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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

signs devs dont play the game....


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You know why they keep hearing it? BECAUSE THEY NEVER REPLY!!!!

Guess what devs, if you tell us why Harbinger keeps crashing and your plans to fix it, we'll stop asking.

Guess what devs, if you give us a definitive answer on 12xXP rather than the "it won't be a legacy perk" like that's the only possible way to implement it, we'll stop asking.

Guess what devs, once you addressed the Ravengers exploit, we stopped asking.

Guess what devs, once you addressed the slot machine drops, we stopped asking.


Notice a pattern?


Again, no offense, but i'm absolutely sure stuff like this does NOT motivate them to do anything. They are only obligated to do the bare minimum, and i'm sure so many complaints makes them want to drop everything, because they work hard on the game (I think) and they only get a bunch of crud in return.

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Again, no offense, but i'm absolutely sure stuff like this does NOT motivate them to do anything. They are only obligated to do the bare minimum, and i'm sure so many complaints makes them want to drop everything, because they work hard on the game (I think) and they only get a bunch of crud in return.


They've repeatedly taken down videos satirizing how they're handling the game, so they're around, they've just become less and less involved in the community. There are posts on the forums in which players have spoken to what they want and it is utterly ignored. They tend to do an excellent job of doing things that polarize the player base against them, such as the Orbital Strike nerf and then removal from Operatives, and then giving no response to the unquestioningly negative way the community takes the action. They reacted to the slot issue with a nerf and then silence--and let me just say, I never bought one and had no interest in it as such, but they handled it horribly. There was tons of player input in regards to GSF during and after its development, almost all of which was ignored and never acknowledged and now that disaster sits dead in the water.


Do you know what every single one of the threads I recall Eric replying to in a swift manner has been lately? A post regarding a Cartel Market item. Always timely answers are given in regards to items that will make the game immediate cash. Other than that, little is seen by those in charge. I'm not coming from a place of anger or hurt here, just being realistic about the situation, and that is one of those running the game doing little to be actively involved with those playing, which is not the case with most other MMOs, BUT it is the very same as you will see on the EA/Dice forums for BF3/4.

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The person in question quit because of a slot machine, nothing more. :rolleyes:


On top of that, it took issue with the fact Bioware failed to address its qualms ASAP, something for which it used to ridicule other players back and forth -- unjustifiably so.


In other words, karma is a b**ch. Terrible example.

I'm with Tuxxy. Reading this did make me smile, but my point still stands. Because when another player came to the forums to critically assess SWTOR and the devs, her and her posse of defenders would hijack that player's threads, or derail threads in which the player posted in, call them out for being a "hater" and "troll", and tell them to stop QQ'ing and go play a different game because this one only caters to them. Her and a few others like her who still seem to be here have always been vindictive and hostile and can go as far as break forum rules, but that's only because the community personnel is actually biased towards them.


That being said, I fail to see how my example is anything close to terrible.

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That being said, I fail to see how my example is anything close to terrible.


It's terrible because the user in question hardly ever showed any mixed feelings about the way Bioware managed its game; in fact, one would think they were just perfect at it. It was other players who were, by definition, either trolls, locusts or something else I can't truly remember right now.


For it, the thing that broke the camel's back was nothing more than... a slot machine nerf; that, in addition to being ignored -- and rightly so -- by the developers it so "passionately" chose to defend, unjustifiably so at times.


Now, I dunno about you, but I'd expect if people take issue with the game, it would be with the ever changing release cadence, non-existing PvP updates, going fourteen months without a single new operation or three years without class story content... NOT because of a slot machine nerf.


Ultimately, it was cosmic justice. That aside however, not exactly someone who ever displayed any interest whatsoever in the core foundations of the game.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Happens in any job that you have been doing awhile.


I think it is hard to be passionate when every time you try to talk to people, they throw sh*t at you.

On cantina tours, where most of the people are those who like the game (or people who are taken out of their Internet-given anonymity comfort zone), devs can be pretty passionate.

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I think it is hard to be passionate when every time you try to talk to people, they throw sh*t at you.

On cantina tours, where most of the people are those who like the game (or people who are taken out of their Internet-given anonymity comfort zone), devs can be pretty passionate.[/quote


The same way politicians are passionate. It must be true.

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Again, no offense, but i'm absolutely sure stuff like this does NOT motivate them to do anything. They are only obligated to do the bare minimum, and i'm sure so many complaints makes them want to drop everything, because they work hard on the game (I think) and they only get a bunch of crud in return.

It shows.


I don't blame the guys working on this game, I'm sure they do their best...this is a management issue, one that has plagued this game since inception. When people say "Devs", they more than likely mean "the guy who decides what to do and when to do it".

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The person in question quit because of a slot machine, nothing more. :rolleyes:


On top of that, it took issue with the fact Bioware failed to address its qualms ASAP, something for which it used to ridicule other players back and forth -- unjustifiably so.


In other words, karma is a b**ch. Terrible example.


So true! Same goes for a few others... infernixx comes to mind as well. Paraphrasing but.... "how dare you insinuate that 50 million credits for fully unlocked legacy bank is unreasonable I can afford it without breaking a sweat so its perfectly fine, stop complaining!" My absolute favorite :rolleyes:

Edited by g_land
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