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REQUEST: Bring WAR back to Star Wars, actual Conquesting, and open world PVP


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While I'm not 100% sure that would work against a lvl 60 champ that does that much damage you would have to know it's coming.


Pretty sure it could be programmed in a way that whatever damage it does is not avoidable (just like fall damage for example). Just have it run a "/kill" command on ganker and done.


Even when I sort of like PvP in open world, ganking somebody who is many levels below you or whom you greatly outnumber is not a PvP, it is being a dick, especially when you do it multiple times in a row.

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Pretty sure it could be programmed in a way that whatever damage it does is not avoidable (just like fall damage for example). Just have it run a "/kill" command on ganker and done.


Even when I sort of like PvP in open world, ganking somebody who is many levels below you or whom you greatly outnumber is not a PvP, it is being a dick, especially when you do it multiple times in a row.


I've never approved of ganking low lvls especially when they are just trying to do their PVE missions. When I played SUN I often stayed in the PVP zones for a fair bit of time and just watched for ***** who would attack the low levels. They learned really quick not to do it again. :D

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The only reasonable way that handles it is the Ilum model when if you are not grouped, you are enemies. That’s in line with the strongly individualistic player-led model of SWTOR PvP. (and it is also helped tremendously by Ilum being so rare and precious, everyone makes it their top priority to go.)


If that was not true, the solo queue would be but a dusty attic to the great halls of the Group Ranked. If there is a persistent problem with 4 people who want to play together to locate another group of people just like that, the difficulty only increases from there. As soon as the coordinated entry is not facilitated to the one click of the button whenever you want to in whatever role you want to, the things fall apart. Hell bells, even that simplicity falls apart for the supressed Faction.


When I look at the PvP, what I see is that there are very few champions, and even fewer natural community leaders, those underappreciated but all-important guys who hold things together. As a result, PvP is a trail mix, from entry level to ranked.


The groundwork and the network is not there to break out from the solo’ish model to the large team model.

The artificial controls put in place will only make things worse, bringing up the worst in the players who did not get what they wanted (faction, instance, victory… whatever). I’d rather see the PvPers at their best :)

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When I look at the PvP, what I see is that there are very few champions, and even fewer natural community leaders, those under-appreciated but all-important guys who hold things together. As a result, PvP is a trail mix, from entry level to ranked.


Truer words can not be spoken about PVP

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OP, I'm sorry to say but your YT vid doesn't really prove much. The metrics show just how bad the engine is. Did you know they developed this MMO with the HeroEngine in its PRE-ALPHA stage? Yeah, it has improved, but since that is the foundation of this game's infrastructure this game can never truly focus on PvP many Star Wars fans want.


Secondly, many PvP'ers jumped ship during mid-2012 to late 2013. There were several massive exoduses due to the inexperience and foolishness of a skeleton dev team and other massively hyped games being released. This game's PvP community is dead. Now this game is just a jack-of-all-trades; a little PvP here, a little more PvE there, almost no RP content, and other facets of gameplay that don't even belong in an MMO (on-rails space PvE :rolleyes:), but mostly this game is nothing but daily areas with no quality or even quantity in its endgame.


It's all downhill from here...

Edited by ColorfulCaiques
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This always baffles me. How do people imagine a dev-made RP content? To me, RP is something that people do themselves, not something that devs force on them...


We had a thread about this a while back. It depends on one's definition of RP. I RP my way through the story missions, the same way I RP through Dragon Age: Origins. RP isn't predicated on having others involved. It can, and it's very fulfilling when it does, but it's not necessary.

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This always baffles me. How do people imagine a dev-made RP content? To me, RP is something that people do themselves, not something that devs force on them...

Doesn't matter who "makes" it or who "inspires" it. I don't know how you can possibly start great RP in this game when the world feels "forced", blocked off, with tons of loading screens after almost every door.

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We had a thread about this a while back. It depends on one's definition of RP. I RP my way through the story missions, the same way I RP through Dragon Age: Origins. RP isn't predicated on having others involved. It can, and it's very fulfilling when it does, but it's not necessary.

Well, that is not really how RP works in MMO land.

But in Dragon Age, you also eventually run out of content, just like here, so not sure about what the complaint here is...


Doesn't matter who "makes" it or who "inspires" it. I don't know how you can possibly start great RP in this game when the world feels "forced", blocked off, with tons of loading screens after almost every door.


Loading screens? What game are you playing? Loading screens everywhere? Outside of switching planets or entering ops/fp instances (which are separate zones), where loading screen is justified, I have not seen a loading screen anywhere, unless something goes wrong and I get kicked to server screen.

Or do you actually expect the game to load all assets for all planets and zones at once?

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I want this! :) I wouldn't mind at all if we wait for an expansion that re coded or upgraded the engine to support MORE open world pvp, doesn't have to be perfect but improved upon would be great to handle the OP suggestions... I also think that the conquest system needs a complete overhaul and new ideas to get emerged into taking over planets and space sectors to have a real impact and conquest system.
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Loading screens? What game are you playing?

Obviously not the same one you are since you don't seem to notice them...where do you park yourself that you aren't seeing loading screens constantly, yet have stuff to do???

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Obviously not the same one you are since you don't seem to notice them...where do you park yourself that you aren't seeing loading screens constantly, yet have stuff to do???


I play the game normally (when I feel like it), I move around all planets (mostly Yavin these days, unless I am leveling something for my videos), I run flashpoints, I run operations with my guild, I occasionally go to WZ (and get reminded why is that a bad idea), or just hang around on fleet.

And like I said, outside of moving to new planet (or entering FP/OPS/WZ, which from the game's perspective counts as moving to new planet), I do not see a single loading screen.


Yes, I am playing the game from SSD, but even back in the days when I played on a much more potato machine from HDD, I did not see a loading screen while playing.

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I play the game normally (when I feel like it), I move around all planets (mostly Yavin these days, unless I am leveling something for my videos), I run flashpoints, I run operations with my guild, I occasionally go to WZ (and get reminded why is that a bad idea), or just hang around on fleet.

And like I said, outside of moving to new planet (or entering FP/OPS/WZ, which from the game's perspective counts as moving to new planet), I do not see a single loading screen.


Yes, I am playing the game from SSD, but even back in the days when I played on a much more potato machine from HDD, I did not see a loading screen while playing.

Right, if you stay on one planet/zone, you won't see them...otherwise they're everywhere with everything you do from traveling to your ship, to a space dock, to the planets surface, to a FP, to any Ops, to any WZ and even when using an elevator...but yeah, if you stay in one tiny zone you won't see them.

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Right, if you stay on one planet/zone, you won't see them...otherwise they're everywhere with everything you do from traveling to your ship, to a space dock, to the planets surface, to a FP, to any Ops, to any WZ and even when using an elevator...but yeah, if you stay in one tiny zone you won't see them.


I replied to ColorfulCaiques, who claims he gets loading screen at every door and that they break his RP desires.

So unless his RP desires mean jumping from planet to planet like crazy, I assumed he is encountering them while playing.


Loading screen when switching to a completely new map is perfectly understandable, as the game needs to load assets used in building that map. Otherwise, you would end up in empty void. As I said, what do you expect the game to do? Load assets for all planets, warzones, ops and fps at once? Enjoy your hour of loading before playing then...


Loading screen on switching to completely new zone are something that happens in basically every game. Some open world games try to get around it by slowly loading the assets for the zone in your immediate vicinity, but when you use whatever form of rapid zone change (like teleporting to discovered areas in Skyrim, or entering tombs), you will still get a loading screen as the game prepares the needed assets,


Also, you do not get loading screen on using elevators on Fleet (at least in my experience across several machines), or any elevators that "black out" the screen.

Edited by Aries_cz
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this again? do you really need to be told AGAIN why this kinda thing won't happen?


I'll REPEAT one of the reasons since you don't seem to pay attention...THE ENGINE CANNOT HANDLE IT.


don't bother saying anything to that..don't bother explaining how it's bs..or how they should do this or that to correct it...it's NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.


if you want the rest of the reasons....go search..there's 100's of threads I'm sure


Engine can't handle it? says who?


I remember back in ilum we had a few battles with more then 30 people on each side at it ran fine....

The issue was faction balance more then anything Empire just had more players. So Republic could hardly ever get any objective done the majority of the time. When the Republic did come in in force it was only a matter of mins before 2x that number of imps would show and wipe them out.

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Also, you do not get loading screen on using elevators on Fleet (at least in my experience across several machines), or any elevators that "black out" the screen.

On my old slow computer, I got loading screens all the time using the elevator to go to the Cartel Bazaar, for example. So the guy who was complaining simply has a slow computer.

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Also, you do not get loading screen on using elevators on Fleet (at least in my experience across several machines), or any elevators that "black out" the screen.


It's almost always fine in that type of situation (and also when using quick travel or when the taxi arrives at the destination) on my system as well. Some friends I play with who are on systems even less up to date than mine, however, do encounter splash screen loads in such situations.


(Side note: It bugs me slightly that some of the other posts in this conversation don't seem to distinguish between this temporary screen blocking tactic that the game uses while certain dynamically loaded assets are still missing... and the actual load screens where there's a visible load bar and more data is getting shuffled around to load in a completely different map.)

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I replied to ColorfulCaiques, who claims he gets loading screen at every door and that they break his RP desires.

So unless his RP desires mean jumping from planet to planet like crazy, I assumed he is encountering them while playing.


Loading screen when switching to a completely new map is perfectly understandable, as the game needs to load assets used in building that map. Otherwise, you would end up in empty void. As I said, what do you expect the game to do? Load assets for all planets, warzones, ops and fps at once? Enjoy your hour of loading before playing then...


Loading screen on switching to completely new zone are something that happens in basically every game. Some open world games try to get around it by slowly loading the assets for the zone in your immediate vicinity, but when you use whatever form of rapid zone change (like teleporting to discovered areas in Skyrim, or entering tombs), you will still get a loading screen as the game prepares the needed assets,


Also, you do not get loading screen on using elevators on Fleet (at least in my experience across several machines), or any elevators that "black out" the screen.


you dont need loading screens a airlock elecator or other small space you can trap the player in works too. but id prefer the load screen to stareing at a unlocking door messege or hearing about quarian cooking for the hundredth time:p

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Greetings friends and allies in the Force,


What is Star WARS : The Old Republic lacking a bit of? WAR.


We need open world PVP with purpose, goals and rewards... and we need it bad. We can combine the lack luster craft fest we call conquests with an actual….conquest.


Here is the idea:


The developers design and place military bases, or planetary control locations on every planet except starting worlds and capitals.


These bases would be manned by level 60 Champion NPCs from either the Republic or the Empire, whoever has gained control of the bases control nodes. These NPCs make defending the base easier than capturing it.

We take crafted items from conquests, the 5 supplies, the combined war supplies, and the dark projects and make them be able to buy NPC champions, turrets, walkers, tanks, bombers etc… your team can place either to defend or help attack a base and it’s control nodes.


Any player kills in the open world pvp bases and the surrounding auto flag pvp zone would be able to earn you warzone comms. Ranked Warzone comms if you kill a certain amount of players and/or capture a node etc.


If you faction gains control of all the nodes, captures the base, the planet becomes under your faction’s control. What does that mean? Everyone from your faction gets an (x)% buff to all stats while on that planet.


If your faction gains control of all the planets in a sector, they also get a secondary buff.


Players that capture nodes, bases and planets for their faction gain “faction reputation” which allow them to buy items from a new faction vendor… only located in the bases. It would also grant new titles, faction specific.


Replicate this system in space, so that every planet has a defense “base” either a Space Station, or a Capital Ship, or some other control point in orbit. The battles here would take place just like space pvp, but not restricted to

warzones with timers, but similar to the fluid environment on the ground.


Guild’s could then move their Conquest capital ship into the sector to provide both ground and space support.



Let’s breathe some life back into PVP, give us goals, give us purpose, give us reward and let us fight it out.!


Help us Bioware Devs, you’re our only hope...


EDIT: For all those people saying the engine can't handle it, I call BS - we do this sort of thing with our community, it works just fine, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IHOjbb4McY


Don't waste your time, there's a reason why this game has lost over 500,000 subs and counting...latest posts in DEV tracker are about CARTEL MARKET junk, they are not addressing anyone's concerns on making the game better...

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There are several ways to implement open world pvp without stressing the engine to the point of making the game unplayable.


For example, i liked to a extent the ow pvp in WarHammer, where all leveling areas had a spot where players could pvp and take keeps and points of interest.


Bioware could add several new areas to the shared planets, like Nar Shaddaa, Alderaan, Voss, Quesh, Corellia, Tatooine, that will only allow players from a range of levels, like 20 to 27 in Nar Shaddaa and 25 to 32 in Tatooine, to be flagged for pvp, so they can fight for control of the base, ammo depot, etc. Completing the quests in those areas, along with killing opposite faction players and npc defending the area will give you warzone coms, valor and credits.


Holding the base or the POI will give a boost in reward xp and credits in pve questing, along with other several rewards.

Edited by Zalgred
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Doesn't matter who "makes" it or who "inspires" it. I don't know how you can possibly start great RP in this game when the world feels "forced", blocked off, with tons of loading screens after almost every door.


I have RP'd since before many of you were born... (AD&D first edition, back when you were a grad student to know you could place a phone on a cradle and dial a phone number to connect to a computer at another University.) The "role play" part was what YOU did...how you reacted... free form with the living people around you. You run into MAJOR road blocks if you rely on a computer program to be the other half. At BEST the computer program can provide the world, the basic plot line. Until there is a video game with a unique AI that can react to an infinite number of player personalities you will find NO video game that can provide you with more.


You characters personality, it's reactions, its feelings...the essence of RP is upon you and those you play with padawan... not a series of ones and zeroes.


This post actually exemplifies one of the reasons I curse technology on occasion. The point of RP servers in MMORPGs is NOT so the video game can provide you with the RP experience. It's so there is a place where RPers know where to go AND (in the better games with RP rulesets) provides an environment that protects the RPer's experience from the non-Rper who may have the name Pwnzerfaust or who may grief or belittle you etc. Computers have yet to come CLOSE to replacing human interaction and it is that interaction that makes RP, RP. If you are RPing solo... sorry that's not RP, that is a personal power fantasy...a day dream. There is a difference.

Edited by Ghisallo
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I have RP'd since before many of you were born...

Could be an assumtion, could be a lie... and wether or not, it doesn't matter. Even if you RP'd for 30+ Years now, it could still be possible that you are among those who consider "I waste him with a crossbow" or "I backstab him with a ballista" great roleplaying. This "I have done this for sooo long" is just the typical opener to a post that is not worth reading...


it is that interaction that makes RP, RP. If you are RPing solo... sorry that's not RP, that is a personal power fantasy...a day dream.

That's your opinion. One among thousands. And as it is only an opinion, it is lightyears away from being he truth. So, I was right in what I said about tha introductory sentence: not worth reading...

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That's your opinion. One among thousands. And as it is only an opinion, it is lightyears away from being he truth. So, I was right in what I said about tha introductory sentence: not worth reading...

No, it's true. RP is a cooperative endeavor. RPing solo is at best day-dreaming (as Ghisallo stated) and at worst severely delusional.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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