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Damn bro all I ever see you do is complain.



.... Hatred is OP and Q syncers are real. Anything I said unreasonable there? Didn't think so....so what's the issue? I can't have an opinion/state the facts?.

Edited by Kooziejr
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To be honest we never really synched queueing up, we just got pops together, with trolls and randoms too, lots of pub v pub. Strife had +10 people queueing solo ranked the first day while 78 people were sitting at the republic fleet, its funny you ***** so much about it though, having in mind that the "less good" you can get from queueing imp side is maybe a Cherry Pops or Meet Killface player which they all are very decent pvpers (dont mean to offend any guild/player) while in pub side you have trolls not taking pops all day long, people from Spouse Aggro with no pvp gear/experience, Moophy, Brenlee, and I could go on forever.


With all due respect, you cant expect us to buy this can you?

I have faced your premades more times than all the times i have faced a random pub team put together.. noone is that lucky.

I have seen the same from an imperial guild maybe once at best.. and that was still only 3 of them as i recall whereas i regularly see you guys with all 4 spots.

You can explain it away however you wish bu please dont insult our intelligence, were not that stupid, youre not that smart or lucky.

I would respect this a lot more if you owned up to it and just said yeah, we took advantage.. so what. it isnt like its against the rules so who are you trying to kid, us, or yourselves?

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.... Hatred is OP and Q syncers are real. Anything I said unreasonable there? Didn't think so....so what's the issue? I can't have an opinion/state the facts?.


Yes we ALL know just stop bringing this crap up. There's nothing anyone can do just play the game or quit. Don't ask people to change comps or not sync it's part of the game you don't like it? Get out.

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Yes we ALL know just stop bringing this crap up. There's nothing anyone can do just play the game or quit. Don't ask people to change comps or not sync it's part of the game you don't like it? Get out.


I'm glad you know. This is good. No, I don't like it and I wont quit because I enjoy playing the game. But thanks for the advice..lol

Edited by Kooziejr
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Breaks I have ONLY see you play hatred in ranked 4s....what other toons/specs have you been playing? I'm not agro I just want to know.


Also, you do realize makks and gurlong are carrying you right? You didn't become good overnight bro when hatred got buffed haha...you are cute.


He's played his vanguard.

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Breaks I have ONLY see you play hatred in ranked 4s....what other toons/specs have you been playing? I'm not agro I just want to know.


Also, you do realize makks and gurlong are carrying you right? You didn't become good overnight bro when hatred got buffed haha...you are cute.


Why does it matter what I play? I play what I want I'm not going to apologize for playing a good spec so well. As for gurlong and Makks, if they carried me so hard, why don't they take someone else who's better than me? There's plenty of other shadows. You just need to calm down and find a job or a girlfriend. Set yourself some priorities bro and get out of your parents house, being a troll or complaining about a game won't get you anywhere in life.

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Why does it matter what I play? I play what I want I'm not going to apologize for playing a good spec so well. As for gurlong and Makks, if they carried me so hard, why don't they take someone else who's better than me? There's plenty of other shadows. You just need to calm down and find a job or a girlfriend. Set yourself some priorities bro and get out of your parents house, being a troll or complaining about a game won't get you anywhere in life.


Clearly you're new here, you have to play what THEY want you to play and how THEY want you to play it or you're offending them. Stop playing the spec you have fun playing, that's not the point of SWTOR bro...it's about uhm...integrity, and morals n stuff. Lel.

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Why does it matter what I play? I play what I want I'm not going to apologize for playing a good spec so well. As for gurlong and Makks, if they carried me so hard, why don't they take someone else who's better than me? There's plenty of other shadows. You just need to calm down and find a job or a girlfriend. Set yourself some priorities bro and get out of your parents house, being a troll or complaining about a game won't get you anywhere in life.


But I like the basement and trolling you....you bite so hard....here fishy fishy,... Wall of text is stronk in this one. Sorry to have made you upset. Here have a smiley ;)


PS. you don't play hatred well...

Edited by Kooziejr
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Too many pve bads on Bastion imp side trying to play Arena ranked...which is grossly inflating the mildly above average dedicated off-hour arena ranked pub squad. Not the pub's fault (so don't sh/t yourself, Breks). But I will be focusing on my pub alt for now on, when it comes to ranked. Bastion imp side is a horror show, with the good players badly diluted by the clueless.


Every ranked match I've lost, with one exception (which was a good, close fight), was basically a 4v3 situation, where 4 decent pubs come up against 3 decent imps and one complete retard in pve gear or such.


If you looked at ratings alone, you'd think pub side was some mecca of elite pvpers, when truth is, they'd be no more than ~1200-1400 on imp side. I know this because the pubs have imp alts too.


There really aren't any elite pvpers on Bastion, anyways. There's a solid core of above average pvpers who know what they're doing, but you're not 'elite' if outside a q-synch in arena or a premade in reg, you barely stand out from the crowd.

Edited by clearsighted
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I am just happy there is a consistent amount of pops on this server. On JC tho, its kinda the same thing. When you play against pubs, 90% of the time you end up going against folks from the same guild. I did notice last Saturday in solo q that whenever we did play against pubs, it was always like 2 to 4 Strife members. I havent been on the server long enough to know if thats bc they are syncing or if they are the only ones queuing pub side (as I didnt see too many other pubs that day).
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If people are upset that they are losing to us in solo q then ask us to make a fours team. We will play any team. For the last 5 months no guild or players have queued more times in ranked 4's than our guild on server. At this point majority of our matches are guild vs. guild. We also beat every team on server against everyone's best comps. Instead of crying on forums because you are losing. Just win. This is so funny because last season the two best guilds from last season use to do the same thing, but no one cried on forums about it.
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If people are upset that they are losing to us in solo q then ask us to make a fours team. We will play any team. For the last 5 months no guild or players have queued more times in ranked 4's than our guild on server. At this point majority of our matches are guild vs. guild. We also beat every team on server against everyone's best comps. Instead of crying on forums because you are losing. Just win. This is so funny because last season the two best guilds from last season use to do the same thing, but no one cried on forums about it.



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If people are upset that they are losing to us in solo q then ask us to make a fours team. We will play any team. For the last 5 months no guild or players have queued more times in ranked 4's than our guild on server. At this point majority of our matches are guild vs. guild. We also beat every team on server against everyone's best comps. Instead of crying on forums because you are losing. Just win. This is so funny because last season the two best guilds from last season use to do the same thing, but no one cried on forums about it.


This has what to do with premades in solo queue exactly ?

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His argument is obviously that if no one else is going to Q 4s, their only recourse is to Q yolo instead.


He's being so defensive about it, when multiple posters have already said it's not their fault for taking advantage of the pop imbalance.


The only reason you'd have to get defensive about imp complaints, is if you actually think your pub's ELO is a fair measurement of your skill compared to imp side. Maybe fair compared to other pubs. But not to imps.

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This thread gave me cancer. Let us sum up all of it's badness:


1. Strife can only win with premades in solo queue.

2. Some people actually think that rating is an accurate way to measure skill.

3. Everyone else is to blame for Strife exploiting a broken system and Q synching.

4. Hatred is OP, and nerf operatives.

5. PvP is dead.

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If people are upset that they are losing to us in solo q then ask us to make a fours team. We will play any team. For the last 5 months no guild or players have queued more times in ranked 4's than our guild on server. At this point majority of our matches are guild vs. guild. We also beat every team on server against everyone's best comps. Instead of crying on forums because you are losing. Just win. This is so funny because last season the two best guilds from last season use to do the same thing, but no one cried on forums about it.


OH BOY. It's good to be back after a 2year hiatus from the forums.


Firstly who are you? I can't recall a game where I lost to strife in 4s during pre-season. Not to mention you haven't beat every guilds best comp on this server. The only time SPC ran double Hatred was against a guild that transferred over from Harb. If we ran that comp against any team on here we'd bend them over with ease simply because how OP Hatred is and Surprise and Mosh are the best sins on server.


Now if you'd like to back up that claim of beating guilds best comps plz send a whisper to us if not pipe down and focus on your little solo syncs boi.

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