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PVE Server area getting ganked by PVP wolf packs in higher lvls


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I know of 2 ways to get someone flagged for PvP without getting hit directly. Some AoE attacks will hit a flagged player that stand near the target you are fighting. One of such is Guardian Slash with the buff that cause it to hit nearby ennemies and yellow, but Force Sweep doesn't hit someone flagged unless you target them.


Another is to have a tank guard a mob of your faction while flagged. For exemple, a flagged assassin tank is guarding an Imperial Elite and a republic player unflagged attack it. The attack on the Elite cause 50% of the damage to be transfered to the tank and that damage cause the republic player to get flagged.


The worse is when those players does it at the cap level on a lowbie planet.

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I know of 2 ways to get someone flagged for PvP without getting hit directly. Some AoE attacks will hit a flagged player that stand near the target you are fighting. One of such is Guardian Slash with the buff that cause it to hit nearby ennemies and yellow, but Force Sweep doesn't hit someone flagged unless you target them.


Another is to have a tank guard a mob of your faction while flagged. For exemple, a flagged assassin tank is guarding an Imperial Elite and a republic player unflagged attack it. The attack on the Elite cause 50% of the damage to be transfered to the tank and that damage cause the republic player to get flagged.


The worse is when those players does it at the cap level on a lowbie planet.


The first way doesn't do it either. Just tested it (can upload a video of that too if you want). There are no faction specific enemies on the western shelf so I can't test guard now.

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Oh really, please provide proof then. I've seen people claiming this for so long but no one has ever given proof that it's bugged. I've tested it myself in the past and I was never flagged no matter how hard I tried, as long as I didn't target the person.

I was in a 2-person group doing the Gree heroic, and there were about 4 flagged players from the other faction running around during the combat. Maybe they were trying to get us flagged, maybe they were just doing the heroic, too, and simply happened to be flagged. I used all kinds of AOE attacks without getting flagged. Now of course it's possible that none of my AOEs happened to to hit a flagged player, but given the chaos of the battle (us fighting the big droid, them fighting the trios of smaller droids, etc.), I would find that hard to believe.


Bottom line, like you, I need evidence that the "flag on non-targeted AOE issue" still exists.

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Not mentioned yet, is the "loot flag". You kill a mob, and a flagged PVP'r will sit on your loot, so unless you know better, you try to pick up your winnings and unintentionally click on the immature brat.

Presto! You are now flagged for a kill.

As stated, these "wolf packs" are just a bunch of amateurs looking for easy meat.

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Not mentioned yet, is the "loot flag". You kill a mob, and a flagged PVP'r will sit on your loot, so unless you know better, you try to pick up your winnings and unintentionally click on the immature brat.

Presto! You are now flagged for a kill.

As stated, these "wolf packs" are just a bunch of amateurs looking for easy meat.


This one happened to me in the Nar Shaddaa bonus series once. I was at-level for the missions on a Republic character and these two flagged Imperials, both 10+ levels over me, were running around in my fight. I was all careful to avoid using area effects and successfully avoided trouble... until I went to get my loot. Must have clicked on one of them instead of the loot as he moron-hopped around my screen, triggering an attack and getting me auto-flagged. (Now I know to be cautious of right click... maybe move my basic attack off of the first quickbar slot if this comes up again... But that's one dumb (ideally it shouldn't be necessary) precaution that had not occurred to me.) I tried to at least make a run back towards the taxi and the protection of friendly NPCs (not realizing that there was a base much closer to where we were inside the area because that was my first time in there) but it was futile. They got their cheap kill in and I got stuck waiting at the med center for their idiot plague to dispel before I could continue playing the game.

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Not mentioned yet, is the "loot flag". You kill a mob, and a flagged PVP'r will sit on your loot, so unless you know better, you try to pick up your winnings and unintentionally click on the immature brat.

Presto! You are now flagged for a kill.

As stated, these "wolf packs" are just a bunch of amateurs looking for easy meat.


Yea i've seen many groups sit 3 or 4 flagged players ontop of and around the little clicky things for the heroic... it's nearly impossible to click with a bunch of players there without clicking them.. right click means attack so.. bam..


In this case.. you just need to leave, go somewhere else.. i'm not saying it's right, i disagree with the behavior but, theres not much that can be done..

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I usually don't pvp at all and have made my home on Ebon Hawk. However ..under certain circumstances it is needed and when people need help I go. The people who pick on others are observed by me and when they go somewhere alone is when I strike. They CANNOT 1v1 for the life of them. They are good in packs, but never 1v1. This is what my Operative is for. They want to pick on lower people and swarm them 4v1 5v1 then they better get ready to get what they deserve on 1v1. Justice!



I don't PVP at all really...but every now and again in events like Gree, I'll notice a guy who is griefing the crap out of people trying to just PVE quest. - they are typically paying me no mind as I scamper about doing side quests, and that's when I like to flag myself and kick the crap out of them and then QT back to base before they can grab their other little griefer buddies and gank me, lol. Just irritates me that there are people so obviously petty and troll-like that have to make it a point to try and cause other people headache "because they think it's funny".


Congrats buddy - your sense of humor is about as winning as your personality. ( < -- edit: not directed at the person i was quoting)

Edited by Bachannal
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If you are aoe'ing and flagged people are around, the only way you'll get flagged is if you actually target them. My suggestion, make sure you turn auto target next enemy off in preferences. If you have that turned on and a mob dies, you could auto target the flagged player and boom, now you are flagged.


That may be the official line, but it is pure bull.


I am a pve player and have been flagged a number of times laying down AOE attacks against mobs. I never target a pvp player because a pve player in pve gear has no chance against them.

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That may be the official line, but it is pure bull.


I am a pve player and have been flagged a number of times laying down AOE attacks against mobs. I never target a pvp player because a pve player in pve gear has no chance against them.


Prove it then. Show us video of you getting flagged from AOE attacks. I already have, in this very thread. And I didn't get flagged.

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Prove it then. Show us video of you getting flagged from AOE attacks. I already have, in this very thread. And I didn't get flagged.


I was doing Gree today and pretty much this ^. There was an Assassin cloaked and just standing in our AOEs and no flag. In an area where there's lots of adds, it's easy to switch next target to the flagged person. You probably aren't recording when you get flagged, but I've not seen an AOE flag someone in a long time. It could be glitched, but I've not experienced this.

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Target Next Enemy shouldn't even target a flagged player if you yourself are unflagged. Because if you're unflagged, that opposite-faction flagged character -isn't- a valid enemy. It isn't a valid enemy unless you're flagged.


I'm with whoever said that unflagged players shouldn't be able to interact at all with flagged players, whether they're on the same faction or not. That's how it was on blue servers in EQ1, and it seemed to work just fine there. I do what I can to heal around any flagged players in my group, but sometimes you can't avoid it, and then I have to go sit in my stronghold for 5 minutes until the flag wears off.

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I saw this happen myself on Yavin, in the scanning quest, where the two Revanites appear. I saw the invisible guys lurking around the opposite faction guy trying to do his quest. He had no idea they were around him. He's busy killing the things for his quest, and low and behold he aoe'd and those incompetent nubs got him flagged, and then the idiots took him down and left him for dead. It's possible he might have hit one of the invisible fools when switching to the other target, but that's how it looked to me, and I felt bad for the guy that got ganked.


This is on a PVE server, and this sh*t has to stop.

Edited by Lunafox
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Oh really, please provide proof then. I've seen people claiming this for so long but no one has ever given proof that it's bugged. I've tested it myself in the past and I was never flagged no matter how hard I tried, as long as I didn't target the person.


^^ this.

I did extensive testing myself with some guildies and we did find NO WAY to get flagged unintentionally without directly targetting the flagged player. Neither AoE damage nor AoE heals do flag you, if you don't target a flagged player.

Edited by Kacynski
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See a Yellow name??? DO NOT use your AOE attacks. its very easy to stay unflagged when others are flagged...


others should not be punished due to your incompetence and lack of attention to detail during fights. :rolleyes:


RED is DEAD no matter what server you're on.


Why punish some1 that see a group of animals and starting using its big AOE? while inside those beasts is a stealthy pvper?

and u're and SWG player, remember how was the pvp flag system in SWG? do u?

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Why punish some1 that see a group of animals and starting using its big AOE? while inside those beasts is a stealthy pvper?

and u're and SWG player, remember how was the pvp flag system in SWG? do u?


Go ahead and AOE, it won't get you flagged. Just don't be careless with your targeting.

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It's time this got fixed in all its incarnations. The solution is simple - if you are not flagged, treat all other players as not flagged. The code already has checks in it similar to if ($targetplayer->isFlagged()) {}; change it to if ( ($targetplayer->isFlagged()) && ($currentplayer->isFlagged()) ) {}; Assuming the check for isFlagged is a function, not hard to put the check in it and get everything.


Yes, I don't know the state of the code, maybe it's screwed up enough that it'll take more work to fix. It's worth the work. If you aren't flagged, and DEFINITELY if you aren't flagged on a PVE server, the only way you should be able to be flagged is entering a PVP area or by manually flagging yourself.

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This is on a PVE server, and this sh*t has to stop.




I was testing this on a PvE server last week (Yavin IV on Ebon Hawk). I hit four different people with AoE... didn't flag any of the times. During the Gree event, a pack of four flagged players ran through my Force Storm. No flag. I watched another flagged player run through Xalek's AoE attack. No flag there, either.


Is it possible that you don't fully understand the situation? Perhaps there was some extra actions taken that you weren't aware of?

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It's time this got fixed in all its incarnations. The solution is simple - if you are not flagged, treat all other players as not flagged. The code already has checks in it similar to if ($targetplayer->isFlagged()) {}; change it to if ( ($targetplayer->isFlagged()) && ($currentplayer->isFlagged()) ) {}; Assuming the check for isFlagged is a function, not hard to put the check in it and get everything.


Yes, I don't know the state of the code, maybe it's screwed up enough that it'll take more work to fix. It's worth the work. If you aren't flagged, and DEFINITELY if you aren't flagged on a PVE server, the only way you should be able to be flagged is entering a PVP area or by manually flagging yourself.


Until that time, pay attention and stop playing sloppy. Only you ATTACKING a flagged player flags you...to pretend otherwise is disingenuous. Pay attention.

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These are the guys who can't cut it on a pvp server and practically crap themselves at the idea of fighting an opponent one on one. They attack in groups so they have a numbers advantage. They attack people who aren't ready/want pvp because they figure they don't know much about pvp. Even with a numerical advantage these types are typically terrified. No, I don't mean they just don't like to lose. I mean, honest to god terrified of a real pvper, and likely have nightmares over the idea of fighting someone who knows what they're doing. I know people irl like this so if it makes you feel better? At least you know they are incompetent cowards. ;)


I got pounced by a Guardian, and two Gunslingers on Yavin once. They were not prepared for my rage. :)

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Soo after paying attention to PVP ganking and a little playing around. This is what I found. On AOE damage to set off PVP with a PVP active toon, true you cannot set it off. I tried it on purpose many times to see whats happens and it does not set it off. Its easier to see what happens you're not fighting in a group. From What I can see a stealth sneaks into battle between a group or individual and what ever they're fighting and unstealths. The PVE player selects the PVP player by mistake and hits them which set you off to PVP...


Took a while to see how the PVP Ganking was done.


Its still a pain since PVE player does not have PVP gear on (if assuming if they valor at all) and most times is always played into a disadvantage..


Pasting this to first post...

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if you get flagged against your will, just que for a wz, when it pops quit out. if pvpers start feeling some pain maybe they will police their own that use this cheap gank strategy...and just maybe bw will fix the problem like competent devs have for other games.
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