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When Is It OK To Bail On A Warzone?


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I never leave a WZ once it's started being on a bad team is just an opportunity to prove how good you are. Was in a NC earlier today where we got 3-capped and still managed to do 1.2m damage with 41 kills and 0 deaths on my Balance Sage. We didn't win obviously but being on top of the scoreboard followed by 8 enemies then the rest of my team is a nice consolation prize. Edited by VaeVictis
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For the most part, I never leave a WZ. Even if it get stuck with baddies or get backfilled in.


Mainly due to the simple reason that I mostly do them for the daily and weeklies on many different toons. And most still need some modicum of ranked gears, so leaving a WZ seems counterproductive. Granted, if it's obvious we are beyond outmatched and it's a faceroll, I'm not against people going all camp at one node and just putting up a campfire and leave it at that and calling it an early match.


But I definitely don't give up on the 1st **** up. Mistakes happen and too many people bail at the first problem. Hell, I remember a voidstar where a team capped the 1st door in about 15 seconds, 2 people from our team left, someone else uncapped it, we got backfills and they never capped it again.


But then I've also been part of one that capped the door early, raced thru and pretty much insta-capped everything on the way to the computer, and thankfully the next round was painfully fast.


Moral of the story, there is no penalty for leaving a wz. Leave whenever you feel like it. It could be as simple as you have friends that came online that want to group for wz's, or want to do a hm fp, there is no set in stone rule for leaving.

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The only time I bail, is when the team's full of bad players. You know the kind who don't call, or let a bomb get planted behind them within 30 seconds, or who will cap but then leave it unguarded (happens alot lately and its not just lowbie).


Unfortunately, players who are too stupid to understand why people bail are the very reason. Losing a game when you played well but were just out DPS'ed or the other team were simply better is fine but losing through outright stupidity is not an option for me.

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I reserve the right to leave when:


1) I backfill. (I must weigh the severity of the backfill situation against the desire for quick progress on the daily.)

2) I've received the same warzone too many consecutive times in a row (before the match starts).

3) A guildie or friend comes on right after a pop, and I want to group up. (As a healer, knowing I'll have at least someone to peel for me is far better than the mercy of pugs).

4) I need to get out of the rotation of terribads (before the match starts), i.e. when I have the same 6-7 bads on my team for three or more warzones in a row.

5) If unable to queue dodge the terribads from 4...I may suddenly reach the point when I just have to call it for the night when the three people who dropped the other side of voidstar get globaled and capped, with most of the enemy team on my side, inside of a minute. Yes, as a healer I CAN TELL HOW SQUISHY YOU ARE and that you got globaled because you're bad. Even from the other side of the map (it's called an ops frame). Note that this is a special case of terribad far more severe than the usual "didn't call inc" variety. It's pretty rare that I reach that point though, despite the fact that I'm on a server that is well known for its high terribad population.

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1. In ranked, never ever leave. There are alot of matches where one team gets destroyed the first round, but beat second and third round due to a change in tactics, and if you ragequit after the first match you ruin it for everyone else. (also 3 good people can carry a pve geared)


2. In normals, only leave before the match starts (you don't like the map / you are in sync with enemy premade) if nothing else, just go farm some damage or solo cap the enemy node once you see that your team is utterly useless. Idk why there are people actually defending the rage quitters but really, if you can't/won't stay and fight without a superior team that's just bad sportsmanship.

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I never leave a WZ once it's started being on a bad team is just an opportunity to prove how good you are. Was in a NC earlier today where we got 3-capped and still managed to do 1.2m damage with 41 kills and 0 deaths on my Balance Sage. We didn't win obviously but being on top of the scoreboard followed by 8 enemies then the rest of my team is a nice consolation prize.


THis ^^^ threefold.

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As to the OP; yes I think you should be ashamed. In my humble opinion, leavers in warzones are pests.


I personally only leave warzones for RL or connection issues, but I also understand it if people leave because:


- A group queue went wrong

- You entered a warzone that you definitely not like, and leave immediately after joining


People who leave after a hopeless backfill don't bother me much, although I respect the ones who stay.


If I have to leave because of RL issues, I often tell my team I'm sorry and give them the reason if possible, but I understand it if others don't do that.


The only time that I would respect people who leave because they are being steamrolled, is when they also leave when their team is in the opposite situation, but strangely I never see that happen...

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My take on this issue ...


Until recently, I never considered bailing on a warzone and haven't actually done it once yet except because real life got in the way or honest disconnects.


But here recently I have started to seriously take a different view on the matter.


What has changed?


Honestly, a huge number of losses.


I am currently working on my Dark Reaver set on my Gunnery Commando. Got four pieces left to go. So I need every commodation I can get. But two weeks ago I was in a Novare Coast event when another player made a comment right before the match started. I went something like, "I don't normally drop warzones but with three players all in PVE gear this is going to be a slaughter. I'm out." And he was right. We picked up another player to make it a full 8 person team but the Imps wiped the floor with us. It wasn't even close. Every member of our team had kills that number in the low single digits and the Imps walked away with over 25 kills each.


So now I do what this guy does. I inspect my team mates. You can handle one or two poorly geared players, but the match is an auto loss if you are playing Repub versus an Imp team and you have three or more players who aren't fully PVP geared with augments. I say this because the Imps aren't going to have that weakness. Not only are they coming at you heavy FOTM but they also don't have gear concerns either. Because on PoT5, the Imps queue times are shorter and they generally win against the Repubs. So by default they get more comms / day and can get geared faster than their repub counterparts.


Hell, not even a week ago I was in a different Novare Coast match. I inspected 4 players on my team. Three were in complete PVE raid gear. The fourth had a mix of PVE and PVP gear. I didn't inspect the other three because I face palmed myself at that point. Not only did the team members have no expertise, but they screwed themselves out of any bolster due to wearing high level Raid gear with augments.


We are now more than two months into 3.0 release. And the Repubs still have teams with this makeup ....


Yeah ....


In a situation like that anybody with any gear on what-so-ever would be lucky to come out of it with 60 comms. A complete waste of time if you are in the 60 bracket and you get no XP for the event.

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I have thought about bailing on every Huttball match my Gunnery Commando gets in.


Why? Because you have no role to play as that class. You can't carry the ball worth a crap, outside of straight killing somebody, you really can't defend well either. All you can do is hit mid and kill anybody who crosses your path.


As a Repub, the only ball handlers you face are Imp force users. And they all either jump to you and score or burst run past you. All you can do is kill them for scoring after the fact. But when you and two or three others are doing the same thing (killing the player who just scored) that all but guarantes that the opposing team will regain the ball and score again because you aren't in the middle doing what you need to be doing which is gaining control of the ball.


And did I mention the heavy FOTM on the Imp side? If you got one sorc you got three. Same goes with Jugs. I have seen Imp teams with nothing but Sorc, Jugs, PT, and snipers. The perfect team for huttball. Their team doesn't even bother healing. They get 6 scores in 5 mins or less. Game over.


Give me a match where I can actually do something with my Mando or Merc. Huttball aint it. I would rather do arena and be focused killed in 10 seconds than do a huttball and be all but totally useless.

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My node stealing habit begs to differ.


Stealthers can do that sure. But what if you aren't a stealth class?


The answer is, you aren't carrying anybody. You are lucky just to hold your own which likely won't happen because you die quickly because your teammates die even faster than you do.

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I never used to bail. However, as time went on I realized something. I'm here to have fun, and playing a 2v8 game is generally not that fun. So it's a waste of my time, which is pretty limited.


Additionally, while I am far from the best player out there, I HAVE brought up two characters to cap purely through pvp, and am working on a third. I know what I'm doing, and frequently hand my teams easy wins through sap caps, healer kills, etc. If the team is so bad that they are going to lose with me, then there's no sense prolonging their suffering. And given that I make it a point to explain the objectives of the war zone at the start of each match, I feel that a team that still ignores objectives and/or gets steamrolled in unranked is hopeless. I don't want to get stuck in the queue with 'em.


I do feel bad for backfill, but they're under no obligation to stay either.

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As to the OP; yes I think you should be ashamed. In my humble opinion, leavers in warzones are pests.


And yet people who leave nodes unguarded, don't call incs, don't heal teammates next to them, leave my healing commando or sage to sologuard, etc. aren't.


Gotta love that hypocrisy.

Edited by HandOfKane
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There are 2 types of "bad" players in PvP.


Type 1 are players who are new and not yet used to the play style or don't know much about gearing. But once you give them direction, they try their best to follow it.


I will never, ever bail on a wz because of players like this. I even sometimes even whisper them and ask if they want a few pointers on their class/spec-nothing advanced, just basics. Yesterday was an example when I saw a tank shadow trying his best but not playing his class correctly. I told him about guarding and taunting and switching guard as well as using breach (this is midbies he didn't have all his abilities yet). He thanked me and said he would try his best.


Then there are the other types. The types who simply don't listen and don't care. Unfortunately I get these types very often. When I ask people not to follow me to off nodes because it alerts the guard I get a "f*ck you, I play how I want". When I tell people to get left/right in a VS, they split into 2 groups of 4/3 or fight right in the middle. When I tell people to focus the unguarded merc instead of the guarded sorc who has the same guild tag as the tank, they of course attack the sorc because "he's healer L2P NOOB".


Those kinds of players truly ruin the teams chances for victory and my fun and I do not want to be in the same rotation with them. So I leave, wait a few seconds and queue again, hopefully getting a different team this time.

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If I see 1 or more people in an arena at lvl 60 with pve gear on I'll leave, or if the team I'm on is just completely useless(such as capping a node then leaving it unguarded)


Personally, I don't leave when I see this happen, though I don't blame people for leaving. I simply brace myself for the inevitable loss, and assume that the opposing team has a premade to make the game go by faster.


Though sometimes you'd be surprised. We won an arena the other day with 2 of the others with me having 1000-1300 expertise, and I don't consider myself good enough to carry for half the team (though maybe the opposing team was just that terribad).

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I never ever bail on a wz EVER, I find it the most annoying thing to ever happen when someone leaves after losing one node etc or dying once, so if it annoys me sooo much then I don't want to be that person to inflict that annoyance on someone else. Plus I have had soooo many games where they have started really bad and we have turned it around and won.


If everyone bolstered correctly to start off with then there wouldnt be this issue of people getting annihilated within seconds and people would enjoy the match so much more.


You should check out this video by me on how to bolster correctly -

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Different strokes for different folks...


Regz mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. You still get credit for your daily/weekly win or lose, and also receive a bunch of Comms. So I personally don't understand why some peeps get their panties in a bunch and quit Reg matches, but whatever. I always stick them out regardless of whether a match goes sideways or not.

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And yet people who leave nodes unguarded, don't call incs, don't heal teammates next to them, leave my healing commando or sage to sologuard, etc. aren't.


Gotta love that hypocrisy.


How is that hypocrisy? When there are good players, there are bad players as well. Of course I prefer players who know what they are doing, but at least I have the balls to stay in a warzone when I am teamed up with baddies. I bet you don't leave a warzone when you see that the other team leaves nodes unguarded, don't call incs etc.


Now that, my friend, is hypocrisy.

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How is that hypocrisy?


Because there are reasons why people leave WZs. If people would L2P, then they wouldn't leave, would they? Stating that people who leave are "pests," while people who make noob mistakes that cause them to leave are fine, is missing the point by a long shot. Unless you're seriously suggesting that people queue up for WZs just to leave them for the heck of it?


When there are good players, there are bad players as well. Of course I prefer players who know what they are doing, but at least I have the balls to stay in a warzone when I am teamed up with baddies.


Nice "at least I'm not a coward, so nyahh!!" retort. You sure showed those "quitters."


I bet you don't leave a warzone when you see that the other team leaves nodes unguarded, don't call incs etc. Now that, my friend, is hypocrisy.


Since I can't read the enemy's chat, nor do I babysit their nodes to see if they're leaving them unguarded or not, I'm not exactly sure how you'd enforce that.


Unless you plan on calling out in /say to the opposite team whenever your team doesn't call incs or leaves nodes unguarded? I don't think your teammates would appreciate that.

Edited by HandOfKane
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Insults, really? I go through pains not to insult people, I could, but I have more courtesy than that. If you think you can carry 7 people that cant even break 100 k dps in a warzone, provide a video, I will then believe you.


While I agree with your basic sentiment (1 person who knows what they're doing and 7 morons vs. 8 people who know what they're going = the 8 win, every time), I disagree with your measure of worth. In Civil war on my Jugg, I'm usually the one to go left and cap the node. Then, because no one went with me (they all want to go center and jack up their damage dealt stats) I stay there for most the rest of the match. Depending on how hard the other team tries to take the node from me, I may have decent damage, or practically none at all. This is not a measure of my worth in that WZ, however, as I am providing a critical task.


But again, the sentiment is true. If I'm the only one that knows what to do, I can't "carry" my team to victory: we lose mid, they hold the far node, and we lose because they have 2 nodes and we have 1. I can only be in one place at a time, and if we're losing everywhere else, it doesn't matter if I can steal away nodes or not because we can't hold them. So, the 7 morons can go ahead and lose without me, since it doesn't matter for them anyways.

Edited by Dufar_Jabar
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Different strokes for different folks...


Regz mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. You still get credit for your daily/weekly win or lose, and also receive a bunch of Comms. So I personally don't understand why some peeps get their panties in a bunch and quit Reg matches, but whatever. I always stick them out regardless of whether a match goes sideways or not.


I like your enthusasm but your logic is flawed. If you get strait out beat like a red headed step child you are wasting your time in the match. The number of comms you gain from it likely won't even cover the cost of the warzone resources you used.


And if you are working on your Dark Reaver set like I am, you need every reg comm you can get because quite honestly, this is the best road to go if you play a non-FOTM class like I do. Because unless you are a FOTM or are fully geared, you really don't stand much of a chance in Rank pvp. You are a team liability and not an esset. And in Rank, if you lose you get nothing.


So yeah, your goal needs to be to either win or gain so many medals that it counters the loss. If you get the hell beat out of you, neither is likely to happen.


And playing Repub on Pot%, I have gone days without a single victory. And I am not talking about a match here or there. I am talking about playing double digit matches when I have a day off. When you do +20 warzones a day and lose them all ...


Yeah, you can't continue to take those level of loses with grace. At some point you simply start to get $#$#@ and you take it out on your team mates whose lack of gear and play ability (either due to lack of following strategy or simply don't know how to play their class in a PVP environment) cost you a match..

Edited by ForceWelder
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I leave when my team isn't competitive. Usually i'll give it 1-2 minutes or so..Regardless if we are winning or losing. If my team is clearly full of derps that have trouble breaking 200k dmg, or getting 5+ medals in the first 3 minutes..yeah i'm out. It's funny, you can always tell the fotm players (shadow/sin PT/VG) by the fact they rarely taunt...5-600k damge (in mids) and less then 10k protection. Edited by Evanouss
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You clearly have a L2P Issue.





You are as clueless as clueless gets if you think one person can carry 7 bads. It does not happen. You can make it less painful sure, but I don't play (while paying money) to make the game less painful for bad players.


I will leave a WZ if any of the below occur.


1) I am backfill into an already losing match.

2) I hate AHG... I will leave as soon as I am loaded in.

3) I am playing against a good premade who are just rolling pugs. (farming spawn)


Know what is common about the above 3 things? None are enjoyable to me and I am paying my sub you do not, so I will play in a way that does not induce a ragefit.

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You are as clueless as clueless gets if you think one person can carry 7 bads. It does not happen. You can make it less painful sure, but I don't play (while paying money) to make the game less painful for bad players.


Because the enemy teams never have their own bads. :rolleyes:

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