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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Just blew $$18 million creds...


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Yeah, again, I know you think this sounds really "cool" to say behind an internet-moniker. But the schtick is tired already. Sure, call me an "idiot". I won't even debate that - not worth the effort. But this is very much a scam. It's the very definition actually. It relies on someone falling prey to exactly what I did (pea brain, naivete, excess trust, carelessness, inattention, etc.) and buy virtual goods for 100x market value. All scams work this way by definition. So to keep rechanneling the "OP is an idiot" and "OP needs to learn to read and learn math" is just pathetic sounding at this point.


no ones calling anyone making the mistake an idiot were calling people who say not paying attention is not there fault idiots.


just be glad this isn't nature because when animals do something stupid and don't learn from it or accept it they get eaten by a tigger or other predator. :)

Edited by Jrr_hypernova
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Yeah, again, I know you think this sounds really "cool" to say behind an internet-moniker. But the schtick is tired already. Sure, call me an "idiot". I won't even debate that - not worth the effort. But this is very much a scam. It's the very definition actually. It relies on someone falling prey to exactly what I did (pea brain, naivete, excess trust, carelessness, inattention, etc.) and buy virtual goods for 100x market value. All scams work this way by definition. So to keep rechanneling the "OP is an idiot" and "OP needs to learn to read and learn math" is just pathetic sounding at this point.

EXACTLY! It's a scam that takes advantage of a poor UI and an unsuspecting player.

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I'll say something else. This was eye-opening for me. After this happened yesterday, I didn't feel like playing (i.e. grinding) anymore. I literally lost interest instantaneously. Haven't played since and really have no interest to at this point. I'm not one who complains about this game either (check my posting history), loyal subscriber, etc. and so on. It's just that when I sat back and thought about what I would need to do to get my creds back - the time investment and the actual grinding - I couldn't motivate myself to do it again. We'll see how long this lasts, but it's a totally weird and unexpected COMPLETE lack of interest.
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just be glad this isn't nature because when animals do something stupid and don't learn from it or accept it they get eaten by a tigger or other predator. :)


Dangit now I have mental imagery of Tigger bouncing around on his springy tail eating bumbling jedi and sith apprentices....

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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"I made a mistake, it's your fault." In true TUXs fashion.

What the hell does that mean? I didn't say the player who makes a mistake is faultless, of course they have some responsibility in the scam, but they wouldn't have fallen victim of the scam if the scammer wasn't trying to scam them.

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Wow, they think of everything. Thats actually kind of cool, but I cannot seem to replicate it. It may just be my laptop or I am doing something wrong.


You need to be in the game to make it work and remember to hold alt and use numpad for the numbers.

Edited by PavSalco
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Yeah, again, I know you think this sounds really "cool" to say behind an internet-moniker. But the schtick is tired already. Sure, call me an "idiot". I won't even debate that - not worth the effort. But this is very much a scam. It's the very definition actually. It relies on someone falling prey to exactly what I did (pea brain, naivete, excess trust, carelessness, inattention, etc.) and buy virtual goods for 100x market value. All scams work this way by definition. So to keep rechanneling the "OP is an idiot" and "OP needs to learn to read and learn math" is just pathetic sounding at this point.


While I do not have an opinion on this issue, or choose not to weigh in, I think the point some are trying to make is this: We can call it whatever we want, and folks doing it may or may not be "morally" wrong. The thing is this, this was a hot button issue a couple months back IIRC. There was much debate, and many folks recived varying degrees of burns. Our fearless leader and community team deity, Eric "soon" Musco (thinking of making a toon named Muscovite :p ) weighed in on this issue on behalf of BW Austin and our Devs. It was a medium sized post that boiled down to this: There is no scam, as far as BW is concerned. There is no way to figure out intent without a doubt. Sorry bout your credits man. I'm not gonna give advice cause you know you donked up.

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Dangit now I have mental imagery of Tigger bouncing around on his springy tail eating bumbling jedi and sith apprentices....


hey why else do you think that forest only has only about six other animals and eldritch abomination elephants if he doesnt feed on the flesh of idiots? im just surprised the bear hasn't been eaten yet...

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I'll say something else. This was eye-opening for me. After this happened yesterday, I didn't feel like playing (i.e. grinding) anymore. I literally lost interest instantaneously. Haven't played since and really have no interest to at this point. I'm not one who complains about this game either (check my posting history), loyal subscriber, etc. and so on. It's just that when I sat back and thought about what I would need to do to get my creds back - the time investment and the actual grinding - I couldn't motivate myself to do it again. We'll see how long this lasts, but it's a totally weird and unexpected COMPLETE lack of interest.

Not surprising at all...and proves my point that the scammers hurt the game by taking more than credits from someone who makes a mistake.

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What the hell does that mean? I didn't say the player who makes a mistake is faultless, of course they have some responsibility in the scam,.

Oh so you're blaming the victim now? That's nice, TUXs. That's real nice.

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My own fault. I was on the phone, rushing, doing conquest, not paying attention. And bought two stacks of green mats for $9 million each, when I thought I was spending $90K. Never happened to me before. No one to blame but me, solely, squarely. I'm just pissed that I'm one of the suckers who let these frauds fleece easy credits, unearned credits. Took me years of casual play to build that stack - gone in seconds.


Anyway, not asking for any changes. No fixes. No blame but myself. Just venting frustration and disgust.


That sucks and we have all been there to some degree at one time or another. It's called being human. One thing I do is keep my credits spread out amoung characters although I do have some with over the 18M.


I am glad that it was not in RL and "just in a game".

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What the hell does that mean? I didn't say the player who makes a mistake is faultless, of course they have some responsibility in the scam, but they wouldn't have fallen victim of the scam if the scammer wasn't trying to scam them.


Yep. I've been consistent that I am to blame. Never wavered. Doesn't mean it isn't a scam. Doesn't mean I'm happy about some scammer having my hard-earned creds, again due to my inattention. Had I slowed down a couple seconds more, or done the safeguards I usually do 99.99% of the time, this wouldn't have happened to me. Doesn't mean it's not a racket.


Again, had you asked me two days ago, I would have sworn (as a GTN regular and heavy crafter) that this could NEVER happen to me. If I could take those credits and donate them to a player who's just starting out, I'd happily do that (I often do anyway) rather than let these scammers walk with my creds. I've had things stolen in RL, and I'm the type of guy who hunts down my stolen property and throws up every possible barrier to letting a thief profit one dime off me. Even when I'm "totally covered." That's how I'm wired. That's why this bothers me.

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That sucks and we have all been there to some degree at one time or another. It's called being human. One thing I do is keep my credits spread out amoung characters although I do have some with over the 18M.


I am glad that it was not in RL and "just in a game".


Sorry this happened to you


Thanks. It's generally nice to see, with TUX, and others that there are still people who feel this way. Feels good to have people empathize with my imperfect human nature, even if it's just a game.

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Just curious, is there a way to type the symbol for credit? As we all know US dollars are not used in the star wars universe, we also know Dell does not work in Galactic credits, so I only have a dollar sign on my keyboard. If there is a way around this that would be cool, since you're not the first person to make this anal retentive kind of post. :rolleyes:


While in game the code is Alt + 0164

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I'll say something else. This was eye-opening for me. After this happened yesterday, I didn't feel like playing (i.e. grinding) anymore. I literally lost interest instantaneously. Haven't played since and really have no interest to at this point. I'm not one who complains about this game either (check my posting history), loyal subscriber, etc. and so on. It's just that when I sat back and thought about what I would need to do to get my creds back - the time investment and the actual grinding - I couldn't motivate myself to do it again. We'll see how long this lasts, but it's a totally weird and unexpected COMPLETE lack of interest.


Understandable.. if those were dailies credits I can't even imagine that much work... Making money on the GTN is ridiculous once you have the infrastructure setup to maintain a consistant flow of goods onto the GTN... then you can pull down millions a week without much effort.. but you have a very large initial time investment as well as credits (tons of schematics to pop, crafting and gathering to max out on multiple toons.. 1 crew skill gives ok mats, 4 toons with those skills running givs LOTS of mats... etc...)


Like I said like 2 hours ago and 5 pages back...

Make a bank toon, don't run toons with more than 1-2 mil on hand if they EVER shop on the GTN...

I've come close to buying a stack of mats for around 10 mil credits, but.. not having that 10 mil on hand made my GTN say hey dude, you ain't got that much so.. recheck your sort box *******...

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the mistake is "idiotic", he's not calling you an idiot.


The sad part is that I pointed that out more than once and even so, he didn't get there. Also...

Make a bank toon, don't run toons with more than 1-2 mil on hand if they EVER shop on the GTN...

^^ This.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Sorry Joonbeams, that is a big chunk of change.


My biggest blunder concerning the GTN was selliing some universal prefab kits. I meant to list ten of them for 700k, but when I checked mailbox I had 70k. I actually contacted the buyer with my "oops." He responded along these lines, "When I saw that price I couldn't believe it. It was a steal and just made my day!" I never imagined that I could make someones day by giving them a bargain on ten prefab kits. It made me feel better that he was so happy. Lol.


But, 18 million ouch. Shame on the scammers! And, shame on those who thinks its funny that you lost it!

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As for finding it funny, I don't get that. The logic is that when someone makes a careless, honest mistake (and fesses up and doesn't cast blame) and loses something (here it's monopoly money), that's "hilarious"? Someone goes to work and forgets just once to lock their house in the rush out the door - dumb mistake - and then comes back to find all their stuff gone, that's funny? Umkay.

Totally different situations, bro. You said it yourself: Monopoly money.


It is not a scam. it is totally and 100% avoidable. The only person who "scammed" you was you.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Totally different situations, bro. You said it yourself: Monopoly money.


It is not a scam. it is totally and 100% avoidable. The only person who "scammed" you was you.

Sorry bran, that's not how it works...words have actual meanings, and the definition of "scam" is literally "a dishonest way to make money by deceiving people". This is absolutely a scam.

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Sorry bran, that's not how it works...words have actual meanings, and the definition of "scam" is literally "a dishonest way to make money by deceiving people". This is absolutely a scam.

So tell us, how is it dishonest when the price is clearly visible and cannot be changed?

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