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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

No need for boycott, but I learned my own lesson and will change behavior accordingly


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My guess would be the marketing of the slot machines. Stating in a Dev post that it was working as intended I am sure eased enough peoples fears about a broken item that they bought more packs on the cartel market in order to try and obtain the slot machine. I know I did. Then to totally nuke the rewards from the machine was a classic bait and switch.


People need to learn what working as intended means. Working as intended means it is working in the manner it was implemented in. Working as intended as zero bearing as to whether it is balanced or not, and has zero bearing on whether it will be nerfed.



For instance OP FOTM specs are technically considered working as intended, but that doesn't mean they won't be nerfed in the next patch.

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My guess would be the marketing of the slot machines. Stating in a Dev post that it was working as intended I am sure eased enough peoples fears about a broken item that they bought more packs on the cartel market in order to try and obtain the slot machine. I know I did. Then to totally nuke the rewards from the machine was a classic bait and switch.


But the ToS lets them make any changes they want.

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My guess would be the marketing of the slot machines. Stating in a Dev post that it was working as intended I am sure eased enough peoples fears about a broken item that they bought more packs on the cartel market in order to try and obtain the slot machine. I know I did. Then to totally nuke the rewards from the machine was a classic bait and switch.


In the same post they said that they would look at the drop rates and adjust them if they felt that an adjustment was needed. How can one call "bait and switch" when one is told beforehand that a change is imminent?

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Fair enough, no one needs to join me, but this whole incident has taught me not to trust what I am getting on the market. I am still annoyed by this Yavin Arena Item that the game says is in Pilgrim packs but has never dropped. No one has to join, but I have learned my own lesson and will continue to subscribe and play a star wars game I love, but no longer will I spend exorbitant amounts of money on it.


You're not alone with this approach. I'm doing the exact same thing for now. Frankly, I could care less what all the Bioware apologists say. I came back to the game a few months ago in anticipation of the expansion, and while it had some good points, the way Bioware has bungled things time and time again since this release is astonishing. And all the people who point to TOS, EULA, etc. and think that it absolves the company from any liability are sadly mistaken. Just ask SOE. The $40 I spent on the hypercrate is not worth me worrying about, but the trust they have lost from their customer base certainly is worth a whole hell of a lot. Fool me once...

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Yeah. I'm not spending another REAL U.S. Dollar on a Cartel Coin, ever again. I never got the slot machine, and I only bought two of the hyper-crates to try my luck. I had planned to buy two more hyper-crates in February, but when BW pulled that scam, I realized that Hutts truly did run the CM.


From now on, the Hutts in BW will only get my subscription fee and not another dollar from me. BW's hard work to attract my business to the CM was wasted with this bait and switch scam, I can't trust them anymore.


BW said there are no problems with the slots. There were no bugs. There were no exploits, everything worked as intended. Then went on to say, that it only needed to make an adjustment to something. The natural conclusion to come to was that it would be a small adjustment, a moderate adjustment. The result of that was that people swamped the CM to buy the contraband packs to get their their chance for a slot machine.


When the patch was applied, folks found out that it was a decapitation and not a small adjustment. Justifiably, they felt as though someone had pulled the wool over their eyes. If this behavior is not punished, then it will happen again, and again.


I heard all of the folks saying that the slots were too OP. So, I figured that an adjustment was needed, but I did not expect it to be such a nerf that it would destroy the slots altogether. Yet, that is what happened. And BW's reply? This is the nerf that we want.


I'm certain that the CEO's at BW are showing off their CM profits to the EW CEO's and saying stuff like, "It was like taking candy from a baby." Like another posted said, "Fool me once...."


Damn! I actually planned to spend $80.00 a month on top of my $14.99 sub on this game. Glad BW's greedy little scam jolted me out of that. Instead of giving BW $94.99 a month, I'm going back to giving them $14.99 per month.

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In the same post they said that they would look at the drop rates and adjust them if they felt that an adjustment was needed. How can one call "bait and switch" when one is told beforehand that a change is imminent?


A 99% reduction is not an adjustment. It's a removal.

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FFS, are people still complaining about slot machines? What about the fact that there was no new PvP content added in SoR, or the fact that class balancing is at its worst since launch, or even that we can't have creature comforts such as cross-server gameplay because technology other games have been using since 2007 is too "technically challenging". I mean really guys, this is a star wars MMO, not a casino simulator. What did you guys do before the slot machines came out? Warzones, Ops, flashpoints. Did these suddenly lose meaning when the slots came out?


Btdubz SWG as of 2011 was god awful. Class balance was worse than this game, the PvE was trivial, PvP was shoddy as a result of class balance, and the only new content for some 3 odd years came from those card pack things.


All the reasons I ended my sub this weekend and havent logged in in over a week.

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Uh.....no. Not gonna happen. Do what you want, but please don't think anyone is going to join your "movement."


I am joining the movement to I used to spend an extra 50 to 70 bucks a month above my subscription. but my disposable income won't be going their way.


also on a side note I had a bowel movement this morning too.

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Uh.....no. Not gonna happen. Do what you want, but please don't think anyone is going to join your "movement."


Ijoined the OPs "Movement" a long time ago.


After SWTOR was released with all of the problems, i stopped buying products from ea and/or bioware. means no bf, no sim city, no mass effect 3, and s on, games i would have bought.

and i was right, low pve content, no german CM left, no yellow responses in german forums, releasing a lagging, bugging expansion and dont fix the problems during xmas holidays.


i will keep ignoring games pruduced by bioware and//or published by EA until swtor recieves way more love.


now, after that slot machine incident and the no action policy on that ravager exploit i wont buy any more cartel coins. i feel decieved too.


thats my decision, no one has to follow, but i wont spend more of my hard earned money to bw, as long as they keep me feeling decieved.

i will keep my sub, fow now, but if 3.1 is a fail too, i mb change my mind on this too

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Pretty shure the ToS which we all sign when we want to play this game states they have every right to change something as they see fit.


Does the ToS also state they can upset innocent customers and rob them of their purchases whenever they feel like it?

Edited by DartDaya
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Does the ToS also state they can upset innocent customers and rob them of their purchases whenever they feel like it?


They didn't rob you of anything.


Games change. Deal with it. They released it as part of a test run. The data, which had been collected since the machines release, showed that, while working as intended before release, the overall impact on Crew Skills/the economy was too high to be sustainable over a longer period of time. They changed it back afterwards.

A 99% reduction is not an adjustment. It's a removal.


No. This is just wrong. I'll take the powertech example for this. You could adjust his damage and health points by 99%. You would still not remove the class, you'd change it. Of course, it would be downright useless afterwards. You could still play it though, which means it hasn't been removed.


...refuse to spend more than my subscription until they fix it.


So, you say this: "I will not support this ridiculous attempt at robbing me. I will not stand for this half-backed, unfinished content. But I will continue to give you money.". I think you don't know what a boycott is. You don't start to boycott a major fast food chain, then go inside and say: "I will only buy a single burger. I won't order a menue, I'm boycotting them!".

Edited by Alssaran
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No. This is just wrong. I'll take the powertech example for this. You could adjust his damage and health points by 99%. You would still not remove the class, you'd change it. Of course, it would be downright useless afterwards. You could still play it though, which means it hasn't been removed.


You really believe that, don't you?


Slot machine nerfed 99% = ok

Classes nerfed 99% = ok

GTN prices nerfed 80% = not ok


Anything else I'm forgetting about your position on this?

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i'm certain that the ceo's at bw are showing off their cm profits to the ew ceo's and saying stuff like, "it was like taking candy from a baby."


damn! I actually planned to spend $80.00 a month on top of my $14.99 sub on this game. Glad bw's greedy little scam jolted me out of that. Instead of giving bw $94.99 a month, i'm going back to giving them $14.99 per month.


^^this omg this, But more like the $100 dollar option, at least I can drop my $100 on something else now.

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You really believe that, don't you?


What's that supposed to mean? Of course I do. Why would I write it otherwise. Not such a great way to start a post, in what is supposed to be a reasonable discussion. A rhetorical question? That's certainly new.


Slot machine nerfed 99% = ok


Yes. If Bioware chooses to do this, and if it is what they wanted to do after they announced "adequate changes". That was what they said they would do. Make changes as they see fit.


Classes nerfed 99% = ok


I didn't say that. That was your assumption. What I said was, read again carefully: If Bioware would nerf a class by 99%, it would still not constitute the term removal. It is a change. A removal would mean to delete the class entirely. I don't even know where you take that assumption from.


GTN prices nerfed 80% = not ok


I also never said that a GTN price nerf of almost 80% was a bad thing. Neither is it a good thing. It's meaningless to me. I have enough credits to buy the augmentation (kit & epic augmentations), stims and medpacs I need. With or without the slot machine economy crash.


As happens so often in this board, you took my statement and applied it way out of content. Let me put it this way, blunt and simple. Nothing about economies, crafting and nerfing classes:

Bioware said they'd look into it and change it adequately (as they see fit). They did. They didn't remove it, they didn't take it away from you. They changed it. Deal with it.

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How dare they nerf something after people loudly whined to nerf something! It was all part of their nefarious plot to scam you guys out of your money!


That's not what a bait and switch is, please sit down.


Doesn't change the fact they made a huge change to an item people paid real money for shortly after describing it as 'working as intended' without any announcement or discussion. Regardless of the semantics of calling it 'bait and switch', Bioware needs to come clean to the community (not in secret at a cantina event with only a handful of people in attendance) and there needs to be some form of compensation for everyone that owns a slot machine.

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