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Most powerful & intelligent sith and jedi


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Darth Bane for the sith, he found the only way that the sith could survive and destory the jedi. As for jedi, I don't really know I don't really follow the jedi in the EU, die-hard sith fan.


Funnily enough, if Darth Bane hadn't interfered at the very end of the New Sith Wars, the Brotherhood would have won cleanly.

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If I had to rank them in the top 10 from strongest to weakest:




1. Darth Sidious

2. Darth Vader

3. Darth Plageuis

4. Naga Sadow

5. Darth Krayt

6. Darth Caedus

7. Darth Bane

8. Marka Ragnos

9. Darth Treya

10. Darth Revan




1. Luke Skywalker

2. Yoda

3. Anakin Skywalker

4. Mace Windu

5. Nomi Sunrider

6. Arca Jeth

7. Kyle Katarn

8. Cin Drallig

9. Vodo Siosk Baas

10. Jedi Knight (from TOR)

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Sith Palpitine

Jedi Yoda


Could say "Plagueis the Wise" but he was foolish enough to get drunk and fall asleep around a coward who could not kill him otherwise !

Edited by mefit
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If I had to rank them in the top 10 from strongest to weakest:




1. Darth Sidious

2. Darth Vader

3. Darth Plageuis

4. Naga Sadow

5. Darth Krayt

6. Darth Caedus

7. Darth Bane

8. Marka Ragnos

9. Darth Treya

10. Darth Revan




1. Luke Skywalker

2. Yoda

3. Anakin Skywalker

4. Mace Windu

5. Nomi Sunrider

6. Arca Jeth

7. Kyle Katarn

8. Cin Drallig

9. Vodo Siosk Baas

10. Jedi Knight (from TOR)


HOLY ****! Someone else other then me, who knows who Cin Drallig is! :eek: Shocking, though it is you Prof.

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Sith: Lord Simus

Jedi: Empatojayos Brand


Lord Simus was known for his wisdom, and even survived being beheaded to live another hundred years. Takes wisdom AND power to do that! lol


Empatojayos Brand was a Jedi Knight who made the ultimate sacrifice, knowing it was the only way to truely stop Palpatine. Instead of accepting medical care, he absorbed the Emperor's spirit into his dying body to trap him in the Force, and keep him from possessing baby Anakin Solo. Quite possibly the most important Jedi in the Expanded Universe, since he did what nobody else could do at the time, and ended any chance of Palpatine returning. The part where he hands baby Anakin to Leia before dying was a powerful moment, imo.

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Sith: Palpatine


He accomplished more than any other sith, BY himself, with no trinkets.


Jedi: Luke


He rebuilt the jedi order and becomes a god of the force.


As for the coolest, Exar Kun, Qui Gon, Darth Bane, Darth Caedus, Meetra Surik, Mara Jade, and Obi Wan.


At least in my opinion.

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And then there was Sidious who mastered all lightsaber forms, knew every force power in the galaxy, could create force powers with thought alone, mind-wiped an entire populace who witnessed a Star-Dreadnought being buried under the surface of Coruscant to keep it a secret, all the while having made the entire Dreadnought invisible (if you know how MASSIVE Imperial Dreadnoughts are, then you'd know this is a huge feat in itself), could also rip knowledge out of people's heads (including Jedi) where as Vitiate required the need of a device known as the "Ravager" to achieve this and also Teleported Luke to Byss just as it was about to explode (though Luke escaped). Sidious also dominated the 15 billion populace (as compared to the meager 'millions' Vitiate did on his homeworld) mentally and turned them into his slaves. And unlike Vitiate, Sidious was the only recorded individual who knew how to defend against life-absorbing/draining techniques. Darth Nihilus would be wiped pretty quickly against Sidious, yet alone Vitiate.


I could go on, the fact is Sidious is more powerful than Vitiate in terms of personal power. He achieved it all by himself, which Vitiate could not do.


Fanboy alert, fanboy alert! Gosh, where do all you Sidious worshippers come from???

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Fanboy alert, fanboy alert! Gosh, where do all you Sidious worshippers come from???


Ah the classic, "Well I know what you are but what am I?" argument used pre-emptively, this is not the school playground, facts are used here, Oonkeh is using solid canonical evidence, you have none, Oonkeh wins.

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Ah the classic, "Well I know what you are but what am I?" argument used pre-emptively, this is not the school playground, facts are used here, Oonkeh is using solid canonical evidence, you have none, Oonkeh wins.


Eey, it's the exile lover :D Sup ? ;)

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If I had to rank them in the top 10 from strongest to weakest:




1. Darth Sidious

2. Darth Vader

3. Darth Plageuis

4. Naga Sadow

5. Darth Krayt

6. Darth Caedus

7. Darth Bane

8. Marka Ragnos

9. Darth Treya

10. Darth Revan




1. Luke Skywalker

2. Yoda

3. Anakin Skywalker

4. Mace Windu

5. Nomi Sunrider

6. Arca Jeth

7. Kyle Katarn

8. Cin Drallig

9. Vodo Siosk Baas

10. Jedi Knight (from TOR)


Meetra Surik could be put in either category, but if it was not a canonical thing... she'd (he'd) go in with the sith best and be above Darth Treya and a bit of Marka Ragnos.


If it was canonical, just put her above the jedi knight.

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Meetra Surik could be put in either category, but if it was not a canonical thing... she'd (he'd) go in with the sith best and be above Darth Treya and a bit of Marka Ragnos.


If it was canonical, just put her above the jedi knight.


Just to give people a general idea of her more major abilities:


-Force Wave.(Basically what Satele Shan does in Hope.)


-Force Enlightenment(Meaning she mastered the Light Side of the Force.)


-Sever Force.(What Nomi did to Ulic.)


-Strong Precognition.(Mix of Battle Precognition, Atton's precognition and Echani



-Moving Meditation(She was always enhanced by Battle Meditation.)


There is just a quick list, I hate seeing non-canon or fanon pour into a canon Exile argument.

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Jedi: Yoda or Luke. Luke is the most powerful jedi but I believe yoda is wiser.


Sith: Palpatine. He is very smart, fooling the entire republic and jedi and almost destroying the jedi order. He is probably the most powerful sith lord aswell.

Edited by ToEasy
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as far as sith goes i would have to say the emperor was the most powerful because who else could enslave a whole planet by the age of 13


Another Mary-Sue just as big as Vitate could have.


I'm gonna go with Yoda/Luke for Jedi and Sidious for Sith. They're easily the most impressive of their respective orders for various reasons.

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