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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What Are Your Expectations for Ziost?


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First off, 3.2 will contain NO OPS. The entire main 3.x patch story will be soloable, either with the droid or Revan-type fights. Second, Ziost will be about the size of Quesh, and, as I said before, will contain 1 imperial mission, 1 republic mission, 3 missions that are the same for both factions, and 1 class story mission with a tough boss at the end. There will also be two tactical/solo flashpoints, which I should have the boss strats up for tomorrow. Ziost will also have dailies, plus a heroic, which are NOT part of the main story. Recommended gear for Ziost is full 178 (augments not needed) on you and your companion. Legacy comp gear from yavin should make it pretty easy. The flashpoints are a step up in difficulty from Blood Hunt and Battle of Rishi SM, but not as hard as the 60 HMs. You and your companion will get bolstered in story mode (~45-53k health for players, 41-46k for companions). These flashpoints drop the same loot as HM 60s. Also, I hear BH and BoR HM are getting moved to a new category that requires and drops better gear, and gives ultimate comms instead of elite. Appearance designer too, although I haven't heard much about that.
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Alright. What are my expectations for Ziost?


Well, for the planet itself I'm expecting something Quesh/Oricon in size. Bigger than Yavin smaller than Rishi, but I won't be disappointed if its smaller necessarily. Unless its black hole/cz-198 sized, then yeah I'll be slightly underwhelmed.


Mission wise? A solo-able quest chain of anywhere from 5 to seven missions that will become dailes after completing the quest chain. Now, I'm not anticipating any new operations just yet but I won't discount the possibility that we may get a new one or a new flashpoint along with Ziost. I do think we'll get at least one new heroic like we did get with oricon.


As for difficulty I wouldn't be surprised if it was on par with oricon when it launched for 55's. I do hope it'll be a beautifully designed world on par with Rishi/Yavin.

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What I'm expecting:

- daily area with one time story mission like Oricon

- one tactical FP at the end of it that has a one time solo mode and will get a HM version around September

- a new faction for reputation grinding

- some lore objects and maybe a hidden boss or world boss


What I think we will also get at the same time

- character designer

- Togruta as playable race


What I'm hoping for:

- One boss OPs like Toborro

- The daily area being twice as big as Oricon

- More than 5 minutes of class mission

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My expectations for Ziost are a mine field that I'm walking through and I am not entirely sure where I put all of the mines anymore so they might blow up in my own face.


My hopes are a bit more positive...I really do hope they'll do something nice with this, but I do wonder what they mean with the return of story because they certainly do seem to avoid the term class story.

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What I'm hoping for:

- One boss OPs like Toborro

- The daily area being twice as big as Oricon

- More than 5 minutes of class mission


My daddy always said "Wish in one hand, sh*t in the other - then see which one fills up fastest."


I agree, 110% - but given what 3.0 was, and what they have ahead of them in terms of engineering load....ehhhh....I *want* to have faith...but I don't.

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I picture Ziost similar to the latest planets like Oricon, Rishi and Yavin IV. Similar size, similar settings, similar story, similar missions. Nothing more, nothing less. More Oricon like Rishi though.


They said (if I recall correctly) that they will focus on single player missions and stories from now on which I think is a very wise decision. Therefore my hopes (not expectations!) are that there will be only maybe one heroic and one flashpoint, both not necessary to finish for the story. Everything else can be easily done solo.


I don't care for any new operation. But if they add one, I would hope that it will be one which you can finish in short time. I simply don't have the time, power and will to play a mission which takes 2 hours or so. It is a total overkill after a long working day in the office. In my opinion, an operation should take 30 minutes if you know what you are doing and 60 minutes if you are new. Everything else leaves out most of the playerbase. But I digress.

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Not what he said Jatta...


...Three years ago, we set out to deliver a product that contained the best of two worlds – the immersive story experience from a single-player RPG and the vast array of systems and social connection from an online multiplayer game. Since launch, we have mainly focused on the latter, adding Galactic Strongholds, achievements, legacy perks, reputation tracks, and Galactic Starfighter. But with the success of the Shadow of Revan expansion, we think it’s time that we return to our roots and what truly makes our game unique: story.

Shadow of Revan was just the beginning. In 2015, we are committed to bringing you more character-driven adventures in the Old Republic universe. You’re going to see a unified story, with a focus on themes that unite our eight classes...


You will note that there is NOTHING in that about how FPs and OPs are part of their "mission accomplished" message. Also if you look at the FPs and OPs they actually complete the stories. You meet the individual dread masters, and kill them...etc. You see what the Gree are capable of. When you also include what was said by Bioware about why they failed at launch... One of the reasons being they didn't have enough "end game content" (the exact comment was "as an example there was only one Operation") they will likely yes, have more class story based stuff... But that will lead to FPs and OPs the same as Revan did because those stories are integrated into the FPs and OPs. They just aren't going to use resources for more " fluff" which is really what the achievements, legacy perks and strong holds are.

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What do you whiners do in this game that makes your experience so miserable?


Unlike your we don't enter a dream world as soon as we login to the game. We stay conscious and look at the sad reality of where this game went to. You can call us whiners as much as you like but it won't ever change the reality.

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What I expect,

1 new daily area with Reputation to grind, an area the size of CZ-198

1 weekly quest & 5 to 7 daily quests with 1 heroic

1 tactical FP

2-5 seconds Ability lag in the new area for 2-4 weeks


What I hope for is something worthy of the SW IP and polished, not introducing a new round of bugs that will be ignored till the servers shut down

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Unlike your we don't enter a dream world as soon as we login to the game. We stay conscious and look at the sad reality of where this game went to. You can call us whiners as much as you like but it won't ever change the reality.


If nothing will change the reality you might as well just enjoy it for what it is. It is still a very fun game you know.

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If nothing will change the reality you might as well just enjoy it for what it is. It is still a very fun game you know.

If i were a totally new player, yes i would feel that way but not at this stage. i had to leave my 1st guild after the game went f2p since none of my old guildmates are ever going to come back. after lots of try i found a good guild, i am with them for 2 years now but most of the active ones are living one by one, they can't just keep playing the game with all these majestic problems going on, unlike me they are huge SW fans but still they can't take it anymore, only 4 of the most loved people of current guild left playing. People who have been on my friendlist for years are disappearing one by one, it is getting quite boring for me.

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I really wish that EA/BW developers actually read posts like this.


Not because they are correct, mind you. Instead, these types of posts clearly show the cynicism and callousness that has pervaded this games community. And there is a reason for it.


You can only disappoint people so many times before this kind of stuff happens. The player base has been disappointed so many times that there is no longer a sense of anticipation when it comes to new content, no excited discussions about what might be.


Yeah, the forums are filled with the "vocal minority" but even a small sample size can be indicative of a greater whole. How many players are out there stumbling through the game with disappointment because it isn't what they expect, or what it could be? The play the game in silence until they finally have enough and leave and we will never know.


The vocal minority tends to stick it out, no matter how beaten down they get, not because of some masochistic need to suffer through their hobby but because they are invested in it. This discontent shown here and in other posts is a symptom and unless EA/BW gets a handle on it and starts putting out quality game play...well, no amount of cash shop purchases can save a game that people don't want to play.


What do I expect? I expect an expansion/update release that is mostly bug free and that contains enjoyable and re-playable content that I will enjoy until the next one rolls along. Based on past experiences, my expectations are doomed to be shattered on the hard rock of reality but I just hope my guild mates are still around since they are the only reason I continue to play this game.

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I really wish that EA/BW developers actually read posts like this.


Not because they are correct, mind you. Instead, these types of posts clearly show the cynicism and callousness that has pervaded this games community. And there is a reason for it.


You can only disappoint people so many times before this kind of stuff happens. The player base has been disappointed so many times that there is no longer a sense of anticipation when it comes to new content, no excited discussions about what might be.


Yeah, the forums are filled with the "vocal minority" but even a small sample size can be indicative of a greater whole. How many players are out there stumbling through the game with disappointment because it isn't what they expect, or what it could be? The play the game in silence until they finally have enough and leave and we will never know.


The vocal minority tends to stick it out, no matter how beaten down they get, not because of some masochistic need to suffer through their hobby but because they are invested in it. This discontent shown here and in other posts is a symptom and unless EA/BW gets a handle on it and starts putting out quality game play...well, no amount of cash shop purchases can save a game that people don't want to play.


What do I expect? I expect an expansion/update release that is mostly bug free and that contains enjoyable and re-playable content that I will enjoy until the next one rolls along. Based on past experiences, my expectations are doomed to be shattered on the hard rock of reality but I just hope my guild mates are still around since they are the only reason I continue to play this game.


I'm sorry... I just don't understand this attitude, I've played since launch, well shortly thereafter, and I still get a lot of enjoyment out of this game. I loved SoR and thought it was a big step in the right direction after makeb, which admittedly was a big disappointment for me. Aside from their treatment of the Revan character I thought it was an awesome expansion. Were there bugs? Yeah, but the game-breaking bugs were fixed after early access, and I'm still really excited for Ziost. Could I be disappointed? Yes. But I imagine I'll still enjoy the content regardless of how much or little of it there is, and at the end of the day that's really what matters.

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