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Are the character storylines fully soloable now?


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See that Ord Mantell Squadron 01 in my sig?


Yeah, I was one of the very first group to get a beta weekend for SWTOR, several months before the regular beta weekends started.


So did I. Your point?


You know it's true whether you will admit it or not.


What I do know is that this come across as a L2P issue. It is surely not related with any quests being broken, or not fully soloable.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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If you like those, you'll love this.


See that Ord Mantell Squadron 01 in my sig?


Yeah, I was one of the very first group to get a beta weekend for SWTOR, several months before the regular beta weekends started.


But in all seriousness, anyone who has played MMOs at all knows that anytime you comment on difficulty the thread is going to fill with epeens telling you how easy it is and how you just suck. They are desperate to try to impress people who don't care about them one bit. Happens on every forum in every game if you mention difficulty of anything.


You know it's true whether you will admit it or not.


Or you know, maybe you just suck more than you think and others find it much easier than you. The content was always easy. This was my first MMO and I never had any trouble leveling any of my characters.


Some of you seem really seem to be missing the part where I said the last time I played was over 3 YEARS ago. I'd lay very good odds that most of those claiming to have been here the whole time haven't and they're just talking about the current state of the game and not the state at launch.


Easy way to tell, check their user ID. It's at the end of the link if you hover over their profile picture. Hint, I was registered 110,000 accounts before you. The first ~2 million accounts were here at launch.


And so you had all that time before anyone else with the game, and yet you still failed where they succeeded?

Edited by MillionsKNives
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Some of you seem really seem to be missing the part where I said the last time I played was over 3 YEARS ago. I'd lay very good odds that most of those claiming to have been here the whole time haven't and they're just talking about the current state of the game and not the state at launch.

I have been here. This was my first MMO, i only started to play because it was SW themed. My first character was a sentinel. I admit i had problems with it at first, because i didn't keybind, i wasn't using proper rotations or DCD, i used crappy green gear from random loot with no idea about secondary stat balance, i wasn't using interupts etc. So yeah, i had hard time. But i still managed to solo every class quest, even while being crappy player.


Only later i learned the basics of gearing, using the skills, roles in groups etc. Since then i leveled 6 other characters (including consular), this time using appropriate gear and skills and it was always a breeze. I believe if i leveled the knight again, even with missions kept as they were in 2012, there wouldn't be any issues with a difficulty.


Maybe you should stop questioning the experience of overwhelming majority and start to look for a problem elsewhere.

Edited by PanVlk
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If we are talking strictly normal missions no heroics then yes even a full spec healer with the right comp (decently geared) shouldn't have any problems. Heroics on the other hand, If you are well geared, your comp is well geared, and you're smart/careful you can solo pretty much all the +2 heroics.
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Perhaps OP should've asked if the game is now *easily* soloable. Even then I'm sure I'm giving people in this game a disservice. OP, you may have had issues soloing, and we get that. However to say the game wasn't able to completed without anyone's help is false. I know you have such and such experience in other games, yada yada yada, but you think the rest of us are lying about our experience during launch? Come on man!


No one has any reason to lie to you or embellish, certainty not this many people that have replied to you thread. Also one of BIoware's promises back then (you know back when they kept promises) was the level 1-50 story would be soloable guaranteed. I hate to say it, it just sounds like you didn't get the game at that time. That's OK.

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Don't understand why everyone thinks healer sage is hard. Not to brag, or be elitist or anything, but I found my healer sage to be pretty easy compared to the other classes. Never had to ask for help on class missions. They have a few hard fights (Stark, belsavis final boss). If any of the classes' fights are particularly hard, it's the Knight's.
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Many of them had quests that could not be soloed by their intended class at the intended level.


So you can play tough guys if you want. I was there and I know.


Don't come back, you will fail...like you always do.





Edited by PavSalco
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And that is why the fights against...

The Voice of the Emperor and Baras, for example, became such a joke ever since Vanilla. :rolleyes:


I was surprised at the end of those fights to find my Quinn and my poorly spec'd Tank Jugg with DPS rotation with 70% of total health, if not fully healed. Made the fights a little underwhelming since y'know...


Baras is supposed to be some powerhouse and the Voice is the Voice.


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Some of you seem really seem to be missing the part where I said the last time I played was over 3 YEARS ago. I'd lay very good odds that most of those claiming to have been here the whole time haven't and they're just talking about the current state of the game and not the state at launch.


- Preordered

- Played until April 2012

- Played randomly until Summer 2013

- Resub in Oct/Nov 2013 and have been playing ever since


Why did I stop playing? Because I couldn't beat lvl24 elite in JK story.

Problem? I didn't use anything that interrupts and I was clicker.

When I returned I deleted all of my other characters and only left my main.

I tried JK again. Same "problem". I leveled Shadow to level 50 and while I was doing that I slowly moved away from clicking and started to use mouse for moving and found few good keybinds for abilities.

Nowadays I only click few abilities like Rocket Boost, mounts etc.

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Yeah, I was one of the very first group to get a beta weekend for SWTOR, several months before the regular beta weekends started.


Congrats. You've been terrible at this game for a long time. Is that supposed to be impressive somehow?


There is no storyline encounter in this game that is not soloable. Maybe you're not geared well. Maybe your companion isn't geared well. Maybe your rotation is ****. Maybe you're missing a key ability. Who knows? Record you doing this impossible bass fight along with your gear, and you'll have people tell you what you're doing wrong.

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If you like those, you'll love this.


See that Ord Mantell Squadron 01 in my sig?


Yeah, I was one of the very first group to get a beta weekend for SWTOR, several months before the regular beta weekends started.


But in all seriousness, anyone who has played MMOs at all knows that anytime you comment on difficulty the thread is going to fill with epeens telling you how easy it is and how you just suck. They are desperate to try to impress people who don't care about them one bit. Happens on every forum in every game if you mention difficulty of anything.


You know it's true whether you will admit it or not.


Not sure what the issue was, I solod the sorc storyline pretty easily using Ash.


Are you using all your interrupts? This is a biggie. Some fights can seem ridiculously hard if you don't interrupt the bosses big hitter attacks.


Are you mouse moving and using keybinds on all your skills?


Equipping orange gear and keeping the mods up to date for you and your comp?


Not bragging or hating on you dude, but given how easy I found all 4 Imp story lines, I'm thinking you are doing something wrong.

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- Preordered

- Played until April 2012

- Played randomly until Summer 2013

- Resub in Oct/Nov 2013 and have been playing ever since


Why did I stop playing? Because I couldn't beat lvl24 elite in JK story.

Problem? I didn't use anything that interrupts and I was clicker.

When I returned I deleted all of my other characters and only left my main.

I tried JK again. Same "problem". I leveled Shadow to level 50 and while I was doing that I slowly moved away from clicking and started to use mouse for moving and found few good keybinds for abilities.

Nowadays I only click few abilities like Rocket Boost, mounts etc.


While interrupts are important , I disagree about your implications that clicking is bad for everyone. While key binding may be good for you, I feel much more confident clicking and felt key binding didn't feel right for me. As for difficulty, I've clicked through all ops including NiM and never felt at a disadvantage. Maybe there is one on some scale but I couldn't tell. But anyways this topic.


If OP is not troll (Likely with the classic opening I used to play this game now bow peons), well this gave me a greater laugh than the thread about Lord Mundo in KDY taking to long. At least about the new OPs people had a few gripes.

But OP you aren't telling us which part or where isn't soloable. I've done all class sides for Imps and the only mission that was difficult wasn't even a class quest but the Voss Sel-Makor but only because I didn't know how to use my DCD's and interrupts at the time. Just because you played other MMO's and played this a while ago doesn't mean that you know everything, that is arrogancs.

But again if troll go back under your bridge.

Edited by FerkWork
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.....Why did I stop playing? Because I couldn't beat lvl24 elite in JK story.

Problem? I didn't use anything that interrupts and I was clicker.


Lol I'm STILL a clicker. I use WASD to move, the majority of my abilities are 1 thru =, And I still don't have problems playing the class stories. :D

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I stopped playing shortly after launch and one thing that annoyed me at the time was, I'm an almost full time soloer and yet some of the class story missions were not soloable.


I saw that the FPs have solo mode now, but did they change the regualr quests?



every class quest is soloable.

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I wouldn't recommend Sage as a first char for a new player. I wish I had started with some other class back at launch. I have been astonished at how much easier it is to play any other class, and especially to solo my class quests.


I'm not very good at combat in any game, but I enjoy them nonetheless. I struggle with the more complicated combat combos and builds but that's okay. I have a playstyle that works for me and I usually choose a mage or rogue class that suits my style. But for SWTOR, Sage was not a good class to start with. Too squishy and difficult to learn to play well for someone like me who is hardcore casual.


The end of chapter 3 was the one that got me the worst. I finally realized the timing of my interrupt was the crucial element to winning that encounter. Took a few deaths to figure that out. Sage was tough. But it is soloable. Just have to be more strategic.

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Lol I'm STILL a clicker. I use WASD to move, the majority of my abilities are 1 thru =, And I still don't have problems playing the class stories. :D


Yup that's how I roll :D #thuglfye

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I was surprised at the end of those fights to find my Quinn and my poorly spec'd Tank Jugg with DPS rotation with 70% of total health, if not fully healed. Made the fights a little underwhelming since y'know...


Baras is supposed to be some powerhouse and the Voice is the Voice.


Must cater to the baddies who get to LV50 without once using their Interrupt ability.


Reading is hard, sis'. :p

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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While interrupts are important , I disagree about your implications that clicking is bad for everyone. While key binding may be good for you, I feel much more confident clicking and felt key binding didn't feel right for me. As for difficulty, I've clicked through all ops including NiM and never felt at a disadvantage. Maybe there is one on some scale but I couldn't tell. But anyways this topic.


Good clicker who knows rotation is always better than someone who tries to use keybinds only/doesn't know rotation.


But for me, as a blind person (or that's what they keep calling me), keybinds are far superior because I don't have to look at quickbars/keyboard at all and can focus on what's happening on screen. Of course I, as old skool Unreal/Quake player, also use WASD for moving around.

Edited by Halinalle
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There was a time that there were some class quests that were harder for certain specs than others. The Agent storyline comes to mind for example. There is a conflict on the bridge of a ship that was HELL for some classes to complete at the level the quest was slated for. Other agents, depending on spec, could do it fine.


I think a lot of folks have gotten somewhat spoiled by the current state of the game. For your first character, depending what class they were, some missions were quite hard. For your second character, no matter what class they were, you were likely better equipped and you likely found things much easier. for your 7th Character it was likely 'Yawn' BOOM I win!

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I just started playing in November, I completed the story on an agent healer, got to 39 on a sorc dps, 34 so far on my trooper dps.


Im a 3 to 4 moth mmo player, quite the noob, and the only problems I had in story missions or any missions meant to be solo-able ended up being gearing, and in one instance using interrupts. Once I went to fleet and geared up or started using the interrupt on the snipers on alderaan, it was no problem.

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There was a time that there were some class quests that were harder for certain specs than others. The Agent storyline comes to mind for example. There is a conflict on the bridge of a ship that was HELL for some classes to complete at the level the quest was slated for. Other agents, depending on spec, could do it fine.


I think a lot of folks have gotten somewhat spoiled by the current state of the game. For your first character, depending what class they were, some missions were quite hard. For your second character, no matter what class they were, you were likely better equipped and you likely found things much easier. for your 7th Character it was likely 'Yawn' BOOM I win!


My first character was a marksman Sniper and I remember the fight you're talking about. My first time doing it I got so annoyed with it I went to play one of my other chars for awhile but after I figured it out it was quite easy.

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My first character was a marksman Sniper and I remember the fight you're talking about. My first time doing it I got so annoyed with it I went to play one of my other chars for awhile but after I figured it out it was quite easy.



Watcher Two explains quite thoroughly what goes down during that fight, and what the Agent needs to do.

Never been able to fully understand why people had issues with it.

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