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SWTOR Developer Live Stream - March 20th


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If there aren't going to be ANY spoilers then what the hell is the point?


The post reads like "hey, we are going to cover what's already on the PTS and say we're working on Ziost again, yippie!"


At least SHOW us Ziost in the last 5-10 minutes and start the first quest dialogue there to tease us or something...

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I like how they're doing a livestream when most of their playerbase is going to be at work.


They are doing it from 3-4 PM their time. I'm assuming near the end of their working hours. I wouldn't expect them to stay 4 hours after work so they can stream after all their viewers had dinner...

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I typically dont post, but I cant take it anymore.


This PVP stuff. I understand, I get it. I have the advantage of Playing BOTH PVP and PVE.



Lets lay down a simple rough timeline, and simple facts. Please note, that I am not focusing on balance, this is more about content and "Abandoning" a group vs anything else.


Dread Fortress/Dread Palace were released back in October 2013. OCTOBER 2013. Shadow of Revan was accessible to PART of the SWTOR community on Dec 1st, 2014. There is a 14 month gap there! And before someone mentions anything about HM and NIM, let me point out that NIM and HM modes would be INSANELY easier than doing all the math to try to figure out balance, or designing a WZ that can have next to no bugs where you could get stuck (Thanks to the Hero Engine's Method of handling Meshes, I assume). Your just adding Mechanics that are meant to PROBABLY kill people, not ensure surviability to a reasonable degree or try to bring 8 separate classes that should theoretically be completely different come out to do the roughly the same amount of damage (Let But lets ignore the balance again.)


Conversely the newest Huttball map came out on April 8th, 2014. Compared to the above, it has been 11 months. And during our current drought, they have been working on class balance and even went so far as to re-do skill trees, which was a move that really only Benefited PVPers. Yes, PVErs got some benefits out of it, I wont lie. But the Hybrid specs would have probably been left alone if it wasn't for the mess they were making in PVP.


Also, historically speaking, PVP balance has always been favored over PVE balance. Not always of course, saying such would be stupid, but for sure favored.


Now I won't lie and say that we playing PVP have the golden apple, and PVErs have nothing, because thats not true. But if you look at the facts, if you want to Call PVP abandoned, you have to call PVE abandoned as well, as more care is taken with PVP than PVE. Once PVE is released, a few adjustments are made and its left alone. PVP gets alot more via micro updates then that.




Like I said, I understand what your saying, playing PVP myself. And I won't say they have done a Fantastic, or great job on the PVP. I would hope for new maps more frequently then what we are getting. I would like class balance done faster. I would REALLY like them to add a new objective to PVP, or do something more with space. But us PVPers DO NOT have any ground to stand on to be claiming that PVP has been Abandoned due to all the micro patches, and the fact that we haven't hit a year and 2 months, unlike the last PVE patch before SOR.


I apologize if I have offended anyone. This is not directed at anyone, heck, I've been typing so much I'm not even sure if I'm on the right thread anymore. Its just, the abandon theme I see so much...And it drives me crazy! Its not that we have been abandoned, its just that they are slow with content!


This is just silly. Sorry, but during the 2.x cycle, pve got:

6 hardmode flashpoints (with 2 storymodes)

4 tactical lvl 55 flashpoints

3 new ops (S&V, DF, DP)


PvP got:

Ranked arenas in place of ranked 8v8

4 arena maps



I agree that the problem is they're slow on both fronts, but your comparison is flawed in the sense that you only compare operations to new warzone maps. And all the problems you mentioned in developing a warzone (getting stuck etc) goes just as much for every OP, only multiple times (on each bossfight). Raids are developed to be dynamic (to a certain degree), while warzones are just static maps. The only 'broken' 1shotter in pvp is standing on the huttball pedestal when the ball spawns.

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Probably pointed out already, but seriously...

What: We are going to to talk about the story coming to Ziost and what is coming in Game Update 3.2. (no spoilers!)

Is it possible you failed to notice the contradiction in terms of that statement? :confused:

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Probably pointed out already, but seriously...


Is it possible you failed to notice the contradiction in terms of that statement? :confused:


Likely they mean they might talk about what the sotry is, if the empire has a different one than the empire. Who will be in the story as far as NPCs. Kinda like the back of a DVD. "Enter Zoisk! A chilling planet under the Empire where our heroes will blah blah."


We'll know as much about this new story as we did about Shadow of Revan.


"In the midst of the ongoing war between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic, a long-hidden sect of extremists has emerged, led by the enigmatic former hero of the Jedi Civil War - Revan. These “Revanites” are mustering an army with an apocalyptic plan that will leave the Republic and the Empire in ashes.


Prepare to face Revan and his fanatical followers as you adventure through five new levels of story-driven Star Wars™ missions, reach new heights of power at an increased Level Cap of 60, explore exciting worlds and fight new high-level multiplayer Flashpoints and Operations in the Digital Expansion,


As found on this http://www.swtor.com/shadow-of-revan page.

Edited by Lionflash
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I figured it was a less than optimal way of saying, "I won't say what else until the livestream"


Comes the livestream, and they'll claim there's no ETA on the info or too soon to talk about it. :p


* snip *


Be spoilers all the same. That remark at the end makes no sense.


Right now, no one truly knows what will go down in Ziost, aside from the fact it somehow involves the Sith Emperor.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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They dont care pvp community and my proof is there is no pvp content more than a year now and there is no class balance for pvp and latest changes for classes are not being done thinking pvp (like enrage deffence buff)

Check developer tracker and how many pvp related subject you can find there.

Who exactly DO they care about then (aside from the CM players)? Are you trying to say they care more for PvEers?! RPers? GSFers? It's not like ANY content is coming out of Austin lately.

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Who exactly DO they care about then (aside from the CM players)? Are you trying to say they care more for PvEers?! RPers? GSFers? It's not like ANY content is coming out of Austin lately.


There is no Content. There is only Fluff.


Or if you prefer: :D

Content is a Lie' date=' there is only Fluff.[/quote']
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Who exactly DO they care about then (aside from the CM players)? Are you trying to say they care more for PvEers?! RPers? GSFers? It's not like ANY content is coming out of Austin lately.


Two new hm flashpoints 3.1, two new raids 3.0 +4 new hms. New planet coming 3.2. Pve players get something more or less every major patch.

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I'm confused. Isn't any information given in advanced of personal experience in & of itself a Spoiler? So if you aren't giving any spoilers what will you be talking about? *looks around awkwardly in silence* :rak_02:


That was my first thought. However, on reading the whole sentence again I guess they'll be talking about the overall theme without going into the specifics of story.

Or at least that's what I'd hope cause if it's not it's going to be a rather underwhelming livestream.

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Two new hm flashpoints 3.1, two new raids 3.0 +4 new hms. New planet coming 3.2. Pve players get something more or less every major patch.

Keep telling yourself that. The HM FP's aren't new, they're a new difficulty level...and to beat them, you need gear better than what the FP even drops. The 2 new Ops are so bug ridden that it forced them to cancel their special event they had planned. PvE obviously gets more than PvP, but no group of players is currently happy...

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Or if you prefer: :D

Content is a lie, there is only fluff.

Through fluff, I gain collection unlocks.

Through collection unlocks, I buy Cartel Coins.

Through Cartel Coins, I get nickeled and dimed.

Through nickel and diming, EAware gouges me.

The Cartel Market shall free me.



Edited by ColorfulCaiques
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I propose a new drinking game for the live stream, but suggest only viewers that can handle an ultra-high BAC participate (i.e. our European brethren and professional rock stars). Simple rules:


1 shot - Every time a host says "Soon", "Exciting", or someone gets banned from the channel

Edited by Joesixxpack
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I propose a new drinking game for the live stream, but suggest only viewers that can handle an ultra-high BAC participate (i.e. our European brethren and professional rock stars). Simple rules:


1 shot - Every time a host says "Soon", "Exciting", or someone gets banned from the channel


Pretty sure that would even kill an irishman and/or a Snave.


And Tux, i know neither camps are happy, but you can't deny that they do launch more pve stuff. Warzones are generally bugged at launch as well so :p

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I typically dont post, but I cant take it anymore.


This PVP stuff. I understand, I get it. I have the advantage of Playing BOTH PVP and PVE.



Lets lay down a simple rough timeline, and simple facts. Please note, that I am not focusing on balance, this is more about content and "Abandoning" a group vs anything else.


Dread Fortress/Dread Palace were released back in October 2013. OCTOBER 2013. Shadow of Revan was accessible to PART of the SWTOR community on Dec 1st, 2014. There is a 14 month gap there! And before someone mentions anything about HM and NIM, let me point out that NIM and HM modes would be INSANELY easier than doing all the math to try to figure out balance, or designing a WZ that can have next to no bugs where you could get stuck (Thanks to the Hero Engine's Method of handling Meshes, I assume). Your just adding Mechanics that are meant to PROBABLY kill people, not ensure surviability to a reasonable degree or try to bring 8 separate classes that should theoretically be completely different come out to do the roughly the same amount of damage (Let But lets ignore the balance again.)


Conversely the newest Huttball map came out on April 8th, 2014. Compared to the above, it has been 11 months. And during our current drought, they have been working on class balance and even went so far as to re-do skill trees, which was a move that really only Benefited PVPers. Yes, PVErs got some benefits out of it, I wont lie. But the Hybrid specs would have probably been left alone if it wasn't for the mess they were making in PVP.


Also, historically speaking, PVP balance has always been favored over PVE balance. Not always of course, saying such would be stupid, but for sure favored.


Now I won't lie and say that we playing PVP have the golden apple, and PVErs have nothing, because thats not true. But if you look at the facts, if you want to Call PVP abandoned, you have to call PVE abandoned as well, as more care is taken with PVP than PVE. Once PVE is released, a few adjustments are made and its left alone. PVP gets alot more via micro updates then that.




Like I said, I understand what your saying, playing PVP myself. And I won't say they have done a Fantastic, or great job on the PVP. I would hope for new maps more frequently then what we are getting. I would like class balance done faster. I would REALLY like them to add a new objective to PVP, or do something more with space. But us PVPers DO NOT have any ground to stand on to be claiming that PVP has been Abandoned due to all the micro patches, and the fact that we haven't hit a year and 2 months, unlike the last PVE patch before SOR.


I apologize if I have offended anyone. This is not directed at anyone, heck, I've been typing so much I'm not even sure if I'm on the right thread anymore. Its just, the abandon theme I see so much...And it drives me crazy! Its not that we have been abandoned, its just that they are slow with content!


Actually there were 4 new flash points forming the 3 part Forged Alliances story line that came with 2.7, 2.9 and 2.10. So, there was definitely PvE content in there. The first two coming at the same time as the quesh huttball in 2.7. You may argue whether those constitute PvE content, but you can agree that they are not PvP content. Just as many of the patch notes (if not more) revolve around PvE than PvP because simply more of the game is about PvE. The class balancing bounces between the two. The remade skill trees is a debate-able topic of whether it benefited PvPers or not. People tend to be split regarding hybrids.

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Actually there were 4 new flash points forming the 3 part Forged Alliances story line that came with 2.7, 2.9 and 2.10. So, there was definitely PvE content in there. The first two coming at the same time as the quesh huttball in 2.7. You may argue whether those constitute PvE content, but you can agree that they are not PvP content. Just as many of the patch notes (if not more) revolve around PvE than PvP because simply more of the game is about PvE. The class balancing bounces between the two. The remade skill trees is a debate-able topic of whether it benefited PvPers or not. People tend to be split regarding hybrids.


I suppose your right in that regard. I always viewed FPs as more lore content or filler, like Class story. Guess that's a failure with my way of thinking. Carry on.




Do you think they might mention a release date for the New Species?

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When it comes to advanced class discipline changes (mostly nerfs), it's all about sucking up to bad PvPers who jump up and down hard, in droves, while screwing over PvErs (regardless of whether they mean to or not), every single spec trait, ability, passive, should have separate PvE and PvP implications.


I and other PvE-majority players do not want our quality of life obliterated by the PvP Mafia...


As for the discipline trees, I like them the way they are, none of this hybridisation crap.

Edited by sentientomega
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Keep telling yourself that. The HM FP's aren't new, they're a new difficulty level...and to beat them, you need gear better than what the FP even drops. The 2 new Ops are so bug ridden that it forced them to cancel their special event they had planned. PvE obviously gets more than PvP, but no group of players is currently happy...


Damn right

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They are doing it from 3-4 PM their time. I'm assuming near the end of their working hours. I wouldn't expect them to stay 4 hours after work so they can stream after all their viewers had dinner...


Can anybody confirm what time that will be in the UK, I always get confused with the time gap to the US (I think it might be 7 hours which makes the stream start 10-11PM UK time)?

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Can anybody confirm what time that will be in the UK, I always get confused with the time gap to the US (I think it might be 7 hours which makes the stream start 10-11PM UK time)?
London's 7 hours ahead of PDT (California and a bunch of other states that don't matter :-P) only 5 hours ahead of CDT, which is what Eric listed for this post - should be starting at 8pm in the UK.
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