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Do I actually need a Cannon?


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So I've decided to pick up my healer Commando after a very long time of him being inactive. I got to 60 a couple of months ago and just saw that the majority of skills do not say 'requires cannon' in order to use them like they used to, now I know that Im gonna get some sideways glances for using a blaster rifle, but I'm guessing you dont actually have to use a cannon anymore?


Bare in mind that my character is a healer so he wont be doing damage out put and it seems all healing skills are usable with either weapon.


I just wanted to double check before I get shouted at for not using a cannon :eek:

Edited by Darth_Exar
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There's been a long-standing consensus that swapping out the cannon reduces your overall output slightly. I think someone actually did the work to test and quantify this way back. But the real trade-off for PvP Commandos is the loss of one of their AoE attacks (Hail of Bolts) that can reliably interrupt a cap at range from the other side of a turret node, which makes it a bit of a team utility.


POT5 used to have a Commando who was a regular in warzones who disguised himself in Jedi robes and equipped one of the smaller rifles. He managed to do ok, if memory serves. This was back when Commandos were almost unplayable in high-level PvP, so people either quit the class or were willing to try just about anything to make it work.

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Cannon vs Rifle is not involved in healing output.


Cannon vs Rifle is entirely about lower white damage and disabled attacks.


If you are involved in play where a healer is meant to do their bit for damage when needed the easiest pre-fight boost is to be using a cannon.

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Well of course I'm going to be SOME damage output but it's not like I'm going to be spamming charged bolts or the AoE which requires a cannon, neither am I going to be contributing that much to the DPS pool...Are there any stat changes when you switch from a cannon to a rifle, like tech damage? Will it actually matter at all when I'm a healer?


So far I get the impression that it's fine to use a blaster when healing. I totally get that it's a no no for gunnery or the other sepc.

Edited by Darth_Exar
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As Gyronamics said, the only thing that makes a difference is your primary weapon(white) damage, that is lower on a rifle than on a cannon.

So if you throw in some dps as a healer while using a rifle, you do less damage than with a cannon. But it has no influence on heal output, since your heals are only affected by techpower(which is the same for a rifle vs cannon, if they have the same barrel), not the weapon damage.

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Well of course I'm going to be SOME damage output but it's not like I'm going to be spamming charged bolts or the AoE which requires a cannon, neither am I going to be contributing that much to the DPS pool...Are there any stat changes when you switch from a cannon to a rifle, like tach damage? Will it actually matter at all when I'm a healer?


So far I get the impression that it's fine to use a blaster when healing. I totally get that it's a no no for gunnery or the other sepc.


Cannons have a higher mainhand damage than rifles do. Tech power is not effected and as such you can heal with a rifle and see no difference.

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Although I don't think much of this particular skill (Hail of Bolts), it does have it moments. Healer or not, there are times you need to break a node capture and this AOE fits the bill nicely. Also, it is your second best ability for detecting stealth around you. Your probs have a further range, but your AOE you can pop without them knowing it. You can also constant cast it.


Also if you should decide to switch trees and go Gunnery, you all but have to have a cannon. So unless you want to gimp yourself or keep a cannon on standby in your inventory, you would end up spending resources on a weapon you simply shouldn't be using (rifle).


Hail of Bolts will also proc Curtain of Fire after 3.2 releases. Just another reason to run with a cannon.

Edited by ForceWelder
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Also if you should decide to switch trees and go Gunnery, you all but have to have a cannon.


Not true.


Gunnery is the only damage branch you can use with decent output while wielding a rifle because all core attacks are functional despite the rifle.


Assault is the branch which is mechanically crippled because Charged Bolts is disabled when you are using a rifle.

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I did a lot of searching on this topic (I can't stand assault cannons on my character), and I have concluded that it is acceptable to use a rifle if you are a healer. However, this is only a good idea if:


- You do little to no PvP

- You do not participate in PvE content that is difficult enough that healer DPS is actually important


Just my 2 credits! But as someone who doesn't PvP or do any of the harder endgame content, I will happily equip my Commando healer with that cool looking bowcaster I've been saving. :)

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