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Is SWTOR 2 planned?


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Hopefully not. This team has proven one thing, and that's their ineptitude.


I would prefer the next Star Wars mmo go to a more competent team.


While I completely agree, my disappointment is in EA/Bioware management, not the "team" of Devs who work on this beast.


I hope the next SW MMO goes to a gaming company that treats it like it matters to their company...EA absolutely does not...but SoE didn't either with SWG...so...wishful thinking. I just want the next SW MMO to be the REASON that studio exists, like W0W is why Blizzard exists. EA and Bioware are why this game is what it is now and they'll never clean it up...everything is about $ to fund the next EA game, not about sustaining this one.

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Expansions will come, but I doubt we'll see SWTOR 2. This is pure speculation on my part and I have been wrong many, many times :). Battle Front 3 and a SW open world console game is in the works though.

Expansions the size of daily areas?! You're far more optimistic than I am...I believe SWTOR is a low budget game that simply funds new games. EA/Bioware seem to believe it has run its course...this is the downswing.

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Expansions the size of daily areas?! You're far more optimistic than I am...I believe SWTOR is a low budget game that simply funds new games. EA/Bioware seem to believe it has run its course...this is the downswing.


Allow me to introduce

, to better accompany your tragic perspective.


Mind you, I agree with what you've said. ;)


Plus, that music will always remind me of what could have been, and ultimately never was -- nor will it be.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Every MMO game from last 6 or so years is a joke or so obscure nobody heard of it. what was your point, outside of insulting devs?


The point is, this game can be as crap as it can, and people will still play it for a while, solely because it is Star Wars. BW hide behind that, it enables them to churn out crap and yet we are still here.


If they find that insulting, then perhaps they should take a long, hard look at the situation and ask themselves, if they were a paying customer, would they be satisfied, rather than taking their current view that they know better than we do regarding what we find entertaining.

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The point is, this game can be as crap as it can, and people will still play it for a while, solely because it is Star Wars. BW hide behind that, it enables them to churn out crap and yet we are still here.


If they find that insulting, then perhaps they should take a long, hard look at the situation and ask themselves, if they were a paying customer, would they be satisfied, rather than taking their current view that they know better than we do regarding what we find entertaining.


Didn't you know? BW knows better than the community simply on the basis of being devs. :jawa_wink:

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Allow me to introduce
, to better accompany your tragic perspective.


Mind you, I agree with what you've said. ;)


Plus, that music will always remind me of what could have been, and ultimately never was -- nor will it be.

Oh geezus...I didn't mean the game was closing any time soon...that music should be played at a funeral, which I don't believe we're at just yet ;) Great track though...it makes me realize I'm missing some great music by never playing with it enabled.


And I don't mean to sound too pessimistic, I just don't think we'll ever see any decent funding for this game ever again. 3.0 flopped and I bet that's the end of anything that expansive. Once they run out of the hidden content and planets that have been in-game since beta, that'll be it.

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I doubt there will ever be an SWTOR 2. This game is boring me enough lately though that I've finally installed an old copy of KOTOR 2, which for various reasons I never got around to playing.


I reckon any new SW MMO games would be separate from this one, and (nothing personal) hopefully different crews handling.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Not going to happen. KOTOR 3 is whats wanted and would be a better option then SWTOR 2


I would play swtor 2 over kotor 3 any day... Actually I wouldn't even play kotor 3 if did come out... I know many others who don't come to the forums feel this way too... So you can only say kotor 3 is your preference and maybe some others... But you can't go making statements like yours for every one... They don't represent the whole community

Some of us would love EA to develop swtor 2... I can't say how many, the same as you can't say how many would prefer kotor...

What we need EA to do is make both and let the fans decide... I think with the renewed interest in Star Wars and with Disney's backing, developing swtor 2 is viable... As long as they learn from their lessons in swtor and develop a game at least equal to WoW, if not much better... Then the game would be more successful...

Remember this game had huge potential and had a lot of subscribers at the beginning... Even WoW had to build up subscribers to start... If the game didn't have the engine problems and other issues and the developers actually listened to the fans... They would never have had to go to F2P model... They have also missed out on some great opportunities with the expansions by not giving the players what they actually want, but what they want the players to accept

I know at least 20 people who were excited about GSF outside of the game who would have subscribed just to play GSF... The expectation we had was for a proper Star Wars space sim like the old X-Wing Tie Figher games, but better... maybe incorporating the old space missions as free flight while having faction vs faction battles... Instead we got objective based pvp with class space ships... And to add insult to injury, didn't bother to give a joystick control option, which many of us asked for after it came out... While that isn't an issue for the console generation, some of us would have liked that as an option... It's one of the reasons I don't play GSF and I know others feel the same... And they missed out on bringing new people into the game

On another note, I remember seeing a reference to swtor 2 about 12 months ago... Apparently there had been meetings and proposals for development... I'm not sure if it was true and if it was/is, how far the pre-developement was... From what I read it had some good ideas and people who played swtor would have some sort of legacy to their old characters in swtor 2

Anyway, my hope is there is something planned and they go ahead with it

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Not going to happen. KOTOR 3 is whats wanted and would be a better option then SWTOR 2


Seriously, the KotOR 3 horse is nothing but red paste now... stop beating it.


It's been said many times that (in beta and beyond) the Jedi Knight storyline is KotOR 3 for the most part, but they decided to expand it into an MMO and add more stories. So, THIS IS KOTOR 3... and more.

Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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You guys are not looking at this pragmatically.


EA loves SWTOR now. It makes a lot of money, and has been profitable. They were new to the MMO game and they made their way through rough times with a successful product. Now they have a chance to leverage that market knowledge.


It makes money because costs are kept low, and there are no massive development projects (requiring significant investment). So there is no fiscal reason for them to invest in a new version, especially if this one still makes them money. They'll ride the horse as far as it will go... then consider a follow-up. My guess however, is that it won't be an mmo as we have now.


I am not so sure on you "make lots of money" claim. According to the last investor call notes I saw from EA... SWTOR (with another couple titles ) offset the overall gains of EA in '13 (or it may have been '14). (aka They took a loss on SWTOR).


They have a very successful and resurgent franchise with Star Wars.


They have a very accurate prediction of sales and sub rates using current rates, so it would be easy to find a budget that would work. It certainly won't be 200m again, but they wouldn't really need that much either based on what they have learned.


I would assume this would be planned for ~2 years out. EA knows that SWTOR's revenue will begin to decline as it ages. They will slow that decline with updates and expansions, but it will decline. EA will not want to let that market share just dwindle away.


The only thing that would stop them from making SWTOR 2 is if Disney has other plans for the MMO market with regard to the Star Wars license.


I would say that they do have market data, and that they do see what the game is making currently for the overall invested cost. They anticipate new players coming in (to them it is all new)... so I anticipate that SWTOR's revenue will actually rise over the coming year and especially next year as the hype of the next SW movie builds.


If I were EA I would run commercials (or an ad spot as trailers are released for the movie)... Hell even Candy Crush has a commercial now. I think that was the intent of the latest video btw... they floated the idea of a trailer based on existing game play... as long time players, it gave us nothing new ... which is what I expect of a new marketing campaign to attract new players... show them what we have now... not what is coming out tomorrow.


The game needs a bit of clean-up and polish of some of the "older" feeling maps (maybe a replacement of the fleet maps)... maybe retooling some older ops (it really doesn't make sense to have operations < cap level (most players do not run them at the appropriate time... too busy leveling)... but a massive new development project... I find unlikely.


They should be riding the hype of the new movie, and attracting new players... not trying to replace the game (that at your timeline of 2 years would be past the hype of the new movie). They have to strike at the point that the hype is its biggest... say 2 months before the movie releases, and then wide the wave for about 3 months after it is released. That should be their market strategy...

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Oh geezus...I didn't mean the game was closing any time soon...that music should be played at a funeral, which I don't believe we're at just yet ;) Great track though...it makes me realize I'm missing some great music by never playing with it enabled.


This game is akin to a zombie in my book. :p

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Well if they hadn't let a majority of the dev team go after launch, and had bothered to use a decent game engine in the first place. Perhaps they would have gone down the road that a future Star Wars game is about to for another developer in the EA household (one that communicates with players on a much more regular basis I'll add). I.E. lots of DLC and chances at extra money.


But no, they f***** it up royally. You would have thought they would learn from previous ventures, but the upper echelons of management seem to be clueless and grasping at straws a lot of the time.


That's because the accountants run the business with their calculators and not someone from a creative, gaming back ground... I know its a business and there needs to be balance... But after the launch it went from one extreme (creative), to the other... "Calculator button pushes"... And now the game is entirely controlled by accountants with zero interest in gaming or gamers... They just look at the decimal points... That is why the game is running on the smell of an oily rag... The developers and customer service can only use the tools they are given and only operate within the guide lines that management allow (accountants)... Management is clueless and they need to go... They need to put some developers into management to balance things out or at least tilt it back in favour of the gamers

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While I completely agree, my disappointment is in EA/Bioware management, not the "team" of Devs who work on this beast.


When I typed the word team, it referred to everyone.

I hope the next SW MMO goes to a gaming company that treats it like it matters to their company...EA absolutely does not...but SoE didn't either with SWG...so...wishful thinking. I just want the next SW MMO to be the REASON that studio exists, like W0W is why Blizzard exists. EA and Bioware are why this game is what it is now and they'll never clean it up...everything is about $ to fund the next EA game, not about sustaining this one.


I do agree with you here. There will be another Star Wars mmo at some point, whether it be five years or ten years. Disney is about making money, and with their new Star Wars movies being released in the very near future, it only makes sense for them to have something along the same timeline.

Edited by Pirana
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I am not so sure on you "make lots of money" claim. According to the last investor call notes I saw from EA... SWTOR (with another couple titles ) offset the overall gains of EA in '13 (or it may have been '14). (aka They took a loss on SWTOR).


You are not remembering correctly. What happened was that swtor was one of the titles that made less revenue in that quarter than in the quarter before, which is an entirely different animal from taking a loss (and not all that surprising, considering it was shortly before an expansion, which is typically a good time to take a break).


It does make money. I remember a Forbes article from last year when swtor was listed as the fourth biggest subscription based MMO in the world by revenue, in the western hemisphere only second to WoW.

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I'm sure it's already been said, but I think the biggest reason there won't be a SWTOR 2 is Disney's canon decisions. They inherited SWTOR so they tolerate it. Not sure they would got this route again, during this time period.
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