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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Jedi Knight, and Sith Warrior classes need a huge buff.


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guys im not even joking, in warzones my unspecced/ungeared level 11 jedi shadow does more damage than my full epic tank guardian, whilst i realise my character is specced for defense, id like to reiterate my shadow alt doesnt even HAVE a spec, and certainly doesnt have the benefit of bristling with T2/T3 epics


golfclap bioware :/


ur doing it wrong ?

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Solution should be really easy: let us do more damage. Make us dodge and break CC's. fine. Make us worry about melee range and mobs that are too spread apart. Fine. don't let us stun or CC anything other than weak mobs. fine.


but when we DO get in range, let us do DAMAGE!!

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/signed. Don't need any significant buffs, just a longer lasting CC (3 seconds on stasis is peanuts compared to what others get, esp since non tank specs have to channel it) and switching Enure to NOT take back the life it gives us would help significantly. Damage wise I think we're fine, we just don't have the survivability to go with it at later levels.



guys im not even joking, in warzones my unspecced/ungeared level 11 jedi shadow does more damage than my full epic tank guardian, whilst i realise my character is specced for defense, id like to reiterate my shadow alt doesnt even HAVE a spec, and certainly doesnt have the benefit of bristling with T2/T3 epics


golfclap bioware :/


lol @ the sarcasm.

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/signed. Don't need any significant buffs, just a longer lasting CC (3 seconds on stasis is peanuts compared to what others get, esp since non tank specs have to channel it) and switching Enure to NOT take back the life it gives us would help significantly. Damage wise I think we're fine, we just don't have the survivability to go with it at later levels.





lol @ the sarcasm.


Really the Jedi Sentinel Combat spec only needs an instant cast single target non-channeled 4 second stun and it would probably be fine. Throw in a Force Push or Force Pull for Huttball and we are good to go.

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I might be of the minority but I think after the recent changes to push resetting leap there is no need for another buff at the moment.


I see many people running around defense specced and then complaining about damage compared to DPS classes. This is natural, you're a tank for christs sake. Sure, Shadows might be a bit out of line, especially considering all their utility but it's not like Vanguards run around hitting much harder than Guardians. The only difference is their AOE damage, which adds up in terms of rating, granted, but doesn't change how much damage one does on a single enemy.


Apart from all that, Guardians and Sentinels are pretty deadly up close. Let's not exaggerate with stuns, you got your force choke where you keep on hitting others and the new mechanic, force leap -> hit the target a bit -> push it back -> leap again -> continue hitting is an extremely useful and can be considered a stun as well in my eyes.

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Because unless you want a copy of wow pvp where every class wants to be able to tanl/heal/dps blow everyone up thats why.


Should tanks be dps kings? absolutely not, should healing spced classes be able to dps as well as a dps speced class absolutely not.


The problem is gaming caters to the whiny cry babies who want their class to be a one in all super class that can blow you down with a few buttons.


Daoc had it right with at lease one aspect of pvp, some classes could do crazy damage (if left alone), classes could heal like no other on the battlefield (left alone)


Would we expect an assasin to fight an armored tank in plate and go toe to toe the whole fight?


No, his strength is leaping from the shadows with burst damge and helping bring the Goliath down. But not alone.



Too many mmos want to please the crowd and make every class the same, My stealth class can heal, dps, CC etc etc etc, Well hell I want my Tank to heal, CC and smash for the highest dps too!



Lets get back to reality and a formula that works and is acceptable to the masses.


Glass cannons are exactly that, leave them unatended and they blow faces off the map.


Let heals heal like no other,and tanks absorb tons of damage, but the current way of class balance makes no sense to me.


I don't want to play a class that is over powered that way, heavy armor, huge damage or same dps as other dps classes whats the point.


Let dps burst classes be exactly that with lower suvivability, let cannons blow things up, with lower suvuvability, Let the tanks take damage and protect thte weaker healers.


Well don't take my opinion just read the thousands of threads of unhappy campers because the current state of the game is screwed up and no one is happy.


Go back to the basics we all can agree with, not every class should be able to tank/heal/dps and play one of those roles to the benifit of pvp or pve and your team.


oh yeah, we currently play mmos for selfish reasons like I want a super duper one button masher killer class and I want all other classes to lose to me.


Until the mmo community getsback on track with accepting str/weaknesses of classes we'll have class unbalance forever.


This is my opinion, and I wish the haters and jerks that continue to flame and use stupid internet copy phrases (you mad bro) Nerd rage!, to be monitored by the devs and removed from posting replies to any constructive threads or people expressing their opinions.

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I dont have a SW myself, im a mercenary. But my friend who was a Sith Juggernaught level 31 couldnt beat some mobs in his story quest, and asked for me to help him. I was level 28 at that time, and beated up the mobs pretty easily and without taking too much damage.
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I dont have a SW myself, im a mercenary. But my friend who was a Sith Juggernaught level 31 couldnt beat some mobs in his story quest, and asked for me to help him. I was level 28 at that time, and beated up the mobs pretty easily and without taking too much damage.


every class have quest that is hard to solo does that mean all classes are weak ?

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I have my sw now on lvl 50, I was posting before that sw's have problems around lvl 30-40.

Suggested that this problem could be fixed by a Companion buff to keep pvp balanced.

I even sent a tweet to Mr. Reid if he could give us an update on the situation their apparently aware of. Nothing!


I could simply give a **** about it cause I'm lvl 50, but I like ppl to have fun playing this game. Sith Warriors have an awesome Storyline but the leveling experience destroys it.

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So you're buffing Juggernaut to be even more effective offensively and have even more survivability while leaving Marauder with it's wet noodle and paper bag armor? Am I reading this correctly?


I'm also quite confused as to why the tank spec'ed juggernauts are able to do more damage then the marauders. Going up against the tanks in warzones is extremely difficult because of all the control they have, combined with damage that is on par with the marauder damage, combined with their heavy armor and survivability.


Another point of contention, why is the marauder the only class that has a different armor type then it's sister AC? Power tech's and Mercs share the same heavy armor. Why have you seen fit to give mercs access to quite possibly the easiest damage and abilities in one button, as well as fully capable single target healing, survivability, cc, two knockbacks and heavy armor? I mean in one button a merc does what takes us 6+ and does it better. Hit tracermissle and they do great damage, from range, debuff armor, and buff/proc their two higher damage abilities.


For example, to do similar the Annihilation Marauder has to:


Charge > Deadly saber > Battering assault > cloak of pain > rapture > Annihilate > snare > figure out what to do next in a unlimited possible outcomes.


They have to do all this while:

- Staying within melee range

- Overcoming knock-backs, snares and roots

- Relying on a tank to give them the survivability of their target

- Relying on a healer to give them the heals their target has themselves

- Managing the extremely awkward rage resource mechanic

- Managing multiple interrupts because they can not dish out the damage that a merc arsenal can (which they can do 0-30m), nor can they take said damage like a arsenal can


It's virtually the same with every other class in the game. Tanks out last your damage while doing perfectly good damage themselves, healers out heal your damage, ranged classes knock you back and root you, then kill you before you can have much effect, burst classes stun you and kill you before you can do anything about it.


This class requires the player to be either over-geared or have a massive skill advantage over their competition just to be significant. Add to that the garbage animation system, instant abilities being interrupted, ability delay and animations stuttering and you get a class that gives me no reason to pay $15/mo for the punishment of playing it.


This is the best description I've been able to find thus far explaining the Sentinel / Marauder situation. It really seems like the devs don't even play this class because the issues are glaringly obvious.

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This thread made me sad.


I was looking forward to rolling a Warrior when I got home from work. This has totally put me off :|


Sigh, back to my shadow or roll a Sassy I guess :(?


You're never going to be able to play this game if you let forum QQ discourage you.

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Really the Jedi Sentinel Combat spec only needs an instant cast single target non-channeled 4 second stun and it would probably be fine. Throw in a Force Push or Force Pull for Huttball and we are good to go.


I agree with this. Make Force push baseline(and maybe give guard/jugg pull?) make Stasis channel free by default (3 seconds + damage would be fair vs a 4 sec no damage stun) and I'd be happy with my combat sent =/

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sentinals are a joke... im in close to full columi gear and i barely pull 200k dmg by the end of a warzone on a good fun where as my dps sage friend can wrack up close to 500k without much effort and hes not geared well at all... needs to be fixed ASAP
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Stream of a marauder who constantly pull 400k+ dps per WZ.





Video of a guardian ( jugg equivalent) totally owning in pvp.





You all need to learn to play and spec properly.


400k dps? holy ****!


rofl. I think you mean 400k damage.


and anyone can pull that if they have a pocket healer.

Edited by SunwindIon
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It's true. I play a Sentinel as may main, and I LOVE the story and mechanics of this class. But

honestly, it's just ridiculous how useless I sometimes feel in PvP.

Let me put it that way: In TRUE 1v1 situation, just me vs a single enemy with nobody else around healing him or me, a Sentinel/Marauder will win most of the time. In this case it just comes down to personal skill level i think. But we are just retardedly useless in Teamfights. I feel like a frkn doll, getting pushed around, stunned, etc, but not having ANYTHING like that myself. Let's face it, our channeled stun is bullcrap. It looks cool, but that's all. So we basically have no CC that allows us to burst, while the enemy is stunned. If we Leap/root, they push us away. If we leap a 2nd time, they run and slow/stun us or knock us back again depending on the class. The thing is, we're probably the only class that can put out CONSISTENT dmg without having to worry about any resources. If an enemy has blown all his CDs on us and we still live = WIN. But that's usually never the case in a tf, bcuz there's always some1 to CC us. In a 1v1 situation though, we can make use of our advantage. But such usually never happen, unless on Alderaan, defending one of the outer turrets.


We get blown up by AOEs on Voidstar/Alderaan and we can't do **** in Huttball, bcuz of all the traps and ledges, we're getting knocked off. We can't heal ourselves. Our dmg ist decent, but not mindblowing, our strength is CONSISTENT dmg. We are melees but have no stun, that would prevent enemys from knocking us back. We are squishy. We suck at leveling (slow early on, forced to use a healer later on) compared to other classes. Our escape/stealth ability is pretty sad. At least 5 sec would be nice. ****** Aoe (good for leveling bcuz of a stun against weak enemys, but crappy dmg). Saber throws with only 10m range (LOL), and not even Crippling Throw is without focus cost. No pull/push.



If they fix at least ONE of those things, I'd be happy. At least ability stuttering should be gone with today's patch. Didn't have a chance to test it yet.

Edited by DynamiCtagez
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On my server I can pull 400k+ damage and get 9-11 medals consistently on my Marauder. I wear half columi/rakata PvE gear because I've never found a reason to bother switching to my PvP champion set. It doesn't mean anything because there is obviously an enormous skill gap. I don't think I've seen anyone actually play intelligently against me. Even pre-mades tend to just take a Jugg and two sorcs to just bumrush the goal without any skill involved. There are maybe 3-4 people on my server that actively try to stop me when I'm in their game. Every other time as long as I play smart nobody hunts me down and stops me from running around killing healers and people trying to score/plant/cap objectives.


Edit: Here's the four games I played last night before and after helping a friend's guild do reg EV. First game was solo queue. Games 2-4 are with friends but none of them were healers and two of them were alts that hit 50 the other day. I never play with pocket healers because I believe it's very close to cheating on the scoreboard.






If I play against any sort of organized team I am useless. I do damage but I have absolutely no utility. Marauders are widely known as the most worthless class in PvP because there is nothing they can do to stop a ball cap or hold off players from capping a point for long. In big groups marauders are worse than worthless because we rely on simply killing people by outplaying them. I don't care who you are because there is no way you can outplay two sorc healers. You'll just be doing damage while they casually heal and throw an attack your way a few times to kill you. Their stupidly short cooldown knockback, dash, and multiple CCs mean we can literally be locked out of dealing damage for 10+ seconds. We absolutely need some way to lock people down to kill them. Every other class in the game has PvP utility. We need PvP utility as well.


I can't tell you how frustrating it is in Huttball when your team says "KNOCK HIM BACK! STUN HIM! STOP THEM FROM SCORING!" when I'm the only one around. It doesn't matter who the player is behind the Marauder in this sort of scenario because unlike every other class in the game we have no way to do anything in this situation.

Edited by Tumri
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Stream of a marauder who constantly pull 400k+ dps per WZ.





Video of a guardian ( jugg equivalent) totally owning in pvp.





You all need to learn to play and spec properly.





THE ONLY CLASS ARCHETYPE I DESPISE.. JK/SW both advanced specs are just NOT fun to pvp against if played by someone with a clue.


Both are stupid OP in Huttball. A competent one will just play a game of leap frog from the center of the room to your goal line no matter how many times you try to stun, cc or knock down..

Edited by Aethyrprime
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I've played rogues in most recent MMOs, so I thought 'dual wielding Jedi/Sith'??? Oh hell yes!!!


Then I played it :(.



1) remove buttons, lots of them.

AFAIR the WoW rogue was based on "streetfighter-style combat". Oddly streetfighter doesn't require a 104 key keyboard and 20 button mouse!!!


2) take the UI out of the game and shoot it. Then shoot it again. Then nuke it from orbit.

Go to another MMO forum, look at what mods people use when playing a 'high intensity dual-wielder'. e.g. "put the health/energy where the player is looking", "make the cooldowns obvious" etc.


Whilst I'm sure some people get 400 billion damage per match with this class, in practice the ones I see in PvP are both rare and tend to suck (including me).


Edit: that's for marauder/sentinel - never played the other 2, but I've Juggs do very well.

Edited by formulaic
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Juggernauts need a MAJOR buff in the vengence spec but if your not killing 1-2 people your lvl as a rage spec jugg in pvp then ur prettyawful. also if your not in the top 3 damage with equally geared people in pvp as rage spec ur also awful cooming from someone with 4/5 rakata 54 valor and all hm/normal content cleared. Vengence spec is so bad that rage spec is actually almost as good as it for pve and its the *********** shared spec for pvp. First of all impale has to do ALOT more damage and im talking the 1-2k department at 50. take off the dots from impale and force screams there just terrible 95 damage a second for 6 seconds is honestly awful specially at 50 with full gear. Ravage is just terrible aswell because it bugs and doesnt do damage sometimes till you click/activate it 3 times. ill tell you what i hit now in raids as a 4/5 rakata vengence jugg and as a rage jug ill also list my stats unbuffed atm.






Damagae 709-860 with NO STIMS and only the warrior buff.

406 bonus damage

103% accuracy (specced into it)-i took out alot of mods/enhancements to lower accuracy and gain power/surge/cirt.

26% crit chance

73% surge rating.


its the same stats except for health as rage(+4% as jugg).


Vengence crits on a regular eilete mob(i test on the eilete snipers in belsavis the twiliks for the 50 daily with 33k hp)


Impale 2.8-3.1k

Shatter 2-2.4k

ravage usually crits for around 2700 per hit

force scream is usually 2.8-3.1k.


As rage.


Smash with 5 stacks - 5.4k

obliterate 2.5k

forcescream about 2.5-3.1k

ravage - same damage.

smash no stacks is around 2.6k.


Please buff vengence spec its just stupid that mercs spam 5k tracer missiles in half my gear snipers in greens crit higher than me. tanks dont really need to be buffed if there geared then jugg is pretty good if u optimize it correctly marauders are a huge raid help because of frenzy. as leveling up i died alot on eilete mobs and could baerly take 2 silvers. on my sorc i dont pop cds and could kill a silver + an eilete mob (hes 43). its quite retarded.

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THE ONLY CLASS ARCHETYPE I DESPISE.. JK/SW both advanced specs are just NOT fun to pvp against if played by someone with a clue.


Both are stupid OP in Huttball. A competent one will just play a game of leap frog from the center of the room to your goal line no matter how many times you try to stun, cc or knock down..


Thats not the JK/SW being good. That is your team being stupid and standing at perfect distances for the jumps or standing on ledges right next to the cap point so he can jump to them. Don't give us the opportunity and we won't have it.

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