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How beat the underlurker with two melee's?

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can anybody give me a hind how two beat the underlurker with two melee's?

Our setup for this fight is 1 Tank, 3 rDD and 2 mDD.

One mDD smash always onto the underlurker.

The other mDD smash onto the adds with the rDDs.

The first wave goes very well but after the first cross the mDD for the adds eats to much damage and fall into dust...


If the mDD stop the damage on the adds to going to the Heals then the damage is not enough for all adds and one add is still alive when the rocks comes.


i have read something like grouping at the adds to share the damage of the adds or that one tank should spot the add at the mDD so that the tank get the direct damage of the add.


What is the best tactic for this fight with two melee's ???


Thanks for your help!

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Have a tank taunt an add if it's close enough. I never did like the extra meele attack on the fight. On my Sorc is sleep mode but on my Mara it's a slight nuisance. If they added a ranged attack to go with the AOE and the meele now that would be fun :) Edited by FerkWork
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Thanks, very usefull.....


Actually It is, im telling you that what you need is to improve the level of your group.

There is no super secrets on this fight and having 2 melee doesnt make it specially worse.


We are talking about a boss that can be undermanned easily in sm.

We can say its hard 5 man (1t,1h,3dps), I guess exceptionnally hard 4 man (never tried that) and very easy with 6+


And you are telling me you cant kill it with 8 man because you've 2 mDps.

See what's wrong here?

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All your DPS, ranged and melee, should stay as a group and knock out one add at a time. Start with the same one each wave and work your way back to the boss. Your burn phase on the boss is during each cross. When the fourth wave spawns, ignore them, move the boss to a corner away from the adds and start to burn the boss. Continue to follow the 'hide behind the rock' and cross mechanic but you have to have him dead by the fifth wave of adds as that will coincide with his enrage timer.


If you transition to that phase around 48% remaining health then it shouldn't be an issue; assuming your healers are up to it and your DPS meets the check.


My ops groups have 2 to even 3 mDPS (when you count the tank). Snipers/gunslingers have cooldowns that allow them to stay in the open to continue DPSing the third add during the hide phase if needed.


If your mDPS are dying during the adds it can be mitigated by all your DPS staying together to distribute the damage across them all.

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Actually It is, im telling you that what you need is to improve the level of your group.

There is no super secrets on this fight and having 2 melee doesnt make it specially worse.


We are talking about a boss that can be undermanned easily in sm.

We can say its hard 5 man (1t,1h,3dps), I guess exceptionnally hard 4 man (never tried that) and very easy with 6+


And you are telling me you cant kill it with 8 man because you've 2 mDps.

See what's wrong here?


I can never understand why a response to an honest question - even if in the eyes of some its something you shouldnt fail on - has to be rude.

Reply to the question and reserve judgment to your thoughts. Best way to keep forums civil.

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Not sure if you are talking about SM or HC

SM there shouldn't be a problem as the damage incoming isn't that big. Have the melees to attack one add together and the ranges take care of the other two. The adds are priority, damage the boss when they are dead and during the cross.

Using defensive CDs and getting a little bit healing, the melees should be able to kill an add together before they are in danger to die. If they can't, they really should improve their damage dealt or learn how to use their defensive skills...

To make it easier for your healers you could position the whole group at the melee add, as it is easier to areaheal everyone instead of healing player by player. But it's still easier to spread the dps on different targets, as with everyone on the same the add usually dies really fast. So fast that no one is able to do his rotation properly and dots don't really do damage. If you spread the dps the single adds will stay alive a little longer, but the whole phase is usually faster as they die simultaneously without breaking the rotations and resource management or the dps.

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Actually It is, im telling you that what you need is to improve the level of your group.


No, you were just being a douche while providing no information he already didn't know. Others have cleared it, and others have cleared it on HM, so it's obviously beatable.


There is no super secrets on this fight and having 2 melee doesnt make it specially worse.


We are talking about a boss that can be undermanned easily in sm.

We can say its hard 5 man (1t,1h,3dps), I guess exceptionnally hard 4 man (never tried that) and very easy with 6+


And you are telling me you cant kill it with 8 man because you've 2 mDps.

See what's wrong here?


Well, I see you, who apparently have an excellent grasp of how to play this fight saying L2P instead of suggesting points of improvement - stuff you already know and which he might not. Sure, such an answer could start with "having two mdps is probably not the root of your problems", but it should contain useful information.


Actually, almost all unqualified L2P arguments are just douchbaggery, even if being factually correct.

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Actually It is, im telling you that what you need is to improve the level of your group.

There is no super secrets on this fight and having 2 melee doesnt make it specially worse.


We are talking about a boss that can be undermanned easily in sm.

We can say its hard 5 man (1t,1h,3dps), I guess exceptionnally hard 4 man (never tried that) and very easy with 6+


And you are telling me you cant kill it with 8 man because you've 2 mDps.

See what's wrong here?

I know what's wrong... You're an elitist and/or a liar

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to our shame: We're talking about SM...:-(


Ok, we have one sniper in our group and he uses entrench...


The problem is that the maro on the adds dies very quick. Not the first wave but at the second or third.

The question is now: How big is the damage at the group if they stand together at the adds?


Or should we get both melee's to one add and the rDD's to the others?

The mDD's could make damage to the boss after they killed the first add.


If the second tank spott the add of the mDD would he get the damage of the direct hits from the add?


I think the Problem of our group is not the DPS.

It is the maro who dies and then the cross wouldn't work and so on...

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I would follow the strategy of thewitchdoctor above, that's what we do with 2 or more mDPS and it works fine.


I'm not sure, though, if the "damage is spread among the group" part is correct. Afaik, the adds have a melee attack that will hit your mDPS if not tanked or taunted, that's what causes the additional damage to melee.


What we do is, set our tank to focus target (alt+f) and initiate the fight. As soon as the adds are up, he will pick one and all DPS just press ctrl+f to get the same target as tank, rince and repeat. With dps focused in that way we quickly burn through all adds and melee don't take too much damage.

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I'm not sure, though, if the "damage is spread among the group" part is correct. Afaik, the adds have a melee attack that will hit your mDPS if not tanked or taunted, that's what causes the additional damage to melee.

This is correct. They have a melee attack(well, 2, actually) and will attack the target with threat with them, if it is in melee range, while still doing aoe. That's why melee take alot more damage.


So if your tank taunts the add your mdps is punching, the lurkerling shouldn't attack it with his melee attacks.

Alternatively you can have a range dps who puts out more or ~equal damage than the mdps in question on the same add and guard that mdps, so he doesn't get aggro on the lurkerling ;)


Oh, and l2p :p

Edited by Torvai
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I know what's wrong... You're an elitist and/or a liar


You can call me elitist - i dont think i am - but i respect that opinion as its a 100% a point of view of each indiviual meaning it doesnt admit any further discussion . But no, i'm not a liar and you could save that.


It's not good to suggest people is a liar when they tell you the truth even when you dont like it or its not nice to you.

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You can call me elitist - i dont think i am - but i respect that opinion as its a 100% a point of view of each indiviual meaning it doesnt admit any further discussion . But no, i'm not a liar and you could save that.


It's not good to suggest people is a liar when they tell you the truth even when you dont like it or its not nice to you.

Unless you link a video of Underlurker being 4 manned i will continue to think you are a liar..


I also call you an elitist because you go to a thread of someone asking for advice on how to beat a boss and instead of helping you basically say they suck...

Edited by AndoEyrune
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I can never understand why a response to an honest question - even if in the eyes of some its something you shouldnt fail on - has to be rude.

Reply to the question and reserve judgment to your thoughts. Best way to keep forums civil.


You think that telling someone individual or as a grup is not good at a game even when its true is being rude (Learn to play famous sentence) ?


I dont agree but i will think about that

And while i admit i was harsh i wasnt disrespectful.

Not only that, i told them clearly that having 2 mDps has nothing to do with his problems.

Edited by Dark_Mithrandir
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Unless you link a video of Underlurker being 4 manned i will continue to think you are a liar..


I also call you an elitist because you go to a thread of someone asking for advice on how to beat a boss and instead of helping you basically say they suck...



We can say its hard 5 man (1t,1h,3dps), I guess exceptionnally hard 4 man (never tried that) and very easy with 6+


Ejem ejem

Where i said i did this fight with 4 man. So why i should link a 4 man kill?

I actually did it 5 man (its not that difficult) and i think there maybe room to improvement (4 man).

IMO you're disrespectful one, you are actually saying im a liar for something i've never said i've done.

Edited by Dark_Mithrandir
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Ejem ejem

Where i said i did this fight with 4 man. So while i should link a 4 man kill?

I actually did it 5 man (its not that difficult) and i think there maybe room to improvement (4 man).

IMO you're disrespectful one, you are actually saying im a liar for something i've never said i've done.

I apologize for misreading your response... However i still think you're an elitist who has in no way helped this thread in any way

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To the OP:


Something that is important is that the tank have aggro whatever add the mDps are on, this is easier if you assign who goes to which add before the fight. You seem to be somewhat low on dps, I would suggest having your dps hit the dummy and do some parsing.

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I apologize for misreading your response... However i still think you're an elitist who has in no way helped this thread in any way


And i've already told you im fine that you think that ;)


Thing is:


We are talking about STORY MODE. It's been done 99999** times with lots of compositions in 9999*** pug groups and there is 999* youtube videos with kills and public guides about it.


So that's why i said their problem is simple - Skill.

The fact he puts mDps as an important factor for their wipes gave even more strength to that idea.

I could be more useful to him writing a guide to try to make it more easy for them? sure , but that has already been done, and very well done

Edited by Dark_Mithrandir
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Depending on your composition but...



1º rangeds+healers in the middle of the room, far away of the adds and the boss.

2º1 melee to the add in the far left and one melee in the add far right.

3ºOne tank aoe taunt while the other single taunt the boss. so one tank have the aggro of the adds and the other the aggro of the boss.

4º Rangeds use aoe between adds. this way:

-The add far left recieve damage from one melee and one aoe

-The add far right recieve damage from one melee and one aoe

-The add in the middle recieve damage from both aoes.

5ºOne tank attack the add with more health left, probably the middle one.

7ºClasses like sorc can plaze a force storm outside the rock, use that to damage the boss while being 100% securo.


And that's pretty much it. You an see videos from youtube showing what to do.

If possible, use a combat log analyzer during the operation. Maybe a healer is underperfoming or a melee taking too much damage.

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