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Request to remove or change Slicing.


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Full macros and automation of any kind are a violation of the Terms of Service. Reporting it for a slicing node is just as valid as reporting it for the slots. Any differences in your perception of the community's reaction are inconsequential; the only thing that matters is whether reported and what actions Bioware takes.


I can concur here, absolutely.

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admittedly i haven't been to the post50 planets but everywhere else the re-spawn timer on slicing nodes is 20 minutes with other gathering nodes re-spawning at every 7 minutes... i run very specific routes and use a timer set to 19:min so i always return to the first node of my route a minute before it re-spawns, it's important i know the timing in order to make the most of my farming routes... the Slicing nodes were already nerfed once by lowering their payout and lengthening their re-spawn to 20 minutes...


I timed it out of curiosity myself. The respawn timer on chests and harvest nodes in multiple level 55+ zones (can personally confirm Rishi, Yavin, and Czerka) are all set at 5 minutes.

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Your error is in assuming that these credits are somehow new to the game...they aren't. They're taking the place of OTHER free credits. If not Yavin, the player would be on Ilum or Makeb farming boxes...or just running daily missions.


If you're talking about 'potential' credits, that's all well and good for theory crafting, but the reality is that people go with the path of least resistance, and there's a certain point where players will sit in their Strongholds rather than go farm credits. And it all depends on effort versus reward.


Truth is, Yavin farming is not just lucrative...it's easy.


Also, regardless, those boxes are being steadily farmed. If not by one Slicer, then by the six Slicers coming right behind him. Those credits are going to be added to the system by the players by someone or another.


It's 'too much.' And it's going to have a negative impact eventually.

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admittedly i haven't been to the post50 planets but everywhere else the re-spawn timer on slicing nodes is 20 minutes with other gathering nodes re-spawning at every 7 minutes... i run very specific routes and use a timer set to 19:min so i always return to the first node of my route a minute before it re-spawns, it's important i know the timing in order to make the most of my farming routes... the Slicing nodes were already nerfed once by lowering their payout and lengthening their re-spawn to 20 minutes...


I was not aware of a previous nerf, thank you, that would explain backlash on my suggestions.


On an unrelated note to your reply, but to the topic, after feedback from others discussing this and me learning a few things, maybe not all of the suggestions be added all together. But, I think some would agree some of the suggestions would be valid while disagreeing with others.


Randomizing spawn locations for example.

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I timed it out of curiosity myself. The respawn timer on chests and harvest nodes in multiple level 55+ zones (can personally confirm Rishi, Yavin, and Czerka) are all set at 5 minutes.


if this is the case than it needs to be fixed because it's supposed to be 20 minutes for slicing nodes and large chests, 7 minutes for crafting nodes and small chests... looks like we have a bug and the timers need to be fixed...

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There is a reason why everyone I talk to has without a doubt told me they have slicing on almost all of their toons. That reason is...


Slicing is the most valuable skill of them all by a long shot. And this should not be the case. Slicing nets more credits than any other skill or even set of skills.


Consider the following.


1. In about an hour I made half a million credits on Yavin 4 gathering Archeology and Slicing. That is half a million in just credits. Not including crafting missions gained. Extend that gather time to what it takes to run UWT for grade 11 artifact mats and it is completely unbalanced in terms of income.

2. All nodes for Slicing are static on Yavin 4 and Rishi. A right click macro can farm the same node while AFK for hours or even days and get rich doing nothing but right clicking.

3. The majority of all complaints pre nerf of the slots were attributed to SLICING being not needed anymore. This shows an issue of relying too heavily on slicing over the others.


So what I propose to regain balance...


1. Take away crafting missions from slicing boxes and have them only drop via sending crews out on missions. Just like Treasure Hunting.

2. REDUCE the amount of credits from a slicing node to that of what a single Silver mob would drop AT MAX. And make it give direct credits, no boxes, so no chance of green/blue/purple boxes.

3. Randomize and REDUCE the number of nodes on Yavin 4 and Rishi by 50%

4. Extend the respawn time on gathering nodes on Yavin 4 and Rishi by 100%

5. Take Adaptive Circuitry off of the slicing loot table and add it to Underworld Trading and Investigation. Since those are the skills required for Synthweaving, Armstech and Armormech.


Lets face it, Slicing alone unbalances crew skills and skews returns in the way crew skills should operate.


Slicing is the only crew skill where it can be totally utilized by itself to make Half to a full Million per hour without crafting anything and only pressing one mouse button.


Let me guess, another baddie who gets owned on yavin slicing nodes? Or another real money sinker that bought 3 hypercrates for slot machine? Slicing was in the game since the beginning and it already was nerfed. Your slot machine was in the game for 1 week. By the way you can get the exact same amount of credits (200-400k/hour) by doing dailies.

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I would like to thank those who are actually discussing this and not just replying with immature comments. I read the forums a lot and have for a few months now to find out what is going on and such. I have only recently started posting Im afraid.


So, I just wanted to thank those who are discussing and explaining their side, weather it be agreeing or disagreeing with me personally.

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This should have been in the game day-1!!!! I would love it if this were added.


Randomization would help a good bit. As would having the box spawn be connected to the number of players in each instance. Mostly because it's insane how much you can make if you can catch a freshly opened instance before it populates.

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Let me guess, another baddie who gets owned on yavin slicing nodes? Or another real money sinker that bought 3 hypercrates for slot machine? Slicing was in the game since the beginning and it already was nerfed. Your slot machine was in the game for 1 week. By the way you can get the exact same amount of credits (200-400k/hour) by doing dailies.


Maybe you should have read the thread first. Then you would not have egg on your face.


Here is why...


1. I already stated I could make half a million in an hour. (Thats in my post you yourself quoted and more than your 200-400k an hour from dailys.)

2. I have stated here I have all skills for all crafting at 500.


Now, what I didnt mention here but should have been assumed if I can farm Yavin so quickly for nodes...(leaving out the fact that farming that quickly to get 500k would mean I would absolutely have to fight)


1. My slicing toon is 186/192 geared and fully 186 augged with 186 relics I myself crafted. Fighting is a non-issue.

2. My bank account is not hurting at all, I made over 30m the past week. This is not a guess.

3. I bought 1 hypercrate and it was Starfighter I believe to get those rep items.


Try participating in the conversation, weather you agree or disagree. You will find exchanging ideas and information in a civil manner is a great way for the community to come together and learn more, not only about each other, but facets of the game they may not have known.


Plus it does not make you look like your name is 'Richard Cranium'.

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Randomization would help a good bit. As would having the box spawn be connected to the number of players in each instance. Mostly because it's insane how much you can make if you can catch a freshly opened instance before it populates.


Absolutely! Nailed it right there!


Once when SoR first launched I switched Rishi instances (the meant tree bug) and there was literally 4 people in mine. I did not notice till I was deep in the jungle and was seeing no one and full spawn. This was pre chest nerf. Made about 1m looting the chests and slicing at the same time.


But do you know why I switched back to a populated instance? I was lonely. :)

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You're one of the Slicers that regularly roam Yavin, collecting slicing boxes. Hooray, free money.


But, eventually, you go offline to go do RL stuff like eat and sleep.


Other people are there, too. And they're gathering while you're gone. And there's a lot of them now. And that's millions upon millions being pumped into the economy every day that this continues.


So, now you have millions more than you did before. You can now afford more stuff and you buy that stuff from other players, and those millions move into the economy. More players have more money. And all those slicers and yourself are still steadily adding to those millions. More and more players have more and more millions, every day, more players are getting filthy rich.


Now, everyone has millions and so prices for everything start going up. Stims and augments cost more because, hey, we can all afford it. And if people try to bring the price back down, those cheaper items are bought up and relisted at their higher prices.


So, life is good at the top, but people who are new to the game or those who don't have a slicer are stuck with non-inflated credit amounts, so their credits haven't changed a bit, but all of a sudden, those credits don't buy what they used to buy.


And they're left with either leveling Slicing and join the herd of Slicers on yavin, farming boxes and avoiding mobs, or they make due with that substandard play, having do without high end stuff that wasn't so high-end before SoR launched.


Inflation, it's a thing.


Except, even before Yavin, inflation was there. People already ran the GTN, bout low sold high.

Nerf Yavin, nerf whatever you want, & you will still have people controlling the prices. You will still have inflation due to other things.


Those chests are no where near game breaking nor a problem.


if this is the case than it needs to be fixed because it's supposed to be 20 minutes for slicing nodes and large chests, 7 minutes for crafting nodes and small chests... looks like we have a bug and the timers need to be fixed...


No Elly, they are not broke, did you not read his statement?

They have been 5min for quite awhile. CZ did not change with 3.0. They spawned fast there. Try Oricon, they will spawn the same. 55+ areas crew skills spawn every 5min. Treasure chests spawn every 20min on Rishi. (But good luck getting them from the bots.)

Where do you get that there is supposed to set rules for each spawn? Show me where a Dev/BW staff gave a list showing exact timers on spawn rates.

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Maybe you should have read the thread first. Then you would not have egg on your face.


Here is why...


1. I already stated I could make half a million in an hour. (Thats in my post you yourself quoted and more than your 200-400k an hour from dailys.)

2. I have stated here I have all skills for all crafting at 500.


Now, what I didnt mention here but should have been assumed if I can farm Yavin so quickly for nodes...(leaving out the fact that farming that quickly to get 500k would mean I would absolutely have to fight)


1. My slicing toon is 186/192 geared and fully 186 augged with 186 relics I myself crafted. Fighting is a non-issue.

2. My bank account is not hurting at all, I made over 30m the past week. This is not a guess.

3. I bought 1 hypercrate and it was Starfighter I believe to get those rep items.


Try participating in the conversation, weather you agree or disagree. You will find exchanging ideas and information in a civil manner is a great way for the community to come together and learn more, not only about each other, but facets of the game they may not have known.


Plus it does not make you look like your name is 'Richard Cranium'.


When I saw "remove slicing" I lost my attitude to real this whole "thread".

Ok, you are making 30m/week (hardly beleive, but ok). Then what do you care about? Crew skills disbalance? I make more with armormech/scav that with slicing. Top crafters make much more. Inflation? Why then you don't care about gold sellers making the exact same amout on makeb? People farming trash in asation? Daily runners that bring gazillions of credits in the economy EVERY day. Maybe we nerf them all?

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i don't have it saved but iirc it should be in the Dev Tracker somewhere from about 3 years ago when it happened... i recall reading one of them say that the time for Slicing nodes was being moved from 5 minutes to 20 and other crafting nodes from 5 to 7... but to be fair, i may have missed one that may have said something along the lines of they're shortening the times on Elder Game planets back to their Original Games default time of 5 min due to higher traffic on those planets... i usually don't pay too much attention to those planets yet, as to why i was unsure how it operated at Elder Game...

Edited by Elly_Dawn
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People stand in front of the GTN and make millions of credits. Please nerf GTN.


People go around doing cycles of highest credit / hr dailies to make millions. Please nerf dailies.


People spend more time in game than me because I have real world obligations. Please nerf people with more spare time than me.


+1 for post of the month there....


Oh yea.. and OP, ridiculous... make slicing into a skill that ONLY serves to gather a few credits and some wealthy missions? mine as well just take it outa the game if you did that... I would get rid of all my slicers....

Edited by GopherLuV
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Slicing was already nerfed once, close to vanilla once. If it gets nerfed again, because of whiny forum users whom Bioware has caved to twice in recent memory, I swear to god, I'm moving to FInal Fantasy XIV.


Grade 11 lockboxes are awarding a bit too much considering you get a chance at a mission discovery. You generate credits with the lockbox all the time, and even more if you get a mission.


The lower tiers are fine and were balanced around that, lockbox missions will only return about 90-95% of your credit outlay to run them with a chance for a mission. The grade 11 though, I have yet to even lose money running them unless I get a complete failure, and even then the other comps running at that time more than cover for the failure.


It's the only crew skill that is also a literal credit printing machine. That part has to be nerfed a little, but the mats and everything else is fine.

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People stand in front of the GTN and make millions of credits. Please nerf GTN.


Not being funny but I saw a thread earlier today suggesting a credit cap for pricing on the GTN. It's happened already.



As for the OP. Slicing is only effective if only a few people do it. If everybody start farming Yavin you'd be fighting for nodes and you'd be lucky to make 50k in an hour.

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Lol id never get any objective completed if so..


"Ok need to go kill that massa... oooh a box!" -opens box- "Alright what was I doing? Right over there to... Oooh a box!" -rinse, repeat- :D


I've had people die in ops and flashpoints because I was the healer and well.. you know, scavenging and droids.. must dismantle droids..

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You're one of the Slicers that regularly roam Yavin, collecting slicing boxes. Hooray, free money.


But, eventually, you go offline to go do RL stuff like eat and sleep.


Other people are there, too. And they're gathering while you're gone. And there's a lot of them now. And that's millions upon millions being pumped into the economy every day that this continues.


So, now you have millions more than you did before. You can now afford more stuff and you buy that stuff from other players, and those millions move into the economy. More players have more money. And all those slicers and yourself are still steadily adding to those millions. More and more players have more and more millions, every day, more players are getting filthy rich.


Now, everyone has millions and so prices for everything start going up. Stims and augments cost more because, hey, we can all afford it. And if people try to bring the price back down, those cheaper items are bought up and relisted at their higher prices.


So, life is good at the top, but people who are new to the game or those who don't have a slicer are stuck with non-inflated credit amounts, so their credits haven't changed a bit, but all of a sudden, those credits don't buy what they used to buy.


And they're left with either leveling Slicing and join the herd of Slicers on yavin, farming boxes and avoiding mobs, or they make due with that substandard play, having do without high end stuff that wasn't so high-end before SoR launched.


Inflation, it's a thing.


This is correct. The credit boxes in this expansion almost make having a slicer mandatory now to even keep up with the joneses.

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Take into acount that if you take slicing as one of your 3 profesions, you are not able to craft anything (unless you gather 1 skill with another character), and it reduces the credits you can earn.


Personally... farming boxes in Yavin (or wherever) sounds boring to me, and use macros... well, personally I have nothing against in this particular case. After all, the more gold ppl has, the more they spend in GTN (hope in my items) :p

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There are easier ways to earn money than running around competing with everyone else for slicing nodes. Saying this needs a nerf, now I know people have literally lost their minds over this slot machine.


Slicers don't need to leave a stronghold to generate credits. Grade 11 lockbox missions with slicing return 10-13k per rich mission (2.5-3 times the credit cost to run the mission is returned), even the moderate ones return a lockbox that give more credit than you spent.


The other crew skills sink credits, both from GTN sales tax and the mission cost itself. Slicing is the only one that if done right will generate credits across the economy, not merely transfer them from one person to another.

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I've had people die in ops and flashpoints because I was the healer and well.. you know, scavenging and droids.. must dismantle droids..


Any group that runs ahead of their healer and dies because they "didn't realise" the healer wasn't there yet deserve to die.


It's simple. Check your ops screen before charging in. If people are no bright red like yourself that means they are out of range. This means that if it's a healer he won't be able to heal you.


MMOs are rocket science I tell ya. Difficult stuff.

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You are wrong. I have sat on Rishi with right mouse button mapped to my controller laying on my couch watching TV while pressing the button on the controller once every few minutes. And this is where no mobs spawn.


Did something similar just now. I watched exactly what was going on around me the whole time. I stood at one node and clicked it. A few min later another appeared but not in the same spot. I watched the pattern as people cleared out the nodes around me and as new nodes popped up a few min later. Each time they would pop up in a similar pattern as the path the person that grabbed them took but never in the same spot twice in a row. 25 min later the box finally reappeared in front of me. I clicked it. It has now been 35 min since then and the box has not reappeared. Now if I was on at a high traffic time when everyone is picking up boxes all the time I could see how that would make them pop faster, but just because it eventually shows up at the same spot does not mean that it will always show up there at a set time, or that you can make any kind of decent money with a clicking macro and slicing.

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