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Is BiowEAr embarrassed by their own triple-A MMO??


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The big difference between your analogy and our reality is that they don't answer, even when asked politely, nicely or are even begged. So to make your analogy more correct, it would be:


You go to Taco Bell, order your quesadilla, but it's different this time. You walk up to the counter, wait in line, then ask the clerk why it's different. He ignores you. You politely ask again, and he continues to ignore you...you then ask for his manager, and he continues to ignore you. Someone else asks where the condiments are and they get an answer from him...you again ask him what changed on the quesadilla you liked, and are still ignored. You see someone else walking by so you try to flag them down to get their attention, but they also ignore you.


What do you think happens then? Some people will just walk away and never come back, some will just eat the new crappy quesadilla, others will raise their voice and expect an answer and there will be those who continue to come to Taco Bell for a quesadilla because they like quesadillas...and sadly, there are no other quesadilla restaurants...there are tons of burger places, noodles places and a plethora of sammich shops, but only one place where you can get your quesadilla.


Right now, Bioware has the only quesadilla on the market...but this fall there will be an open face mexican pizza on the market that some quesadilla fans are very anxious about.


They do respond, a lot. Look at the dev tracker. Heck, they even go and make over the top fixes that piss people off trying to respond. Now they don't always respond but neither would Taco Bell, back to the analogy.


If you found a hair in your burrito, or it tasted different, or etc etc. they would respond. If you asked them, what are the next 5 burritos you plan to release this year, or why isn't their a solid Frito taco, or ask them to respond about something you put in the suggestion box, you're not going to get much if any reply. Also if they recognize you as the guy who always asks the same question that the employee knows he can't answer, he's going to ignore you/avoid you.

Edited by Arlon_Nabarlly
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They do respond, a lot. Look at the dev tracker. Heck, they even go and make over the top fixes that piss people off trying to respond. Now they don't always respond but neither would Taco Bell, back to the analogy.


Really? Then please point me to their response that either

1. Explains WHY Harbinger keeps crashing

2. Timeline on when they will fix the long-term problem.

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They do respond, a lot. Look at the dev tracker.
I disagree. With the changes to classes that are currently being tested, there has been zero feedback from the Devs. IMO, that is where it all begins! Listen to the players...contrary to belief, some of us (not claiming I do) know more about how a class plays than they do.
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They do respond, a lot. Look at the dev tracker. Heck, they even go and make over the top fixes that piss people off trying to respond. Now they don't always respond...


Really? Then please point me to their response that either

1. Explains WHY Harbinger keeps crashing

2. Timeline on when they will fix the long-term problem.


I disagree. With the changes to classes that are currently being tested, there has been zero feedback from the Devs. IMO, that is where it all begins! Listen to the players...contrary to belief, some of us (not claiming I do) know more about how a class plays than they do.




You prove my point. You claim they don't respond because they haven't responded to 'fill in your concern here'. The fact is they do respond or there wouldn't be a dev tracker at all. The fact that they haven't responded to your issue or you didn't like the response doesn't change that fact.


In most cases they likely don't respond because they know you'll like the answer less than you like no response. This community has a horrible knee jerk reaction to every single thing. I'm amazed they still respond to anything at all, but they do. Recent cases in point:

- New rules to weed out win traders/greifers in Ranked PvP

- Response about the flashpoint and eye color bugs

- The slot machine fiasco

etc etc

Edited by Arlon_Nabarlly
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Recent cases in point:

- New rules to weed out win traders/greifers in Ranked PvP

- Response about the flashpoint and eye color bugs

- The slot machine fiasco

etc etc



1) They won't follow through on. They've claimed that many times since WPvP Ilum and it has always been a bait and switch tactic. Nothing more.


2) Which will in turn most likely break more things in the game that'll take forever to get a response, if we get one at all.


3) And further divided their playerbase with that.

Edited by ColorfulCaiques
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You prove my point. You claim they don't respond because they haven't responded to 'fill in your concern here'. The fact is they do respond or there wouldn't be a dev tracker at all. The fact that they haven't responded to your issue or you didn't like the response doesn't change that fact.


In most cases they likely don't respond because they know you'll like the answer less than you like no response. This community has a horrible knee jerk reaction to every single thing. I'm amazed they still respond to anything at all, but they do. Recent cases in point:

- New rules to weed out win traders/greifers in Ranked PvP

- Response about the flashpoint and eye color bugs

- The slot machine fiasco

etc etc

Fine Arlon, they don't respond ENOUGH...that's my feeling. They don't communicate ENOUGH.

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1) They won't follow through on. They've claimed that many times since WPvP Ilum and it has always been a bait and switch tactic. Nothing more.


2) Which will in turn most likely break more things in the game that'll take forever to get a response, if we get one at all.


3) And further divided their playerbase with that.


Which goes back to my theory as to why they don't respond more.


In most cases they likely don't respond because they know you'll like the answer less than you like no response. This community has a horrible knee jerk reaction to every single thing. I'm amazed they still respond to anything at all, but they do.


If every time they respond they are met with:

1) Your response wasn't good enough.

2) An assumption that they are lying or incompetent

3) Anger and frustration


Then why would the bother to keep responding at all? Ultimately any relationship is a two way street and this one is no difference. Bioware is the under achieving husband that doesn't spend enough time/money with his wife and the players are they nagging, bossy, *****y wife that doesn't appreciate him. And you wonder why we can't have nice things? My point is there are problems on both sides of the relationship and ultimately the only thing we the players can change is our response. You want a better response from the community, get your head out of your *** and treat them like human beings. At least give that a try...

Edited by Arlon_Nabarlly
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Which goes back to my theory as to why they don't respond more.


If every time they respond they are met with:

1) Your response wasn't good enough.

2) An assumption that they are lying or incompetent

3) Anger and frustration


Then why would the bother to keep responding at all? Ultimately any relationship is a two way street and this one is no difference. Bioware is the under achieving husband that doesn't spend enough time/money with his wife and the players are they nagging, bossy, *****y wife that doesn't appreciate him. And you wonder why we can't have nice things? My point is there are problems on both sides of the relationship and ultimately the only thing we the players can change is our response. You want a better response from the community, get your head out of your *** and treat them like human beings. At least give that a try...

Then they're in the wrong business Arlon. I wish my customers were this passionate about my products.


These forums are a direct reflection of their communication. The more they post, the happier place it becomes. The less they post, the more frustrating they become.

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Ha yeah, I'm sure you wish you could come in and read your customers chew you a knew one whenever you want. :rolleyes:

Have you even ever worked a job that's related to or is customer support? The job of the employee is to please and calm the customer, not rile them back up and give them empty promises or results.

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Have you even ever worked a job that's related to or is customer support? The job of the employee is to please and calm the customer, not rile them back up and give them empty promises or results.


Yes I have and I agree with you on the definition of customer support and you prove my point again.


Fact: The goal of customer support is not to rile people up or give them empty promises

Fact: Every yellow text ever in the history of this forums riles someone up.

Therefore: Devs should never say anything.


This is the crux of my argument broken down into a easier to read proof format.

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Ha yeah, I'm sure you wish you could come in and read your customers chew you a knew one whenever you want. :rolleyes:

Is that all you get from these posts? If so, I feel bad for you...wanna know what I see?


I see invested players. I see players passionate enough to post on the forums. I see inspired players. I see players like Dulfy making a career out of helping others, and hundreds of people supporting her. I see streaming players. I see player guides. I see suggestions and wish lists. I see guys like Gyronamics making guides to help others. I see helpful players. I see excitement. I see people craving MORE. I see players thinking about the future all the time. I see hope!!!!


I hope I never see anything the way you do...

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Is that all you get from these posts? If so, I feel bad for you...wanna know what I see?


I see invested players. I see players passionate enough to post on the forums. I see inspired players. I see players like Dulfy making a career out of helping others, and hundreds of people supporting her. I see streaming players. I see player guides. I see suggestions and wish lists. I see guys like Gyronamics making guides to help others. I see helpful players. I see excitement. I see people craving MORE. I see players thinking about the future all the time. I see hope!!!!


I hope I never see anything the way you do...


That was... * sobs * beautiful. * sobs * :(

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Yes I have and I agree with you on the definition of customer support and you prove my point again.


Fact: The goal of customer support is not to rile people up or give them empty promises

Fact: Every yellow text ever in the history of this forums riles someone up.

Therefore: Devs should never say anything.


This is the crux of my argument broken down into a easier to read proof format.

And so the fact remains that EAware has not been fulfilling any of those goals. That's why we're seeing more sub losses and less activity on servers both U.S.- and Euro-based. And it doesn't seem that EA has no plans to rectify any of this except keep adding onto the cash shop until there isn't a profit to be made anymore.


The last quarterly report backs up this assessment. Didn't they lose like 30 to 60 million dollars in revenue? That only reflects the quality and quantity of content this game has been receiving.

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Is that all you get from these posts? If so, I feel bad for you....


Don't feel bad for me, I have a great life and despite the frustrations I enjoy coming here, most of the time.


I don't get only negative, i wouldn't come back if that were the case. What I do see as being almost always negative is response to yellow posts. Which is my point, if every time you give your dog a bone, he bites at your hand, you'll eventually stop. There are lot of good suggestions and lots of helping each other, but most of what I see directed at the devs is either: insulting, hopeless, negatively bias, angry, annoyed, frustrated, name calling, and general thanklessness. Looking at most yellow posts I'd say the responses that are negative vs those that are positive are 9 to 1. i don't think them stepping up the posting would curb that, I'll admit I could be completely wrong. But if they just started communicating more what would that really solve? You want them to give you an update every day that says "Nothing we are ready to talk about regarding PvP" When they have stuff to talk about they talk about it most of the time, but talking more doesn't change the substance and would only add to the negativity and frustration pointed at them from the team.


This is how I see it.

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And so the fact remains that EAware has not been fulfilling any of those goals. That's why we're seeing more sub losses and less activity on servers both U.S.- and Euro-based. And it doesn't seem that EA has no plans to rectify any of this except keep adding onto the cash shop until there isn't a profit to be made anymore.


The last quarterly report backs up this assessment. Didn't they lose like 30 to 60 million dollars in revenue? That only reflects the quality and quantity of content this game has been receiving.


The last quarter earnings were before the launch of the expansion. Subs are always lowest in any MMO just before an expansion because that's when content is the most stale. If that's your only evidence that subs are dropping then I'm not convinced.


Clearly they must be pleasing someone or they wouldn't have subs in the first place. I'm quite pleased with the game myself. It certainly has it's issues and I have my frustrations with it but I'm more satisfied than not.

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Don't feel bad for me, I have a great life and despite the frustrations I enjoy coming here, most of the time.


I don't get only negative, i wouldn't come back if that were the case. What I do see as being almost always negative is response to yellow posts. Which is my point, if every time you give your dog a bone, he bites at your hand, you'll eventually stop. There are lot of good suggestions and lots of helping each other, but most of what I see directed at the devs is either: insulting, hopeless, negatively bias, angry, annoyed, frustrated, name calling, and general thanklessness. Looking at most yellow posts I'd say the responses that are negative vs those that are positive are 9 to 1. i don't think them stepping up the posting would curb that, I'll admit I could be completely wrong. But if they just started communicating more what would that really solve? You want them to give you an update every day that says "Nothing we are ready to talk about regarding PvP" When they have stuff to talk about they talk about it most of the time, but talking more doesn't change the substance and would only add to the negativity and frustration pointed at them from the team.


This is how I see it.


Good...I'm glad you (mostly) enjoy coming here. Even Darth_Wicked has days he's not all bad :p


Speaking of Dark_Wicked...what you may view as "negative", he may see as critical feedback. A few months ago I believe it was Darth_W who pointed out that one of the characters in the story, could have been killed off by the player (I forget who it was, but it was Imp side). When he makes a post saying "Way to kill my immersion" (or something like that), it may come off as "negative" to you...but to him, it was a HUGE thing that did impact his enjoyment, because story is obviously extremely important to him!!! Darth and I may have our moments where we disagree, but I actually believe he has a better grip on the entire story of SWTOR than even Charles Boyd does...and that's saying a LOT (no disrespect meant Charles)!!! There's nobody I trust to be right about the story, more than him...and he'll be the first to point out if you say something incorrect about it. ;)


Bioware may not be able to tell us all the things going on daily, or tell us when XYZ are getting fixed, or comment on staffing levels or the next "BIG THING", but it would be nice to have a little more communication from them. We're all here because we enjoy their product, even those who complain enjoy it....it would be nice if they interacted with us more than they do...because like Darth, some of us players know more than they do about certain aspects of the game. We're a helluva free resource for them to exploit...I wish they would.

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And so the fact remains that EAware has not been fulfilling any of those goals. That's why we're seeing more sub losses and less activity on servers both U.S.- and Euro-based. And it doesn't seem that EA has no plans to rectify any of this except keep adding onto the cash shop until there isn't a profit to be made anymore.


The last quarterly report backs up this assessment. Didn't they lose like 30 to 60 million dollars in revenue? That only reflects the quality and quantity of content this game has been receiving.


Sub loses and less activity on the servers? Really? Are we playing the same game? There are times when I have to jump to a second instance just to get enough MOB's to finish a quest because instance 1 is overflowing with people doing the same. I find this on every planet. I know nothing about sub numbers but as an active player I know its not even close to being lonely out there. Not by any means.

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And so the fact remains that EAware has not been fulfilling any of those goals. That's why we're seeing more sub losses and less activity on servers both U.S.- and Euro-based. And it doesn't seem that EA has no plans to rectify any of this except keep adding onto the cash shop until there isn't a profit to be made anymore.


The last quarterly report backs up this assessment. Didn't they lose like 30 to 60 million dollars in revenue? That only reflects the quality and quantity of content this game has been receiving.


You have to admit that this is speculation at best though.


Those figures that were announced lumped SWTOR together with the latest Sim City game without giving any indication of why it was done this way or how each game impacted the over-all numbers.


For all we know they were lumped together to attempt to cushion the blow Sim City had on the bottom line for EA when it was reported to stakeholders in the annual reports. Sim City had one of the worst launches in the history of gaming and was hemorrhaging money from my understanding.


I don't think you are entirely wrong, but I think the impact is less significant than many people are making it out to be.

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Those figures that were announced lumped SWTOR together with the latest Sim City game without giving any indication of why it was done this way or how each game impacted the over-all numbers.


For all we know they were lumped together to attempt to cushion the blow Sim City had on the bottom line for EA when it was reported to stakeholders in the annual reports. Sim City had one of the worst launches in the history of gaming and was hemorrhaging money from my understanding.

After EA closed down Maxis (developer of Sim City), I'd avoid talking about the two games together...SWTOR's launch was no better...

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After EA closed down Maxis (developer of Sim City), I'd avoid talking about the two games together...SWTOR's launch was no better...


I find it difficult to compare any game launch with the Sim City launch. It was a complete and total catastrophe. SWTOR's launch wasn't problem-free, but for many players it went smoothly.


Sim City's launch was a nightmare for just about every person involved. Maxis fully deserved to be shut down after that fiasco. EA gave away several million free games to the customers who stuck it out through the launch, and even allowed a lot of people to receive full refunds, which is completely out of character for EA. Although, EA did backpedal a lot on the refunds and never did offer any to anyone who purchased a digital download. There were also some accusations of them censoring support phone numbers to make it more difficult for people to get refunds when they qualified.

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