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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Message to Bioware and Community


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This the OP could have been widely condensed if he left out all the chest puffing and alleged accomplishments and just went straight to the point.


Yeah I was gonna ask - was it basically 19 paragraphs to get to "so I cheated"? Seems like a ton of trouble to complain about being punished for cheating.

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This is true.

Yeah I was gonna ask - was it basically 19 paragraphs to get to "so I cheated"? Seems like a ton of trouble to complain about being punished for cheating.


Exactly, His whole spill about being some super 1337 Russian player who dominated everything he played and united all the russian guilds had nothing to do with his issue at all.

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Yeah I was gonna ask - was it basically 19 paragraphs to get to "so I cheated"? Seems like a ton of trouble to complain about being punished for cheating.


If he'd been more concise, I think more readers would realize that he's not complaining about being punished, he's complaining about having things deleted from his character(s) that had nothing to do with exploiting the bug.

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As usual, some suggest that the author of the post to National wrong. Therefore it is necessary to point this out to him and demand repentance for what he was not born in the right country.

Can read the message at the beginning? Or someone else's nationality is more important?

Your comrade did bring up his nationality. He brought up being good at video games (proof needed). He brought up having united all of the russian players in one guild (proof needed).... all of which had absolutely nothing to do with the case and the complaint.



And he got a punishment that he did not like.


If every exploiter got the punishment that I had in mind for them, the playerbase would be substantially smaller and he would be unable to complain about the loss of his recipe... as he would be permabanned from game and forum.

Edited by JPryde
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As usual, some suggest that the author of the post to National wrong. Therefore it is necessary to point this out to him and demand repentance for what he was not born in the right country.

Can read the message at the beginning? Or someone else's nationality is more important?


ya lybit stolichnaya

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Your comrade did bring up his nationality. He brought up being good at video games (proof needed). He brought up having united all of the russian players in one guild (proof needed).... all of which had absolutely nothing to do with the case and the complaint.



And he got a punishment that he did not like.


If every exploiter got the punishment that I had in mind for them, the playerbase would be substantially smaller and he would be unable to complain about the loss of his recipe... as he would be permabanned from game and forum.


Do you use hand grenades to kill flies too?

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no i use the correct tool. to kill a nuisance fly i use a fly swatter.


to stop a cheater, you ban them. problem solved for everyone.


So, no, you don't (line 1), or yes you do (line 2)?


We're not talking about a "cheat" that took anything from other players, or made PvP unfair, or anything like that.


Getting worked up enough to demand permanent bans over this one is little different from demanding that people who are somehow found to be "cheating" in single-player games have their license revoked so they can't play the game any more.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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I think I found an amazing solution OP!

How about the next time there is an exploit, listen to the devs DONT USE THE DAMN THING. It would save us a lot of time here on the forums, not having to read 19 paragraphs of your supposed accomplishments just to get to your thesis statement about how you got banned. Not using it would also have made it so your hard earned items weren't deleted in the first place.

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Do you use hand grenades to kill flies too?

No **** Max. Some people just think in black and white, unable to understand the full picture and place actions into context. You'll never sway them, nor is it worth your time and effort to do so. They'd rather see the game fold than to see the bigger picture.


I still maintain that Bioware was 100% wrong to ban the "normal" exploiters of this (not talking about those who server transferred and sold access). The Ultimate comms that dropped from easy to complete older 55 level Ops was just as negatively impactful, and the way Bioware 100% flat out ignored the 'exploit' for over 4 weeks was inexcusable, especially when it could have been a 5 minute fix on their end.

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I think I found an amazing solution OP!

How about the next time there is an exploit, listen to the devs DONT USE THE DAMN THING. It would save us a lot of time here on the forums, not having to read 19 paragraphs of your supposed accomplishments just to get to your thesis statement about how you got banned.

Is that the tl;dr? "I got banned and, no sir, I didn't like it." Not to mention the implication that he has so many "friends" who will follow him into exile that BWEA will be sorry!

Edited by branmakmuffin
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There was an "exploit." BW said "stop it, it's cheating to use this exploit." But they kept it in for weeks (let's grant the red herring that this was "laziness" or whatever irrelevancy). A few people ignored the warning and aggressively exploited, i.e. cheated, for weeks. They were punished. And some of that punishment was removal of properly acquired stuff (we'll dubiously concede this point for the sake of argument).


BW had three basic choices: 1) Conduct detailed hearings, with testimony, evidence, etc. for each and every suspect, then calibrate per-player the precise punishment. 2) Give the cheaters the "benefit of the doubt" on the "close calls" (e.g. schematics) and punish the obvious violations. 3) Punish the clear violations and, ALSO, take action on anything that's remotely a close call, recognizing that this may "over-punish" a few cheaters.


BW chose #3. The, by far, most efficient method. It may (emphasis on may) over-punish, but it's the least likely to let a cheater escape action (we'll get to option 1). Yes, that means some cheaters, who cheated "less," will get some proper gains taken away. That's a defensible and reasonable outcome for dealing with cheaters. Obviously option 1, besides being something no cheater has a right to even request, is the only real way to prevent this (we'll get to option 2), but option 1 is ridiculously inefficient and wasteful (and again, cheaters don't merit this type of "justice"). Option 2 actually favors cheaters. It leaves open the possibility that you could get away with it (which encourages more cheating), so that's out.


It's so rich to read cheaters complain about, um, "getting cheated." :rolleyes:


Tl;dr - BW chose the most efficient means of dealing with cheaters: accept some "collateral damage" in order to make sure no cheater benefits.

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Tl;dr - BW chose the most efficient means of dealing with cheaters: accept some "collateral damage" in order to make sure no cheater benefits.


I wonder if you'd still be OK with "collateral damage" if they'd mistakenly banned your account or stripped you of gear or schematics.

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I wonder if you'd still be OK with "collateral damage" if they'd mistakenly banned your account or stripped you of gear or schematics.

Do you know of anyone, who did NOT exploit and who did loose anything over the matter?


The OP did Cheat... They lost a shematic. Bioware decided that this was a suitable punishment. If the shematic was aquired legally or not is of no concern, the cheater got a penalty.


Otherwise would you say, if someone has 50 Million and exploits to gain 10 Millions more, it would be out of question to punish them by taking 30 Million? If Bioware decides, that is the correct punishment, then so be it.


And there is an easy way to prevent it: do not cheat.


In order to discourage future exploits, the punishment needs to be harsh. If all you can loose is 1-3 days of playtime and exactly the illegal acquired goods, but nothing of your opther stuff that you got legally (or that you were not caught cheating at), then there would be nearly no risk to cheating... and there needs to be risk so that at least the average players are discouraged. Players like the OP will still continue to cheat anyway.. anytime... anywhere.

Edited by JPryde
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I wonder if you'd still be OK with "collateral damage" if they'd mistakenly banned your account or stripped you of gear or schematics.


"Mistakenly"? As in I didn't cheat and action was taken? No. But I didn't cheat. We're talking about cheating. If I did cheat, and got stuff taken, I'd drink the bitter medicine, focus deeply on myself and my poor decisions (rather than misdirecting blame) and try to learn from my mistakes.

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I read the post as a complaint against all the watered down un polished content we've been being spoon fed the past year or more. Not a complaint against being punished for exploiting. I agree with the OP. The game is awesome lvl 1-50 after that it's way to... un-memorable. He's right, I can't name a single boss in the battle of Rishi FP. Edited by jedimessiah
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"Mistakenly"? As in I didn't cheat and action was taken? No. But I didn't cheat. We're talking about cheating. If I did cheat, and got stuff taken, I'd drink the bitter medicine, focus deeply on myself and my poor decisions (rather than misdirecting blame) and try to learn from my mistakes.


So you're perfectly fine with the OP losing a schematic he didn't get through the exploit, because he exploited the bug?


If someone had a normal job, and also robbed ATMs on the side, but his house and car were bought with money from his normal job, and all the ATM loot went into an overseas shelter, would you be OK with the government seizing his house and car?

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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So you're perfectly fine with the OP losing a schematic he didn't get through the exploit, because he exploited the bug?


thats how life works... drug dealer with $1,000 in cash when arrested will forfeit all $1000 regardless if any of it was directly related to the sale or not.


OP claims to have lost a schematic gained from purchase via comms that were gotten from the exploit. Fruit from the forbidden tree. Any comms, items, or related items are subject to deletion. I didn't need to buy chest since I got multiple items from the exploit instead i used the comms to purchase offhand weapon. Well off hand weapon is fruit from the forbidden tree. If it was gained PRIOR to exploitation you might have a case, but otherwise you wont have anything to stand on.

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