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Sentinel leveling problem


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Hello people!


I would like to talk about my problem while leveling with my sentinel.


I currently on level 39 with adaptive armor from cartel wth latest mods from commendations as well as 2 orange crystals from cartel to further increase my damage, most of the times I am using Kira as companion however I also have doc and t7. doc and kira is using adaptive armor with latest mods and doc is using adaptive armor with a mods that are just a little bit weaker. My char is on about 8.5k hp and kira on about 10k, problem appears when I try to exp despite having a good gear, best mods available for my character with stats that my character require I can barely kill 1 group of monsters and sometimes even failing to kill 1 group. I am using right abilities, stuns and defensive cooldowns when they are available but still I have big trouble to do effective leveling if I manage to kill group of monsters I instantly need to heal otherwise I can only die. I am currently on Hoth right at the beginning of it and monsters are usually 1-2 levels lower.


So what I might be doing wrong? because I cannot think of anything else to increase my survability.


Thanks for any advice!

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Would be beneficial if you told us what spec you are using, also. The three play differently, after all. Personally, I found the playstyle of the third tree (fury for mara, forgot sent name) the best at leveling, as the aoe clears groups fast.

For Kira, make sure she is in "dot stance" and all her abilities are on. And for doc he is in heal stance.. and don't force jump at max range, as you'll out range his heals, and he will stand there with default auto-attack instead (disable his cc abilities too).

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I don't have much advice to offer, but I just want to let you know that you're not alone on this. I am brand new to SWTOR, I have recently leveled a mara and I can relate to you on every thing you're saying. I chose to play carnage because it looked cool. I don't know what your equivalent is.


What I found to make things a little easier was to buy tons of medpacs and stims. I always sent my companion in first (I mostly used vette, then switched to jaesa when I unlocked her). I used A LOT of medpacs and stims. I also had to use pretty much every ability in my arsenal to stay alive. Pretty much every defensive and crowd control cooldown I had. I did better when I didnt stack all my defensives. The only one I didnt use during combat was the stealth ability, I used that to sneak pass mobs or run away.


As for my rotation, I pretty much tried to stack all the groups up and spam my cleave (sweeping slash). I used the skill that got me a lot of rage, then spammed the cleave. Groups went down pretty quickly, but so did my companion and I. It was like a race to see who would win the HP race first. I still died a more than I wanted to.


Like you, I looked for advice on forums and whatnot, but I couldnt find anything conclusive. It seemed like mara/sent are just squishy and we gotta deal with it.


Im not a pro or anything, im new this game so maybe I could be doing things a lot better. But im having fun with what im doing and im having mild success with it. Im still leveling, but when I got to 51 things got a lot better.


Good luck man

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I don't have much advice to offer, but I just want to let you know that you're not alone on this. I am brand new to SWTOR, I have recently leveled a mara and I can relate to you on every thing you're saying. I chose to play carnage because it looked cool. I don't know what your equivalent is.


What I found to make things a little easier was to buy tons of medpacs and stims. I always sent my companion in first (I mostly used vette, then switched to jaesa when I unlocked her). I used A LOT of medpacs and stims. I also had to use pretty much every ability in my arsenal to stay alive. Pretty much every defensive and crowd control cooldown I had. I did better when I didnt stack all my defensives. The only one I didnt use during combat was the stealth ability, I used that to sneak pass mobs or run away.


As for my rotation, I pretty much tried to stack all the groups up and spam my cleave (sweeping slash). I used the skill that got me a lot of rage, then spammed the cleave. Groups went down pretty quickly, but so did my companion and I. It was like a race to see who would win the HP race first. I still died a more than I wanted to.


Like you, I looked for advice on forums and whatnot, but I couldnt find anything conclusive. It seemed like mara/sent are just squishy and we gotta deal with it.


Im not a pro or anything, im new this game so maybe I could be doing things a lot better. But im having fun with what im doing and im having mild success with it. Im still leveling, but when I got to 51 things got a lot better.


Good luck man

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You can try putting +41 endurance crystals in both sabers to bolster your HP. It will lower your dps a little but that should be fine for leveling. I main a Carnage Marauder and am currently leveling another one just to see how it is in 3.0. Try using a clickable alacrity relic too which can give you some faster opening rotations on mobs. I'm currently level 21 on Tatooine and my only problem so far is that my mission levels are a bit too high so I'll have to run some flashpoints and pvp to pop a level or 2 to continue my class missions effectively. When you leap into mobs activate cloak of pain (not sure of the sentinel term for it) mid leap. Combat/Carnage should be the easiest spec to level with out of the 3.
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If your gear is up to date and if you're fighting enemies who are a lower level than you are, then your problem is that you're just not playing the spec correctly. Combat is very powerful, but it's also not a newbie friendly discipline. Combat is very reliant on proper timing of precision in combination with your other procs. I would honestly recommend switching to concentration. I believe that if you switch to concentration, you'll notice an immediate improvement in your performance. Concentration is almost universally recognized as the newbie sentinel spec.


Without spoiling anything, you should be getting a melee tank companion shortly, so if you just push further for a little longer, you'll get that companion and solo PVE will become significantly easier.

Edited by HaoZhao
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I had the same problem as OP leveling my marauder past 3.0

As a marauder you get lots of agro and as such lots of incoming damage. Normaly you split incoming damage between your companion, but if you charge in a crowd and use smash with crit buff - you'll be half way down in seconds after cc smash have wears off.

Do not use aoe, use single target skills and pick mobs 1 by 1. They will focus more on your companion and you get less incoming damage.

Edited by Cleavy
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It's also important to pay attention to your kill-order. Are you focusing down the weakest mobs first? If mobs are grouped, are you using smash/sweep to stun the weakest while you burst them down? Are you interrupting mobs that use attacks like ambush/snipe that are high damage? Are you using stasis as an additional interrupt when needed? Are you timing your rebuke so you maintain it's up-time throughout a fight?


In combat spec, I find for some pulls it's more beneficial to pop transcendence instead of Zen for the extra damage reduction. In concentration spec - I pretty much only use transcendence because I never find myself focus starved if I execute the rotation properly.


What are you doing for a rotation? If you're in combat spec, you should replace Slash with Blade Rush once you have it. When I've run various flashpoints with my characters, I'm often astonished at how many people don't really have any clue about how to use their abilities effectively. Especially melee characters who just spam their basic attack all fight, and never spend any focus. Make sure you are spending your focus on your damaging abilities, and not just mashing your basic attack.


Healer companions aren't really needed for any of the classes or leveling content; A decently equipped Kira (I actually like T7 on my sent, too, and I rotate them whenever I get bored) will do. T7 is a good tank if you can get all of his pieces (I have a max cybertech on another toon so I was able to outfit T7 with all moddable peices).


I generally like tanking companions... They are instantly healed to full after a fight if you mount; and I find they're great at AOE threat so I can focus on mowing down mobs without worry. But as I said, I've had the same success with Kira - things tend to die quite a bit faster with Kira - but I find I'm often running at 45% health from pack to pack for normal questing; and I typically only heal up if I have a tough fight/class quest end fight ahead.


You mention up-to-date mods; I assume that also means up-to-date armorings and enhancements, implants, and earpiece. The PVP implants and earpeices are super easy to acquire and are suprisingly effective - in fact I think on most of my characters I've just grabbed the level 20 items, and used those until I replace them with the level 40 versions from the pvp vendor. Honestly though, I never felt gear was that critical for leveling, nor have I really had to lean on using med-packs; my sent is a bio-chem so I do use a level appropriate str-stim, sometimes I've used presence stims.


What utilities are you taking? Defensive forms is absolutely required, and the utilities that lengthen Rebuke, and grant focus generation with Rebuke are good. The other sentinel utilities really don't offer much.


I've leveled my sentinel with both combat and conc specs at various times, and never really had a problem with either.


If you're having trouble, try stay 1-2 levels ahead of the content. It's fairly easy to do if you mix in some flashpoints, tacticals, or pvp.


For leveling, I usually skip the heroics on each planet because it's just too time consuming to try and organize groups; If I start to get fed up with the sidequests on a particular planet. I'll do a few WZs or FP/Tactical for additional exp and skip the rest of the quests and just do the main planetary and class quest to move on.


Hope some of this is helpful.

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  • 11 months later...

I've just come back to the game after stopping playing, (tour of Afghanistan) and never really came to back to it,


I've a level 45 Imp Agent that I have left alone as I need to learn the game over. So I started a Jedi Sentinel after getting a referral link of a twitch streamer. Im currently at level 24 on Nar Shaddar (just started)


I'm having no trouble leveling at all, I've not died and I'm only using gear I get from mission, Although I have two orange sabres from quests, which I keep updated with the latest mods from everywhere i go., I am tempted to buy some orange gear from the cartel market after finding 5k CC on the account.


I tend to favour T7 as my companion, and hes doing awesome. I've never dropped below 50% health since hes been by my side. My only real issue with him is that he aggro's/pulls very quickly. I haven't got the Doc yet. But if the T7 can get me this far, I'm hoping he can get me all the way.. I see no need to take Kira (other than some romance :) )


I cant understand some many people saying they are dying... The only time I came close was when I dismissed T7 to get infected by the Rackghouls. on Taris (mission bug had to reset it)


Bloody game is keeping me from World of Tanks godammit

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I've just come back to the game after stopping playing, (tour of Afghanistan) and never really came to back to it,


I've a level 45 Imp Agent that I have left alone as I need to learn the game over. So I started a Jedi Sentinel after getting a referral link of a twitch streamer. Im currently at level 24 on Nar Shaddar (just started)


I'm having no trouble leveling at all, I've not died and I'm only using gear I get from mission, Although I have two orange sabres from quests, which I keep updated with the latest mods from everywhere i go., I am tempted to buy some orange gear from the cartel market after finding 5k CC on the account.


I tend to favour T7 as my companion, and hes doing awesome. I've never dropped below 50% health since hes been by my side. My only real issue with him is that he aggro's/pulls very quickly. I haven't got the Doc yet. But if the T7 can get me this far, I'm hoping he can get me all the way.. I see no need to take Kira (other than some romance :) )


I cant understand some many people saying they are dying... The only time I came close was when I dismissed T7 to get infected by the Rackghouls. on Taris (mission bug had to reset it)


Bloody game is keeping me from World of Tanks godammit


What you dont realize that this thread is 1 year old. The game went under a HUGE makeover, now braindead blind monkeys can level a char with both hands tied back.

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