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Action For The Ravager's Exploit


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If any of you think every single person is going to have their loot taken away, accomplishment wiped, and banned you are SEVERELY mistaken.


Your most egregious offenders will be banned...probably those who paid for unlocks, transferred for unlocks, and charged for unlocks. MAYBE they might action against people who did it every single week on each toon but I very highly doubt if you did it once and have no history of exploitation in the game your account will be touched.


Just my hypothesis. Always remember BW has to balance punishing rule breakers with profits. A LOT of people did this exploit (more than they let on). They would reduce a lot of their profit if they banned, permanently or otherwise people in this game for an oversight THEY ADMIT to allowing to permeate longer than it needed to.

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If any of you think every single person is going to have their loot taken away, accomplishment wiped, and banned you are SEVERELY mistaken.


Your most egregious offenders will be banned...probably those who paid for unlocks, transferred for unlocks, and charged for unlocks. MAYBE they might action against people who did it every single week on each toon but I very highly doubt if you did it once and have no history of exploitation in the game your account will be touched.


Just my hypothesis.


That's not a hypothesis, that's passing a guess off as already-established fact.

you are SEVERELY mistaken
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Perhaps my approach was poor.


What I'm trying to say is that, depending on who you hear it from, they can track these things. Otherwise, how would they know for sure I finished KP on my Assassinm and got the token to redeem the Blood of Korriban double-bladed ligthsaber?


It was over two years ago, give or take.


Outside my word and my memory, I have no other data to provide to them and I don't believe a CS rep would just give the LS away without any indication whatsoever, on their end, that I did own it at one point.


I get that but is the point you are making that people saying CS is telling they can't track it making it up or that CS is making it up to some players in saying they can't track it or a mixture of both?

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Way to make a mountain out of a molehill.


Now that that's over, how about you stop wasting resources on this nonsense and direct them at identifying and fixing bugs in the game.


Every bug that doesn't effect a certain person is a "waste of resources" get over yourself.

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looks like the experiment worked. check it outreading is FUNdamental

ok keep twisting this into a "im pro exploiter" lol


No going back and correcting what I wrote would have been an option but I figured you never bothered to do so yourself in putting your little "answer" at the bottom of your post in the first place as opposed to using it to directly answering the question as you quoted.


In saying that all you are really achieving is proving your a troll with all your "lacok of caring" yet continuing to push whatever agenda it is you don't actually supposedly care about. :)

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That's not a hypothesis, that's passing a guess off as already-established fact.


That hypothesis was arrived at by me having 11 years of experience playing MMOs and seeing how developers of FOR PROFIT games dealt with exploiters. I appreciate your attempt to discredit me however. Go troll elsewhere.

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Every bug that doesn't effect a certain person is a "waste of resources" get over yourself.


To be clear, I didn't say fixing the bug was a waste of resources.


I said that Bioware's staff spending 2 weeks playing junior detectives tracking down people who exploited said bug was a waste of resources.

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A one day ban does nothing to deter future exploits....removal of the gear obtained would have much more of an impact than a ban. Everyone who did the exploit is now commenting on how worth it was to exploit for top end gear only for a one day ban punishment. Again you've failed at taking the appropriate actions.
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To be clear, I didn't say fixing the bug was a waste of resources.


I said that Bioware's staff spending 2 weeks playing junior detectives tracking down people who exploited said bug was a waste of resources.


I beg to differ. Had they done nothing they were pretty much ensuring that the next exploit that came along would truly be out of control as anyone thinking back to this situation would remember how Bioware did nothing to those that exploited ( regardless of if they themselves did or did not ) and they would then feel almost obliged to do as to not fall behind the trend again.

I'm not only making assumptions here, quite a few people even stated as much.


Secondary to this is the good will it's done towards many of those that did not choose to exploit the content in that Bioware have at least kept their word on this because MANY posters ( again, regardless of their point of view on the exploit ) truly believed Bioware were full of hot air and would do nothing more than maybe issue a few warnings.


Personally I am happy with the punishments they've decided to met out. I don't care who individually got what or who slipped through, that's for them to sort out and anyone who notices who feels like reporting them.


What I will be interested to see though is if there is a gear repeal since that was my main personal gripe but even if there is not I will still abide by it since Bioware have done what they deemed appropriate which is a damn sight more than nothing this time around.


Also this will certainly deter future exploiters from cheating I believe regardless of the Dulfy/Reddit bravado being shown by some anonymous heroes. They may say it's a slap on the wrist and they'll exploit for sure next time but I almost guarantee they won't because they are known now and a second offence will most likely = perm ban I would think.


Lastly I think had Bioware not been at fault so much in the cause of this issue punishments would have been a whole lot worse so people got off lightly though in saying that the issue at hand wouldn't have been as widespread had Bioware not dropped the ball.

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As of this post, our actions against players has begun.


I trust you haven't finished taking these 'actions' yet? I've found several people on the fleet, know several people in my guild, and one specific person in another guild who either lightly participated in the exploit, heavily participated in the exploit, or purposefully spread the exploit for profit, and haven't been actioned yet (and yes, I know this for a fact, because it's been less than 24 hours since the OP of this thread and they are still online).


I understand that this process could take time, but I know several people who have used the exploit and haven't been actioned as of yet, so I hope you haven't finished going through the list.

Edited by idnewton
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A one day ban does nothing to deter future exploits....removal of the gear obtained would have much more of an impact than a ban. Everyone who did the exploit is now commenting on how worth it was to exploit for top end gear only for a one day ban punishment. Again you've failed at taking the appropriate actions.


It will deter because they are known cheaters now, something happens again they get caught again they'll be gone imo.


also no one knows for sure if gear remains yet?

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That hypothesis was arrived at by me having 11 years of experience playing MMOs and seeing how developers of FOR PROFIT games dealt with exploiters. I appreciate your attempt to discredit me however. Go troll elsewhere.


You can claim what you want, but the fact of the matter is that you passed off your predictions as fact, which violates the definition of a hypothesis. Maybe if you stayed in school longer instead of wasting 11 years of your life, you'd know the basic definition of the word you're trying (but failing) to correctly use.

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That hypothesis was arrived at by me having 11 years of experience playing MMOs and seeing how developers of FOR PROFIT games dealt with exploiters. I appreciate your attempt to discredit me however. Go troll elsewhere.


A hypotheis by definition: is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon.


What you have offered up is an educated guess.

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So we were doing Ravagers 16 today with guild and everything was going fine, not a single person died while we were killing the Bird and then Coratanni despite lots of new players, she goes to pod... and then stops activating it and just attacks. Wipe, clone out of instance completly, come back, she and Pearl are still attacking the pod, die again, wait, finally she resets "properly".


Makes me wish I exploted this boss to hell and more, how can Coratanni bugs not be fixed yet...

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So we were doing Ravagers 16 today with guild and everything was going fine, not a single person died while we were killing the Bird and then Coratanni despite lots of new players, she goes to pod... and then stops activating it and just attacks. Wipe, clone out of instance completly, come back, she and Pearl are still attacking the pod, die again, wait, finally she resets "properly".


Makes me wish I exploted this boss to hell and more, how can Coratanni bugs not be fixed yet...


Well, you see, it was much more important that people didn't get gear or mats or schematics that they "didn't deserve" than that the game actually work properly... [/sarcasm]

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To be clear, I didn't say fixing the bug was a waste of resources.


I said that Bioware's staff spending 2 weeks playing junior detectives tracking down people who exploited said bug was a waste of resources.


IM(personal)O, they should have fixed the exploitive flaw, then announced the fix after making it live, followed by the investigation and punishment.


Then again, maybe it was several bits of code that led to the exploit, making that a big part while the investigation was mostly determining what was worth more strict punishments. Makes me wish I were a fly on the wall of that meeting. Or a spider. Flies don't live very long.

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It will deter because they are known cheaters now, something happens again they get caught again they'll be gone imo.


also no one knows for sure if gear remains yet?


How many people will actually know each individual who has exploited though? And still a one day ban isn't even noticeable, whereas losing all the gear would just reinforce that exploiting in the future would be a waste of time.

As for not knowing whether or not they're removing gear, i know players that exploited that have had their schematics removed but not gear, so unless the punishments are being done in phases, they aren't removing the gear.

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I get that but is the point you are making that people saying CS is telling they can't track it making it up or that CS is making it up to some players in saying they can't track it or a mixture of both?


Again, taking into account my experience and contact with the CS, plus the aforementioned example, it would seem there is some stuff at least they can track.


Otherwise, I doubt they'd be able to regrant something over two years later.

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The gear they obtained through the exploits need to be REMOVED from their possession, they did not obtain that gear honestly. That is not fair to me and others who actually had to earn their gear. While I may not boycott the game because of it, I may not play as much as I used to, and may unsubscribe when my time runs out. Thanks
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IM(personal)O, they should have fixed the exploitive flaw, then announced the fix after making it live, followed by the investigation and punishment.


Then again, maybe it was several bits of code that led to the exploit, making that a big part while the investigation was mostly determining what was worth more strict punishments. Makes me wish I were a fly on the wall of that meeting. Or a spider. Flies don't live very long.


Without going into detail (since I'm not sure we're allowed to?) I can say that the "exploit" was a combination of several things.


In fact it's hard to even call it a bug when the primary mechanic that allowed it all to start was actually a designed mechanic deliberately put into the game.


I've used the hero engine to script games (the company that made it was giving it away for free a couple of years ago when I was in college for game design), this was something that was likely put in by one of the world building team and has nothing to do with any coding errors or bugs. Quite literally whoever designed the operation lined up some stuff incorrectly with the mission/zone building tools without bothering to realize the consequences of his placement


The so called "ravagers exploit" was a design flaw, not really a bug and the mechanic that let you use it will never be removed from the game, it just needed to be "aimed" correctly by the world designer

Edited by Kunovega
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From what I have seen, it has had little to no impact on the economy.


Perhaps in the future it might have. But not at this juncture.


People tend to exaggerate this "impact on the economy" thing. Especially when it has the potential to cut into their bottom line I would speculate...

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From what I have seen, it has had little to no impact on the economy.


Perhaps in the future it might have. But not at this juncture.


People tend to exaggerate this "impact on the economy" thing. Especially when it has the potential to cut into their bottom line I would speculate...


I can agree with this on PoT5. Although the market has an abundance of 192s, the overall price has only suffered by 5%-15% which is extremely minor compared to the slot machine.

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ROFL @Bioware. That is what you ended up doing after allllllllllllllll this time? Sheesh you guys took almost as long to punish the exploiters as you did to fix the actual exploit.


Plenty of posts on Dulfy's page about this laughable excuse Bioware calls "Action" where exploiters are getting 24 hour suspensions but letting them keep their gear. Even players who admit to mass exploiting even after the warning and they only got 24 hour suspensions?


Wow Bioware. How powerful is thy Ban feather.......


Way to let the Exploiters keep their ill gotten gains. Imagine a world where Bioware rules applied.......I could rob a bank, get caught, serve a day of jail then get out and enjoy all my awesomely stolen money!!! :)


Guess the lesson to be learned here is Exploit early, Exploit often and enjoy the loot after the soft 24 hour suspension. :rolleyes:

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