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Petition: Character Name Purge Part II


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New level requirements-

My recommendations:


Free to play-Logged in past 30 days- safe.




Level 55 -safe

Level 54 or below-must have logged on once in past 4 months to be safe.

Level 30 or below-must have logged in the past 2 months to be safe.


As always paying subs are safe.


This should clear up a lot of awesome names taken up by level 50s at launch.

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I think the only thing that needs to be changed from the previous name purge is that the cutoff level for non-subscribers gets boosted to level 51 to guarantee that every character that hasn't been played since RotHC gets included.
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I'd suggest (Much hate mail inbound I'm sure)... that any account not accessed in 365 days (1 year) is also subject to being cleaned.


Just a suggestion, but if someone hasn't played in over a year it's unlikely they are coming back.

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I don't agree. I don't really care either. Really how hard is it to come up with a name? what's wrong with you!


Considering how easy it is to do, and there's nobody using the purged names, why would you be against this?


It's a huge QoL thing for many people.

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I don't agree. I don't really care either. Really how hard is it to come up with a name? what's wrong with you!


I don't think that coming up with "a" name is a problem at all, but if you already have a name in mind that you want to use and it's unavailable, then that's all there is to it.


A purge may not help. The name may be taken by a character that is or that would be protected, but the chance that a particular name may become available is an appealing prospect to those players that want to use that name.




Personally, as a subscriber right now the OP's plan wouldn't affect me, but I have been here off-and-on since beta and I haven't gotten a character to 54 yet. If I decided to take a break and came back six months later to find my names all taken, I don't know if I would ever come back again after that, and six months doesn't sound at all like an unreasonable absence to me based upon my military experience.

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As I said in another thread like this I would love a chance to get back the names I had day one and lost because of the server merge. On the off chance those that got them are no longer playing I'm all for it. Sadly we can long since now change appearance in game which would have been nice then so I wouldn't have had to recreate them. :(
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Hmmm, I am torn. On the one hand, I can see having all the "Douchbag McFuzzlebunny" characters that haven't logged in for a long time removed. On the other hand, maybe you just haven't gotten around to that character recently. I think that subscribers should never have to worry about this at all, as long as you remain a subscriber. Why? You get what you pay for, beeyatches. You want a class A game for free...NO! No, game for you! Get a job! Get off my lawn, you kids! ....







Wha',....where am I? Oh no. It happened again didn't it? Damned rum! :rak_03:

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Hmm, the mismanaged expectations are strong with this thread.


Question: what makes anyone think that another name purge is going to free up any names that weren't freed up with the first purge.


Perhaps most the names that everyone here is hoping that will be freed up are actually being used by subscribers. And no purge should ever affect a player who maintains a current subscription, regardless of when they last logged on with any character on their account.

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Hmm, the mismanaged expectations are strong with this thread.


Question: what makes anyone think that another name purge is going to free up any names that weren't freed up with the first purge.


Perhaps most the names that everyone here is hoping that will be freed up are actually being used by subscribers. And no purge should ever affect a player who maintains a current subscription, regardless of when they last logged on with any character on their account.


What makes you suppose that no names would get freed up by another purge? That sounds dumb - many people have left the game since the last purge (and many others have started playing); online game communities are not static.

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Hmm, the mismanaged expectations are strong with this thread.


Question: what makes anyone think that another name purge is going to free up any names that weren't freed up with the first purge.


Perhaps most the names that everyone here is hoping that will be freed up are actually being used by subscribers. And no purge should ever affect a player who maintains a current subscription, regardless of when they last logged on with any character on their account.


Agreed. I have some alts that I created over 6 months ago and just haven't decided to fully level yet. I check in on them from time to time, transfer creds around. etc. - but I plan on using those alts eventually. I think subs should absolutely never be caught up in any name purges, period. If you're paying the sub, you should be excluded.

Edited by Bachannal
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no need for a name purge. if there is a name you want and its already taken? tuff think of something else!!! be a little more creative and think out side the box!


I don't think that coming up with "a" name is a problem at all, but if you already have a name in mind that you want to use and it's unavailable, then that's all there is to it.


A purge may not help. The name may be taken by a character that is or that would be protected, but the chance that a particular name may become available is an appealing prospect to those players that want to use that name.




Personally, as a subscriber right now the OP's plan wouldn't affect me, but I have been here off-and-on since beta and I haven't gotten a character to 54 yet. If I decided to take a break and came back six months later to find my names all taken, I don't know if I would ever come back again after that, and six months doesn't sound at all like an unreasonable absence to me based upon my military experience.


i 100% agree with that last part!!! if i came back after a long break and find out my names have been taken away from me i will not come back at all. there are too many extenuating circumstances that can cause people not to be able to log in for long periods of time one of them being military people being deployed


name purges are a bad idea and you are not guaranteed that the names you really want will be freed up

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Most if not all the good names are taken by now...by active players. Name purges at this point would serve no purpose IMO.


If the friends list is an even slightly accurate representation of who's online, I would disagree. I am tracking multiple folks on my main for their names and have NEVER seen them on.

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