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Server Pops Too Low - Remove Shards


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Yeah I am on a PVP server with ques about 5-15mins from 2pm-10pm. And I have only run into maybe 2 republic players.... which is kind of bothersome cuz i love ganking and always looking over my shoulder while questing. Really feels like im playing on a PVE server, which is not what I had hoped for.
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Yeah I am on a PVP server with ques about 5-15mins from 2pm-10pm. And I have only run into maybe 2 republic players.... which is kind of bothersome cuz i love ganking and always looking over my shoulder while questing. Really feels like im playing on a PVE server, which is not what I had hoped for.


tooo bad for you !!!!!! you wanted to gank people, but .... but you cant !!!


yes. it is a fail alright. lets merge all servers so you can gank people even better !

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coruscant is sufficiently crowded in my server with its 100 person per instances.


i dont want 500 people sitting on coruscant square, like hens in a henhouse.


it looks totally unrealistic.


What? Massive city planet, supposed to be overpopulated, and having a bunch of people in one spot is UNREALISTIC?



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I have seen many arguments made in this post, some good and some bad..


Lets look at perhaps the most egregious one of them all..


"The was never meant to be a sandbox game"


Really? because last time i checked, an MMO IS a sandbox game.. Sandbox might as well be another term for MMO.. I would like to reply to these people by saying that if you want a single player game, go play one.


That being said, I do think that "sharding" or "Instancing" has its place in the game. Sure, in quest heavy areas, especially in the first 10 levels, it can be executed well.. Many will remember that Blizzard executed this well with the lich king, from levels 55-63ish if memory serves me correctly, but after the quest line was completed, you were cast back out into the real world, when you made your way to the nearest mega city (stormwind for me) got pelted with rotten fruit, and pledged allegiance to the alliance.


I think that BW needs to take a similar approach. The thing that HOOKED me on MMO's was when I went into the "big" town, and saw hundreds of people.. I was in AWE... How could someone come up with such an awesome idea for a game where thousands of people played together in a community sense..


Who knows what the later levels will be like, if they will cut back on the sharding once the playerbase starts hitting 50..


The point of all this is that I REALLY want this game to succeed, and i gave up on wow a long time ago.. but thats not to say that WOW didnt do many things right, really right. Im just tired of wow.. There are so many things that this game does better than WoW, but a couple of things that it does drastically worse, which IMO ruin the game. Sharding being one of those things (at least un-shard the cities because in the end game, you spend most of your time running around the popular city talking to guildies, trading, and checking out other peoples gear/builds/mounts etc... getting ready to raid)

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I agree! i don't understand what sharding is supposed to accomplish!


Bioware get rid of sharding and every server except 1 so that all 1.5 million to 2.5 million of us will feel the ambience of a full city and it won't seem empty!


Server lag does not bother me, as long as i can see another toon standing next to me, that is my comfort place, and yes i'm ok with playing the game like a slideshow!


And no server queues either! I want to be able to load into that 1 server any time i feel like it!


And do it right meow!


Or else I'll start another thread about it!


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Stupid fool of Yours.


How many of those 18, seen last weeks, on each planet do You think will participate in none guld groups?





I agree! i don't understand what sharding is supposed to accomplish!


Bioware get rid of sharding and every server except 1 so that all 1.5 million to 2.5 million of us will feel the ambience of a full city and it won't seem empty!


Server lag does not bother me, as long as i can see another toon standing next to me, that is my comfort place, and yes i'm ok with playing the game like a slideshow!


And no server queues either! I want to be able to load into that 1 server any time i feel like it!


And do it right meow!


Or else I'll start another thread about it!


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Begeren Colony has had <10m queues since release. From all the zones I've experienced on the Empire side, only Dromund Kaas has triple digit numbers. Korriban is high double digits, and some of the act 1 planets have medium to low double digits. Act 2+ is almost all single digits, and Ilum has peaked at 5 I think. Not bad, granted people ARE taking their time to level up understandbly. I too though, am having a hard time seeing how long a queue is needed for ~<1000 people. Republic is few and far between. Edited by SodaOfYoda
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Yes, yes, yes, yes PLEASE remove it! If WoW doesn't need it why do SWTOR ? When the planets from 20+ and up are bigger than most WoW zones together ?


I play on two different Very heavy servers and have yet to see anyone at all out there questing. I feel really special if i see another player out there questing or i hit the freaking jackpot if i see a enemy player even.

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I honestly think sharding is going on now because of the engine, I don't think it could handle everyone in one area without crashing.


Hell, even on empty planets my framerate still struggles at times, and my rig can run BF3 on high with no problems.

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Stupid fool of Yours.


How many of those 18, seen last weeks, on each planet do You think will participate in none guld groups?




i see you don't speak english well, i was being sarcastic... sorry you misunderstood...


i have no issues with sharding... and i believe they have reduced the amount of them anyways...

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For the record, should anyone really care: I DO NOT like Exhaustion Zones and feel 'The Shard Issue' could be handled better than it is. ...I have been waiting for this game since SWG was ruined. I knew it would be different and , of course, it is. In many ways it is even better, alas, not in all ways. So far. what disturbs me the most is (1) that some Datacrons are close to impossible to reach. You need to have reflexes like a Circus Acrobat with the patience of a Saint. For the majority of us, simply unobtainable. (2) Exploring the different areas on the planets should be rewarding in itself. Exhaustion Zones just eliminate whole sections, for no reason. I saved and save for a Speeder and now that is useless in those areas also. Why? Perhaps it was cheaper to program. I don't know but I hate them. I want to explore all the different places and I feel a little cheated. Without question, there are other things but they are not as important as these two. I am having some doubts as to how long I will be playing. Yes, there are certainly good aspects, very good ones indeed. There are several games that are of the same caliber that play as well and I don't need to pay a monthly fee. Why make an MMORPG with Socializing limited to this extent? Where are the 'Guild Halls' (Guild Spaceports?) with the usual amenities? They are a sore loss. Gathering the resources to build, improve (upgrade, decorate, etc) a community has always been an extremely important part of working together and can be one of the things that make a game OUTSTANDING and fun to play. It has, in the past, given me much enjoyment. Friendships that have lasted for several years and some that I will never forget. Some still exist for me, even though the original games are no longer played. We play together in other games, correspond via email and with our phones. I am not giving up yet. I hope to see growth in SWTOR...I hope!
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30+ and zones become ghost zones, i see from 1-20 people in my zones now and im level 46.


Server list's show the server's are full but im wondering if the server limit is like 200 people... havnt seen more then 150 in Main fleet station

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For the record, should anyone really care: I DO NOT like Exhaustion Zones and feel 'The Shard Issue' could be handled better than it is. ...I have been waiting for this game since SWG was ruined. I knew it would be different and , of course, it is. In many ways it is even better, alas, not in all ways. So far. what disturbs me the most is (1) that some Datacrons are close to impossible to reach. You need to have reflexes like a Circus Acrobat with the patience of a Saint. For the majority of us, simply unobtainable. (2) Exploring the different areas on the planets should be rewarding in itself. Exhaustion Zones just eliminate whole sections, for no reason. I saved and save for a Speeder and now that is useless in those areas also. Why? Perhaps it was cheaper to program. I don't know but I hate them. I want to explore all the different places and I feel a little cheated. Without question, there are other things but they are not as important as these two. I am having some doubts as to how long I will be playing. Yes, there are certainly good aspects, very good ones indeed. There are several games that are of the same caliber that play as well and I don't need to pay a monthly fee. Why make an MMORPG with Socializing limited to this extent? Where are the 'Guild Halls' (Guild Spaceports?) with the usual amenities? They are a sore loss. Gathering the resources to build, improve (upgrade, decorate, etc) a community has always been an extremely important part of working together and can be one of the things that make a game OUTSTANDING and fun to play. It has, in the past, given me much enjoyment. Friendships that have lasted for several years and some that I will never forget. Some still exist for me, even though the original games are no longer played. We play together in other games, correspond via email and with our phones. I am not giving up yet. I hope to see growth in SWTOR...I hope!


"Wall of texts crits you for 8,000,000,000 damage"


You die.

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Agreed on all counts. I hope they act soon. This is the #1 killer of an MMO, phased instancing. I'll take server lag over phased planets any day of the week. Just get rid of it forever. Edited by SWGVet
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If you paid attention to any of the pre launch Q&A sessions about the game, when asked about sharding, Bioware clearly said that,

1 there will only be sharding on starting worlds and

2 there will only be sharding at launch and immediately following.


Well they obviously lied. There are shards on all planets and its long enough past launch that they arent needed.


I dont understand the point of a PvP server when at most i see 2 enemy players per planet. Sorry to make a WoW comparsion here, but i can fondly recall WoW's launch and open world PvP while leveling happened all the time.

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