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Game dead or dying ?


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Hey, I'm with you. We will take your cash bro, no problem. The TOR forums are with you in that respect.


But as far as you trolling goes, yeah doesn't quite work. Many of us have been around a long time and have seen you go and come back and come back again. lol. We know your shtick. And to be honest, as others have told you before, you have zero cred.


It is amusing to see your posts from time to time. Looking forward to your raging when the xpac comes out and another prediction of doom. Yeah, this game is dead. lol!

Bro you are just upset as you know I'm right.

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Bro you are just upset as you know I'm right.


Nah, it's all good. We can keep going if you want. You have made the prediction of doom before. You trot out your irrational arguments and tell us it is over and every time, every single time, nothing happens. The game keeps going and growing btw.


And part of the reason why it keeps going is because of your small contribution every month as a sub. That says much more than anything you could ever post here. That is your vote to keep the game alive. So... thank you!


Lol! It's funny when you think about it. So, please by all means, continue.


How about the time that you said you were leaving to play ESO never to return. LOL! Remember that? I do. But I digress.

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And part of the reason why it keeps going is because of your small contribution every month as a sub. That says much more than anything you could ever post here. That is your vote to keep the game alive. So... thank you!


Lol! It's funny when you think about it. So, please by all means, continue.


Just subbing so I can reach endgame before servers close, the P2W in the game is amazingly OP, but I digress.

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Just subbing so I can reach endgame before servers close, the P2W in the game is amazingly OP, but I digress.


The CM is P2W? I thought P2W was a way to buy in game currency and or statted gear straight off the bat without having to worry about what items costed.

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How is it P2W so badly? I'm curious.


meh, thats usually just the last ditch effort to attack the game with no real substance. Make one statement, get proved wrong then change the argument and get proved wrong again. Finally just make outlandish claims and resort to out right lies or personal attacks.

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My numbers are still the most accurate ones provided :)


huh, strange because EVERY gaming website lists this as one of the most successful F2P on the market, with some of the highest player base. Yeah, nice troll post.


there are around 3 million players last time i checked, many of whom spend more then what it would cost for a sub.

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Just subbing so I can reach endgame before servers close, the P2W in the game is amazingly OP, but I digress.


You got quite a few years before that happens, so don't sweat it. I know I'm taking my sweet time with my 20 alts and I'll still have plenty of time to spare.


Wow, you guys are still feeding that troll?

Because when you can't be in game, it's always good to enjoy some nice forum PvP action. I wish the competition was a little better though. The current group of "haters" are extremely poor in that regard and its only out of sheer boredom and nothing else to do until I can get back in game that I end up posting in these types of threads.

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Hi im playing on ENGLISH RP server and im level 15... never met a player. Really i feel like im playing single player game...


progenitor on EU side is always active and nicer people, Im from the US and have been on that server since 3 months after playing the game almost over 3 years ago. But ya you may possibly be getting on at wrong times.

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*edit well to be honest you precious little kids do rise pretty easily, can say whatever and get all of you crying.


You see, that's where you and all your kin are wrong. I guarantee that no fanboi on these forums are crying. We are laughing. In fact, we are laughing quite loudly at the weaksauce troll attempts we bear witness to. We laugh because we have no reason to continually QQ, unlike the obsessions of some others ...

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Manged to suck out 5 pages of posts in less than 12 hours, may not be entertaining but certainly effective.


*edit well to be honest you precious little kids do rise pretty easily, can say whatever and get all of you crying.


sure, b ut how many posts are yours? a decent troll only needs one or two posts in a thread to keep it going. you have four on this page (page 20) alone.



Edited by kingshaneo
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