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Take the exploiter's unearned gear away! -petition-


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Am I missing something here with the OP?

IMHO Eric quite clearly stated, that high end gear will be taken away (probably not everyones the way it was worded, but still). So what this thread petitions for has been already anounced as an action to be taken?

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If a crime is committed but it doesn't hurt anyone in particular, we should just ignore it and let the criminal get away with what they did?


Yeah...no. I value law and order. (Please no SVU jokes)


In a society that values liberty an action that does not negatively affect anyone else would not be criminalised.


and secondly it is NOT a crime. Its taking advantage of Bioware's lax attitude to fixing bugs and i find it extremely disgusting that Bioware is seeking to punish PAYING CUSTOMERS for their mistake.

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It's not fair to me and everyone else that didn't cheat if you let the exploiters keep their unearned high end gear. I for one will not stand for it. They didn't earn it, and they don't deserve it.


How does them having it hurt you in any way?


Do people using cheat codes in single player games hurt you too?


The gear doesn't help them in PvP... it means nothing...


Doesn't affect you, or me...

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If a crime is committed but it doesn't hurt anyone in particular, we should just ignore it and let the criminal get away with what they did?


Yeah...no. I value law and order. (Please no SVU jokes)


This was not a Crime, it was...I understand a violation of the ULA. This is not a law to say. If it was a law they would be considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. in this case a ULA violation can be decided by the company.


Now just bundle this with previous violations of the ULA where there was no action taken.. Very inconsistent.


Laws are in place to protect people, the ULA is set to make an agreement between the customer and the company.


What is done is done, I am sure the game is going to take a major hit for this. I was away during this time, but talking to guildies that were on, it was mob mentality. I understand it was easy, had high reward with little risk based on previous examples of non-action taken. Tied with the other problems of no loot drops in the final boss and no initiative to get it fixed in a timely manner. I am glad that bio-ware has admitted some culpability in this.

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Not to be picky, but didn't Eric say that they could also be removing the gear from people depending on what they decide is the correct action to take?


Inside of those categories of player’s it is also possible they could have very specific additional actions taken against them including:

  • Removal of inappropriately obtained high-end gear and crafting materials
  • Removal of credits and commendations



He doesn't state how many will have that action taken against them, but I'd guess they'd do it to most who actually exploited this (ie. did it more than just once or twice)

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Didn't Musco clearly state they would infact remove all schematics, gear, credits and whatever for the banned people?


I don't really know why the ones getting the bans would assume the gear would be removed straight away - it'll most likely be removed when the account is actually shut down/banned.

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I don't really know why the ones getting the bans would assume the gear would be removed straight away - it'll most likely be removed when the account is actually shut down/banned.

I agree. The ban is checked when people try to login to the game -- as far as I've heard, no-one has been kicked out while in the game -- and it's much safer to do that sort of database changes when it isn't being actively used. So some of the people LOL'ing about the 24 hour suspension might not be so happy once they come back on.

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I agree. The ban is checked when people try to login to the game -- as far as I've heard, no-one has been kicked out while in the game -- and it's much safer to do that sort of database changes when it isn't being actively used. So some of the people LOL'ing about the 24 hour suspension might not be so happy once they come back on.


You in fact do not get kicked out if they take action against your account while you are logged into a server.


I had this happen to a guildy of mine today. He was logged in, got the email and couldn't decide if he wanted to risk logging out. He decided to change servers, and when he went to the server select screen he could not log into another server.

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I have 45 days left of sub if you want me to continue playing this game as I have been since early beta, you need to 1) Take away the exploited gear

How do you know they have not done so already?


Who cares. Move on.

The response to rule-breaking cannot be "Who cares? Move on." If that were so, there would be no reason to have the rule in the first place.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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The response to rule-breaking cannot be "Who cares? Move on." If that were so, there would be no reason to have the rule in the first place.


Dumb rule to begin with. It's basically the develops saying "If we screw up programming and it hurts you, we'll get around to fixing it when we have time. But if it helps you, then you better not use it to your advantage!" Just a waste of time and effort.


Then again, I'm not a crybaby that gets all upset if other people get something that I don't have.

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Dumb rule to begin with.

Yet all the MMOs I have played extensively (this, LotRO and DDO) have rules against exploiting. If you think it's a dumb rule. then exploit away (when you find one) and hope they either don't notice or don't care.


If you can't play a computer game without cheating, that's pretty sad.

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Yet all the MMOs I have played extensively (this, LotRO and DDO) have rules against exploiting. If you think it's a dumb rule. then exploit away (when you find one) and hope they either don't notice or don't care.


If you can't play a computer game without cheating, that's pretty sad.


I don't consider it cheating when it's a developer-introduced bug that is wholly contained and exploited within the game itself. I'm just a weird guy that puts the responsibility of bugs on the developers.

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Not to be picky, but didn't Eric say that they could also be removing the gear from people depending on what they decide is the correct action to take?


He doesn't state how many will have that action taken against them, but I'd guess they'd do it to most who actually exploited this (ie. did it more than just once or twice)


It's the "could" that I find to be the issue. Removing the gear should IMO be the first thing to do rather than throwing 24h-7d bans. With fewer people online (because they're banned) it'll be harder to get groups going for PvP/FPs/Ops etc, indirectly hurting non-exploiters.


Its in no way unfair to you. He didnt take anything away from you nor did he deny you anything nor does he get some unfair advantage over you.


Get over yourself


A player who gets the loot through the exploit will have an unfair advantage over non-exploiters for getting into groups. If a /groupraid-leader is to pick between 2 players for the last spot in raid, a player with 186/192 gear (who didn't exploit) and a player with 192/198 gear (who did exploit), guess which player will get the spot.


A character who used the exploit would not be able to do that operation until the locks reset, which means fewer people could/would do the Ravagers raid properly = harder for non-exploiters to get a group of 8-16 players to do the last boss properly.

After the exploit was fixed, people who are fully geared up on 192 stuff on main (+alts?) probably won't join (as many) SM operations as they would if they didn't have gear from exploit = fewer players who raid = more difficult for non-exploiters to get groups for raiding.


Characters who do the exploit have easy access to 192 gear, so other players who craft 186/192 gear to sell will have fewer potential customers.


As I see it, there's plenty of , albeit only potential, ways that non-exploiters are hurt by exploiters.

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I don't consider it cheating when it's a developer-introduced bug that is wholly contained and exploited within the game itself. I'm just a weird guy that puts the responsibility of bugs on the developers.

It's their game, their rules. If they say it's cheating, it's cheating. As they used to say back in the olden days of table-top miniatures gaming, "If you don't like his rules, don't play in his game."

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At least in my guild, it's more ability to play mechanic's the gear level that determines who gets the spots. I've found that gear does not make the player. But each guild is different. Gear is easy enough to get for a single toon, so a player with the ability to handle mechanics thats undergeared is an easily rectified issue
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I don't consider it cheating when it's a developer-introduced bug that is wholly contained and exploited within the game itself. I'm just a weird guy that puts the responsibility of bugs on the developers.


Any exploit is a cheat



: to make use of meanly or unfairly for one's own advantage

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