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Empire getting the short straw


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Ok so i get it. The Republic is supposed to win in cannon and the Empire looses, as usual the "good guys" always have to win or our Cannon (Which is destroyed btw, FUVM Disney) can have a basis.


So again i get it the "good guys" have to win.


But give me a break. Honestly the Republic can just fly a fleet into a Heavily Protected World like Ziost, and not get their bantha poodoo handed to them on a silver platter? Ok fine the Republic attempts to invade Ziost.


What do we get as Empire? nothing. Bioware needs to make it semi even for us to care! To keep the story going. If you keep making this game completely one sided where all the Empire worlds are Republic. There is nothing to fight for or to have fun. oh look another planet to the Republic! Yay!


They need to make a story line where the Empire Pushes back the Republic at least a little bit to give us a little pride! instead being walked all over. How about a story where a some republic Jedi or Person, generates a Rebellion inside the Republic and is thrown into Chaos or something. Sorry just seems Empire is getting stomped on and no fun in sight for story

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Remember how the Empire just waltzed right in to the literal capital of the republic, smashed the jedi temple, and waltzed right back out?


Theres a whole lot of stuff in this game that makes no sense at all militarily, but sneaking a fleet into a planetary system (especially when said fleet is only 4 measily ships...) is actually much easier than you might think.

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I have 6 Toons Enthralled deep into the Empire. and i like to think if this was "REAL" those 6 Characters would all be key players to win this damn war. But with all the in fighting that goes on, and the whole code thing the Sith has, with the Apprentice will destroy the Master mentality. With that said....


The Empire is its own worst ENEMY...


Now the 4 Republic toons that i have, work well amongst their peers. They Know Their Place, Their Duty,

As well where their, Loyalties lies..... With that Formula, is why they will Eventually win the war....


Which Truly Turns My Heart, Dark.......


That is, if all this was "Real" that is........

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To the OP... The Republic was not prepared for when the Empire returned and attacked Coruscant. They have now had the time and motivation to put their entire economy on a War Footing.


Also don't forget the story there


the Emperor is at Ziost and is mind controlling large numbers but not all of the Imperials. Those controlled are attacking and trying to eliminate the threat of the non-controlled Imperials, so Ziost's defenses are busy fighting each other



Add onto that this simple fact. At least in this games Universe it is almost impossible to track ships in hyperspace without a Holonet tracker on that ship at very long ranges. The one Imperial ship that could possibly do such tracking is destroyed by the Republic Trooper.


So the Republic can obviously get to Ziost likely with little issue. If not what I put in spoilers they would indeed have a major issue...however with what I put in spoilers it is what it is.


Trust me my favorite toon is my Operative but my Operative would say

typical. The Emperor exemplifies everything that could see the Empire defeated. Those in charge are more concerned about their own personal goals and power rather than the good of the Empire


Hence my Operative is the "Imperial Ghost."

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I've often wondered how Hyperspace travel affects invasions.


Obviously we have stuff like interdiction fields and planetary shields.


I figure that interdiction fields are only used in select zones near major military shipyards and or critical facilities and that most planets don't have shields.


So I'm wondering what sort of detection network is used to pickup large fleets in Hyperspace. Do the fleets break into smaller units and then meet up when they're closer to avoid detection? Do they get detected by some sort of early warning system but arrive so fast after tripping the alarms that the planet has no time to marshal defenses?


There's just so many exciting ways Faster Than Light Travel can affect war:)

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Well I don't even know if this games era has them. In the Thrawn era they are VERY expensive pieces of equipment so their numbers are limited. They make them mobile so you can you them strategically or tactically. You simply can build enough to have them in every system. You essentially have a ship that creates a planet size gravity well.


As for why, hyperspace is not Star Trek's warp speed. Each deals in their fictional world with relativity in a different way. In Star Trek they can track ships because they are still in "real space", what the warp field does is warp space around it... Creating a bubble of normal space around the ship while contracting space/time in front of the ship and expanding space/time behind it.


A Hyperdrive in Star Wars literally puts a ship in another dimension that is parallel to normal space/time. In terms of " normal space" the ship no longer exists. It is close enough to "normal" space/time that gravity wells but that is about it.


Because of this though you have massive complications, that imo would outweigh the benefits if you had a choice of between hyperdrives and warp drives, even though hyoerdrives appear to be MUCH faster (a warp drive can't cross the galaxy in one persons lifetime.)


1....You have hyperspace routes (and because of galactic drift etc) due to the influence of gravity wells and need complex calculations done in order to travel in hyperspace. On the Enterprise you can steer around things because you are still in real space, on the Falcon you are traveling what amounts to a pre-plotted straight line. So the Enterprise doesn't need preplotted roads, it can go "cross country" in a galactic sense.


2...You can't really communicate with ships in hyperspace either. I remember reading some book that had a way BUT the tramsiter basically had to be at the journey origin or destination AND had to be transmitting the beam along the "travel lane" of the ship.


3... There seems to be one hyperspace speed for each ship. Yeah some ships are faster than others but you cant say "okay no hurry hyperspace factor 2...", "... Okay we are in a hurry, hyperspace factor 9.8". If your hyperdrive is rated at X you travel at X in hyoerspace.


4.. When in Hyperspace you are as blind to real space and real space is to you... So if its a trap you don't know until its too late... If Alderran is blown up you don't know until you are in the middle of its debris field.


The last 3 make coordinating attacks difficult. A good example of this is the Thrawn books. When you have ships in different places and/or traveling at different speed you need to calculate when each ship should enter hyperspace so they arrive at the same time so you will see Capt Paelleon ordering fleet vessels to begin their individual countdowns to hyperspace jump.


I am actually glad they have all these limitations on Hyperspace travel because it makes some sense as to what would be the effects of no longer being in " regular" space time.

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I'm avoiding spoilers but I'm quite happy whenever one faction gains an advantage over another. Keeping it all equal is boring and there's a lot of good stories you can have by being the underdog. I say this as primarily an Imp player, mind you.
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What do we get as Empire? nothing. Bioware needs to make it semi even for us to care! To keep the story going. If you keep making this game completely one sided where all the Empire worlds are Republic. There is nothing to fight for or to have fun. oh look another planet to the Republic! Yay!


They need to make a story line where the Empire Pushes back the Republic at least a little bit to give us a little pride! instead being walked all over. How about a story where a some republic Jedi or Person, generates a Rebellion inside the Republic and is thrown into Chaos or something. Sorry just seems Empire is getting stomped on and no fun in sight for story


You forget something or don't want to see it :


THe story ALWAYS follows The Big One.

And who is "The Big One" ?

Well, he or she is the one with the MOST power.


Just imagine an James Bond movie in which James Bond acts against ... some middle-class criminal ?

No, nonsense. Mr. James Bond only acts against THE MOST DANGEROUS criminals. Tier 1.


What is the result from this : That the EMPIRE has the greatest power. Naturally the story follows the trail to the biggest power.


Any thriller story goes like this, any criminal investigation story goes like this : The culprit is *never* an low-level criminal, or even an middle-class criminal.

Any thriller story just would not work without The Big One.



What kind of logic would it be to beat an weakling just "to get pride" ? The Republic is the weakling in SWTOR.

The game intro videos just show that : The Redpublic is getting raped. The Empire has the greatest and most dominant force in the galaxy.


SWTOR has *always* been an "Empire Game". You are too deep into "your" faction, so you can't see it, but the Empire got everything better, in terms of design, in terms of story, in terms of quests, yes, even in terms of bugs.


Republic dailies on Voss - a chore.

Empire dailies in Voss - a chore as well ?


Datachrons on Korriban and on Dromund Kaas - insane jokes compared to how much woirk you need as an Republic player on both planets to get to them.


And this is only the beginning. What I don't like at all is how often abilities worked for Empire side, but were bugged for Republic side.


Story spoiler :


Empire players demanded they wanted to kill Satele Shan, because Darth Malgus had been killed by Republic players - completely ignoring that Empire players were able to kill Revan in the first place. As if he was nothing, an nobody.




So, what you want is an Empire game stay an Empire game.

One faction is constantly winning over the other - an story mirror of what is currently going on in SWTOR PvP.


For those to who "bad is the new good" is true, that's no problem.

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Darth Marr explains it pretty well in the Makeb intro. Simply put the rediculus amount of sith infighting has degraded the empire's fighting force.


Just look at the class stories, of the four empire story arcs only the Bounty Hunter arc actually accomplishes something positive for the Empire. The Inquisitor and Thanaton waste numerous reasources fighting each other. The Wrath spends a lot of time killing Imperials aligned with Baras. Intelligence gets completely destroyed in the Agent story.


Meanwhile every single one of the Republic story arcs are all doing something to defeat the empire.



I've often wondered how Hyperspace travel affects invasions.


The lore reasoning is that you have to have a mostly straight route devote of any major gravitational objects, apparently the star wars universe is very very dense in terms of large gravitation bodies and thus there are a limited number of routes to get to certain places.


To the OP... The Republic was not prepared for when the Empire returned and attacked Coruscant. They have now had the time and motivation to put their entire economy on a War Footing.


This isn't true at all. The sacking of Coruscant occurred at the end of the Great Galactic War. The Great Galactic War had been going on for almost a decade. The republic was initially unprepared for the empire yes, but they had had a decade to shift into wartime mode before the sacking of Coruscant.

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The lore reasoning is that you have to have a mostly straight route devote of any major gravitational objects, apparently the star wars universe is very very dense in terms of large gravitation bodies and thus there are a limited number of routes to get to certain places.


Wouldn't such a dense Galaxy be hotter than our own and have far more Cosmic Rays?

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