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Arena trolls are bigger issue than win-traders.


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Kill two birds with one stone:


Handicapping and your ability to Que is based on that number.


Win traders would lose rating on that designated toon: Sorry you can't Que anymore.

Trolls lose rating on designated toon: Sorry, you can't que anymore.



It's not super harsh, but gets the point across, since we can't have nice things.

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You need to be stopped.

Whatever. Do you even play ranked? That's how it works. If you keep queuing when you are losing, bye bye rating.


The reality is, there are not nearly enough people participating in ranked to make the trolls an insignificant anomaly. So, I offered the only real solution. I'm sure that continued complaining is going to make BW suddenly able to differentiate between players who simply don't know how to pvp and players who are intentionally throwing matches. At a certain point, one could throw matches by simply not trying very hard, while making it look like they are trying, but just are not very good.


Go ahead and complain all day long about how big of an issue trolls are, but until you can propose a viable solution, nothing is going to happen. Even still, you may come up with what you believe is a viable solution, when in reality, it is totally not workable for one reason or another that you are not privy to.


The way I look at it is this: ranked is like a pond that is mostly dried up. When you go to drink from the mostly dried up pond, you will inevitably slurp up some scum and other various undesirables when you go to drink. The only real way to fix it is to add more water to the pond.

Edited by teclado
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I should not be denied of playing pvp games because someone joins in and trolls the arenas.


I am paying for this game. I'd like to play it. Trolling arenas falls under harassment clearly. I think there is something about "denying enjoyment of service" in TOS.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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Whatever. Do you even play ranked? That's how it works. If you keep queuing when you are losing, bye bye rating.


The reality is, there are not nearly enough people participating in ranked to make the trolls an insignificant anomaly. So, I offered the only real solution. I'm sure that continued complaining is going to make BW suddenly able to differentiate between players who simply don't know how to pvp and players who are intentionally throwing matches. At a certain point, one could throw matches by simply not trying very hard, while making it look like they are trying, but just are not very good.


Go ahead and complain all day long about how big of an issue trolls are, but until you can propose a viable solution, nothing is going to happen. Even still, you may come up with what you believe is a viable solution, when in reality, it is totally not workable for one reason or another that you are not privy to.


The way I look at it is this: ranked is like a pond that is mostly dried up. When you go to drink from the mostly dried up pond, you will inevitably slurp up some scum and other various undesirables when you go to drink. The only real way to fix it is to add more water to the pond.


You should consult the sniper/gunslinger leaderboards for season 2 and season 3. I'm at the top. 1 player last season multi boxed and threw games constantly on pot5. There was no avoiding him some days and the solution is not to stop playing, it's to ban them for life so they can't case multiple players to unsub or stop enjoying content.


Multiple guilds had to mass report this douche and send video evidence to finally get action taken against him. That process needs to be easier.

Edited by EnzoForMe
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The **** are you talking about? I was #1 group ranked in season 3. You pick your teams in that gametype and so does the other side in case you didn't know.


In season 2 I won 418 games on my sniper and a couple hundred on my gunslinger in solo ranked. In that sample size luck is no longer part of the equation. You're really reaching here and your lack of basic statistical comprehension is troubling.


He's right, the only way to overcome the RNG-meter is to play tons of games...

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Group Ranked is the only real solution to dealing with the Yolo Trolls.


You can add a Troll to your Friends List and just not queue up when they are logged on, however, sometimes those trolls are very committed to their enterprise and stay on all night.


This particular guy would have 3 of his own toons queing simultaneously to try and win on his operative healer for the majority of season 3.

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You should consult the sniper/gunslinger leaderboards for season 2 and season 3. I'm at the top.

I saw your sig. That's why I was a bit confused as to why you would disagree with my assertion that trolls could make one stop playing.


In order to get your high rating, you had to know who the good players are and who the not so good ones are. If you know that certain good players on the other faction are queuing and certain not good players on your side are queuing, you are setting yourself up for failure to keep playing. I think it's a terrible thing, and I wish that was not the case.

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I saw your sig. That's why I was a bit confused as to why you would disagree with my assertion that trolls could make one stop playing.


In order to get your high rating, you had to know who the good players are and who the not so good ones are. If you know that certain good players on the other faction are queuing and certain not good players on your side are queuing, you are setting yourself up for failure to keep playing. I think it's a terrible thing, and I wish that was not the case.


There were no trolls on pot5 in season 2 in solo ranked to speak of. In season 3, one guy pretty much killed the queue which is why I moved over to solely group ranked (it's also better for your blood pressure).

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My gut tells me that having cross-faction queues for solo ranked would mitigate the issues with trolls. They would still exist, but if that troll could be on anybody's team, at least that variable is spread around and is not just isolated to the one faction. If we had cross-faction queues, I would not stop playing simply based on who is queuing.
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You probably got lucky with your teams and the fact as your rating went up you were put with other higher rated players (not trolls)

The **** are you talking about? I was #1 group ranked in season 3. You pick your teams in that gametype and so does the other side in case you didn't know.


In season 2 I won 418 games on my sniper and a couple hundred on my gunslinger in solo ranked. In that sample size luck is no longer part of the equation. You're really reaching here and your lack of basic statistical comprehension is troubling.


Just stopping by to 100% support this post.


The stigma that everyone who topped leaderboards must have cheated, worked the system in their favor somehow, or got incredibly lucky is just a disgusting thought. Some people are legitimately good at this game and have the numbers behind them to prove it. Stop attacking the people who have lost far more time and enjoyment than the average player due the trolls-because of their ratings actually mattering more than the average player-and focus on the trolls themselves. Get it together, people.






The solution isn't to stop queuing altogether. If anything, that is what's making the trolls so effective. Less people, less real players, more chances to see the same troll in every.single.game.for.weeks. If you think not queueing during the times that these trolls are on is going to magically make the trolls go away, you're sorely mistaken. You're feeding them by giving them free reign of the arenas.

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If you think not queueing during the times that these trolls are on is going to magically make the trolls go away, you're sorely mistaken. You're feeding them by giving them free reign of the arenas.

I suppose it depends on what the troll is hoping to achieve. If the goal is to make the queue pops cease, then you would be correct.

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The biggest problem is too few people participating. If we had x-server or x-faction, trolls would get stuck in low rated brackets and skilled players would never run into them even if there were a hundred in the q (except maybe during the first week or two).


The q issue -is- getting looked at according to a still recent post by Musco elsewhere.


But regardless win trading is a big problem and until the q solution solves it, it's nice to know BW is working on it and at least paying lip service to taking it seriously.

Edited by Savej
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Yup. Any plans how to deal with those guys? Last thing they gonna care about is losing their rating.


There's already a fix for this: group ranked.


Solo queue is always going to have the drawback of getting grouped with people who suck or just aren't trying. That's why group ranked exists: so you can play with people you know and trust. And if even half the people who complain about this just tried to forma group and go then the grouped queue would be popping at a normal rate.

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The solution to 95% of pvp problems is cross-server:

  1. It would reduce FOTM-ness because you are less likely to face that same three powertechs you've been facing all night, and you would see much greater comp variety because a cross-server queue system can easily balance the team by drawing from a large player pool.
  2. It would obliterate queue sync'ing because how the hell do you queue sync cross-server?
  3. It would greatly reduce trolls because they are, after all, the minority of minorities and barely noticeable in cross-server.


And Bioware's response to said solution: NO.



  • I sure as hell don't believe that SWTOR's system can't run cross-server. I remember pre-season one, our very first pre-season that lasted a year and a half, said "season one is coming soon with cross-server queue". Somewhere in the past they had a plan in their schedule to run cross-server, but it obviously got edged out from massive in-game micro-transaction. "RIP cross server queue." -- Cartel Market

Edited by Azurestone
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There's a fair few things they could do to help one of which I don't think has been mentioned yet but I remember some posts during season three....why is it still possible to queue for solo ranked (and probably group as well) with no advanced class?


That's something they've known about for some time.

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I dont understand why this issue isnt fixed immediately. Its incredibly simple.


In ORDER to QUE. For a Ranked WZ you must be wearing 2018 exp worth of PVP gear. You cant take it off, unless you leave the WZ. Solved. (as in you cannot even Q without full PVP gear on, and you get a message, "to Q for Ranked warzones you must be in full PVP gear.")


At least for the gear issue.


There is no way to stop people from playing like crap, but at least the trolls will have to be wearing full PVP gear.


SO SIMPLE. Nothing done.


the funny thing is you cant even say they favor PVE now since all the OPs and FPs are bugged lol.


They are just universally screwing the pooch now. Total non caring incompetence and willful inaction.

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?..Multiple guilds had to mass report this douche and send video evidence to finally get action taken against him. That process needs to be easier.


That goes for most of the reporting processes in this game... It needs to be easier and more automated... If something isn't right or some dodgy behaviour is happening... Then Bio should make the process easier to report

As it stands they make it as hard as possible so we don't bother or give up trying... They have the attitude "if we ignore it or make it too hard... Maybe it will go away"

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