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Anybody out there playing with a GTX 980?


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More specifically Evga GTX 980 SC? Built a brand new PC two weeks ago and occasionally getting 'nvlddkmk stopped responding and has successfully recovered' which results in swtor application hang and crash. Hoping somebody out there with a 980 can tell me if they're having similar issues and if not let me know what version drivers you're using. Interestingly enough this is only happening in Swtor.
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Yep I am using the most up to date drivers and furthermore these are the only drivers I've ever had since the PC is 2 weeks old today so that eliminates any driver conflict issues. I also reinstalled swtor as non streaming. I've tried a world of fixes already including the TDR Delay registry entry. Seems there's something Swtor doesn't like about my card. I read some people had problems with AA enabled, so I've disabled it for now to see if I can get another crash. It just sucks because it's hard to duplicate the crash because it usually only happens during Ops, once during a flashpoint. I don't get it, this game doesn't put nearly as much stress on the card as FC4 and Dragon Age at Ultra settings which I've had absolutely no problem with. I blame outdated game engine.
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More specifically Evga GTX 980 SC? Built a brand new PC two weeks ago and occasionally getting 'nvlddkmk stopped responding and has successfully recovered' which results in swtor application hang and crash. Hoping somebody out there with a 980 can tell me if they're having similar issues and if not let me know what version drivers you're using. Interestingly enough this is only happening in Swtor.


I can think of three things...


1. Your have a stick of bad system memory.


2. Your video card has a fault, perhaps with its onboard memory.


3. Your motherboard BIOS has something setup wrong in it.


The first two are easy to check, if you have known working spares, if you don't, those are a pain to figure out.


The third is a bit complex to try and figure out, but start off with resetting everything to factory settings, set the memory to XMP, and don't overclock. If that doesn't fix it, I'd go to 1 or 2. A 2 week old computer doing that is more likely to be hardware than software, unless something got screwed up with Windows during driver installs.




You might try uninstalling your drivers completely, then reinstalling from a fresh download.

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LoL it's overkill for this game.





Anyways. I blame your Power Supply. There's nothing wrong with the game engine.

What power supply do you have? What is its rating? Ie what's the watts?

Looks like it's starved for power. You can't upgrade a dell wih a new GPU without also upgrading the PSU


Latest drivers mean nothing. They aren't always the best for your system. Try different drivers. Older drivers may run better than newer drivers.


Registry edits? Was that before or after the swtor crash? Have a link to what was edited or a guide that lead you to jumping into the registry for a game crash???


Turn off AA. In fact force the GPU settings to use in game settings. Turn off vsync, turn off shadows, disable shaders and bloom. Test it. If it's good. Try turning on and up 1 in game setting at a time.

Edited by Liquor
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Someone already mentioned it, but it looks like it could either be a motherboard memory issue, or a GPU memory issue.


hexidecimal entries for program names such as the one you listed, are usually associated with memory allocation programs.


You might to check to see how your memory is installed.


Given that it looks like you went for super whamadyne you might have gone all out and got some DDR4, which is currently not really supported by games, and windows as the memory is just so new.


I recently built a new rig and was informed to stay away from DDR4 until the work out the issues with it. So that might be you problem right their. If you are using DDR3 check to make sure you are using the correct channel, and not just installing them next to eachother.


Someone mentioned a power supply issue, but the chances of that being it are very slim. If you have fully troubleshot everything under the sun, before the power supply, you could check to see how close you are to coming towards full draw on you PS. However usually a PS is smart enough to cut power to peripheral devices, an leave them off before browning out your Moboard and CPU.

Edited by Haystak
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Given that it looks like you went for super whamadyne you might have gone all out and got some DDR4, which is currently not really supported by games, and windows as the memory is just so new.


I recently built a new rig and was informed to stay away from DDR4 until the work out the issues with it. So that might be you problem right their. If you are using DDR3 check to make sure you are using the correct channel, and not just installing them next to eachother.


You "heard" wrong... games neither know nor care the type of memory installed, so long as Windows can see it.


Windows has no problem seeing it either, so long as the Intel chipset drivers are installed for it.


DDR4 works fine. It is expensive, but it works fine.

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