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BW what is with "better then cross-server" ??


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After 3+ years of being told one thing and then another happening I love how people still try to hold on to what any developer, community spokesperson, or anyone from EA/Bioware says. It'd be one thing if they always hit their deadlines and kept to their promises, but that has NEVER happened.


You can't try and hold someone to their word, when it has never meant anything. The sooner more of you realize this, the happier you'll be. When I see announcements I go "oh that's nice", but in reality it's more like "that probably won't ever happen, but I'll be pleasantly surprised if it does".

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After 3+ years of being told one thing and then another happening I love how people still try to hold on to what any developer, community spokesperson, or anyone from EA/Bioware says. It'd be one thing if they always hit their deadlines and kept to their promises, but that has NEVER happened.


...except for all the times that it has happened, and you just ignore them because it doesn't support your bias. There have been plenty of cases where they announce things, say that they're coming, give a date, and deliver on that date. GSF comes to mind. They hit the date on SoR. The Appearance Designer works, too. Oricon. Strongholds.


Now as for promises, there are lots of people here who like to take any statement as a promise. In this particular case, no one ever promised you that you'd get something "better than cross server". They said they were working on something. They never promised you when you'd get it... or even that you would get it. They just said they were working on it. Elevating that to a "promise" and then complaining about Bioware being dishonest about it does the community a disservice. It makes us look like naive children who can't be trusted with preliminary information. It teaches Bioware that they shouldn't tell us anything before its set in stone, because we can't figure out the difference between "we are trying to do X" and "we totally promise you that you'll have X when you want it".




The sooner more of you realize this, the happier you'll be. When I see announcements I go "oh that's nice", but in reality it's more like "that probably won't ever happen, but I'll be pleasantly surprised if it does".


That is still wise advice. Any time a developer says: "We want to..." you should start with the base assumption that you won't see it in the near future, if ever. Only when they start giving you dates should you switch over to assuming it will eventually happen.

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What is better than cross-server? The Cartel Server of course. For a mere 100 CC (per queue) you can queue for WZ on this server using your character from your current server. This Cartel Server is made of players from all servers who decided to queue with this premier feature. This special server is solo dedicate to WZ and can only be access using the premier queue. The Cartel Server is where PvP is going to be popping.
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My interpretation of the last vague announcement was "merges". But that announcement said something would probably happen sometime in 2015... they've got a large window and nothing was ever concrete. It is obnoxious that we still don't have any details 5 months after the cantina statement. Edited by Savej
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After 3+ years of being told one thing and then another happening I love how people still try to hold on to what any developer, community spokesperson, or anyone from EA/Bioware says. It'd be one thing if they always hit their deadlines and kept to their promises, but that has NEVER happened.


You can't try and hold someone to their word, when it has never meant anything. The sooner more of you realize this, the happier you'll be. When I see announcements I go "oh that's nice", but in reality it's more like "that probably won't ever happen, but I'll be pleasantly surprised if it does".

I'm still waiting for Becky Parker to get back to me about going to the Prom. When I asked her, she said she'd "Let me know." I assume the answer is forthcoming ... any moment now. Yes, yes, I asked her in 1979. But some things take time. After all, she promised she'd get back to me.
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