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What Are Your Expectations for Ziost?


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I remember thinking Manaan was just a teaser to a more expanded Manaan that included underwater mounts and swimming with two new playable races from water worlds. Those were my expectations for Manaan.


I figured, Manaan and underwater gear were implemented to give us a taste of what was to come, like some kind of really cool marketing from Bioware.


It turned out to not even be a planet, just a building with a flashpoint or two.


I have to say that I sadly agree with many of your sentiments, and want to thank you for your detailed post about problems that have arisen within this game and possible solutions to fix them. :cool: I also remember thinking when Manaan was first released that I was excited to see how they would expand it, and at the release of the Shadow of Revan expansion (SOR) that it would become an immersive planet with a distinctly nostalgic and charismatic appeal for a new page in The Old Republic as an MMO. Sadly, as we all know this has not been the case. It became one-dimensional and lacks any significant value other than aesthetic appeal (heck I go there just to listen to the music sometimes). As many others have voiced negative concerns here, I believe Manaan is quite representative of failed initiative. You have a planet that holds significant value for players due to past KOTOR experiences, but not only is the planet barely used, it literally only added a single quest line. I can't understand why this planet was under utilized. Going forward future planets, such as Ziost, should not be like this if Bioware really wishes to please their fans and improve the vitality of SWTOR as a game on a holistic scale.


My expectations for Xiost is barely a thought in my mind. I appreciate it as new content, but its just another flashpoint to me. Unless it's another Rishi and Makeb, which is more acceptable.


For such reasons it is natural to see why player expectations are quite low, which I believe most would acknowledge after examining all of the mostly negative pages within this thread. I have counted maybe one or two optimistic posts. Otherwise it's only players who are content for at least something more, but in reality aren't really "excited" about the content that is being added, as it doesn't really change anything. Even if it is another Rishi or Makeb many have indicated that even these planets have failed to deliver innovative content because story content has slowly been diminishing from 8 distinct class lines (levels 1-50), to 2 in Makeb (50-55), and 1 within Rishi/Yavin (55-60). I like others am at least happy to see additional content, but am saddened that little is being done to expand, capitalize, or meaningfully enhance this game's potential.


I would appreciate it even more if we got more honesty from Jeff Hickman. If its a planet then cool, advertise and market a new planet. If its just a building or a tiny moon, then be honest. Players won't get upset, they'll be like oh cool a new flashpoint or a new moon instead of feeling lied to. Manaan isn't a planet, its a building. Jeff Hickman lost allot of trust here.


If they wanted to make another Ilum that would be interesting. We could use a new PVP planet and definitely more PVP content. The community knows something was in the work for pvp, and are rightfully getting impatient because of the lack of communication. The 2015 roadmap isn't a 2015 roadmap. Last I checked it only talked about February, and a costume designer. That's not a roadmap for a year. I'm not sure what Jeff Hickman is doing here.


I'm wondering if everything is ok with the folks over at Austin. If projects are hitting obstacles, I think the community should be told. Its a very loyal community, and I am confident if a vision was shared with us, we would support it and be more understanding. But we don't know what the Vision is, we don't know what road we are on, we don't know what is to come. All we know, is what we see, as we are not being told much. And that is not good business in this industry. Look at how Star Citizens does marketing. Their fans know the vision. We used to be the same, we had vision. Today, we don't have that.


We need Jeff Hickman to put up a fight. All of the SWTOR players who are watching the marketing done by Chris Roberts from Cloud Imperium are being won over. Jeff Hickman needs to fight! Shareholder Board members see this too. They see Chris Roberts communicating, they see him putting on sci fi suits when communicating what projects they are working on with their community. They see Jeff Hickman introducing the idea of a crossserver, telling devs to ask us for new ideas for pvp maps, trying to enter in esports, etc and then going BLACK, complete silence because a mere obstacle. What is going on? Is this Disney forcing Bioware to stay silent??? We see it even worse with Dice's Battlefront. Or am I seeing into it too much and its really just Jeff Hickman not doing a good job at sharing the vision with the community? Am I being unfair comparing him to Chris Roberts? Maybe, but this is the competition. And their marketing beats Bioware's.



Ultimately, it does seem to come down to a lack of transparency. We've heard of the "costume designer" and Ziost coming to SWTOR in Spring, but it's already pretty close to April and we still have yet to see screenshots or any significant insight into the "vision" of SWTOR's design team. Most games I know typically have trailers, screenshots, forums, and media galore surrounding even small patch releases to pridefully display their hard work. However, this does not seem to be the case with SWTOR and it makes one question whether or not they know the direction they will be taking. Or even if they do know their direction, they do not wish to be explicitly clear about it with their fan base. I think many fans would even be content to hear that EA/Bioware is not looking to invest heavily in this game anymore. If the creators were simply honest about the health/state of the game; were explicit about bugs/problems they are facing, then maybe we as a community could rally to help them implement solutions to steadily improve this game with at least what we currently have. However, there seems to be a barrier between creators and players that not only is detrimental to the game, it seems to alienate the fans that are devoted to this game.


The open world PVP in my server is getting a little awkward. Thorazan, Tatooine is always full of action between the factions. Today on my server its a place where players challenge each other for friendly duels. Which isn't bad, but its not the same as an all out battle between strangers, where back up is needed from the fleet. I wouldnt say it lost its appeal, but its getting there. Factions don't really feel as opposed to each other as much as we used to be. It's still there of course, but I'm seeing way too many alliances and friendships between the factions. You approach a confrontation between factions, and what you see is a bunch of players standing around looking at a dual. Which is cool, but not when it becomes the norm.


We need a new faction, to help catch up with all the lost time not put into new PVP dynamics, including GSF/WZ maps. We need chairs that work. We need the Cantinas to function with Pazaak and Dejarik mini games that also work on mobile devices along with GTN and crafting mobile apps.


You hit on something that has been confusing me slowly over the years. Levels 1-50 in SWTOR are focused on an immense galactic war. Levels 50-55 (Makeb), while focused on this intergalactic conflict, was more concerned with political maneuverings in the war (obtaining isotope 5). Levels 55-60 have us actually working with the enemy (while perhaps justifiable in view of a shared common enemy) which seems a bit of a long stretch and serves to confuse me as to where these events are leading. How many years has transitioned over the course of these events? The over-arching story, in my opinion, is becoming fractured and a bit muddled by not standing diametrically opposed factions against one another. We’ve lost the comraderie of being defined as Sith vs. Jedi/Imperial vs. Republic and more. Not to say that there can’t be blurred lines, but the it should be implemented as a new faction, perhaps pirates, Hutts, cartel, or more. The defining distinctions of our characters and story are being lost and it is hurting the overall integrity of this game.


What if a new expansion actually implemented a substantially new mechanic to the game? For example, the Forces of Corruption expansion to Star Wars: Empire at War RTS game that was released in 2006 added new pirate factions to the infrastructure of the game. Could not the same be done for SWTOR and revitalize critical ethical, moral, and story based dimensions within the Star Wars universe? The community has been asking for concepts such as pazaak, speeder racing, additional PvP maps, expanded GSF (which at least is now present in the game), increased story (rather than a reduction to a single story line) for quite some time now. All of which has vaguely, if ever, even been addressed by the creators. If the developers could at least frankly address these questions and desires I believe our community would be much less toxic and more hopeful. However, this is the state we are currently in.


So in short my expectations for Xiost or Ziost or whatever is somewhat appreciative, but I'm with the camp that is looking for more pvp maps and new stuff like pazaak, working chairs, stuff players are beginning to feel somewhat embarrassed to ask for.


Anyways. Jeff Hickman put on a starfighter suit, make a video of you walking through the film studios of the coming Star Wars movies, and talk to us. We want you to talk to us. Musco is great and all, but at the end of the day we all know he only says what he is told and paid to say by his supervisors. We want to see more Jeff Hickman talking about how excited he is to introduce a new open world PVP planet with numerous PVP arenas of 2v2, 4v4, 8v8, 16v16 all over the planet WITH VOICE ACTED STORY.


It's time to remember who we are.




I realize this is a ridiculously long post, but I think that some changes are necessary for both SWTOR and the communication between our community and the developers. For those who have taken the time to read my musings, ramblings, and the thoughts of others; thank you for your time and thoughtful contributions. With this post I wish to devise a consolidated ranking of top features expected by the community for upcoming releases throughout this year. Regardless if the developers ever pay attention is not something we can control, but at least we are clear about what we actually want and can work together as a community to revitalize the atmosphere of this game that we care about and wish to positively embrace. :rak_01:



1. Bug and Server Lag Stability Fixes (such as have been meticulously noted by the community)

2. A return to dynamic and dimensional stories focused on the “war” at hand (at the bare minimum two-sided faction based stories, which for many is a significant compromise from the eight we had initially).

3. Additional PvP and Galactic Starfighter (GSF) expansion. (Where is GSF in the 2015 Roadmap?)

4. Expansion of planets beyond daily areas (Mannan, CZ-198, and others).

5. Inclusion of planet based events such as Pazaak, speeder racing, or more.

6. Implementation of additional species and character creation options (in accordance with the desires and votes of the community) (Yes we have the Togruta coming this year, but why are we only able to receive one species per year?).

7. A polished Flashpoint and Ops system that is more cohesive than the fractured and mixed implementation of Tactical, Hard Mode, Normal, and Nightmare quest runs. (The system as is, is confusing, not worthwhile for particular comms or rewards, sometimes plagued by game-breaking bugs, and does not enable players to easily find the player groups that they are looking for).


Please feel free to comment, add links to other posts which highlight concerns within this list, or suggest other additions which should be included. I will continue to embellish and evolve this list as the dialogue within our community continues. It's been great to a part of SWTOR's community alongside you guys.:rolleyes:

Edited by ObsidianVashti
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I'm expecting....ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I had high expectations for Makeb, Oricon, CZ-198, & GSF. All were utter disappointments imo (as a player who plays 99% solo). Everything released after tha

those.... I haven't been concerned with At all. So I HAVE no expectations. In all honesty...I don't know what they're doing at ALL this year, because IDGAF anymore.

Edited by ImmortalLowlife
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I'm expecting....ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I had high expectations for Makeb, Oricon, CZ-198, & GSF. All were utter disappointments imo (as a player who plays 99% solo). Everything released after tha

those.... I haven't been concerned with At all. So I HAVE no expectations. In all honesty...I don't know what they're doing at ALL this year, because IDGAF anymore.


Well, if you expected solo experience from GSF, you did not read the released info carefully. It was always meant to be a "squad based tactical spacefighter minigame".

Also, how was Makeb not soloable?

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Well, if you expected solo experience from GSF, you did not read the released info carefully. It was always meant to be a "squad based tactical spacefighter minigame".

Also, how was Makeb not soloable?


I've been here since beta cuz. I followed GSF from the moment they started talking about the SSSP. I expected GSF.... "A spacefighter minigame" to give us optional control schemes. I expected them to provide support for a joystick/controller, instead of that bs "chase the cursor" mouse controls. I expected a tutorial that was ACTUALLY worth a damn.


And Makeb at launch was a gold mob orgy. You couldn't go 5 inches without running into a pack of gold enemies. This was BEFORE bolster. Makeb is also where they thought it was a good idea to switch from individual stories to faction stories. Meaning (for me at least) there was absolutely NO reason to play thru it more than once for each side. (Pub & Imp).


THAT'S what I was expecting. And it's because of bonehead dev/company decisions like the ones they made that IDGAF anymore.

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I've been here since beta cuz. I followed GSF from the moment they started talking about the SSSP. I expected GSF.... "A spacefighter minigame" to give us optional control schemes. I expected them to provide support for a joystick/controller, instead of that bs "chase the cursor" mouse controls. I expected a tutorial that was ACTUALLY worth a damn.


And Makeb at launch was a gold mob orgy. You couldn't go 5 inches without running into a pack of gold enemies. This was BEFORE bolster. Makeb is also where they thought it was a good idea to switch from individual stories to faction stories. Meaning (for me at least) there was absolutely NO reason to play thru it more than once for each side. (Pub & Imp).


THAT'S what I was expecting. And it's because of bonehead dev/company decisions like the ones they made that IDGAF anymore.


A solo player will never be happy in an MMO.

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I see a new stronghold maybe being build around ziost .daily area and world boss and 2 FP and main story for the new raids coming end of year.


At this point am playing just to see story , killed pug runs for me a while back


I highly doubt there would be a stronghold here. I would assume this will either be an empire aligned planet or one that is actively being fought over by the two factions (leaning towards the second). Having Republic strongholds on a planet of either type wouldn't really make sense IMO. I'd expect future strongholds to be on more neutral planets: Voss, Mannan, Alderaan. OR have single faction strongholds like Kaas/Cour but they would have to be in pairs. Examples: Koriban/Tython (only one I can really see). Ziost wouldn't fit either of these molds.

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A solo player will never be happy in an MMO.




I've "mostly" enjoyed playing all the different class stories from lvl 1-50. Aside from doing some of the planetary quest for the umpteenth time. I've been satisfied to pay a sub every month, and build a PC for no other reason than to play THIS game on max settings.

Edited by ImmortalLowlife
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A solo player will never be happy in an MMO.
I disagree. Aside from RP, I am a 99.99% solo player in SWTOR and LOTRO, and I've been happy for years in both games. I was a solo player in WOW, Age of Conan, and every other MMO I've played in which a character does not require a group to earn XP. I was happy in all of those games. The most frustrating MMO I played was FFXI, in which you had to have a group to earn XP at even a snail's pace (players would spend hours LFG ... with nothing else to do in game).


I love playing solo in an MMO. Even my characters who are in Guilds generally play solo (again, aside from RP). I am a solitary figure wandering the universe. And I like it that way.

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What I expect: A CZ-198 / Black Hole sized Daily Area that advances the post-SoR storyline by means of a single breadcrumb conversation that sends you to Ziost and a single wrap-up conversation after you've done all the Dailies there once (like we had with CZ-198). All the missions themselves are given via a Mission Terminal or non-cutscene NPCs like we saw on the Yavin Dailies. There may be some voice-overs that go on in the background as you progress the quests to give the sense of an advancing plot, similar to Lana / Theron's voice-overs in the background of the Forged Alliances Flashpoints.


What I would like: An Oricon-sized Daily Area that combines some of the mission setups they introduced on Oricon and Yavin, specifically: that the first time in the Daily Area you do each mission in a linear progression with full cutscenes like we had on Oricon, advancing the storyline as if they were a one-time quest chain. Background dialogue as you progress through the missions (similar to Theron / Lana's voice-overs during the Forged Alliances FPs). After the quest chain with cutscenes has been completed the first time, the same mission mechanics become Daily Missions, preferably given by NPCs using the one-click mission setup we saw on Rishi and Yavin (click on the NPC, get a pop-up box to accept mission, a voice-over plays in the background but no cutscene) instead of from a Mission Terminal.

Edited by DarthDymond
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No expectations since it wouldn't be sensible to develop any after having played TOR this long.


What I hope Ziost will include:


- New and more PVP stuff even if it's just a new map and WZ type. Evil Siff temple or forest map or whatever.

- An actual planet. Not a little map or daily area that BW calls a planet.

- It's the home of the Sith. Make that matter as far as story goes.

- Individual class or at least faction stories that take some time. No more shared stuff to save a buck like they're poor.

- I don't do progression PVE and rarely do Ops/FPs anymore, but want to see new stuff included for those that do.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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