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No Unload, no problem?

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all powertechs/ vanguards should gain jet charge/storm


Now this would maker sense. I still cant figure out how I am going to fill the hole on my leveling PT. Just wait a few levels to get a skill to fill that gap? If I spam what I have I will overheat...made that mistake already.

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Before you get your harder hitting abilities at higher levels, it is very useful in pve as it is a standard or weak 3 sec stun while dpsing when other things like death from above, sticky grenade etc are off cooldown.

Now that Bioware has officially named vanguards and powertechs a "melee" class, it makes no sense that we don't get a gap filler, if you say oh but you have hydraulic overrides other melee don't get that, then think again.

Jugg gets 1 (2 gap closers in one spec) and 50% speed boost and movement immunity for 10sec with utility, (20 sec in tank spec)

Assassins get stealth and root immunity force speed with 15 sec cooldown + rooting knockback.


It just makes sense for powertechs/vanguards to get jet charge/storm baseline, especially if we are losing ranged abilities that force us into melee. Some people don't like unload but some people do/did.

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Before you get your harder hitting abilities at higher levels, it is very useful in pve as it is a standard or weak 3 sec stun while dpsing when other things like death from above, sticky grenade etc are off cooldown.

Now that Bioware has officially named vanguards and powertechs a "melee" class, it makes no sense that we don't get a gap filler, if you say oh but you have hydraulic overrides other melee don't get that, then think again.

Jugg gets 1 (2 gap closers in one spec) and 50% speed boost and movement immunity for 10sec with utility, (20 sec in tank spec)

Assassins get stealth and root immunity force speed with 15 sec cooldown + rooting knockback.


It just makes sense for powertechs/vanguards to get jet charge/storm baseline, especially if we are losing ranged abilities that force us into melee. Some people don't like unload but some people do/did.


I agree with you I used unload as a pull early game AP and Pyro since the class' taunts are trash. We need a gap closer since hydraulic overrides is junk unless you rolling overdrive. Also I think the class should have Jet Charge as well since the other classes with tank tree have a push and ours doesn't. Plus I haven't found a use for Jet Charge as a Merc. If they're saying some moves are useless in a class then Mercs shouldn't get Flamethrower at all since nothing works with it.

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First pvp match of the day, it was a reg and guess who the first enemy i saw was? An assassin. Who shrouded early, boy, it would have been nice to have unload, but no auto shot for the loss. It does help with the damages. Also, hate the new shoulder cannon cooldown. It is no longer usable as a pseudo medpack, you need to pepper it throughout your game play, and not at once. Which really sucks for tank. Edited by HaemmernZeit
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my big problem with this is its an ability you get very early on as a trooper or BH and is used heavily till you hit your advanced class. This was an early ability and as such should be replace not just removed, that only leaves a dps void while lvling.
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my big problem with this is its an ability you get very early on as a trooper or BH and is used heavily till you hit your advanced class. This was an early ability and as such should be replace not just removed, that only leaves a dps void while lvling.


Sub level ten, is more or less meaningless. You can get to ten with nothing but hammer shot. Also you get pulse cannon earlier now

Edited by Zoom_VI
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Personally, I think its just a silly idea. as many have stated already, you just don't use it if you don't want to. I do find it a bit interesting that even people that say it was a bad filler and bring up the skills they'd much rather use still USED IT when it was there. Why? because it WAS THERE. and it filled a purpose. It gave you options you didn't have before.


Was it the greatest skill since sliced bread for PT's? no. But it filled a gap...unless you run a tank build, you really don't get a gap closer, especially early on. and it allowed early rotations to not feel so empty. now we'll fill them with auto-shot. fantastic. well, i guess that will be about the only ability that will even show our crystals anymore.


You know...I wonder if they shouldn't just take the pistol away from the PT. Give them a techstaff like Torian. I've often appreciated the look of the heavy merc armor with the techstaff. it certainly would fit the concept better. or just take away the weapon completely...were the "Suit of armor" class anyways...all of our abilites save autoshot now come from out armor.


I am also a fan of giving jet charge to all specs. again....removing Unload killed one of our only decent early ranged options. pulse cannon/flame thrower is 10m. I guess we have missile blast...but still, jet charge is so much more effective. You don't realize what your missing till you have it and can use it.


Is it just me, or is 3.0 really beginning to feel like the death knell of interesting AC's? bit by bit they are killing what made each different AC feel interesting to me. This is the first expansion where I honestly wouldn't mind if they rolled back the whole thing and gave us 2.whatever, and just made minor tweaks from there.

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You guys have it all wrong, being a Powertech Tank is relevant. If you choose to be a DPS Powertech upload is one of your primary ability's short range or long range in PVP and PVE. SO now I went from 1-60 and lost unload. Now instead of being slightly 50/50 close range and long range now I'm 99 percent close range so I should which to a tank which I don't want to be, I want to stay as a DPS Powertech, now with only one primary gun power which is pathetic, So now a powertech does not need a gun anymore. This change of upload is 100 percent Pathetic, So now I have too Unsubscribe. Edited by JediTravinski
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Ok here is how I see it... first off, to those of you who think that PT/VG Tanks are suppose to be close range tanks... you're wrong. But with the removal of Full Auto and Unload I have no choice but to be mostly close range with semi-limited ranged abilities. Now if I wanted to be a close range tank I would play on my Guardian or my Juggernaut NOT my powertech or my Vanguard. In most people's opinions Vanguards and Powertanks make the best tanks and you want to know why that is? Versatility.... prior to Full Auto and Rapid Fire being taken away Powertechs and Vanguards were really proficient at tanking at both close AND long range. Now they are not... so I ask.... what's the point in playing a vanguard/powertech? As it stands the ranged tanking (if you can even call it that) is no longer aesthetically pleasing which leaves me to just do close range tanking.... yet my guardian/juggernaut does it better. And DPS powertech/Vangurd is out of the question considering the alternative advance class (especially now) does better DPS. i.e. Mercenaries and Commandos. So with this unjustified nerf I ask again... why should I play on my Vanguard or my powertech?


On a side note, both my powertech and my vanguard use the Czerka weapons (Pistol and rifle) which both have rotating barrels. Now w/o Unload or Full Auto, having them just seems silly and I'm not going to stop using them (I spent 2 months of sub CCs on them). Not to mention now I have less chances to actually see my crystal color which makes the 200k I spent on the crystal aesthetically worthless. I love this game Bioware and yor game helped me get over a Bantha-scum of a game *cough* Star Trek Online *cough* but when I see stuff like this I am deeply disappointed. If you absolutely NEEDED to nerf these classes than nerf the abilities.. don't take them away. Or better yet have them disabled in the instances where they were too over-powered but, again, don't take them away.

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My issues with Unload being taken away are 1.) it's an ability we've had access to since beta, 2.) it makes for good filler when you're waiting for other things to come off cooldown, 3.) they're not replacing it with anything, so one less ability and 4.) one less reason for us to even have guns and color crystals.


I think this is an ill conceived decision by BioWare, which was clearly not considered from the player perspective. They're really on a roll lately canceling and taking things away, aren't they?


Ok, I've read all the posts on here, opinion seems to be split 50/50. People make good points for both sides of the argument, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and own type of play style. I'm a PT dps and I am not pleased that they eliminated it entirely and wish they'd bring it back, it's more of the 'principle' of the thing. Granted I rarely used Unload in pvp, you want to be moving and mobile and being a sitting duck for 3 secs certainly isn't ideal, although it was useful at times to counter the sin shroud as people have mentioned, and in a few other situations like helping a team mate finish off an opponent quickly with super low health at range. But in pve, where you don't have to be as mobile in certain fights it came in handy, especially as a filler when waiting for other abilities to come off CD. Also I liked the flexibility in pve to be able to switch between melee and ranged attacks and to at least have Unload available as an option if it was warranted or needed, and it did decent dmg, especially if 1-3 of the 'ticks' were crit hits. Like I said it's more of the principle of the thing, although PT is melee, a 'blaster/gun' in it's nature is a ranged weapon, and it was nice to have at least 1 ranged blaster attack, especially from a role playing perspective. A PT's 'main hand weapon' is a blaster yet now we only have 1 basic blaster attack, rapid shots. I completely agree with the above comment, it's an ability that's been around since day 1, it was a good filler/backup ability for pve, they didn't replace it with another type of ability which sucks, and they are hurting themselves because now there is no reason for a PT to equip a cool looking/sounding blaster or a nice looking color crystal. They might as well get rid of the blaster as PT's main hand weapon and let PT's carry a prehistoric club or a claw hammer, lol.

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This is absolute ********. The unload was one of my main abilities. I don't even know how I'm going to do my rotation now, its just stuffed everything up completely and no I'm not a retard, I use all of my tanking up close and personal powertech abilities but unload was like the core ability that I would use. SO PISSED OFF. In fact, this makes me want to stop playing SWTOR. I'm not even kidding. Edited by TheProdigyNZ
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all powertechs/ vanguards should gain jet charge/storm


Then they would have 3 gap closers.


Let's check what other classes have:

Knights/Warriors: leap

Shadows/Assassins: force speed (and pull in tank discipline)

Scoundrels/Operatives: roll

Edited by Halinalle
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This is absolute ********. The unload was one of my main abilities. I don't even know how I'm going to do my rotation now, its just stuffed everything up completely and no I'm not a retard, I use all of my tanking up close and personal powertech abilities but unload was like the core ability that I would use. SO PISSED OFF. In fact, this makes me want to stop playing SWTOR. I'm not even kidding.


Really? Unload was your core ability?


Unload had its uses in certain situations, but I'm sorry but if you where using as your "core" ability you where doing it wrong.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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Really? Unload was your core ability?


Unload had its uses is certain in certain situations, but I'm sorry but if you where using as your "core" ability you where doing it wrong.


That's your opinion... keep your elitist attitude to yourself and if you have nothing better to do but to be condescending than that's your prerogative..... NOT ours. :rak_03:

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That's your opinion... keep your elitist attitude to yourself and if you have nothing better to do but to be condescending than that's your prerogative..... NOT ours. :rak_03:


I have no issues with what abilities you use. I do have issues with people spreading misinformation. Beyond a select few niche uses in endgame raiding, there is no use for it. Saying that it was a "core" ability is completely and utterly false.

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I have no issues with what abilities you use. I do have issues with people spreading misinformation. Beyond a select few niche uses in endgame raiding, there is no use for it. Saying that it was a "core" ability is completely and utterly false.


You're "issues" are your problem.... people can play however the hell they want. Nobody died and made you king so unless you actually have something other than your opinions supported by condescension, don't say it at all. And no they were NOT spreading misinformation.... they were simply saying that they used the ability as a core ability NOT that the ability was a core ability. Also, where's your logic? What's the point is criticizing somebody's personal choice in using Unload as a core ability when, now, we can no longer use it? As far as I can tell, this nerf is something you wanted and are now just rubbing salt in the wound well I have only one thing to say to that..... you are a

. Edited by Gameverseman
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That's your opinion... keep your elitist attitude to yourself and if you have nothing better to do but to be condescending than that's your prerogative..... NOT ours. :rak_03:


"2 + 2 =5"

"No, 2 + 2 = 4"

"His 2 + 2=5."

"I'm sorry but that's not how it works."

"You're an elitist and a bully!"


Zoom's only error was dignifying you with a response.

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"2 + 2 =5"

"No, 2 + 2 = 4"

"His 2 + 2=5."

"I'm sorry but that's not how it works."

"You're an elitist and a bully!"


Zoom's only error was dignifying you with a response.


Not if

was an opinion is which case it is not meant to be taken with a grain of salt and again where's the logic in criticizing what he/she uses when said ability is no longer available? The only logical and plausible reasoning for this is what I already stated. You say "Zoom's only error was dignifying you with a response." yet didn't you make that same "error"? Edited by Gameverseman
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Not if
was an opinion is which case it is not meant to be taken with a grain of salt and again where's the logic in criticizing what he/she uses when said ability is no longer available? The only logical and plausible reasoning for this is what I already stated. You say "Zoom's only error was dignifying you with a response." yet didn't you make that same "error"?


The video demonstrates that 4 = 5 which != 2 + 2=5. They then extrapolate that result to say that 2 + 2 =5. So you didn't even get that right. His problem is that whatsisface over there was inadvertantly implying that unload was a lot more important than it really was, which someone new to the forums may read as truth and join the unload bandwagon before having all the facts.

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The video demonstrates that 4 = 5 which != 2 + 2=5. They then extrapolate that result to say that 2 + 2 =5. So you didn't even get that right. His problem is that whatsisface over there was inadvertantly implying that unload was a lot more important than it really was, which someone new to the forums may read as truth and join the unload bandwagon before having all the facts.


You still didn't get it.... The video I posted was suppose to be wrong to demonstrate that it's more an opinion rather than fact and that, again, it is not to be taken with a grain of salt. Again you still didn't answer my question.... where's the logic in criticizing somebody's rotation based on what they deem to be their core ability if the said ability is, now, no longer available? It also seems you ignored my last statement as well... referring to you making the very "error" you said the other guy claimed to have made in regards to me. Although true that a newbie could jump on the bandwagon.. the fact that they have little to no experience with the ability nor are they even in the right area of the forums would suggest that, regardless of what their opinion is, it would not be credible. In which case, if the result of this means that the ability is given back, that would fall on the shoulders of the developers in taking into serious account a non-credible source.... not us.

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I have no issues with what abilities you use. I do have issues with people spreading misinformation. Beyond a select few niche uses in endgame raiding, there is no use for it. Saying that it was a "core" ability is completely and utterly false.


It is not a false claim. not everyone plays this game to do end game. Your comment smacks of elitism and narrow mindedness. Unload was a core ability for MANY players who couldn't give a flop about endgame and 'rotations' etc. It was one of the only abilities that allows PTs to use their gun and helped give a certain feel to the class. You have to remember that just because you think end game should dictate what happens to classes doesn't mean everyone agrees with you. Besides end game in swtor is a fairly laughable joke, so no matter what they remove, it wont take away from that fact. However taking something away from a group of players who obviously have an attachment to it? yeah not the smartest choice. They should have adapted the ability to be more suitable. For example: they want to increase mobility? Make unload castable while moving (think of abilities such as force choke etc). Don't just get rid of it. That is just lazy.

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