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Midtier PvP is R U I N E D


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It's obvious that more complaints need to be heard on this matter, because, BW actually is working on nerfing some of the obvious problems that are in 60 pvp. Those problems are only being addressed because, people complained loudly.


Keep complaining, and the few who defend mids pvp and say it's "fine", it's best to ignore them. They are clueless, and 99% of them do not have experience in the mids bracket besides a small sampling they "tried".


As we know, this experience can vary, but any 30-40 that says they handle 50+ toons with ease and even find the fights competitive, I would say to them they are full of ****.


On a better note, it seems BW is "fixing" some of the issues, like PTs shoulder cannon fiasco. I just think if BW at least acknowledged the issues before they even started fixing them it would go a long way.


Seriously, all they got to do is let the community know that they are aware of the complaints and looking into them. That keeps people calm and lets the players know they actually care.


They have lost many subs now due to not appearing to give a crap. Hopefully they communicate more in the future. Good communication goes a long way.

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Does it matter? I see no name randos complain about this and then I see players that know what they are talking about say it's not that bad. My guildies don't seem to have a problem with it.


If your main is level 34 you've been playing for what, a week? I totally care what you have to say about balance guy who hasn't even finished chapter 2 of the story and doesn't have a toon at level cap.


Translation: Anyone who agrees with me knows what they're talking about, and anyone who disagrees with me is just a no name rando and should be ignored.


Yep, I can see why we should take you seriously.

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I did in another thread and its VERY simple but probably too simple for a developer who clearly don't play their own game.


Boost ALL players to 60, unlocking all skills required to play that class in warzones ONLY. Guild Wars 2 does it well.


The benefits are huge

- MORE people playing Warzones

- No more headaches using an outdated game mechanic

- Reduced Q times due to more players


Warzone coms can be exchanged for cosmetic PvP armour, or conquest stuff or other rewards that are useful. Because as a new player, if you enter the world of 30-59, I doubt very much many will stay because its just ridiculous. I haven't seen anything this bad since early Rift, then they changed how PvP worked there in the end.


Go play GW2: they do that. Even with x-server that's VEEERRY popular (not). This is a gear based and level based game - get used to it. Bolster fixes a lot of that in lowbies but it doesn't throw it out the window and I hope it never does.

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It's obvious that more complaints need to be heard on this matter, because, BW actually is working on nerfing some of the obvious problems that are in 60 pvp. Those problems are only being addressed because, people complained loudly.


What's your proof? Maybe they're getting adjusted -only- because BW knew they needed to be? Maybe they've wanted to change them for awhile but have had other priorities? In the past, people complained loudly about some classes/specs for years before they got nerfed. And other classes that weren't complained about have gotten nerfs. Maybe people like you (not just you - you're not even one of the worst) spamming complaints ad infinitum and mostly void of hard info have only helped cement this board as the bastard stepchild of message boards that gets locked in the attic and ignored?

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This no doubt.


I rolled a jugg on new server recently and forced myself to do lowbie pvp cuz of all this fuss. Qued up at level 30 with like lvl 25 gear and no relics. Tank spec, no premade, no medpacks.







Not like I did super good but I dont see what the crying is all about. Lowbies have just always sucked imo.


In the losses you died an exorbitant amount of times = you got pwned by either higher levels or better players. In the 1 win your team had a great healer and a crap ton of taunts/guards...your point is invalid.

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My poor level 34 Sin was hit 3x11k in 3 hits and dead during a stun lock.


It just beggars belief Bioware can allow bolster to screw things up yet AGAIN. Either remove it, or boost every single PvP player to 60 and remove the pointless DATED need for brackets. Imagine how many more people would be in PvP if this was the case?!


Did your sin have 2018 expertise?... That will mitigate some damage... But be aware that a lot of classes can hit higher... I myself hit for 11k on my pre50 Sin... So it's not that my hit strength is lower than higher lvls

I play with so many people who don't look at their expertise... Only their main stats...

Now someone here will say I don't have pvp gear... How can I have 2018 expertise... Sigh

It's simple for all people LVL 21-50 to have 2018 expertise... Firstly have every slot filled and that includes having non pvp relics... And that's it... Simple

To maximise your stats other than expertise... Just wear the best gear you can for your LVL... It not until you get close to LVL 50 that you might have to start mucking around with some lower gear to get 2018 expertise... And once past LVL 55 you shouldn't wear any gear higher than 156-162 or you will lose expertise... Too many people even in LVL 60 are wearing the wrong gear, ie 178-192... They think the higher stats help them which they don't... Then complain its the gear other people are wearing... Sigh

Expertise is your main stat in pvp... Anything less than 2018 expertise isn't acceptable

The only problems in mid teir that Bio need to address are these...

- as LVL 50s+ get higher their main stats and endurance go up too... This gives them on average 7000-10000 more health and more bonus damage

- they have more end game abilities/utilites to escape or cause major Crit damage to you

Those 2 factors make playing LVL 50-59s difficult...

The brackets need adjusting...

I've propsed to Bio a change to these brackets

- 10-24, 25-44, 45-59, 60... This way the beginning bracket is just that, for beginners, mids is where people learn tactics and learn their core skills (which is why it is a bigger bracket), 45-59 is where people prepare for end game LVL 60 (so it is meant to be a lot harder)

I have heard a rumour that there will be an extra higher LVL bracket added... I don't know if it will be 45-59, it maybe 50-59 or 55-59 (probably the worst choice)... So don't give up hope that mids will be fixed soon


FYI it's not gear bolster that is broken... Its the added stats from lvling that have not been taken into consideration... Hence why it looks like Bolster isn't upping people's stats enough... If they took those lvling stats into account too then you would see that gear Bolster is fine

Edited by Icykill_
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In the losses you died an exorbitant amount of times = you got pwned by either higher levels or better players. In the 1 win your team had a great healer and a crap ton of taunts/guards...your point is invalid.


What do u think my point is? All I showed was that even a lvl30/undergeared/melee class can perform well enough to make a positive contribution to his team if u know what ur doing. I think most of the QQ'rs just suck, and wouldn't be complaining if they could at least put up the mediocre stats I was able to do.


Real pvpers power level through pve content to get to lvl 60 pvp asap anyway. These lowbie complaints are a dead giveaway.

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What do u think my point is? All I showed was that even a lvl30/undergeared/melee class can perform well enough to make a positive contribution to his team if u know what ur doing. I think most of the QQ'rs just suck, and wouldn't be complaining if they could at least put up the mediocre stats I was able to do.


Real pvpers power level through pve content to get to lvl 60 pvp asap anyway. These lowbie complaints are a dead giveaway.


While I agree that people can put out higher numbers if they have the skill... What you seem to be forgetting is that mids is a learning bracket for 99% of players... Only people who have multiple LVL 60 toons they pvp on are likely to power LVL through PVE to get to 60 to pvp... If people get to 60 and have never PVPd in this game they are usually the worst players...

People who are real pvpers don't play PVE content at all except maybe class to get companions and class stats... I only LVL in pvp because PVE is boring... I'm lucky that I do have enough skill to compete when I'm LVL 30 because I also have multiple pvp toons from 55-60... So I don't need to learn tactics like most mid players do

Saying that lowbie complaints don't matter is short sighted... The more lowbie players that can't learn because they get stomped will be either bad LVL 60s or more likely leave the game or not pvp... Then as any level 60 players leave the game... There will be less and less people refilling the ranks... = pvp dies completely due to no one to play against

Edited by Icykill_
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What do u think my point is? All I showed was that even a lvl30/undergeared/melee class can perform well enough to make a positive contribution to his team if u know what ur doing. I think most of the QQ'rs just suck, and wouldn't be complaining if they could at least put up the mediocre stats I was able to do.


Real pvpers power level through pve content to get to lvl 60 pvp asap anyway. These lowbie complaints are a dead giveaway.


Do you remember when people used to ask to be able to turn off XP so they could stay lowbies forever because it was "more balanced and more fun"?

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I refuse to queue up until 57 in the mid bracket. That alone should speak volumes.


55 is fine Jack... As long as you min max your PVE gear with bolster... It's no different really to LVL 57


Plus someone with your skill shouldn't really have an issue at LVL 50... And should be competitive even below that

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I've just cancelled my sub. PvP is a joke. Dead in 2 hits again in a warzone. Oh the *********** JOY!


So long Bioware, I can understand why your game is free to play now.


Rather than spitting your dummy out before you even level one toon, why not actually level it, and play PVP at 60? You might be the player we have all been looking for to make the game more fun.


Don't get me wrong, personally I believe the game is in its death throws, but it has nothing to do with midbie PVP.


Yes, they need to fix bolster, midbies needs some bolster adjustments, but that is all, the main issue is that they don't give a crap about PVP whatsosever.


Since you are new to the game, either level and see if you like end game PVP, or get out now before you become too invested, which is the only reason many people hang on.

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What do u think my point is? All I showed was that even a lvl30/undergeared/melee class can perform well enough to make a positive contribution to his team if u know what ur doing. I think most of the QQ'rs just suck, and wouldn't be complaining if they could at least put up the mediocre stats I was able to do.


Real pvpers power level through pve content to get to lvl 60 pvp asap anyway. These lowbie complaints are a dead giveaway.


Whilst I agree with the premise that most of the whining comes from people who are clueless in warzones, I think you will find that most PVPers actually PVP to level their toons.


A PVPer, PVEing to level is an oxymoron at best, crass stupidity more likely.


The last thing we need is people arriving at 60 with zero clue how to play their toons in a PVP environment. PVE and PVP are totally different animals.

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What do u think my point is? All I showed was that even a lvl30/undergeared/melee class can perform well enough to make a positive contribution to his team if u know what ur doing. I think most of the QQ'rs just suck, and wouldn't be complaining if they could at least put up the mediocre stats I was able to do.


Real pvpers power level through pve content to get to lvl 60 pvp asap anyway. These lowbie complaints are a dead giveaway.

Clearly someone who just doesn't have a clue.


How can a player suck when they die in just 2-3 hits? You can't move, if your medic pac is available, it just means you last 1 hit longer. So I can't understand how anyone can 'make a contribution'? When I am not stuck in a group combat situation, I make my contribution by capping and not engaging in combat unless I can/have to.


If I see a player around the same level, then I may go for it, but anything over 50, there's no point. You fail to miss the point time and time again, and its very tiring having to repeat what is obvious - Bolster is BROKEN

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While I agree that people can put out higher numbers if they have the skill... What you seem to be forgetting is that mids is a learning bracket for 99% of players... Only people who have multiple LVL 60 toons they pvp on are likely to power LVL through PVE to get to 60 to pvp... If people get to 60 and have never PVPd in this game they are usually the worst players...

People who are real pvpers don't play PVE content at all except maybe class to get companions and class stats... I only LVL in pvp because PVE is boring... I'm lucky that I do have enough skill to compete when I'm LVL 30 because I also have multiple pvp toons from 55-60... So I don't need to learn tactics like most mid players do

Saying that lowbie complaints don't matter is short sighted... The more lowbie players that can't learn because they get stomped will be either bad LVL 60s or more likely leave the game or not pvp... Then as any level 60 players leave the game... There will be less and less people refilling the ranks... = pvp dies completely due to no one to play against


12xexp killed the notion of learning the ropes in lowbies

Level 60 regs is the new learning center for better or worse

I think the easiest hot fix for this is to power level one's midbie toon iif unsatisfied

Personally, I have a couple toons sub 45 and I don't treat them like full dark reaver toons; I play cautiously and generally just peel for healers or focus fire with the level 55+ on our team; I'm only planning on getting the lowbie toons to valor 40 and then power leveling to get them to rishi/forged alliance greenie gear then maxing pvp comms


Sure lowbies in midbies are easy kills if they are leading the charge but if they are in a group they are harder to notice

Splitting the tiers even more is not the solution though since there are not enough peeps playing wz's imo

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What do u think my point is? All I showed was that even a lvl30/undergeared/melee class can perform well enough to make a positive contribution to his team if u know what ur doing. I think most of the QQ'rs just suck, and wouldn't be complaining if they could at least put up the mediocre stats I was able to do.


Real pvpers power level through pve content to get to lvl 60 pvp asap anyway. These lowbie complaints are a dead giveaway.


You were making a point that lower levels can contribute, via your pics all you contributed was another target for the opposing team to get numbers off of. Even in your win your numbers we average at best.

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I came back to the game recently and so most of my chars were lvl 55 in brut gear (some even min/max). I have a HUGE advantage vs. level 30 players. It isn't slight, it is HUGE.


It was fun for the first few matches or so and I still have fun winning the occasional 1v4 with my sorc but since I am not a total idiot I can see how disadvantaged these players are. What is worse is that some of them are new as well. How stupid is it to put less experienced players at such a huge handicap and expect them to enjoy pvp. If I was one of them I would quit this game asap.


Another argument some people make is that they do fine on their lvl 30s. Well you know what, I do fine as well. I understand bolster (well as much as we can haha :) ) and I have pvp'd off and on since launch. Does the fact that I can still top the charts sometimes on a lvl 3X class mean that it is anywhere near the ability of my 55+ in min/max brut? No it does not. This is a stupid argument to make and is not based in any sort of earth logic.


There is a reason why I am seeing more and more 55+ premades who are playing their alt chars in midbies. A good portion of these premades are rather terrible in 60s on their mains but they can win often in midbies and so they just try to stomp. Then they come on these forums and say that it isn't so bad because they want to keep their feeling of accomplishment.


On my midbie min/max chars I'm often 2x the dmg of the next guy on the chart and so I get invited to premades. I usually turn them down because decent people with decent irls do not enjoy stomping on weaker players whether it be in irl sports or on videogames (they may enjoy the very occasional several stomps but not much more than that).


I will premade in midbies with my guildies and their friends on their alts but many of them are in their 30s and 40s. They are usually good and experienced players so we do usually win but it is not because of taking advantage of the terrible stat/abil system. There is nothing wrong with premading just wrong with searching for an unfair advantage and enjoying frequent stomping of weaker players. If you do this then seek help because something is bothering you somewhere in your life.

Edited by DarthRaika
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12xexp killed the notion of learning the ropes in lowbies

Level 60 regs is the new learning center for better or worse

I think the easiest hot fix for this is to power level one's midbie toon iif unsatisfied

Personally, I have a couple toons sub 45 and I don't treat them like full dark reaver toons; I play cautiously and generally just peel for healers or focus fire with the level 55+ on our team; I'm only planning on getting the lowbie toons to valor 40 and then power leveling to get them to rishi/forged alliance greenie gear then maxing pvp comms


Sure lowbies in midbies are easy kills if they are leading the charge but if they are in a group they are harder to notice

Splitting the tiers even more is not the solution though since there are not enough peeps playing wz's imo


Just make sure when you start forged alliances that you don't use any gear over 162... You'll probably need to put 148-156 pieces in your weapons other wise you will go over the bolster limit and get negative expertise

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