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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Question about the intention of the slot-machine.


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I did and i still do. Youre numbers show me, that you have no idea what you are talking about. If you have 22 chars on a server running crew missions on all toons take you about 10-15 minutes. 10-15 you constantly have to look at the screen to do what you are doing. And i still want to remind on the effort it took you to get 22 chars to that point.


The machine on the other hand: stack up coins - get in position - right click until your finger breaks and watch tv.


Your QQ is not about the bad chances on the walker it is about the fact, that the machine is no longer a money generator you have to put little to no effort into.


It takes 15 minutes, for 22 characters to generate how many mats? How does that compare to the slot machine prenerf? This is clearly an exploit and BW needs to look at your account for abusing resource generation by having 22 alts all gathering mats. Heck this is even more exploitable than the slot machine because you are gathering mats WHILE doing content and earning credits. If the slot machines are bad, this is worse because you're not only generating credits, but also removing them from other players via GTN sales.


I think BW should nerf the crew mission timer running while you are logged out. This way we can only generate mats on alts we are actually logged into the game on.

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It takes 15 minutes, for 22 characters to generate how many mats? How does that compare to the slot machine prenerf? This is clearly an exploit and BW needs to look at your account for abusing resource generation by having 22 alts all gathering mats. Heck this is even more exploitable than the slot machine because you are gathering mats WHILE doing content and earning credits. If the slot machines are bad, this is worse because you're not only generating credits, but also removing them from other players via GTN sales.


I think BW should nerf the crew mission timer running while you are logged out. This way we can only generate mats on alts we are actually logged into the game on.


I was refering to some other player with those 22 chars but for your information: those 22 chars would give you an avarage of nearly 9 crits per run. that is somewhat between 18-27 mats in 40 minutes.

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It takes 15 minutes, for 22 characters to generate how many mats? How does that compare to the slot machine prenerf? This is clearly an exploit and BW needs to look at your account for abusing resource generation by having 22 alts all gathering mats. Heck this is even more exploitable than the slot machine because you are gathering mats WHILE doing content and earning credits. If the slot machines are bad, this is worse because you're not only generating credits, but also removing them from other players via GTN sales.


I think BW should nerf the crew mission timer running while you are logged out. This way we can only generate mats on alts we are actually logged into the game on.



if he has 22 characters gathering mats he earned it. he leveled 22 characters and crewskills, maxed affection on all the companions. went through the effort of sending them out on missions. all of this taking weeks of efforts and tens of millions of credits



all you want is a little slot machine to give you everything for free with no skills and no time involved.

Edited by comestbest
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You can use the machine with not even watching at the monitor. Try to do that with crew missions.^


Funny how all your other arguments are about cheating in some kind. Guess thats all what is left..


Are you serious? The slot machine that has to be clicked every 10 seconds you can do without looking at the screen, but the crew missions you can run even when logged out are supposed to be what lol?


If anything BioWare just killed a major credit sink that would have helped the economy for new players. If the rich players are busy yanking on a slot machine and destroying credits for good with every pull that will lower the price of everything on the market and thus new players depending on drops and the most basic ways of making credits to buy stuff wouldn't be so broke.


One of the reasons I can't get into WoW is I can't afford anything on the AH. Freaking level 15 average quality weapons 'n stuff sell for the kind of gold that a level 15 character would have to farm for weeks to afford. I mean literally 6 hours a day for weeks to have that kind of gold.


At the very least rich players would have been destroying credits for jawa junk and crafters could have sold at prices that weren't jacked up from a couple years worth of inflation and the new players could participate in the AH.

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Are you serious? The slot machine that has to be clicked every 10 seconds you can do without looking at the screen, but the crew missions you can run even when logged out are supposed to be what lol?



Sorry do not rip my posts apart. The argumentation with him was about sending out 22 chars to crew missions compared with running a slot machine.


Not sending out crew missions on one char.


You need to have full attention to the game if you want to cycle through 22 chars and use crew missions on all of them.

Edited by Neglience
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if he has 22 characters gathering mats he earned it. he leveled 22 characters and crewskills, maxed affection on all the companions. went through the effort of sending them out on missions. all of this taking weeks of efforts and tens of millions of credits



all you want is a little slot machine to give you everything for free with no skills and no time involved.


You apparently missed the fact that I had 300 JJ stockpiled before the slot machine from conquests. Also missed the fact that I am in fact a crafter, with many alts who are just crafting alts. And again missed that I was one calling for a minor nerf on the Jawa Junk by decreasing it, and increasing the return on the Scavenged Scrap. Certs are debatable but even if they cut the rate in half (which damn near everyone on this forum thinks was ok) that would have been fine in my eyes. I didn't see a problem with the original drop on them, some did, but even halving the original rate is acceptable to the vast majority out there.


It doesn't take weeks, it also doesn't take millions of credits to level up crafting skills. The only part that takes weeks is leveling up the character so you can finish chapter 2.

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I think at first the slot machine was mainly created for attaining reputation but they did mention they were concerned over how scarce the grade 11 mats were with a couple months into the patch. So based on that comment by Eric, I'm assuming at the last moment they threw in the mats. The certs and reputation appears to be by design while the mats were there to "fix" the problem they thought the game had.....unfortunately no one tests these things and we got what we got.
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You apparently missed the fact that I had 300 JJ stockpiled before the slot machine from conquests. Also missed the fact that I am in fact a crafter, with many alts who are just crafting alts. And again missed that I was one calling for a minor nerf on the Jawa Junk by decreasing it, and increasing the return on the Scavenged Scrap. Certs are debatable but even if they cut the rate in half (which damn near everyone on this forum thinks was ok) that would have been fine in my eyes. I didn't see a problem with the original drop on them, some did, but even halving the original rate is acceptable to the vast majority out there.


It doesn't take weeks, it also doesn't take millions of credits to level up crafting skills. The only part that takes weeks is leveling up the character so you can finish chapter 2.


But it does take millions. The time spent leveling each toon to max level to get max companions on missions takes a LOT of time and money because again, you need to get max affection for each companion, upgrade the legacy crafting, and pay for all the crafting skills/missions while leveling each crew mission. Oh and you have to also count the time spent NOT doing dailies or other things that would have generated cash while you were doing these things.


Trust me, I made no money as I was leveling all these toons. It wasn't until I was finished that I really saw all the work pay off with being able to cycle through 8 toons. So this is why I laughed at people saying it wasn't a big deal with the slot machine giving uber returns compared to missions. I worked harder running missions and cycling through all of them and still didn't sniff a tenth of what I got in the same time on the slot machine.

Edited by Mariojediwookie
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But it does take millions. The time spent leveling each toon to max level to get max companions on missions takes a LOT of time and money because again, you need to get max affection for each companion, upgrade the legacy crafting, and pay for all the crafting skills/missions while leveling each crew mission. Oh and you have to also count the time spent NOT doing dailies or other things that would have generated cash while you were doing these things.


Trust me, I made no money as I was leveling all these toons. It wasn't until I was finished that I really saw all the work pay off with being able to cycle through 8 toons. So this is why I laughed at people saying it wasn't a big deal with the slot machine giving uber returns compared to missions. I worked harder running missions and cycling through all of them and still didn't sniff a tenth of what I got in the same time on the slot machine.


Doesn't cost millions, didn't even cost millions to level up from 450 to 500 and those were the most expensive missions to run.


Take time, but during that time you are generating credits by doing quests. I've never had an alt that I've had to send money to, ever. I've never had an alt hit max level or max crew skills without also having 5 million in the bank on said alt, all generated while leveling up the character and crew skills. And that was even with skill training costs, although granted upon hitting max level you wound up having the biggest training costs but even if you factor that in it's still 3m+.


I don't know what you were doing that it cost you millions, but whatever it was, you were obviously doing it wrong.

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leveling characters takes lots of time, leveling crewskills takes lots of time. leveling affection takes lots of time and money. all of this takes lots of time and effort and money. running the crewskills takes time and effort.



this whole slot machine was a huge mistake. slot machines should have NOTHING to do with crafting or crewskills.



this thing was not only a huge mistake but it was exploited by many people with macro programs. they now have multiple vaults full of grade 11 mats that will take weeks or months to get used up before prices return to normal.

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You need to take a lesson from real slot machines.


They'll have a return rate of 90%.


Well, If you wanna talk real slots it all depends on denomination you are playing. 1cent, 5cent, 10cent, 25cent, 1.00 and up. You will find the pay back from 85 to 99.5% and it varies from Indian casino's to Vegas.


I don't even think you can figure out how low the payback is. I did 8 stacks and got no Jackpots and only got 2 jawa junk and no droids. then someone else did 2 stacks and got a walker, its all over the place.


Im out of chips and wont spend 750 on new ones because that does not even make sense, drop the hit rate and raise the chip cost? lame

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As i said, out of thin air wealth generator.


The slot machine was NOT in any way an "out of thin air" credit generator. Any extra profit one made was from selling gained/exchanged items on GTN, which credits were already in game having been earned by other players.


Slicer boxes on Yavin 4? now THAT is an "out of thin air" credit generator; only cost is time.

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The slot machine was NOT in any way an "out of thin air" credit generator. Any extra profit one made was from selling gained/exchanged items on GTN, which credits were already in game having been earned by other players.


Slicer boxes on Yavin 4? now THAT is an "out of thin air" credit generator; only cost is time.


^ This, right here...


There are many places in this game that generate credits out of thin air... the slot machine was never one of them...

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