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So who else is quitting SWTOR?


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If the next month or two doesn't produce a quality change for balance in the game I'll most likely not renew my subscription to SWTOR. Initially, I was very excited by the promise of greater class balance in 3.0 but sadly it's looking grim. Balance issues are worse than ever and the devs assertion that an individual's play style should be the main deciding factor in what spec of what advanced class is viable for whatever content you wish to play in 3.0 has not materialized. I've always considered myself patient and understanding regarding the devs work on this great game but it really is time that some form of real communication to the mara/sent community from the devs be forthcoming. Otherwise I'm going to spend both my time and money on something else in the very near future. I do enjoy playing my assassin and jugg and have several other alts I could try maining for ranked PvP and PvE progression but I don't want to. I love my marauder. It's THE ONE.
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I know how you feel bro, it's the exact same thing for me.


I have almost 2 months of sub left, and I think that season 4 will sign the end of my sub if nothing decent is done for class balance and PvP content.


I main a Combat Sent and I'm only playing PvP for almost 2 years now (in march).


It's so boring that I have made a lot of alts with 12x XP (5 or 6), leveled them to 60 and have them all full 168 geared and my main is full optimized 174 geared.


I'm tired of paying money for a game with bad communication, not enough annoucements and empty speeches, slow development methods, and so far away from what the players are expecting them to do.

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Same here.....


i played my Marauder for over 3 years Pre beta... i am a big pvp fan, but u know what. as soon my sub runs out .. i am out of here.


only reason i play marauder is for my guild and pve content.

but we raid 2 days at week and they it's cleard


some hardmode and story is easy mode .. and then i have 5 days to do noting it's not woth paying for .. then i am going back to Everquest landmark .. its free and even they are pvp super in damn BETA!


i have High end PC and some with people in my guild and this 34x Bit is a joke 16man welcome to lag hell.

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Well if there isn't any decent changes to offensive abilities in Combat/Carnage, ie Gore/PS window time normalizing, etc, then I understand.


Why not get the best of of the game. Roll another character or more until such time Maras and Sents get better. There is more to the game then double lightsabers. I have one of everything, save for an Operative, Mara, and Assassin. My Sent and Scoundrel were put on reserve after both class got messed up by 3.0 changes. I play both, both so rarely my guild doesn't know who I'm on when I do lol.


Point is, if you want to quit, then good luck. If you want to get something for your money, play more types of characters.

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Well if there isn't any decent changes to offensive abilities in Combat/Carnage, ie Gore/PS window time normalizing, etc, then I understand.


Why not get the best of of the game. Roll another character or more until such time Maras and Sents get better. There is more to the game then double lightsabers. I have one of everything, save for an Operative, Mara, and Assassin. My Sent and Scoundrel were put on reserve after both class got messed up by 3.0 changes. I play both, both so rarely my guild doesn't know who I'm on when I do lol.


Point is, if you want to quit, then good luck. If you want to get something for your money, play more types of characters.


We have waited enough time for them to show us that they know what they are doing and that they are controlling everything the right way.


Now it's too late, if they don't address more than the few changes in 3.1.1 for sent/mara, when they've told us just before that it will be a patch to address the issues of the class, then it's over for me.


You can't make players pay and wait without doing anything to make them stay.


It's been hard and long for them to tweak the mara/sent after 2.0, and I will not wait more than a year to see my main character finally where it should have been 3-4 months after the release.


I can't have as much fun as I do with my sent since I rolled it with any other class, because of the gameplay and the concept of the class.


But they have completely ruined it with 3.0.

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I've canceled my subscription, if some miracle happens and 3.1.1 makes some decent changes for marauder viability I might re-sub now.


However since S4 started my gametime has drasticly been reduced and figured what little time I spend ingame might as well be F2P.


I dont really see it as a loss, gonna try grab some extra shifts and do some renovations during summer on my new house.

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Switching to Jugg for PvP is the alternative. Live longer do more damage get more medals. It's pretty easy considering not even full expertise yet, using old lvl 55 stim and I'm already surpassing the mara in regs. But then, isn't the jugg nerf scheduled for 3.2?


We have 3 fotm classes above jugg and sniper/overative are competitive 1v1 as well. So why actually jugg deserve a nerf?

Ah ya, forgot, HEALDAFULL

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Ranged complaining about PvP...just no. Maybe in ranked and 4v4 Mercs have problems, but they're fine in 8v8.


You're wrong sir. He's complaining about competitive pvp, because that's what matters here.

Noone cares for 8v8 anymore because it's just to kill time, train, or grind your gear.

4vs4 is the only relevant thing because it is end content in pvp.

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