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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Save yourselves from the horrors of unintentional PvP during the Gree


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Press H, load into the GSF tutoral, then exit back out. You will be unflagged and safe once more. Every Gree/Rak there are cries of getting merc'd by people, "woe is me"s, players lamenting their horrid fortunes. Use the GSF tutorial and end the heartache once and for all.


That is a great idea. Thanks for that.

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Or reroll a PVP server and instigate the horrors.


Highly recommended:


- If you see organization at the FFA pylons blow up orb carriers to revert things to natural state (paranoia and chaos)


- Do your Gandalf vs. Balrog impression at the bridges leading to the Op start doors.


- Stop by the daily PVE points, wipe all the reds, then leave. Repeat as needed until détente fails, faction fights break out, and you have reds logging over to whine in chat.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Press H, load into the GSF tutoral, then exit back out. You will be unflagged and safe once more. Every Gree/Rak there are cries of getting merc'd by people, "woe is me"s, players lamenting their horrid fortunes. Use the GSF tutorial and end the heartache once and for all.


I never knew that. Thanks for letting us know about this little hack, I mean exploit...dammit, I mean bug....wait, feature...yea this feature.


Seriously thanks, learned something new today.

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But when I press 'H' I target nearest enemy :o


All the Gree events I've taken part in and I've never been flagged for PvP unintentionally. Just take care if you're a healer, watch where you're throwing AOE attacks around, and dismiss any healer companion when you join a group. Simples.


Nice to see there's a workaround to the 5-min wait. It is a workaround and not an exploit?


Now I feel old, I remember the days where you'd get flagged for just buffing.

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I still think that the only way you should be flagged for pvp is to:

1. Manually click PvP Flag On

2. Enter a PvP area, with the usual 10 second warning


Heal flags should not exist either, in order to heal a flagged player you should have to manually flag yourself for PvP.


There should be no auto target flags, aoe flags, click on flagged player and attack, etc, you should have to turn PvP flag on manually every time so you know you are doing it and there are no mistakes.


Exceptions: PvP Warzones and PvP servers.

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The problem is, if healing a PvP flagged player doesn't flag you, it can be exploited. Challenge someone to a duel . . . while a dozen of your untouchable buddies keep you alive.

What he meant, I believe, is that you would have to manually flag yourself before you could heal a flagged player. This would seemingly eliminate your scenario.

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The problem is, if healing a PvP flagged player doesn't flag you, it can be exploited. Challenge someone to a duel . . . while a dozen of your untouchable buddies keep you alive.



^ that, plain and simple



Lord knows as a healer I have gotten myself flagged MANY times, especially during Gree - but - whatever - rather than throw a hissy fit at the juvenile griefers, just go to the GSF tutorial, or go to basecamp and use that time ot take a bio break, grab a drink/something to eat, stretch your legs. It's only five minutes.

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ITT: carebears.

Hmm. No Cheer Bear, no Funshine Bear, no Grumpy Bear, no Daydream Bear or Harmony Bear. I do believe you are mistaken. Perhaps you accidently posted in the wrong browser tab, on the wrong forum?

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I still think that the only way you should be flagged for pvp is to:

1. Manually click PvP Flag On

2. Enter a PvP area, with the usual 10 second warning


Heal flags should not exist either, in order to heal a flagged player you should have to manually flag yourself for PvP.


There should be no auto target flags, aoe flags, click on flagged player and attack, etc, you should have to turn PvP flag on manually every time so you know you are doing it and there are no mistakes.


Exceptions: PvP Warzones and PvP servers.


EXACTLY same thinking

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me thinks this will be patched by the next Gree event wink wink node node. thanks OP for showing BW how it was done so they can now fix the exploit so you all will be flagged any ways. Edited by Neoforcer
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this is a good tip! Ill keep it in mind thanks :)


Remember the good ol days when everyone used to que properly for the pylons? Good times huh?

Im so glad im legend on gree. Gree brings out the absolute worst scum of SWTOR players...

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Don't believe this even works on PvP servers since your flag will always be on no matter where you are.
not true.


there are ways to glitch the flag off which is abused in oricon and now ilum


bw doesnt care or try to fix it.

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I'm pretty sure BW is aware of this. The GSF tutorial used to also reset the timer for switching instances, but that was fixed and instant flag removal stayed. I don't think this falls into the category of exploit or bug, but working as intended.


Lol, are people actually calling for bans for this. Wow! I'm going to assume it is sarcasm....

Edited by BrittneyNB
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Thanks for this tip. It helped my guild when we had a 8 men group doing the dailies and while at the heroics there seriously came one flagged imp and stood right in front of the droids, obviously hoping to spoil us. Of course it took only seconds until one of us got flagged and I quickly followed by healing him (I thought this doesn't happen anymore? Or is this only for AoE heals?).


Soon, 5 of 8 were flagged and my PvE-only guildies, especially the two ladies in our team, got very upset. Luckily, the GSF tutorial was very helpful here and things went back to normal quickly.


On a (funny) sidenote: Even though I played a healer, I felt it was my duty to punish that annoying - and obviously very stupid - imp by bringing his HP down to 0. Interestingly, that guy then started yelling at me in chat, because I killed him. Seriously, did he think he could annoy a big PvE group like that and get away with it? He made me red, and now he's dead. :p

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