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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server Sharding is Bad, but Only Temporary - Source Included


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What I'm saying is there doesn't have to be this many servers. Just seems way too many, seeing as a lot of them are empty near all the time.


The game has been out less than a week, and Bioware has been extremely attntive to server demands. They've been very slowly opening new servers only when there is demand. Things will even out or Bioware will allow transfers.

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the OP, says that everyone will be happy. what about the people who like shards?


It seems to me that the majority of people (including myself to an extent) aren't too happy about server sharding.


I believe that once this feature is removed, it'll put the MM back in MMORPG for ToR.

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Whilst I can appreciate the benefit of not having a lot of players in one specific area due to the "instancing" technology used, I do agree with others that the extent to which it is being used in this game is a little extreme.


For instance, on one particular server there was 140 ish Sith players on tatooine, spread across two instances. Why? That's not exactly a lot for a planet that size. And having 70 odd people per instance is quite common in this game. It just seems a little bit of a low number to warrant additional instances.

Edited by Tarka
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Thats going to kinda suck. Having hundreds of players in my farming areas :/ Maps to small, spawn rates to long, and not enough nodes. I like people, but not ones trying to take my stuffs ;)


You'll bump into 'em and have a nice chat most likely.


Or if they're of the opposing faction, you can gut them and teach 'em a lesson.


Can't really talk to them effectively until we have chat bubbles, but that's another complaint for another thread ;)

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Thats going to kinda suck. Having hundreds of players in my farming areas :/ Maps to small, spawn rates to long, and not enough nodes. I like people, but not ones trying to take my stuffs ;)


Idk man yesterday i was sharing a 5 zone world with a whole 17 people

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First of all, sharding the republic fleet is probably the most moronic thing they've done.


Second, shards don't make a difference when yesterday Belvaris had a population of 1 : me, and today Voss has a population of 1: me.


The server capacity is so low in this game, it's depressing.

Edited by Polly_Pocket
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First of all, sharding the republic fleet is probably the most moronic thing they've done.


Second, shards don't make a difference when in Belvaris had a population of 1 yesterday: me, and today Voss has a population of 1: me.


The server capacity is so low in this game, it's depressing.


Yesterday, on a high level(?) zone, on Christmas Eve.


I would expect it to be a little empty, but just you and one other person makes your statement seem a little hyperbolized.


I dunno why more people are creating threads whining about server sharding when this right here proves it's only temporary.


Guess some people always need to cry about something :\

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You'll bump into 'em and have a nice chat most likely.


Or if they're of the opposing faction, you can gut them and teach 'em a lesson.


Can't really talk to them effectively until we have chat bubbles, but that's another complaint for another thread ;)


slight derail, but could someone explain to me what makes chat bubbles so great? I've always disabled them in every MMO I've ever played, becasue they annoyed the hell out of me (especially when I'd have random peoples conversations covering half my screen) and it was easier for me to just read the text in chat channel. so what makes them more effective, exactly? what am I missing?


P.S. I'm a little worried about removal of shards. even without them, I had a few nodes/kills taken from me already, becasue i wasn't quick enough. not to mention rendering. my video card is borderline and I'm starting to think the only reason I can play at all is becasue it doesn't have to render all these people.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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Yesterday, on a high level(?) zone, on Christmas Eve.


I would expect it to be a little empty, but just you and one other person makes your statement seem a little hyperbolized.


I dunno why more people are creating threads whining about server sharding when this right here proves it's only temporary.


Guess some people always need to cry about something :\


If it was just yesterday I would agree with you, however it's been this way since I can remember. The last zone that had more than 10 people in it was Tatooine 5 days ago. My server has a queue.


I also don't understand why you have the need to categorize my description of the server situation as whining. That's a bit fan boyish of you. These are real issues.

Edited by Polly_Pocket
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Sharding isn't the problem. Nobody's actually stopped and done what I did last night, that being counting the servers. It's not that servers are sharded, it's that... they just can't have many people. There's 210 servers on ToR, if we divide that by the 1mil players we get roughly a 5k player cap per server. THAT is why the game seems so dead. You have a maximum of 5 thousand players per server. Sharding isn't what they should remove, it's the 200 other servers that need to go.
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Sharding isn't the problem. Nobody's actually stopped and done what I did last night, that being counting the servers. It's not that servers are sharded, it's that... they just can't have many people. There's 210 servers on ToR, if we divide that by the 1mil players we get roughly a 5k player cap per server. THAT is why the game seems so dead. You have a maximum of 5 thousand players per server. Sharding isn't what they should remove, it's the 200 other servers that need to go.


Yep, that's my point.


However, even then, sharding is also disparate when you have 40 in 1 shard and 50 in another.

Edited by Polly_Pocket
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Sharding isn't the problem. Nobody's actually stopped and done what I did last night, that being counting the servers. It's not that servers are sharded, it's that... they just can't have many people. There's 210 servers on ToR, if we divide that by the 1mil players we get roughly a 5k player cap per server. THAT is why the game seems so dead. You have a maximum of 5 thousand players per server. Sharding isn't what they should remove, it's the 200 other servers that need to go.


^this, removing shards changes nothing, planets are simply too big and there are too many planets, population is spread too thin, simply terrible design, thats the reason why there is no world pvp, and why i wont be resubbing, i wont be paying a sub to play a SP/coop game.

Edited by Shortcake
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Just wanted to put this here since most people don't seem to know it's only a temporary measure.


It won't last forever guys.


There is no doubt that after BioWare sees the backlash from the community, they'll remove sharding on servers and everybody can be happy. :)


Hope this puts some fears to rest, or at least helps people cope.


That article is from September 9th. I wouldn't count on them fixing it. Bioware is not exactly the best at keeping their word.


I'll tell you one thing... If sharding is still in place at the end of my free time I will cancel my subscription. I'm not paying $15 a month for a single player game.

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that's because 99% of world PVP is someone ganking somebody else while they're fighting mobs, or are higher level than the other person anyway.


Believe it or not, that's actually attractive to a large playerbase. Having to constantly look over your shoulder and never being safe adds a new element to the game.


If it's not your cup of tea, then you have PvE servers.

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that's because 99% of world PVP is someone ganking somebody else while they're fighting mobs, or are higher level than the other person anyway.


World PvP, when done right, is the single greatest way of doing pvp in any mmo, period. You need a way for people to choose whether they want to pvp or not. The Covert/Overt system from SWG was absolute perfection. You want to pvp? Go overt. Now you can be attacked anywhere and attack anywhere and you're fully aware of this fact. You just wanna do quests and grind mobs? Stay covert, no harm done. Pure perfection.

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Sharding isn't the problem. Nobody's actually stopped and done what I did last night, that being counting the servers. It's not that servers are sharded, it's that... they just can't have many people. There's 210 servers on ToR, if we divide that by the 1mil players we get roughly a 5k player cap per server. THAT is why the game seems so dead. You have a maximum of 5 thousand players per server. Sharding isn't what they should remove, it's the 200 other servers that need to go.


THIS, THIS and THIS. the cap is less then 5k though, on my server the numbers soo far seems to point at 1k players/2k players cap (legion of lettow)

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You'll bump into 'em and have a nice chat most likely.


Or if they're of the opposing faction, you can gut them and teach 'em a lesson.


Can't really talk to them effectively until we have chat bubbles, but that's another complaint for another thread ;)


By friendly chat do you mean heated squabbling over outnumbered nodes and spawns?

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If it was just yesterday I would agree with you, however it's been this way since I can remember. The last zone that had more than 10 people in it was Tatooine 5 days ago. My server has a queue.


I also don't understand why you have the need to categorize my description of the server situation as whining. That's a bit fan boyish of you. These are real issues.



Oh no, I wasn't referring to you, those last two paragraphs were more of an aside (so I wouldn't need to post twice) about people creating more threads QQing about sharding when i've posted proof that it wont be around forever.


Your comment wasn't whiny/negative in the slightest. I don't want to discourage people from voicing their experiences / opions.


Sorry bout that.

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