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Parsely - Online Log Analyzer / Viewer & DPS Leaderboard

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Not sure what happened here, but I uploaded a single log directly from Starparse to Parsely for a HM Underlurker fight and the DPS became highly inflated. It appears that the fight was separated into two separate logs, perhaps because of cloaking screen. This resulted in only the burst portion of the log being put on the leaderboards instead of the lower-DPS portions. You can look at the log here: http://parsely.io/parser/view/44032/0


Hopefully someone can help fix this!

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Hey there!


First and foremost great work on the site, program, interface, etc. lol i could go on for a bit, you guys really have done a fantastic job. I was messaging in hopes of getting an answer to an interesting observation. I've uploaded two parses in the last few months that have suddenly decreased out of nowhere. I currently have the top parse under the Combat Sentinel area for a 1 mil dummy and from it's original upload until today it was reading 5056 with a TTK of 198.734 however now it shows as 5026 with a TTK of 199.925 Is there a reason for this? I have a Combat Sentinel guide out on the forums and have screenshots of this parse on the guide itself so please feel free to view it to confirm the numbers i'm referencing. It can be found through my signature. Thanks a ton! Any insight or clarification you can provide would be much appreciated :D

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  • 4 weeks later...
First, thanks for this, it is a huge help. Sorry if this was already mentioned, but when I do 8 HM commanders search no data is showing for any server. I've uploaded my log for the fight so I'm not sure if it is just me or if there is a bug in that filter
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First, thanks for this, it is a huge help. Sorry if this was already mentioned, but when I do 8 HM commanders search no data is showing for any server. I've uploaded my log for the fight so I'm not sure if it is just me or if there is a bug in that filter


The way bosses are identified are by what the loot drops from, commanders (as well as revan and Cora) drop their loot from boxes that cannot be identified as sm/hm as they appear the same in both difficulty modes. All logs get put into 8m sm if I remember correctly. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that's how it works.

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The way bosses are identified are by what the loot drops from, commanders (as well as revan and Cora) drop their loot from boxes that cannot be identified as sm/hm as they appear the same in both difficulty modes. All logs get put into 8m sm if I remember correctly. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that's how it works.


Yes, and to expand on it, the tags for bosses differ by difficulty ingame (by different variables such as HP and Dmg make them distinct assets) while the bosses that drop loot out of boxes well the object is the same in both. This why bosses with direct loot can be identified while those who drop by boxes can't.


This is interesting as with Ops bumped up to 65, this has precedent in all of DP and several bosses in EV among others. While we may think absurd to talk about parses on old rehashed content, it is worthy to note.

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The way bosses are identified are by what the loot drops from, commanders (as well as revan and Cora) drop their loot from boxes that cannot be identified as sm/hm as they appear the same in both difficulty modes. All logs get put into 8m sm if I remember correctly. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that's how it works.


totally makes sense- thx for reply

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey there, upload seems to be having problems again: After clicking "Analyze" nothing happens. I think we've had this couple times before and somehow you always magically fixed it. So pleeez could you do it again? Or do you need me to provide the log I was trying to upload?


Thx again!


EDIT: Nevermind, it's already working again.

Edited by Ardarell_Solo
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Was looking for this thread glad it reemerged. I don't want to dig through the pages but I was wondering what their stance is on using Grenades. I was wondering as the top parse (and #2) for Lightening Sorc contain the use of a grenade.



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So do the original creators intend on fixing the Sage healing parse capability? Parsely does not correct account for Force Armors/Static Barrier, so all sages have heal numbers that are (potentially) drastically lower than their actual values. Starparse correctly reports those numbers when all raid members are in the same raid group, of course. Perhaps if all raid members upload their logs it would attribute the armors correctly? A well-practiced sage can have 1-2k in actual absorption per second, depending on the fight.


If the source code was released, I'd be interested in contributing to this objective.

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Starparse is not broken, Parsely is. For example, if you look at http://parsely.io/parser/operations/malaphar-the-savage/8/HM/hps/all/all/all/0/, you'll see me (Aaerodyn) as the fourth line with ~8.1k EHPS. That number roughly matches Starparse's EHPS for that fight NOT INCLUDING my Absorption per second done to raid members. For total effective healing (shown on the raid healing popout, or EHPS + Absorption on the Raid tab), Starparse says ~8.9k.


I could give 100 more examples from other fights where my EHPS listed on Parsely is the EHPS without Aborption from Starparse. Absorption for sages (and presumably all classes that can shield) is not processed correctly by Parsely. And that's what I was asking about.

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Firstly, love the parser.


Secondly, I can't upload CM hm parses. I've tired uploading other logs from different fights and they work fine, but any time i try to upload my CM hm parses they appear in my log archive area on parsely, but wont show up on the leaderboards. Clicking the chain icon doesn't seem to help either.


Anyone else experiencing this bug?

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So I need a bit of help with this stuff,


I've realised that it's not just cm hm that wont upload it's all my combat logs. I upload them to parsely and they go into my log archives under my parsely account, but they wont attach to the leaderboards.


Can I please get some help with this? I can give the link for the parses themselves if that will help anyone get them on the leaderboards, thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I added a new piece of functionality today which allows you to compare two parses against each other. You can either mark them from the leaderboard page with the arrow icon or from the view directly. Once you've selected two to compare, it brings up a comparison between them.


The comparison page offers a few things to help compare. By default, it displays both to the same duration, which is the duration of the shorter, but it can be trimmed to any second interval between 1 and this length.


The damage done tab compares the same abilities against each other in terms of usages and damage dealt, with a percentage in difference between the two entries.


The ability comparison tab compares the two rotations but ignores alacrity, lag and ability duration to just display each activated ability one after another whereas the rotational timeline tab displays them taking into account alacrity, lag and ability duration. The first view is more useful in strictly comparing rotations whereas the second is more useful in seeing the effects of these variables and how it changed the distribution of abilities across the entry. The repeated lines indicate a standard 1.5s GCD.


The effects tab compares the self-applied effects against each other in terms of activations and uptime, with a percentage in difference between the two entries.



A known limitation is not easily being able to compare mirror disciplines as easily. They still work fine, and in fact you can compare completely different ones if you'd like to, but the damage done and effects tabs will show separate data. This is because the ability IDs are distinct and I don't have the opposing ones mapped against each other which is rather time consuming.



If there are any missing icons or off-the-GCD abilities appearing on their own row instead of grouped with the correct ones, please let me know!



Also, as an aside, bit of a delay, but any parses uploaded during the time with the bugged bracer have been archived.

Edited by Kinslayer
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  • 2 weeks later...
I noticed my DPS in Starparse and Parsely are different. The one in Parsely is always lower than the one I see in Starparse. Why is that ?


This has to do with how starparse and parsley determine end of combat differently. I don't know exactly how it works, but that's the reason ;)

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Ok, so if I understand correctly, where Starparse counts the totality of the last attack, Parsely only counts what was necessary to kill the dummy/boss.


Not quite. Both things count the full damage from the combat entry, but StarParse ends combat with the ExitCombat entry, whereas the damage from your last attack(s) is logged after this entry. Take this entry for example:


02:49:30.823	@Sycaró	@Sycaró		Event : ExitCombat ()
02:49:31.023	@Sycaró	Operations Training Dummy	Takedown	ApplyEffect : Damage (4385 energy ) <4385>
02:49:31.023	@Sycaró	Operations Training Dummy		Event : Death ()


So StarParse ends the combat at 02:49:30.823 but the last damage isn't actually recorded until 200 ms later with the dummy's death, which is what Parsely uses to end combat.

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Not quite. Both things count the full damage from the combat entry, but StarParse ends combat with the ExitCombat entry, whereas the damage from your last attack(s) is logged after this entry. Take this entry for example:


02:49:30.823	@Sycaró	@Sycaró		Event : ExitCombat ()
02:49:31.023	@Sycaró	Operations Training Dummy	Takedown	ApplyEffect : Damage (4385 energy ) <4385>
02:49:31.023	@Sycaró	Operations Training Dummy		Event : Death ()


So StarParse ends the combat at 02:49:30.823 but the last damage isn't actually recorded until 200 ms later with the dummy's death, which is what Parsely uses to end combat.


I see now ^^

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