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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware, if you want to salvage this debacle, some advice inside....


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I doubt they want to do anything about them anymore... EVER. My wild guess is that they will ignore each and every post like this, all in hope that it will "wear off" and everyone will forget about it.

Nah, I'm not likely to forget the final straw that broke my wife's and my SWTOR subscriptions.

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Being one of the many that were affected with Slot machine nerf, I would agree on certain points. But mostly on the one from developers letter.

However that would be clear proof that they have no idea about the game.


1. Machines being released as is

2. Official post that they "are working as intended" - intention = we wanted them to work like that

3. Official statement that they will reduce drop rates of java crab

4. Patch where they have made machine completely useless (and slap in the face in terms of 2 woo-hoo new drops in it with 0,001% to win)

5. Rage on the forums and Slot machines being used by pretty much 0,001% of the servers population

6. Suggested statement from the devs "we are sorry" (BP Oil anyone?)


I doubt they want to do anything about them anymore... EVER. My wild guess is that they will ignore each and every post like this, all in hope that it will "wear off" and everyone will forget about it.


It is, of course, unlikely they will listen to reason. I have been surprised in the past however, like when they removed training costs.

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Nah, I'm not likely to forget the final straw that broke my wife's and my SWTOR subscriptions.

Yeah, I completely understand and pretty much everyone who actually see what happened share your (our) opinion.

Sadly, BW doesn't or refuse to understand that problems will not go away by ignoring them, and only thing that might get to them is by voting with your wallet. I'm waiting for my sub to expire, and to revisit what I will do next really (not only because of the Slots debacle, but that was last water drop in already full glass)

Edited by SettGirkkurn
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It is, of course, unlikely they will listen to reason. I have been surprised in the past however, like when they removed training costs.


Even that one was debacle to some people, namely to the closed beta testers errrrr "early access". Leveled about 3-4 toons during early access only to realize that I have been thrown away good chunk of money that people who didn't pre-ordered didn't have to pay...

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2) Quickly get a new 12XP event going again. Set it up to work with ALL of the game, all the way to level cap. That, IMO, will make most folks happy and perhaps even give you guys a pass. Even if you only set it up as it was before, up to 55 that would be fine. THIS NEEDS TO HAPPEN ASAP IMO.

Only if there is an "opt out" button. A mandantory 12xp event? No way, not for me. Wouldn't make me happy, but rather angry since it would mean I can't play the game for the given time. I can live with the occasional 2xp-weekend, since that only gives a slight boost, but 12xp? No, it spoils the experience of what I consider the fun part - the levelling process, the story lines etc.

Not everyone wnats to get to endgame content ASAP - there a people who think endgame content is just boring.


So, if they do another 12xp event, they have to include an opt out feature.

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Only if there is an "opt out" button. A mandantory 12xp event? No way, not for me. Wouldn't make me happy, but rather angry since it would mean I can't play the game for the given time. I can live with the occasional 2xp-weekend, since that only gives a slight boost, but 12xp? No, it spoils the experience of what I consider the fun part - the levelling process, the story lines etc.

Not everyone wnats to get to endgame content ASAP - there a people who think endgame content is just boring.


So, if they do another 12xp event, they have to include an opt out feature.


Fair enough. Last time they indicated they wanted to add a toggle to shut it off, but didn't have time. If they released it again I would expect this time it would have a toggle.

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1) You should release a long producer or developer letter, from the person or persons that designed the Slot machine, apologizing to the community for the initial state and the change, why the errors occured and a clear message on what will happen in the future with new machines.


2) Quickly get a new 12XP event going again. Set it up to work with ALL of the game, all the way to level cap. That, IMO, will make most folks happy and perhaps even give you guys a pass. Even if you only set it up as it was before, up to 55 that would be fine. THIS NEEDS TO HAPPEN ASAP IMO.


3) You want to save the ability to sell more machines in the future? Unnerf certificate rates. That was a VERY foolish move on your part. That is what the slot machine SHOULD have been for in the first place. That move alone would probably satisfy the majority of folks and make the machines desirable again.


4) Perhaps consider my suggestion for universal mats that are bound to legacy for personal use, similar to LotROs system. Shameless plug there, sorry.


For the future, IMO you should consider increasing the return rate, crit rate and reducing the time for crew missions, and increase return rate for scavenging substantially. That is where the mats belonged in the first place IMO.


IMO, if you get another 12XP event going this might cause most folks to give you a pass. I can't imagine it would take much to put it in place, considering the mechanic is already in the game. Just turn it on. Let folks level alts again.


You need to do something and you need to do it FAST. No silence, no waiting for months, no foolish "working as intended" comments, just get it done.


Thanks for reading.


I would only disagree with #2.


First of all, I don't have much of a stake in the CSM issue. I am not a big crafter, nor did I have much invested in buying or playing the CSM. However, it is clear that the playerbase is divided on the issue of XP boosts. Sure, a great many people would enjoy another event, but it should not be the form of compensation to the playerbase for this fiasco, at least the only form. I do not like large XP boosts such as this and avoid playing the game when they are active, so to make this the compensation, especially without a way to turn it off, would be the wrong thing to do.


Honestly, there should be multiple things done for compensation to make sure that as many people are happy as possible.


XP boosts (with the option to turn off) would be one.

They can also offer players a free item (pet, title, etc.)

They should also offer a long term (week or two) deep discount in the CM for all items.


That would be a start at least.

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I would only disagree with #2.


First of all, I don't have much of a stake in the CSM issue. I am not a big crafter, nor did I have much invested in buying or playing the CSM. However, it is clear that the playerbase is divided on the issue of XP boosts. Sure, a great many people would enjoy another event, but it should not be the form of compensation to the playerbase for this fiasco, at least the only form. I do not like large XP boosts such as this and avoid playing the game when they are active, so to make this the compensation, especially without a way to turn it off, would be the wrong thing to do.


Honestly, there should be multiple things done for compensation to make sure that as many people are happy as possible.


XP boosts (with the option to turn off) would be one.

They can also offer players a free item (pet, title, etc.)

They should also offer a long term (week or two) deep discount in the CM for all items.


That would be a start at least.


I don't personally think it is clear at all that the community is divided, actually in my eyes it was clearly in favor, with only a tiny minority opposed.


That said, the ability to toggle is a well known complaint, they did indicate they wanted to include that but didnt have time last time, and I think it would be likely, if it was brought back at this point it would have a toggle.

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I've made a suggestion in the Suggestions Forum I would like to 'signal boost'. My apologies for putting this post in more than one thread.


Please consider visiting the thread and adding your own thoughts/ideas about changes to the slots that would make them more acceptable and help alleviate community discontent with the v1.1 changes.


Please note: I think we have more than enough general complain threads. Now its more helpful to provide BioWare/The Devs with some ideas and demonstrate we're being reasonable and its too their benefit to consider our suggestions.





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I can't speak for everyone, but what I want is a dev/producer blog letter from the person or persons responsible for the CSMs design, release and nerf. I want to know what they were thinking at the time, why they believed the original state of the machine was acceptable, and why they believed the nuke was the best course of action.


I wouldn't call it blood....but I would call it a reckoning.

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3) You want to save the ability to sell more machines in the future? Unnerf certificate rates. That was a VERY foolish move on your part. That is what the slot machine SHOULD have been for in the first place. That move alone would probably satisfy the majority of folks and make the machines desirable again.


This is the one area I understand why they nerfed as much as they did. This could, and most likely would, hurt future pack sales. Like it or not... thats was an incentive to buy more packs. Rep and Certs (for the Rep Vendors).


Since they essentially made the need to gather rep pointless... they still needed an incentive to purchase the pack... so (in my opinion), the drop of the rep tokens was meant to make you feel you were "half way there", all you needed was X more certs... so you would be willing to buy additional packs hoping for the certs you needed to get that rep item.


I am not saying I agree with this... just how I see why they nerfed the certificates. This, even greater than the in game economy, is why things were nerfed. Real world dollars were at stake...


Thats my take at least.

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Short of a public flogging I don't think any of the whiners would be satisfied. They've already said sorry at that public event. Does everyone want the apology in blood?


I didn't see anyone say sorry...


I heard third hand that someone from Bioware said sorry to someone at some event.


Where is the post here? Where is my refund? If Bioware is so sorry, put their money where their mouth is.

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This is the one area I understand why they nerfed as much as they did. This could, and most likely would, hurt future pack sales. Like it or not... thats was an incentive to buy more packs. Rep and Certs (for the Rep Vendors).


Since they essentially made the need to gather rep pointless... they still needed an incentive to purchase the pack... so (in my opinion), the drop of the rep tokens was meant to make you feel you were "half way there", all you needed was X more certs... so you would be willing to buy additional packs hoping for the certs you needed to get that rep item.


I am not saying I agree with this... just how I see why they nerfed the certificates. This, even greater than the in game economy, is why things were nerfed. Real world dollars were at stake...


Thats my take at least.


Well, I certainly hope they did not nerf the cert drop rates based on greed. That would be pretty bad form on their part.

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Well, I certainly hope they did not nerf the cert drop rates based on greed. That would be pretty bad form on their part.


It's not "greed" exactly... Whether we like it or not, part of the games revenue comes from the Cartel Market (I believe you are often quoted as saying this). I believe the impact had the potential of really hurting that source of revenue. So it needed to be closed.


The game does need to make money... everyone (me included) uses the link that shows BW earned 167 Million in 2013 (data from one of your favorite sources)... what they don't discuss are the expenditures in that time... so 167 Million was not all profit... the game is profitable now (or at least was... I think the latest EA/BW public filing made reference to overall earnings at EA were offset by losses in 3 games (one of which was SWTOR)... Here is that link... search "Star Wars" its the 4th hit. How much of the 181 Million hit was to SWTOR, and if it is still making a profit remain are unknown.


So again.. its not necessarily "greed"... its part of doing business... if anything, I think they should get credit for giving the rep tokens out via the CSM (these were also locked up inside packs). So they did give a little...

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It's not "greed" exactly... Whether we like it or not, part of the games revenue comes from the Cartel Market (I believe you are often quoted as saying this). I believe the impact had the potential of really hurting that source of revenue. So it needed to be closed.


The game does need to make money... everyone (me included) uses the link that shows BW earned 167 Million in 2013 (data from one of your favorite sources)... what they don't discuss are the expenditures in that time... so 167 Million was not all profit... the game is profitable now (or at least was... I think the latest EA/BW public filing made reference to overall earnings at EA were offset by losses in 3 games (one of which was SWTOR)... Here is that link... search "Star Wars" its the 4th hit. How much of the 181 Million hit was to SWTOR, and if it is still making a profit remain are unknown.


So again.. its not necessarily "greed"... its part of doing business... if anything, I think they should get credit for giving the rep tokens out via the CSM (these were also locked up inside packs). So they did give a little...


I have always been an advocate of them making money. However, if this was the reason for the cert nerf that was going too far IMO.

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It's not "companion gift or certificate," it's "rep item or certificate."


Why are we getting a companion gift or boost at all? Just give us a rep item AND certificate. The gifts and boosts are worthless.


Short of a public flogging I don't think any of the whiners would be satisfied. They've already said sorry at that public event. Does everyone want the apology in blood?


What apology? I haven't seen one. Especially not from Eric.

Edited by DurdensWrath
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I think it is too late for them to do anything at this point. They had an opportunity to rectify this matter, that opportunity has passed IMO.


They will now reap what they sow. If they continue down this path of recklessness I do not expect it to bode well for the title in the long term.


I certainly hope they get their act together at some point, but after the parade of mistakes they have made recently I have little faith that will come to pass.

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