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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So that it ? Thats the big tease?


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Good thing I wasn't expecting anything serious from this, whose who did however... Poor things.
I know, right?

Community works itself up into a frenzy over mundane promotional release and then explodes in fury when it fails to be the second coming of The Messiah™


NEWSFLASH: Not everything a company does is meant to pander to their existing customers.



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NEWSFLASH: Not many people follow the twitter account of a game they aren't playing.
I actually follow quite a few games that I'm not playing on both Facebook and Twitter.

Periodically they will post something that makes me want to return to the game for one reason or another.

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SOME FACEBOOK GUY: Am i the only one seeing the sith lady helping theron chan and meditating like a Jedi Knight? Maybe we can finally change our fraction? Or am i dreaming?


Maybe thats the point. Is that possibru?

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We, as a community, should stop expecting anything from Bioware. They do not have the dev staff to meet player expectations.


This.. Even if they did suddenly get more staff back - it'd just be to make more CM packs to sell stuff. Yay, 2 packs a month of recolored gear vs actually devoting time to fixing bugs and making parts of the game playable to these 'new players' they are trying to attract with this new video.


I guess EA subscribes to the Comcast model. F the customer - we're their only option for SW content...

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I used to play it but don't anymore


It was my very first MMO and they are hilarious with their twitter and facebook posts.


Fine...so you follow one. Do you think there's even one person in this world who follows SWTORs FB/Twit because of the comedic value of their posts?

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Fine...so you follow one. Do you think there's even one person in this world who follows SWTORs FB/Twit because of the comedic value of their posts?


Considering the responses to this false hype people put on themselves I'd say SWTOR would be leading the pack in terms of comedic value.

Edited by Reno_Tarshil
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