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Powertechs lose unload, sorcs untouched - force storm still going strong!


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are the devs just completely ignorant??


I mean anyone who is even partially active - knows force storm's damage is nowehere near where it needs to be - considering it has NO cooldown, and lightning sorcs never have force problems and can SPAM almost 90% uptime of most fights. (granted good sorcs go through a partial rotation with TB, CL, ETC - ) any halfway decent sorc can put up easily high dps over every other class by working force storm into the rotation.


I cannot believe that BW thinks this dmg is INLINE with other specs.


Yes powertech is enjoying a heydey atm - but unload?? really that is what they choose to remove?


I may have been playing it wrong - but my PT tank is my LOWEST damaging tank. My sin and jugg both put up better dps (on bosses). Sin is easily 1900-2100 dps on bosses, (excluding AOE fluffing) - jugg is around 1600-1900. and my PT had to fight to get to 1700.


I guess i didnt unload enough, but i tried to use it when i could. Granted i dont ever really have heat probs unless im launching a bunch of missiles. but what am i missing here?? it seems they alluded PT TANKS were doing too much dmg with unload?


I never felt like i was OP as a PT tank. Sure Arsenal PT as a dps were killing it right now - but i rarely used unload in either spec.... SO what gives??


Why tinker with PT's -- when sorcs are clearly the class that needs modified.


Merc's in PVP need some love - but this does nothing for them....


What are other PT Tanks seeing?? and what is your rotation like? My tank rotation is leap for 2 free sweeps. i rocket punch, 1 sweep, rail shot, expl. dart, unload, 2 sweep, sweep again to proc heat blast. heat blast - firestorm.


aiming to use firestorm on cooldown, railshot, rocketpunch, unload, heat blast. just dont see the high dps that BW is referring too

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force storm's damage is not exactly where it needs to be



This is true


any halfway decent sorc can put up easily high dps over every other class



This is not. Best regards from IO, sabslingers, anni and other half of the cast

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are the devs just completely ignorant??


I mean anyone who is even partially active - knows force storm's damage is nowehere near where it needs to be - considering it has NO cooldown, and lightning sorcs never have force problems and can SPAM almost 90% uptime of most fights. (granted good sorcs go through a partial rotation with TB, CL, ETC - ) any halfway decent sorc can put up easily high dps over every other class by working force storm into the rotation.


I cannot believe that BW thinks this dmg is INLINE with other specs.


Yes powertech is enjoying a heydey atm - but unload?? really that is what they choose to remove?


I may have been playing it wrong - but my PT tank is my LOWEST damaging tank. My sin and jugg both put up better dps (on bosses). Sin is easily 1900-2100 dps on bosses, (excluding AOE fluffing) - jugg is around 1600-1900. and my PT had to fight to get to 1700.


I guess i didnt unload enough, but i tried to use it when i could. Granted i dont ever really have heat probs unless im launching a bunch of missiles. but what am i missing here?? it seems they alluded PT TANKS were doing too much dmg with unload?


I never felt like i was OP as a PT tank. Sure Arsenal PT as a dps were killing it right now - but i rarely used unload in either spec.... SO what gives??


Why tinker with PT's -- when sorcs are clearly the class that needs modified.


Merc's in PVP need some love - but this does nothing for them....


What are other PT Tanks seeing?? and what is your rotation like? My tank rotation is leap for 2 free sweeps. i rocket punch, 1 sweep, rail shot, expl. dart, unload, 2 sweep, sweep again to proc heat blast. heat blast - firestorm.


aiming to use firestorm on cooldown, railshot, rocketpunch, unload, heat blast. just dont see the high dps that BW is referring too


Umm... I don't know why are you using Unload in your rotation in a first place.

It doesn't have any perks for PT unlike of mercs.

So what did you expect?

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I feel I lost nothing really by losing unload. Only time I have used it lately is the last boss fight of battle for rishi fp. As a way of adding to threat on the boss while behind the barrier. It really has no place in our rotation. But even if we are not using it, I don't understand why they are taking it away, instead of bringing other AC's more in line.

My opener is: jet charge, rocket punch, firestorm (should be proc'd), rail shot, flame burst/sweep x2, heat blast (if it hadn't proc'd sooner). Then cycle burst/sweep and punch, tossing in rail shot, firestorm, or heat blast when they pop available.

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Powertechs lost Unload?


I thought generally you weren't even supposed to use it in most of the Powertech rotations.


I mean, not like it's XS Freighter Flyby or Orbital Strike removal. :cool:

Edited by Djiini
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Umm... I don't know why are you using Unload in your rotation in a first place.

It doesn't have any perks for PT unlike of mercs.

So what did you expect?


All 3 specs could get a rotational DPS increase out of unload.


Of course, tanks got the biggest benefits for it, as it replaced flame burst/Flame Sweep, and Flame Burst got no damage boosts in the tree and Flame Sweep with all its damage boosts is only comparable to Flame Burst.

However, AP can use Unload as a DPS increase as its 20% cheaper than 2 Magnetic Blasts, while doing ~90% of the damage of 2 Mag Blasts. Similarly, Pyro can use a clipped full auto every 30 seconds (above the execute) for about a 10dps increase. Of course, Pyro gets the least benefit out of Full Auto, but its still there...

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For Powertech's, Unload is a very interesting key ability to do ranged damge, not only melee damage. Why is Buioware is telling us how to play?

Anyway, the weird thing is that my Assassin still can use Electrocute, Shock, Force Lightning. Although only at 10 meters range, in pvp those three (the first) stun and (all) do decent damage. So yes, choose Assassin or Sorcerer. All other classes are only for weirdos. Operative/Scoundrel has awesome Orbital Strike/Fly By? NERF and remove! Powertech getting close, cut away ability! Its a Sorc/Assassin only game damn it!

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For Powertech's, Unload is a very interesting key ability to do ranged damge, not only melee damage. Why is Buioware is telling us how to play?

Anyway, the weird thing is that my Assassin still can use Electrocute, Shock, Force Lightning. Although only at 10 meters range, in pvp those three (the first) stun and (all) do decent damage. So yes, choose Assassin or Sorcerer. All other classes are only for weirdos. Operative/Scoundrel has awesome Orbital Strike/Fly By? NERF and remove! Powertech getting close, cut away ability! Its a Sorc/Assassin only game damn it!


The devs appear to have a certain "vision" of hiow classes are meant to be played :


Jedi Knight + Sith Warrior = Melee

Vanguard + Powertech = Melee

Scoundrel + Operative = Melee

Shadow + Assassin = Melee ... oh, wait :D

Everything else = ranged.

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Powertechs lost Unload?


I thought generally you weren't even supposed to use it in most of the Powertech rotations.


I mean, not like it's XS Freighter Flyby or Orbital Strike removal. :cool:


This is a non-issue. PT don't use unload for anything but a filler move when they're leveling up. It creates a ton of heat for the damage it does as well. At really low level it's only good for helping you get a fire dot on something before you get retractable blade so you can rail shot. but arguably spamming rapid shots does that better. (Rail shot is actually the move you want to spend heat on...) On my AP PT I can't even get all the buttons pushed that I have before something is coming off cooldown so the loss of the worst priority ability in my rotations isn't too big a deal.


TBH. I rather be lobbing rockets and explosive darts than standing in place channeling unload. PT can still do plenty of damage at range between death from above, rail shot (especially if you have the anytime spec..), rockets, explosive, shoulder cannon, etc... Really they're taking away the move that is most of the time useless..

Edited by mindmasterZ
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The devs appear to have a certain "vision" of hiow classes are meant to be played :


Jedi Knight + Sith Warrior = Melee

Vanguard + Powertech = Melee

Scoundrel + Operative = Melee

Shadow + Assassin = Melee ... oh, wait :D

Everything else = ranged.


Basically the only ranged in the game are snipers/gunslingers, commando/merc, sorc/sentinel. But you can play AP PT in a very "rangey" fashion if you run around throwing rockets and rails.. I still think PT is the most balanced class in the game and the fact that it starts with the healer companion makes it even more a fact. PT doesn't need another melee range spec that's what pyrotech is about... advanced prototype gives up sustained damage for burst and some more survival skills..

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Have they become the new operatives then? ;)


I don't know but...

I can beat HK in Foundry before first clicky phase and even first set of adds spawn after HK is down. Only 192 I have is offhand... I'm not even using anything special. Bloodthirst -> Frenzy -> Berserk -> straight up dps from that point.

Edited by Halinalle
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Why would they remove Unload/Full Auto? I mean, sure, I use it once in a blue moon (well, more often than that in PvE, actually), but why remove it? Is it breaking the PvP game? Is it to reduce ability bloat? Why?


I'd honestly rather lose Shoulder Cannon than Unload/Full Auto. I like SC's damage and all, but the model is ugly as sin (Vanguard), and I don't like the functionality of it - also, it's not exactly in line with the developers' vision of "no damaging ability off the global cooldown".


Pointless removal of flavor in the name of homogenization. Game is getting more stale every damn time I log on.

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Why would they remove Unload/Full Auto? I mean, sure, I use it once in a blue moon (well, more often than that in PvE, actually), but why remove it? Is it breaking the PvP game? Is it to reduce ability bloat? Why?


I'd honestly rather lose Shoulder Cannon than Unload/Full Auto. I like SC's damage and all, but the model is ugly as sin (Vanguard), and I don't like the functionality of it - also, it's not exactly in line with the developers' vision of "no damaging ability off the global cooldown".


Pointless removal of flavor in the name of homogenization. Game is getting more stale every damn time I log on.


Do you know why Vanguards/Powertechs do a lot of damage currently? Exactly. Especially tanks do more damage than they intended because of Full Auto/Unload.


Animation looks stupid? Have you seen Vanguard using Full Auto? Or Gangsta-Powertechs?

Edited by Halinalle
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Do you know why Vanguards/Powertechs do a lot of damage currently?


not because of unload. and if you're using unload as a main part of your rotation in any of the 3 specs, you're a bad powertech. costs too much heat, doesn't do enough damage or create enough threat to justify the heat cost. it's unneeded for the Powertech class, that's why they're removing it. and if you think it's good, you should probably not be raiding as a powertech.

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not because of unload. and if you're using unload as a main part of your rotation in any of the 3 specs, you're a bad powertech. costs too much heat, doesn't do enough damage or create enough threat to justify the heat cost. it's unneeded for the Powertech class, that's why they're removing it. and if you think it's good, you should probably not be raiding as a powertech.


Where did I say it's good?


Full Auto/Unload has been part of tank Vanguard/Powertech main rotation since 3.0.


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