities to win everything easily is much appreciated from me.


At the end, if you have problems playing a sorc, you should try all other classes and then you will understand.

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I've seen this same argument in just about every other MMO I've ever played. A Particular class is overpowered people know it and when the Devs get around to adjusting that class the people ***** because they are no longer the king of the hill anymore.
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I play all classes and with my sorcerer, I used 3 or 4 abilities, never ran out of energy, roflstomped all enemies. Ridiculous.


My main is a commando medic since 1.1. I use about 30 abilities regularly and I have to fight hard to keep my peeps alive.


I haven't checked the game after the patch, but honestly, every change that makes me need more than 3 or 4 same abilities to win everything easily is much appreciated from me.


At the end, if you have problems playing a sorc, you should try all other classes and then you will understand.


This is good logic truly good logic if and only if sorc skills were actually all viable like your commando which is has insane utility and dps. neither of which the sorc has now. sorry but when your go to commando is as usless as sorc and as paper thin as sorc come back and post this again.

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They did nothing when people cried about the OP healer nerf. I still manage to play mine well enough but it can be a struggle during the crazy times. They will do nothing for the sorc nerf either. When WoW did this I finally quit. Either quit or deal with it because they do not care.


I used my sorc to run dailies due to the ease of killing the same large groups Biofail always throws at you. My sorc and sage are both dot spec so the raiding isn't much affected however, they will be tucked away when it's dailies time. Ruined another fun class.

Edited by Darkwords
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LOL, it takes about 5 minutes to see what it means in "real terms." I tried playing my Sorc for the last 30 minutes and it's painful. I'm throwing everything at mobs and it's sad. Force Storm isn't even worth the aggro at this point and makes for a poor follow-up power when the mob is interested in fighting my companion.


The fun of playing a Sorc or a Sage was very much tied to Force Storm / Quake, for me anyway. It made you a true warrior of the Force, a feeling that's captured in the end-games of the first 2 KOTOR games. What I played for the last 30 minutes wasn't fun anymore.


Yep - this has been a problem with the combat team in general.


The removal or significant alteration of Class Defining abilities ruins the feel and also fun of playing said classes.


I agree completely that Force Storm needed a damage adjustment, but changing the very nature of the ability alters the class for the worse.


Not sure why we even bother posting about this - nobody really cares. Whoever is in charge of removing or changing abilities these days does not play the game enough to understand how they are really affecting it. Aggregate data only tells you so much, without actually playing SWTOR to understand how removing or significantly altering basic class abilities changes the game.


I'm glad I leveled and played a sorc and sage last year, before these changes, just as with a sentinel and vanguard. The latter never shoots his weapon any longer. There's a good reddit post about the sent/mara dev response, though that is mostly pvp-oriented.


Basically: Grrr, the people making these changes don't play the game enough to understand their implications beyond raw data. I'm glad my main class hasn't been butchered (yet).

Edited by arunav
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So, hello folks. This Update 3.1.2 is my worst Nightmare so it kind of forced me to write the following sentences:

You have nerfed the Lightning Sorcerer so much that my Char dropped ~1000 dps on the dummy! Well thanks for that *sarkasm*.

Btw. i'm very sorry for my bad english (i'm from germany so not a native speaker). I just think that the Posts in the english forums are viewed much more than our german ones. Ok back to topic:

The lightning Sorcerer is a class that wears light armor, so it dies much easier in PVE than a class with medium or even heavy armor. To make up for that it should make some burst dmg or have a few skills that rock the s*** out of your enemys. Well now it does not.

The whole complaining about the Lightning tree was about PvP til lvl 30 (from 10-30), because the Lighting Storm (I hope this is the correct word for it, please remember i play this game in german language) did far too much dmg.

Ok that's understandable.

So whats your reaction? You nerfed the Lightning Storm .... and the complete Class on the way. Above level 30 the Lighting build wasnt overpowered it fits right in. After 3.0 i was happy that my lightning spec becames playable and did at least dmg. Now you guys took my chance to see the Hardmode Content to its end. Even with similar equip the dmg is nerfed if you look at another dd class. So now you are not that sustainable (i hope this word is correct ^^), as an dd with medium or even heavy armor, you do at the top of it far less dmg than them. So why did you do this? I simply can't see the concept behind it. Or am i that bad as an DD O.o well who knows. But my wish for the next update is: change the skills back to how they were before this huge castration of a class but let the Lightning Storm as it is atm. Then everyone will be happy.

Sincerely Lyran

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You can thank the FOTM rerollers that only spammed force storm in pvp and had absolutely no idea how to play it otherwise. They're the ones that ruined your class for you.


There's more to it than that, but you are not wrong about it getting a lot of attention because of FS spamming in PvP.


As has been the case since launch, there is a lot of misguided balancing based on the PvP game, something now especially fewer and fewer people play, especially at the ranked level where balance matters much more.


I am not claiming the sage/sorc nerfs were solely PvP-based, but there was a very vocal element from that part of the game that may have contributed. It's hard to justify nerfing single target damage so much in the Tele/Lightning tree, as they were by no means the most sought after AC for damage in PvE. Please correct me if you believe I am wrong.

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I play all classes and with my sorcerer, I used 3 or 4 abilities, never ran out of energy, roflstomped all enemies. Ridiculous.


My main is a commando medic since 1.1. I use about 30 abilities regularly and I have to fight hard to keep my peeps alive.


I haven't checked the game after the patch, but honestly, every change that makes me need more than 3 or 4 same abilities to win everything easily is much appreciated from me.


At the end, if you have problems playing a sorc, you should try all other classes and then you will understand.


Hey there, I have a 60 in every class and in heal, tank, and dps. You are dead wrong and could well drop the haughty attitude. I have a 60 commando as well.


My first toon, long ago, was a SI lightning and I love him. I use most of the abilities on both bars. Although I have been playing a Shadow tank and Sniper recently, I still pull out my SI and run him for the sheer fun. With these changes, I will probably leave him on fleet to sit and craft.


I stopped playing WOW over four years ago because they would nerf, nerf, nerf, change, change, change seeking balance for pvp (which they never got) at the expense of pve. It got tiresome and after my three favorite characters were nerfed or changed to be unrecognizable (after and with Cata), I cancelled my subscription and never looked back.


Simply said, the devs never seem to get it. The SI (and my JC) were fun and now not so much. To tell the truth, if my wife did not play SWTOR, I would can this as well and wait for a new MMO to come out that does things better (good luck there) and go back to single player games.

Edited by asbalana
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