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Unload/Full Auto Removed


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If you're a merc and not using Unload then you are missing out on a lot of dps, If you are Arsenal spec your entire rotation is built around Unload/Blazing bolts.

I'll be honest I need to go back and play my Merc a little more frequently.

The issue I had with Unload was if you killed a mob at the beginning of the channel then you were stuck in the animation for the full duration. This might have been fixed, I know it was still an issue last time I played.

As for missing out on DPS this only really applies when you hit endgame content and need to optimise rotation for maximum DPS output.

The only time rotation is an issue for levelling is if you are under-geared and under-levelled for content. As a subscriber I find it difficult keeping fewer than 4 levels over content and easily slip up to 5-6 levels, this makes a significant difference and trivialises much if not all of the levelling content. For levelling alone I have no real need to use Unload.

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My only issue with removing it is that that was one of the few 30m attacks Vanguard had. In PvP, that made a huge difference.


And now, unless you are a tank you are officially a melee class with no gap closers.

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And yet far, far more people that play swtor care about aesthetics and leveling, than they do about end game optimized rotations. My girlfriend for example, was disconsolate at losing full auto on her level 28 vanguard. It actually made her so angry, that she didn't want to play anymore.


She eventually came back to her sage, but I can only imagine that very many people would've had similar reactions. I think she would've just stopped playing entirely if it wasn't that she liked questing with me.


I guess to each their own, but Full-Auto was a very underwhelming animation in my view. DFA - cool. Flamethrower - cool. Full Auto(Unload) VERY average and not a very good argument as far as "aesthetics" is concerned, ESPECIALLY as a class with one weapon.

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well it was a cool ability I think, It will he odd not having it at first but it not thay big a deal.


I dislike the dark ward animation for assassin, I almost hatted my sin after thay change...stupid holocron thing

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When i did my Mandos, Full-Auto was Always needed in a a Lot of Combat situations from the begining levels. It was also the the beginning lvls that ppl like me needed it most, as we did not have all the other nice Super Abilities we dont have in the beginning.
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I completely get the OP. Full Auto/Unload has been a strong visual and aesthetic component of the classes' first twenty levels, since the game came out. It doesn't matter if at 50+ it isn't ideal. It matters that it is a key rotation ability for the first 30-40 levels, and is extremely characterful.


Full Auto is practically the only time a vanguard gets to meaningfully use their blaster rifle. Its audio component is a big deal. It's odd that you find this so hard to believe.


It was an entirely too cute and misguided change.

lol full auto is meaningful?


unload wasn't even on my bar. its useless unless you are tanking and even then very rarely used.


use rapid shots for blaster sounds...you should be using that anyways.

Edited by Pagy
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lol youre right all good pts never used it. but you know something the rest of us dont apparently.

I certainly don't recall using Full Auto much on my level 56 VG tank (but I don't him all that much). My PT tank is only 25, so can't say much there. Don't have a PT or VG DPS.

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I completely get the OP. Full Auto/Unload has been a strong visual and aesthetic component of the classes' first twenty levels, since the game came out. It doesn't matter if at 50+ it isn't ideal. It matters that it is a key rotation ability for the first 30-40 levels, and is extremely characterful.


Full Auto is practically the only time a vanguard gets to meaningfully use their blaster rifle. Its audio component is a big deal. It's odd that you find this so hard to believe.


It was an entirely too cute and misguided change.



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1 - this ability is vital for lvl up coz standard NPCs stun them while active

2 - biggest issue of this update is the dmg reduce,

Troopers (especialy vangs was the lowest dmg class) now they are uselless (my mando has full 186, while my vang has 192 and some 198 and does lesser dmg than mando)^^

Wishing in very very close future to have a change i dont know how (via creds or CC or whatever type) to can change AC, or make all pets, speeders, mounts, datacrons, valor lvls BoL so i can transfer them to my commando

Edited by Kissakias
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1 - this ability is vital for lvl up coz standard NPCs stun them while active


Sticky Grenade is an AoE attack, doesn't need to be channeled, and knocks back multiple enemies once it explodes. Its CD timer is also the same as Full Auto if memory serves me right.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Sticky Grenade is an AoE attack, doesn't need to be channeled, and knocks back multiple enemies once it explodes. Its CD timer is also the same as Full Auto if memory serves me right.


Sticky Grenade requires a wind up. FA fires the instant you press the button. I'm not saying SG isn't useful, I'm just saying they're not really swappable powers. They serve different purposes and different functions.


I'm not about to quit playing because they took FA away, but I'll admit it's made playing my Powertech and Vanguard less fun. Has it made them less effective? I have no idea. I don't know and I don't care. I don't play end game stuff really, and I don't bother doing any stupid DPS parsing or any of that malarky. I just play for fun, and I liked the dakka dakka of Full Auto.


Can I still do dailies and tactical FPs with the same ease as I could before? Yeah, sure. But it's definitely not as much fun to play the class anymore. As someone who doesn't like video game combat much in the first place and plays for the stories and dialogue cut scenes, Full Auto/Unload was one of those powers that made the parts in between cut scenes moderately more tolerable and now it's gone away.


Maybe I shouldn't have been using it anyway. I don't care. Maybe my rotation wasn't optimized when I was using it. I don't care. (I have no idea what an 'optimized' rotation looks like anyway, and no, I don't care to know; I'm not all srs bsns about this game like, it seems, the rabid hardcore gaming crowd are.) Maybe my DPS was actually more than it should have been because I used it. Again, I don't care. Lower the damage on it.


All that I care about is that without it, the class is a little bit less fun to play. Numbers, mechanics, rotations, balance, PvP, I care not a whit for any of that junk. For me, as a primarily soloing powertech or vanguard, removing it has made the class a little bit less fun.


I don't think that BioWare care one bit whether or not the class is fun for me to play - Just like I'm fully aware that none of you guys care whether or not the class is fun for me to play. I'm just saying that none of y'all's arguments about why it should have been removed hold any water for me.


The class is simply less fun for me now than it was a week ago. That's really all there is to it. And it makes me a sad panda that I've lost my dakka dakka.

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Sticky Grenade is an AoE attack, doesn't need to be channeled, and knocks back multiple enemies once it explodes. Its CD timer is also the same as Full Auto if memory serves me right.


we had 2 now we have 1, while no CC, no push and the dmg of vang is way to low now

if you want to finish the pvp achievements ''die X times in Y WZ'' pick a vang.

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The removal of Full Auto isn't entirely what pisses me off. Yes, its annoying that a skill we've had for so long is now gone for little to no reason, but what is unbelievably infuriating is that we didn't even get a replacement skill to fill in the empty quickslot we now have with something with a similar function of Full Auto (stopping a specific trash mob in their tracks, or dumping a little bit of extra dps into a target)



I'm not going to call my Vanguard a lost cause, like Mr. Extreme OP over there, but i am highly irritated nonetheless.

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The only reason I really went vanguard instead of commando was because of the animations. Full auto looked like a "Get out of my face" ability, while on commandos it looked like they were firing a cannon. Boo. Now i'm going to re-roll to commando not just because of the full auto removal, but that plays a part in it.
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Sticky Grenade requires a wind up. FA fires the instant you press the button. I'm not saying SG isn't useful, I'm just saying they're not really swappable powers. They serve different purposes and different functions.


I'm not about to quit playing because they took FA away, but I'll admit it's made playing my Powertech and Vanguard less fun. Has it made them less effective? I have no idea. I don't know and I don't care. I don't play end game stuff really, and I don't bother doing any stupid DPS parsing or any of that malarky. I just play for fun, and I liked the dakka dakka of Full Auto.


Can I still do dailies and tactical FPs with the same ease as I could before? Yeah, sure. But it's definitely not as much fun to play the class anymore. As someone who doesn't like video game combat much in the first place and plays for the stories and dialogue cut scenes, Full Auto/Unload was one of those powers that made the parts in between cut scenes moderately more tolerable and now it's gone away.


Maybe I shouldn't have been using it anyway. I don't care. Maybe my rotation wasn't optimized when I was using it. I don't care. (I have no idea what an 'optimized' rotation looks like anyway, and no, I don't care to know; I'm not all srs bsns about this game like, it seems, the rabid hardcore gaming crowd are.) Maybe my DPS was actually more than it should have been because I used it. Again, I don't care. Lower the damage on it.


All that I care about is that without it, the class is a little bit less fun to play. Numbers, mechanics, rotations, balance, PvP, I care not a whit for any of that junk. For me, as a primarily soloing powertech or vanguard, removing it has made the class a little bit less fun.


I don't think that BioWare care one bit whether or not the class is fun for me to play - Just like I'm fully aware that none of you guys care whether or not the class is fun for me to play. I'm just saying that none of y'all's arguments about why it should have been removed hold any water for me.


The class is simply less fun for me now than it was a week ago. That's really all there is to it. And it makes me a sad panda that I've lost my dakka dakka.


This is a really great post. But your wrong in one area, many of us do care about whether or not its fun for you to play and we feel exactly the same way!

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