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You don't know who I played against during 8s lol but regardless of that fact, I won games while you never won games.

Least you managed some wins this time around even if it was only 2 and in solo ranked,



Welp, you didn't play against anyone skilled. That's easy to see with the proof you conveniently attached. I'm willing to bet you have all of your prior season rankings printed out on photo paper and stapled to your bedroom wall; hell, maybe you even have one stuck to your fridge with a Pizza Hut magnet.


In any case, no concern to me, not like I have anything to prove in this dead game. Enjoy your 5 avid PvP'r community.

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Welp, you didn't play against anyone skilled. That's easy to see with the proof you conveniently attached. I'm willing to bet you have all of your prior season rankings printed out on photo paper and stapled to your bedroom wall; hell, maybe you even have one stuck to your fridge with a Pizza Hut magnet.


In any case, no concern to me, not like I have anything to prove in this dead game. Enjoy your 5 avid PvP'r community.


With all due respect.. youve made the same dead insignificant no concern comments many times now, and yet, here you are.

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Well then. A lot of talking going on here but we weren't able to get a queue pop in Group Ranked all night yesterday.


Just saying..


I apologize that an Australian guild cannot queue at 10am everyday of the week.


Welp, you didn't play against anyone skilled. That's easy to see with the proof you conveniently attached. I'm willing to bet you have all of your prior season rankings printed out on photo paper and stapled to your bedroom wall; hell, maybe you even have one stuck to your fridge with a Pizza Hut magnet.


In any case, no concern to me, not like I have anything to prove in this dead game. Enjoy your 5 avid PvP'r community.

You've been saying the same thing for the past 2 weeks but yet here you are still ranting on and on like a broken record. It will all be okay 2winberie maybe next time you come back you might be able to compete with the current "bads" who play and you might even get yourself a new name, icantwinberie. It should be easy for you though right? you where after all a "pro" back in the day right? so you should have nothing to worry about :rolleyes: ...... or not



Edited by Dysfunxtional
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It was like 2 weeks ago. I'm Greenn. You won more than us, and we didn't win any more after we replaced tank and you switched to sniper from sorc. And yes we was carried, he had no mic and did less hps most rounds. He's not terrible obviously, but still was carried. We won more than one lol, your memory is a bit selective. We were also running sent mando. Gunnery isn't too bad, but combat... lol. Seph pulled it off but still very UP.


But who cares, I was just disputing that you've never ever lost to strife, which I haven't even been in for very long. I would also be surprised if we were the only team that you've ever lost a game to from that guild. Tara is right, **** talk is pointless in this game. Can't we all just ditch the yolo q, *********** q 4s, and say "gg". Community's too small for rivalries and ****.


I'm just telling that I didn't lose more than 1 game that day against all the teams that qd (including against u and koality) in about 15 but meh and we ran merc/sniper...........


Oh and we lost plenty of games to crescendo/strife (gurlong team) when they played hatred/AP with a dps tank against our merc/sniper comp. I never claimed to be undefeated??? I think someone else said that dude???


And for the record, combat is not UP in 4s when its not against dot specs IMO (e.g., merc/sniper).....

Edited by Kooziejr
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I'm just telling that I didn't lose more than 1 game that day against all the teams that qd (including against u and koality) in about 15 but meh and we ran merc/sniper...........


Oh and we lost plenty of games to crescendo/strife (gurlong team) when they played hatred/AP with a dps tank against our merc/sniper comp. I never claimed to be undefeated??? I think someone else said that dude???


I said the claim, not your claim. Someone else claimed it and I responded to them.


And for the record, combat is not UP in 4s when its not against dot specs IMO (e.g., merc/sniper).....


This guy. Didn't you also say pre-3.0 that watchman was good lol.

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it was on stream u bad he sync queued on pubside, everyone who saw the stream knows it, lol ur the one butt hurt over solo rank, bad is bad and thats what u are


is funny cause double and I got into a fight over this and was partially reason our friendship ended for a long time back in season 2.


I told him to stop doing count downs when he was doing it as a joke to actually make it look like we were que syncing. fact of the matter is pub have lower population and higher rated players will get stacked on same team resulting in it looking like a sync when we're just queing normally. I dont wait for "good players" to get on to que. I just fkn que lmao


I have ppl follow me over to factions now resulting in majority pub vs pub games anyway. I have nvr in my time done a serious countdown to que sync nor will I ever. Why youd want to sync que with a dps scoundrel in the first place is beyond me.

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I said the claim, not your claim. Someone else claimed it and I responded to them.




This guy. Didn't you also say pre-3.0 that watchman was good lol.


How is Commando weak in team ranked? its one of the strongest classes and marauder isn't the best but it certainly is far from gimp (especially carnage against double ranged)....Your team was on par with ours and you lost dude.....in the end you lost to double ranged...plain and simple....and may I add that we pugged our tank and healer that day too (in fact, it was the first time that tank had ever played team ranked)....... Just FYI bro because ur so happy to point things out about how your comp was so bad with pugs....when the other team is in exactly the same boat :S


Hope that puts things into perspective for you now with your hero claims of a winning a game against Tara and I before proceding to lose a stack and stop queuing :S


Here. have a /golfclap

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Everything else aside.. Commando/Merc are still too easily shut down and have trouble mitigating heavy damage. They are not ideal in Group Ranked still.


I really like playing with a commando DPS in team ranked. Tara and Green(Allgallaxymerc) put out some serious damage and pressure. Kak did decent dmg and pressure too when nice electronets. Its a very good class when played by a decent player.


Unfortunately it is bettered by a derp playing hatred...which is sad.

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Lf team(s) to play against


Jk nobody will queue ..........


When do you queue? Primetime usually has at least 1-2 teams going. Except on Monday.. I couldn't get a pop at all.


I really like playing with a commando DPS in team ranked. Tara and Green(Allgallaxymerc) put out some serious damage and pressure. Kak did decent dmg and pressure too when nice electronets. Its a very good class when played by a decent player.


Unfortunately it is bettered by a derp playing hatred...which is sad.


Yea, the class can do well when played well. Overall, I still think the biggest advantages of a Merc/Mando are still Dispel and Electronet.


I'd like to see Mercs get Concussive as an Instant Cast baseline. That would be one step towards helping them a lot, so they don't have to waste other offensive cds.

Edited by Xeraz
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When do you queue? Primetime usually has at least 1-2 teams going. Except on Monday.. I couldn't get a pop at all.


We're usually good to queue at around 9-10pm EST. Also are you saying there is always 1-2 teams queuing daily ... because nobody ever tells us they're queued or asks us to queue lol :/

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We're usually good to queue at around 9-10pm EST. Also are you saying there is always 1-2 teams queuing daily ... because nobody ever tells us they're queued or asks us to queue lol :/


Ah.. that's a bit early for the prime time. Usually queues start popping around 11pm EST. Either way, when we queue up we usually try to get in touch with peopel via pm, general or pvp chat. I'll be sure to send a pm your way next time if I see you on.


Carthy is the name, right?

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How is Commando weak in team ranked? its one of the strongest classes and marauder isn't the best but it certainly is far from gimp (especially carnage against double ranged)....Your team was on par with ours and you lost dude.....in the end you lost to double ranged...plain and simple....and may I add that we pugged our tank and healer that day too (in fact, it was the first time that tank had ever played team ranked)....... Just FYI bro because ur so happy to point things out about how your comp was so bad with pugs....when the other team is in exactly the same boat :S


Hope that puts things into perspective for you now with your hero claims of a winning a game against Tara and I before proceding to lose a stack and stop queuing :S


Here. have a /golfclap


You're right, gunnery combat is clearly on the same level as arsenal ap and arsenal mm. You speak of double ranged as if it's an inferior comp lol.


You forget we had Koality. If you really want to claim that he is as good as you or wesc... I'm all ears. He is not the worst healer I've ever played with, but him not having a mic was a real pain. Your sin tank did great. Certainly far better than the vg we had to pick up later in the night right before you switched to sniper.

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LOL. Sounds like a solid game you guys got here.


It's not all that competitive compared to other games but, let's just be honest, even though only 1-2 teams queue a night.. the remaining Group Ranked players are generally the best of the best of all the remaining players.


So, although we only have like 100 players that have even attempted Group Ranked on this server.. the top chunk within that group are generally the best of the 500 or so players that play Solo Ranked which.. tbh, are probably the best of the 2,000 people left on this server that do regs/pvp.


So, it's not nearly as bad as you'd like it to seem. Regardless, it is a "positive/good" personality trait to try to strive to be the best. Generally, it is a character flaw to complain constantly about your circumstance while not attempting to better yourself.

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My team plays primarily on Pot5 but are looking to xfer our pub toons for 4s when that server isn't popping. Currently my slinger is on Harb but we're thinking about moving to Bastion. How many teams queue up here and how many times per week? Also, what time does it normally start? (we are eastern time).
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