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Take the exploiter's unearned gear away! -petition-


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It's not fair to me and everyone else that didn't cheat if you let the exploiters keep their unearned high end gear. I for one will not stand for it. They didn't earn it, and they don't deserve it. Enforce rules and let them know that they will not get away with this in the future if it happens again. I have 45 days left of sub if you want me to continue playing this game as I have been since early beta, you need to 1) Take away the exploited gear, or 2) Provide me with a good enough reason of why you decided not to. Thanks.


If you are an honest player and agree with me, please leave feedback to let them know how you feel. Thanks

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You realize anyone that exploited didn't rob you of anything, right? You weren't held back, or pushed farther behind. Some other people (apparently not a majority) just got a little further ahead. And anyone that used the exploit heavily are receiving suspensions/bans, which means they are getting most/all of their ill-gotten gear and schematics taken away... I'm not really sure what your QQing about.
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It's not fair to me and everyone else that didn't cheat if you let the exploiters keep their unearned high end gear. I for one will not stand for it. They didn't earn it, and they don't deserve it. Enforce rules and let them know that they will not get away with this in the future if it happens again. I have 45 days left of sub if you want me to continue playing this game as I have been since early beta, you need to 1) Take away the exploited gear, or 2) Provide me with a good enough reason of why you decided not to. Thanks.


If you are an honest player and agree with me, please leave feedback to let them know how you feel. Thanks


Oh look, another troll. :rolleyes:

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Per their own policy this is an unprecedented amount of visibility in the punishment process. Yes it could have been harsher. No it shouldn't have been harsher at this point. After how long bioware has soft pedled exploits, going straight to the 40 lb sledge would have been a serious impact to the game. What I take away from this exploit punishment is that Bioware is waking up to the fact that how they've managed exploits is not effective or trust building with the community. I fully expect that the next big exploit, as there will be one we all know that will have a lot different approach to how its handled. But at this point, time to put past into the past and move on.


No amount of gear can compensate for a lack of skill

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That would show them...?


Nothing it would just help the raid group know who got the top tier gear by knowing how to raid and who just grabbed it from exploiting so they can avoid them. Top tier raid gears overkill for anything besides raids anyway so even if they have the gear being semi blacklisted from the stuff the gears useful for would make it pointless.

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Nothing it would just help the raid group know who got the top tier gear by knowing how to raid and who just grabbed it from exploiting so they can avoid them. Top tier raid gears overkill for anything besides raids anyway so even if they have the gear being semi blacklisted from the stuff the gears useful for would make it pointless.


It's cute that you think the players who exploited are PuGing HM Ops...

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In my opinion, this isn't about wanting compensation as much as it is about ensuring that cheaters don't benefit at all over their inexcusable conduct. Did cheaters benefit at all from their bad decisions? If so, then nothing is learned and the cycle will continue next time an exploit is discovered.


I don't want compensation for doing the right thing, I just don't want to see bad conduct rerwarded.

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It's not fair to me and everyone else that didn't cheat if you let the exploiters keep their unearned high end gear. I for one will not stand for it. They didn't earn it, and they don't deserve it. Enforce rules and let them know that they will not get away with this in the future if it happens again. I have 45 days left of sub if you want me to continue playing this game as I have been since early beta, you need to 1) Take away the exploited gear, or 2) Provide me with a good enough reason of why you decided not to. Thanks.


If you are an honest player and agree with me, please leave feedback to let them know how you feel. Thanks


QQ much?

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It's cute that you think the players who exploited are PuGing HM Ops...


Well the 55 rishi gear is overkill for any solo content so I really don't get what the point of haveing the better gear is if there not doing group content. But banings boring anyway I still champion the lock there skills on cool down and flag them as hostil for every player solution for cred spammers and exploiters much more amusing

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You are going to have to convince me, OP, on why I should care about this.


Because I just dont. I can't see any reason why I should.


I started out giving approximately 0 damns.


The deluge of outrage threads and outrage posts and overreaction and what can only be called neo-McCarthyism, and personally being called a liar, cheater, exploiter, and troll for questioning all the ugliness and rush to judgement demands for public flogging, have actually left in a strange land of theoretical mathematics where I give a large negative number of damns about the whole thing. It would take much in the way of rational, objective, actual reasons to give damns, just to get me back to giving 0 damns or so.

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I started out giving approximately 0 damns.


The deluge of outrage threads and outrage posts and overreaction and what can only be called neo-McCarthyism, and personally being called a liar, cheater, exploiter, and troll for questioning all the ugliness and rush to judgement demands for public flogging, have actually left in a strange land of theoretical mathematics where I give a large negative number of damns about the whole thing. It would take much in the way of rational, objective, actual reasons to give damns, just to get me back to giving 0 damns or so.


But but...cheeeeeatersssss......WAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!


I think a lot of SWTOR whiners are former school hall monitors, lol.

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There was a public execution already when Bioware decided to spill the beans on what they did with the exploiters. People seriously want to play with the body now?


I wasn't in any way harmed by a person getting a piece of set-gear. You know what? It's useless without another one. I have fully augmented 192/198 gear, and I bet my Guardian/Sorcerer deal way more DPS than anyone of those exploiters can with a single piece of set-gear. If you still believe one piece of set-gear will boost you so much that you will have an advantage over other raiders, then you seriously just need to learn to play your class to make up for it. A parsed rotation, good augments and tactical knowledge make much more of a difference than a piece of set-gear.

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I started out giving approximately 0 damns.


The deluge of outrage threads and outrage posts and overreaction and what can only be called neo-McCarthyism, and personally being called a liar, cheater, exploiter, and troll for questioning all the ugliness and rush to judgement demands for public flogging, have actually left in a strange land of theoretical mathematics where I give a large negative number of damns about the whole thing. It would take much in the way of rational, objective, actual reasons to give damns, just to get me back to giving 0 damns or so.


The entire thing makes me want to eat bricks.

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Its in no way unfair to you. He didnt take anything away from you nor did he deny you anything nor does he get some unfair advantage over you.


Get over yourself


Actually it is.

If people have high end gear they will be invited to groups instead of that one other player who has better gear than recommended but is nowhere near best possible gear yet.


Also, do you remember my experience in one of the Czerka TFPs? Get kicked just because four of my armorings were just below recommended (148 recommended and 4 piece Campaign Survivor, let's just ignore the fact that it was better than 162 non set bonus armorings). Yes, artificial gear requirements created by players.

Edited by Halinalle
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It's not fair to me and everyone else that didn't cheat if you let the exploiters keep their unearned high end gear. I for one will not stand for it. They didn't earn it, and they don't deserve it. Enforce rules and let them know that they will not get away with this in the future if it happens again. I have 45 days left of sub if you want me to continue playing this game as I have been since early beta, you need to 1) Take away the exploited gear, or 2) Provide me with a good enough reason of why you decided not to. Thanks.


If you are an honest player and agree with me, please leave feedback to let them know how you feel. Thanks


The action bioware took is all ready out lined and will not be changed there punishing people that fine and good. The gavel has fallen it time to move on i do not want to see Devs wasting time on meeting and what not i rather they fix bugs and patch the game thank you very much. Enough is enough

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It's not fair to me and everyone else that didn't cheat if you let the exploiters keep their unearned high end gear. I for one will not stand for it. They didn't earn it, and they don't deserve it. Enforce rules and let them know that they will not get away with this in the future if it happens again. I have 45 days left of sub if you want me to continue playing this game as I have been since early beta, you need to 1) Take away the exploited gear, or 2) Provide me with a good enough reason of why you decided not to. Thanks.


If you are an honest player and agree with me, please leave feedback to let them know how you feel. Thanks


You should be banned for pushing garbage posts like this good luck after 45 days

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Its in no way unfair to you. He didnt take anything away from you nor did he deny you anything nor does he get some unfair advantage over you.


Get over yourself




If a crime is committed but it doesn't hurt anyone in particular, we should just ignore it and let the criminal get away with what they did?


Yeah...no. I value law and order. (Please no SVU jokes)

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