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LNF is a troll and nothing more.


He may be, but he's also a paying customer, just like you. Unless Bioware determines him to be breaking forum rules, I suggest some of you stop your ridiculous pursuit of him every time he posts. If you truly believe he's just a troll, ignore him.

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Yes it does, it looks like pure panic mode to me every time I see someone get all up in arms whenever someone uses a term like "we" or "everyone" or "community"...when I see people nit pick over a word that sounds inclusive, I can't help but laugh, because no matter what someone 'claims', I trust that Bioware is smart enough to know the truth. Is your trust in Bioware so frail that you're afraid they may take his claim or title seriously so you nit pick?

Sorry TUXs, but no, you're just flat out wrong in this instance. There are plenty of times where where someone says "we" or "us" and people will go overboard in saying some variation of "you don't speak for everyone!" even when the context makes it clear the poster was only using "we" to talk about like-minded people or some other subset (his/her guild, friends, the five people he talked to about a topic, etc).


But in this instance, the guy explicitly said "the community" to lend credibility and authority to his own request. And unless there has been some kind of appointment, then one member of a community does not equal the community. This is one of those times where a poster was presuming to talk on behalf of me, of Millions, of Arlon and of everyone else. And there is nothing wrong with taking issue with that.

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Well actually, he is. We're ALL the community, like it or not.


We're all PART of the community. She always speaks as if she is the voice of the community when it's apparent that is not the case. She is a part (unwilling, if swg was still live she wouldn't be), but she is neither the entirety or a representative of the majority.

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Sorry TUXs, but no, you're just flat out wrong in this instance. There are plenty of times where where someone says "we" or "us" and people will go overboard in saying some variation of "you don't speak for everyone!" even when the context makes it clear the poster was only using "we" to talk about like-minded people or some other subset (his/her guild, friends, the five people he talked to about a topic, etc).


But in this instance, the guy explicitly said "the community" to lend credibility and authority to his own request. And unless there has been some kind of appointment, then one member of a community does not equal the community. This is one of those times where a poster was presuming to talk on behalf of me, of Millions, of Arlon and of everyone else. And there is nothing wrong with taking issue with that.


Here, here! If want words in my mouth I'll eat them myself, no one else needs to put them there. :D

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He may be, but he's also a paying customer, just like you. Unless Bioware determines him to be breaking forum rules, I suggest some of you stop your ridiculous pursuit of him every time he posts.


You contradict yourself. We're paying customers too. As you state as long as we aren't breaking any rules we can point out that he is not speaking for us everytime he claims to just as much he has the right to claim to speak for everyone. You also have a right to get upset about it and post too.


Either you think people can post what they want, in which case trying to tell us to stop is pointless and silly, or you don't.

Edited by Arlon_Nabarlly
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You contradict yourself. We're paying customers too. As you state as long as we aren't breaking any rules we can point out that he is not speaking for us everytime he claims to just as much he has the right to claim to speak for everyone. You also have a right to get upset about it and post too.


Either you think people can post what they want, in which case trying to tell us to stop is pointless and silly, or you don't.

Not at all...I think people can post what they want (within the rules of course), but they should also be free from the typical forum ridicule and bullying that comes with it...that includes nip picking a word that you object to.


Debate the topic all you like, disagree all you want...but to pretend that when he says "the community wants" automatically includes you, is silly. IMO, the better way would be to say "I don't want it" and to explain why...but to go off on a tangent about the word "we" or "community" including you and going on a tirade to explain how he's only speaking for himself (which is ALWAYS the case), is silly.

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Sorry TUXs, but no, you're just flat out wrong in this instance.


But in this instance, the guy explicitly said "the community" to lend credibility and authority to his own request

And you bought it? You think Bioware bought it? Do you think his claim was legitimate or do you think Bioware is smart enough to know that he's one of a million customers, no matter what he claims? And, not that I want them, but he's right...other members of the "community" want them too. His use of the word "community" wasn't incorrect.

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And you bought it? You think Bioware bought it? Do you think his claim was legitimate or do you think Bioware is smart enough to know that he's one of a million customers, no matter what he claims? And, not that I want them, but he's right...other members of the "community" want them too. His use of the word "community" wasn't incorrect.

I don't care if he succeeds in convincing anyone that he was actually speaking for me, I care that he tried to do so in the first place (well, to the extent that "care" actually applies to any of my feelings about an internet forum :p).


And "the community" doesn't equal "some members of the community" either. The only time it would be appropriate to ascribe anything to "the community" is if there is a consensus or overwhelming majority.

Edited by DarthDymond
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I don't care if succeeds in convincing anyone that he was actually speaking for me, I care that he tried to do so in the first place (well, to the extent that "care" actually applies to any of my feelings about an internet forum :p).


And "the community" doesn't equal "some members of the community" either. The only time it would be appropriate to ascribe anything to "the community" is if there is a consensus or overwhelming majority.

Yeah, you're right, he specifically named YOU as someone he was speaking for right? This is a freaking gaming forum...he only ever speaks for himself.

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Yeah, you're right, he specifically named YOU as someone he was speaking for right? This is a freaking gaming forum...he only ever speaks for himself.

I am a member of the community, when he tries to speak for "the community" he tries to speak for me.


I'm not trying to be some sort of overzealous language police. I'm not saying the words "we" or "us" or "people" should be banned from all posts on the forum or that people should go around taking those words out of context when a person is legitimately and validly talking about a group of people. By the same token I don't think everyone should have to preface everything they say with "in my opinion" when it is blatantly obvious that the statement they're making is an opinion and that they intend it to be regarded as such (I bring that up because it's the other most common complaint about language use I see on the forums).


But when someone explicitly says they are speaking for "the community" in its entirety (which is what the definite article means in that context) or a person clearly wants to treat their opinion as if it were a fact, then yes, I'm going to call shenanigans on those particular instances.

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But when someone explicitly says they are speaking for "the community" in its entirety (which is what the definite article means in that context) or a person clearly wants to treat their opinion as if it were a fact, then yes, I'm going to call shenanigans on those particular instances.

Which was never said, just assumed. But do what you will...it's beneath you though. You're one of the more eloquent posters here and someone I enjoy reading, even when we disagree. To see you stoop to this level and bicker and nit pick over something as insignificant as this is sad...I expect it from a few people here, not you.

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But when someone explicitly says they are speaking for "the community" in its entirety (which is what the definite article means in that context) or a person clearly wants to treat their opinion as if it were a fact, then yes, I'm going to call shenanigans on those particular instances.


I'd wager that BW staff, if they read this tripe to begin with, can readily tell if Nobody 1 speaks for Nobody 2, or Nobodies 2-?.

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Which was never said, just assumed. But do what you will...it's beneath you though. You're one of the more eloquent posters here and someone I enjoy reading, even when we disagree. To see you stoop to this level and bicker and nit pick over something as insignificant as this is sad...I expect it from a few people here, not you.

When you string together the definite article "the" with a reference to a group like "community" then that is the meaning you get - talking about the group in its entirety.


Pick your battles TUXs, there are plenty of instances on this forum where people have taken a poster's words out of context to make it sound like s/he was talking on behalf of everyone or trying to pass off his/her opinion as fact or whatever semantic quibble will detract from the point the poster was originally trying to make. This is that one time in a hundred where that's legitimately what the original poster was doing (and probably for the specific purpose of riling people up, given who it is).

I'd wager that BW staff, if they read this tripe to begin with, can readily tell if Nobody 1 speaks for Nobody 2, or Nobodies 2-?.
I don't care if he succeeds in convincing [bW] that he was actually speaking for me, I care that he tried to do so in the first place (well, to the extent that "care" actually applies to any of my feelings about an internet forum :p).
Edited by DarthDymond
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He may be, but he's also a paying customer, just like you. Unless Bioware determines him to be breaking forum rules, I suggest some of you stop your ridiculous pursuit of him every time he posts. If you truly believe he's just a troll, ignore him.

If you feel people are out of line for calling others trolls, ignore them.


And in fact, I've never been sure if you "forum cop" schtick is genuine or trolling.

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With a toggle on/off option for speech bubbles, everyone would be happy.

It's a myth that speech bubbles cause lag. It's 2015, I'm sure MMOs of today can handle it.

Parts of the community would be very happy if this was implemented. It would truly enhance their gaming experience.

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It's 2015, I'm sure MMOs of today can handle it.

SWTOR isn't a MMO of today. The Engine was designed in 2006, and didn't get much of an overhaul since then. So, in SWTOR, we are in 2006, maybe 2007, 8 to 9 years in the past. It's not 2015, and we are not playing a MMO of "today".

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Which was never said, just assumed. But do what you will...it's beneath you though. You're one of the more eloquent posters here and someone I enjoy reading, even when we disagree. To see you stoop to this level and bicker and nit pick over something as insignificant as this is sad...I expect it from a few people here, not you.


Normally yes, it's silly if someone says "you don't speak for me" because normally it's obvious when you speak for certain sect of players. However, in numerous topics, even with faced with numerous people that disagree and very few agree with the OP's, the OP would basically ignore all complaints "Well all the community agrees on so and so." as if it were some assumed fact and ignoring all information to the contrary. That is literally trying to represent something as fact I don't agree with or care about.

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Still not going to happen, so you kind of wasting your time.


I say give them speech bubbles, and then when they come to the forums to complain about how their framerate can't get over 10 fps, we can all tell them to turn speech bubbles off.

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