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12 x XP for class-missions


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No one is asking for gear, gear progression is a seperate progression to level. Also, do you not receive 300 basics for completing the prelude to SOR? How is this not similar to getting Tionese Comms (Am a founder but can't remember the specifics of original comms system).


I believe the Data-miners have mentioned that there will be an XP suppressor coming in for those who want it, so if you don't want to participate in XP boosts and events you will no longer have to. I can't really understand why people are so against this, especially since they have already implemented the system in game. Everyone plays and enjoys the game for different reasons, why not cater to as many of those desires as possible?


It was my understanding that that particular strand of datamining was an April fools joke. Afterall, no associated icons were mined out.


The 300 Basic comms reward is not that dissimilar to the old 99 Tionese Comms and full Recruit gear. The major difference being you at least have to do the prelude quests to obtain them. Back in the Recruit/Tio days all you had to do was ding 50 and go to the mission terminals.

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As has been pointed out before, datamining is inaccurate at best. Many datamined items never see the light of even the PTS, let alone the live servers.


If BW planned to introduce a 12XP boost CM consumable, then why what need would there be for an XP inhibitor? After all, anyone who purchased a 12XP boost CM consumable with the intent to use it would obviously want it, right? If they purchased it to sell on the GTN, they still would not need an inhibitor.


Is it possible that BW is testing a way for players to "opt out" of double XP weekends? Is it possible that BW is testing a way for players to "opt out" of a preorder 12XP perk for the next expansion? Both of these are possible explanations for an XP inhibitor having been datamined. Are they the only explanations? No, but they ARE possible and logical explanations.


We will have to wait and see if these "XP inhibitors" make it to the live game and if so, in what manner.


If you want to cater "as many desires as possible" and therefore want to cater to the players who are too averse to the minimal effort required to level thsoe new characters they want to play, then why are you not in favor of catering to the player who has already done the "gear grind" to obtain a BIS gear set on one character (even though he found it to be boring and tedious) by giving him a BIS gear set on his alts, or allowing him to obtain a set of BIS gear for less than 10% effort? After all, in your own words, " Everyone plays and enjoys the game for different reasons, why not cater to as many of those desires as possible?"


Going into details about datamining is a good way to lose points (and posting priviliges) with BW. If you want to talk about what is or isn't in there and what BW "really intends" with what is in there, you should go to other boards.


And if you can't see the difference between the grind at max level which is always fluctuating with new content and rewards and options and around which most group content currently revolves vs a fast route for experienced players to skip old content that is never going to be substantially changed again (it's "easy" but 50-60+ hours is 50-60+ hours), that's your prerogative. But in spite of how much you want them to be the same "for argument's sake", they are false equivalences.

Edited by Savej
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My understanding is that the inhibitor is designed to remove the subscriber bonus and also for those who wish to opt out of bonus periods as you mentioned - not against a (purchased?) 12XP boost. And yes i understand the limitations of datamining.


I've seen nothing to indicate the source of the bonus XP, either a subscriber based 12XP perk, or limited time bonus events.



I disagree about your comment regarding BIS gear sets - endgame gear grind goes towards extending content life of current material. Having multiple max level characters does not adversely affect this, but giving them all BIS gear would. The gear grind can already be circumvented to some degree using legacy gear for those people who have multiple characters of the same class/mirror class, but there are always items that cannot be transferred this way.


NEWS FLASH. Leveling goes toward extending game time, also. They are both time sinks.



Using legacy gear to transfer a single set of mods is a far cry from having a set for each character, or having those multiple characters.

Edited by Ratajack
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Who thinks it's W0W?! You? Leveling is 99% solo as it is, this impacts nothing. It's not like I'm skipping doing FPs with you because I'm not...I'm simply NOT LEVELING AT ALL. It doesn't take anyone out of the pool who doesn't want to be in it, and it's optional...people with your mindset will still be able to group up.


And my rush is none of your business nosy. Why the hell do you think you need to know WHY I want to be 60? But...because I'm nice, I'll tell you why...because I hate leveling. I enjoy MMOs for their cap level content, not the fluff they make you go through to get to 60.




I am going to have to disagree with you on one point. I have only level 2 of my characters solo. The rest I am leveling with my boyfriend. For me it is not 99% leveling solo. Maybe for some it is but you can level with a friend if you choose to do so.


As far as the 12 xp until BW officially says it is coming everyone will be going around in circles about it.

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Going into details about datamining is a good way to lose points (and posting priviliges) with BW. If you want to talk about what is or isn't in there and what BW "really intends" with what is in there, you should go to other boards.


And if you can't see the difference between the grind at max level which is always fluctuating with new content and rewards and options and around which most group content currently revolves vs a fast route for experienced players to skip old content that is never going to be substantially changed again (it's "easy" but 50-60+ hours is 50-60+ hours), that's your prerogative. But in spite of how much you want them to be the same "for argument's sake", they are false equivalences.


Actually, they are both time sinks, despite how much you want them to be "false equivalencies", since they point out the hypocrisy in wanting to rewarded while avoiding the effort you are too averse to putting forth and also wanting to deny others the same opportunity to be rewarded while avoiding the effort they find tedious or boring.

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They are both time sinks, but leveling multiple characters is an optional time sink not mandatory, whereas endgame gear grind is mandatory, you can not opt out if you wish to participate at the highest level.


There is also a distinction between 12XP leveling and being given a "BIS endgame gear set".


12XP, despite the numerous opinions to the contrary does not affect other players, whereas gifting someone with "BIS endgame gear" for their brand new toon does.


It reduces the chance for new players to get into raiding teams as established players that have the time will be able to raid in multiple teams, and will be far more desirable if they are known to have cleared hard content than a new player who has the enthusiasm and ability, but no previous achievements to demonstrate this.


It reduces the amount of PUG activity on fleet and opportunities for players who want to PUG SM ops as these players with alts no longer need to run the ops multiple times for a new set of gear. Hence denying already (some would say limited) options for people without a set raid team.


Also you can do far more than just transfer a few mods with legacy gear if you are running multiples of a class or a mirror. I'm talking about using the same set for multiple characters not just sending a few mods around.

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They are both time sinks, but leveling multiple characters is an optional time sink not mandatory, whereas endgame gear grind is mandatory, you can not opt out if you wish to participate at the highest level.


There is also a distinction between 12XP leveling and being given a "BIS endgame gear set".


12XP, despite the numerous opinions to the contrary does not affect other players, whereas gifting someone with "BIS endgame gear" for their brand new toon does.


It reduces the chance for new players to get into raiding teams as established players that have the time will be able to raid in multiple teams, and will be far more desirable if they are known to have cleared hard content than a new player who has the enthusiasm and ability, but no previous achievements to demonstrate this.


It reduces the amount of PUG activity on fleet and opportunities for players who want to PUG SM ops as these players with alts no longer need to run the ops multiple times for a new set of gear. Hence denying already (some would say limited) options for people without a set raid team.


Also you can do far more than just transfer a few mods with legacy gear if you are running multiples of a class or a mirror. I'm talking about using the same set for multiple characters not just sending a few mods around.


Your description sounds an awful lot like the fact that a 12XP would reduce the number of players in the "grouping pool" while leveling. How is it that reducing the number of players in the "grouping pool" while leveling does not affect other players, but reducing the number of players in the "grouping pool" at max level would? If reducing the "grouping pool" at max level affects other players, then reducing the "grouping pool" while leveling ALSO affects other players.


Is it that you want to ignore and dismiss the negative affect that 12XP would have on other players since it does not mesh with your desire to see that "light speed, easy mode, fast pass to max level"?

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If I'm not there at all, i'm still not there anyway.


Your absence either way is NOT sufficient reason for removing many of those who ARE there in the "grouping pool" while leveling by adding in a "light speed, easy mode, fast path to lax level", IMO.


You must decide which is more important to you:


A) avoiding the minimal effort required to play those new classes you wish to play, or

B) actually being able to play those new classes


You can do one or the other, but not both.

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You must decide which is more important to you:


A) avoiding the minimal effort required to play those new classes you wish to play, or

B) actually being able to play those new classes


You can do one or the other, but not both.


With exceptions. I have more than one of each AC at level 60. So, I could avoid the effort and still know how to play. But not everyone is in that category of having either all 16 ACs completed or at least having all 8 versions of the ACs completed between the two factions.


That is ultimately my aversion to permanent 12XP. If you haven't finished all 8 stories, quite frankly you don't know the game well enough to just be given a level 60. Talk about effort all you want to, but the reality is at 12Xp you can go from 1-60 in a day if you have the time to dedicate.


I personally believe that 12XP is just too much too soon.


I have just as much right to voice my opinion that "you haven't earned it" or "I don't want to be grouped with a greater percentage of idiots in the GFer" as the pro12ers have the right to say "but I want it" or "how I play is none of your business".


I'm all for increasing the XP rewards, but 12XP is too much.


Would I use it if it came back permanently (or even as a promotion)? You bet I would. But that doesn't mean that I am going to advocate for it.

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But you're missing the point - I'm suggesting that the majority of these players are not leveling anything because of the time required. If there was a 12XP perk more players would be more likely to be "in the grouping pool".


The experienced players who have already completed all the planetary side quests are likely to only level another character if conditions are favourable to them - ie XP bonuses, but are FAR less likely to do so without this perk.


Additionally, if these players want to complete group content as they go along, they will still do so. In fact, in my experience there were more people queuing for FP's during XP bonus events than there are at other times, because the players who want to do group content still will, regardless of whether XP bonus is running or not.


If they do not want to complete that sort of content there is no requirement for them to do so even without any leveling perks, so they simply will not participate regardless. You can level through the entire story line without doing any H2/H4/FP's, they are simply not required (and add to this fact that many are already solo-able anyway).


So preventing 12XP doesn't change that fact. Having a leveling bonus like this available will increase the total number of leveling characters and hence the "grouping pool" as you put it will actually be larger.

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But you're missing the point - I'm suggesting that the majority of these players are not leveling anything because of the time required. If there was a 12XP perk more players would be more likely to be "in the grouping pool".


The experienced players who have already completed all the planetary side quests are likely to only level another character if conditions are favourable to them - ie XP bonuses, but are FAR less likely to do so without this perk.


Additionally, if these players want to complete group content as they go along, they will still do so. In fact, in my experience there were more people queuing for FP's during XP bonus events than there are at other times, because the players who want to do group content still will, regardless of whether XP bonus is running or not.


If they do not want to complete that sort of content there is no requirement for them to do so even without any leveling perks, so they simply will not participate regardless. You can level through the entire story line without doing any H2/H4/FP's, they are simply not required (and add to this fact that many are already solo-able anyway).


So preventing 12XP doesn't change that fact. Having a leveling bonus like this available will increase the total number of leveling characters and hence the "grouping pool" as you put it will actually be larger.


You are ignoring the fact that a larger number of players does NOT necessarily equate to a larger "grouping pool".


Group A


Too averse to the minimal effort required to level those new characters they want to play, so they don't even bother to start new characters. They are not in the "grouping pool". If 12XP were to be implemented, this group would take the "light speed, easy mode, fast path to max level" to get those new characters they want to play since they would pratically be handed those new characters. In all probability they would still not be in the "grouping pool" as they would be focused on doing ONLY the class stories for the 12XP. Adding 12XP will not likely cause any significant increase in the "grouping pool" from these players.


Group B


Not too averse to the effort required to level those new characters they wish to play, so they are currently leveling those new characters they wish to play. Many of these players are now part of the "grouping pool", as there is no significant advantage to doing the story quests only. In fact, doing the daily GF mission, and KDY can actually provide MORE experience than just the story missions alone.


Adding 12XP would, in all probability, remove many of these players from the "grouping pool" as there would then be a significant advantage in doing the story missions over any other means, including those daily GF and KDY missions.


Adding 12XP would, in all probability, provide no significant increase in the number of players from group A to the "grouping pool" and would remove many of the players from group B from the "grouping pool". This would likely be a net loss for the "grouping pool" and have a negative impact on other players, and the game as a whole.

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Wow, way to totally ignore what i said...


The people complaining about not getting groups were not talking about KDY, but planetary quest Heroic 2+ and Heroic 4+ and level restricted story flashpoints.


No matter how I level a character I'm gonna stay as far away from the mess that is KDY as possible, because that nightmare of avoiding roles and responsibility is SO great for the "game as a whole".

Edited by Pirate_Scuba
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Wow, way to totally ignore what i said...


The people complaining about not getting groups were not talking about KDY, but planetary quest Heroic 2+ and Heroic 4+ and level restricted story flashpoints.


No matter how I level a character I'm gonna stay as far away from the mess that is KDY as possible, because that nightmare of avoiding roles and responsibility is SO great for the "game as a whole".


Ok, so avoid KDY, but that would still leave the heroics and the daily GF mission, which I also mentioned would be negatively affected by 12XP.


KDY is still a good means of gaining XP, though.

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Hm. While this is a bit of straying from the topic I must say that a thing about Kuat Drive Yards I like is that it does not force you into such a stirct triad system. To adapt and to figure out a way to solve a given problem with in a group what I got instead of replicating known tactics seems a lot more interesting to me.


However, Kuat Drive Yards seems a bit too easy and people run around randomly and often don't watch out for each other. Things I would like to see is where you need to mimic a tank rotation with damage dealers because none can take it on their own, or where it helps to kite one enemy (though it's tricky for melee damage dealers to generate reasonable DPS on a mob someone else is kiting) in a situation where it would normally just be tank & spank.


When I play a damage dealer, which is most of the time, where the most fundamental behaviour would normally be "follow the tank" in Kuat Drive Yards it's rather "if there is a healer, stick with the healer". I've seen one Flashpoint with four healers, though. That was fun. I was worried we might not get proper DPS at first, but it turned out pretty smooth.

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As has been pointed out before, datamining is inaccurate at best. Many datamined items never see the light of even the PTS, let alone the live servers.

Why do you keep talking about datamining? Is there something I'm missing? Link?

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I am going to have to disagree with you on one point. I have only level 2 of my characters solo. The rest I am leveling with my boyfriend. For me it is not 99% leveling solo. Maybe for some it is but you can level with a friend if you choose to do so.


As far as the 12 xp until BW officially says it is coming everyone will be going around in circles about it.

Of course you CAN level with someone, but nobody NEEDS to, you can level from 1-60 100% solo (if you want)...which is something I absolutely love about this game. I wish all MMOs went this route.

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Why do you keep talking about datamining? Is there something I'm missing? Link?


I'm still waiting for you to provide a link to support your continued assertions that 12XP is coming back.

Edited by Ratajack
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It is!!! Just wait and see. :D


$ talks


So, once again, you have ABSOLUTELY NO PROOF to back up your continued claims, and are just talking out of your posterior.


As I said, I am prepared to accept the decision of the devs, whatever that decision may be. I wonder how many others can say the same.


I'm not going to say it will never come back, but I would not be too sure it will come back as either a permanent boost or even a CM consumable. As I said before, I would not be surprised to see it return shortly before the next expansion as a preorder perk for subscribers.

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So, once again, you have ABSOLUTELY NO PROOF to back up your continued claims, and are just talking out of your posterior.


As I said, I am prepared to accept the decision of the devs, whatever that decision may be. I wonder how many others can say the same.


I'm not going to say it will never come back, but I would not be too sure it will come back as either a permanent boost or even a CM consumable. As I said before, I would not be surprised to see it return shortly before the next expansion as a preorder perk for subscribers.


Back off TUX, lmao.


I'm the one being an ******e about it, not him.

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I've never seen subscriptions for this game dip below 500,000. That is the number Bioware/EA reported as their break even for the first year. So, I think "failing track" might be an exaggeration on your part.


Up until very recently, I had 7 (level 60) Bounty Hunters just on Jedi Covenant ... ;p. That's just BHs, I also had 2 Juggernauts, 2 Guardians, an Assassin, a Shadow, A Sage, a Sorcerer, a commando, a Van, An Operative, a Slinger, a Sniper and a scoundrel. I also had a Mara and a Sent on Pot5. All the aforementioned toons are level 60. I've since moved dudes around to balance the load across the three east coast servers - but you get the idea. Believe it or not, it is actually a massive headache trying to manage a stable of 23 max level toons (at least for me). Oh, I'm also currently leveling toons on The Red Eclipse and Pot5. I mention all this simply to illustrate that leveling in this game is not difficult or overly time consuming.


I know full well how boring it can be to relevel stories that you have already seen, not to mention the side quests; but there are clever and inventive ways to level up and not see the same content back-to-back-to-back-to-back. The two daily GF FPs will dramatically boost your XP. If done strategically you can skip a lot of content. If you spread that around on different toons during the leveling process you can pick and choose which level appropriate side quests you engage in and therefore not see it every time.


Really all you have to do is plan ahead and you can level up a toon from 1-60 in a very short amount of time. Unlock your legacy XP bonuses, gather up ~60 hours worth of 25% boosters, jump in a 10% guild and that right there is 165% of class XP for class missions. That doesn't count Kill XP or bonus quest XP, it also doesn't count rested XP or take into account 2XP events.


I'm sorry but I just do not believe that doing 4 missions multiplied by 17 planets should equate to being max level.


no instead you believe in paying to unlock legacy bonuses, paying for a bunch of xp boosters, joining a guild for their xp bonus, waiting around for 2x xp events and then skipping the planetary quests so you can do flash points over and over again because they give more xp anyways :p so really whats the difference from what you do and the 12x XP??


first month of the game being out how many servers were there and they were all full... how many servers are there now and most are half empty. :rolleyes:

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