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I feel like I've been swindled


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So I see that these Slot Machines are a good way to gather resources along with Cartel Certs so I buy 3 hypercrates with Cartel Coins to finally get one. They then decide to make a mass overhaul to them effectively changing the item all together. So since this is nothing like what I got with my hypercrates, what are the options for getting my money back? Pretty sure they saw a great opportunity to get people to buy up crates and then once that slowed down, they change the most wanted item and claim it's due to customer feedback. Yeah, I don't buy it.


Tell ya what BioWare, if I file a ticket, can you guys just take all the garbage items from these packs that are in my banks and refund my purchases? I can't see how this can be seen as anything other than completely ripping off the consumer.


And yeah I know there are a lot of these threads and there needs to be more. This kind of stuff can't continue to happen. They need to stop baiting people into buying stuff then throwing the hammer at it. I know I wasn't forced into buying it, but I did because of the appeal and the fact that it sounded like Musco earlier said that they were working as intended and not being changed. At least not to this degree.


Go cry to your fellow forums criers. Its their fault not BW it's also your fault because apparently you had a diffucult time reading his post. It clearly said they were looking at changing them.

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For you Naysayers and Trolls to this guys thread, all the Free H'orderves in the world are not going to change the mind of someone who feels swindled. so justify as much as like.. I'm with the OP, bought my packs after the machine was deemed non exploit. only took me 2 packs for mine though :/
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No, you people didn't "buy the packs when you saw it was a good deal" (Paraphrased.) Even the guy above me

said he bought mass amounts when it was deemed not an exploit. That means you were hesitant at first because it

felt wrong.


You got plenty of other items for sale in those packs. I've made some millions off of crystals and mounts from the ONE crate I bought. I also got a Slot Machine... But because I thought to myself "Bioware never nerfs anything slightly, this is gonna go into the toilet fast."


If you didn't see this nerf coming and spent your entire paycheck trying to get an edge, you deserve to be swindled. You should have known it was going to be adjusted when it first blew up here.


Now in time BW is going to adjust the rates, so just hold onto your pants. Or not.

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here this sums it up


Do you wanna build a slot machine?

Come on, let's go and play!

I never see you anymore

Come out the door

It's like you've gone away

And swindle me.


We used to be best buddies Bioware

And now we're not

I wish you would tell me why!


Do you wanna build a slot machine?

It doesn't have to be a slot machine...


[8-Year-Old Bioware:] Go away, Players. We have your money


[5-Year-Old Playerbase:] Okay, bye...

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here this sums it up


Do you wanna build a slot machine?

Come on, let's go and play!

I never see you anymore

Come out the door

It's like you've gone away

And swindle me.


We used to be best buddies Bioware

And now we're not

I wish you would tell me why!


Do you wanna build a slot machine?

It doesn't have to be a slot machine...


[8-Year-Old Bioware:] Go away, Players. We have your money


[5-Year-Old Playerbase:] Okay, bye...


Well it's obvious what this is let's just what BW feels about this post shall we...

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Well it's obvious what this is let's just what BW feels about this post shall we...


they will think nothing of it since it is opinion on topic shall we. I just happened to use a song to express my opinion

Edited by Neoforcer
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they will think nothing of it since it is opinion on topic shall we. I just happened to use a song to express my opinion


i guess we will see what they think of your little 2nd grade song accusing them of swindling (which is a crime) won't we.

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We were, TC.


Like many, I enjoyed the slots. It was a way for me to acquire something that I have spent 100's of real dollars on and not been able to obtain, so in true fashion I spent 4 mil to buy 2 machines today, not knowing about the drastic nerf.



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We were, TC.


Like many, I enjoyed the slots. It was a way for me to acquire something that I have spent 100's of real dollars on and not been able to obtain, so in true fashion I spent 4 mil to buy 2 machines today, not knowing about the drastic nerf.





What did you spend hundreds of real dollars buying? That's weird. So you didn't even take a look at the patch notes today, or dropped by the forum since the Slot Machines were released?


Because EVERYONE that has been here should have foreseen a change in the drop rates. There is no reason for people to not have known that going forward the drop rates were going to change. If Bioware has to come out and

say it's not an exploit (which was their biggest mistake IMO. If they would have been mum about it and said they were investigating it, people wouldn't have been so eager to throw down a paycheck) then you know something is wrong. A little red flag should have gone up in your head saying "Hey, people are flooding the forums talking about how broken this is. Bioware has even had to comment on the drop rate. That probably means they are going to change it soon."

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this just made me lol oh and opinion is not a crime


Let's try reading comprehension 101 shall we.


I didn't say your opionion was a crime, I said you were accusing them of committing a crime that crime you were accusing them of was swindling. You understand now?

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here this sums it up


Do you wanna build a slot machine?

Come on, let's go and play!

I never see you anymore

Come out the door

It's like you've gone away

And swindle me.


We used to be best buddies Bioware

And now we're not

I wish you would tell me why!


Do you wanna build a slot machine?

It doesn't have to be a slot machine...


[8-Year-Old Bioware:] Go away, Players. We have your money


[5-Year-Old Playerbase:] Okay, bye...


That made me laugh out loud.. :)

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you mean there is something easier than sending a crew member out on a mission and then logging off to do your nails?


This made me giggle since I have done -exactly- that... But yeah, its such an arduous task logging in a character for 30 seconds sending out companions on mission, then rinse and repeating with 15 more alts...


After you've done it long enough you probably just do it on auto pilot...


They went a bit too far in the same way that giving birth hurts a bit.


And this made me laugh soda out my nose, it burns!

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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prior to 3.0, bw was taking great strides.

we had:



12x xp


Post 3.0 it seems to be a complete and utter catastrophe

we had:

3.0 released with massive bugs, revan bug, underwhelming, small amount of content

ability lag

ripped off early access players out of millions for training costs

turning off the lights during the holidays and refusal to fix the ravagers exploit

throwing gas on the fire for the ravagers exploit

ultimate comm reduction

the bait and switch slot machine


our outlook?

still no information regarding the ravagers exploiters

still no outlook on ability lag fixes

still no fixes for operations bugs

more forum flame wars for 1 or 2 hot topics

still no information on pvp updates

still no information on broken classes


great job, bioware!

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They then decide to make a mass overhaul to them effectively changing the item all together. So since this is nothing like what I got with my hypercrates, what are the options for getting my money back?


From the very same Terms of Service WE ALL AGREE TO before we can play


5. EA Services, Content and Entitlement Availability


Entitlements may only be held in Accounts belonging to legal residents of countries where access to and use of Content and Entitlements is permitted. Entitlements may be purchased or acquired only from EA or an authorized retailer. EA reserves the right to refuse your request(s) to acquire Entitlements, and EA reserves the right to limit or block any request to acquire Entitlements for any reason.


We do not guarantee that any Content or Entitlement will be available at all times, in all countries and/or geographic locations, or at any given time or that we will continue to offer particular Content or Entitlements for any particular length of time. We reserve the right to change and update Content and Entitlements without notice to you. Once you have redeemed your Entitlements, that content is not returnable, exchangeable, or refundable for other Entitlements or for cash, or other goods or services.


So there is no options to get your money back as you agreed before hand to the possibility of this happening.


And jesus stop with the whining already


This game doesnt remotely reflect the product I agreed to purchase originally.

Its been massively dumbed down, made ultra easy, pandered to the very worst crowd of MMORPGs


By your way of thinking and reasoning EA owes me ALL my subs and purchase prices back because they changed the game in ways that were completely unpredictable (who could reasonably guess they would dumb game down this badly. Not anyone with any understanding of MMORPG history, thats for sure).


At least the slot machine changes were predictable to anyone with a brain

Over paying IWIN buttons rarely survive in this genre for long and these slots were no different


So your choice on this is cancel account if you really feel that strongly about it


suck it up buttercup and push forward in game.


Its not like getting the mats and rewards really that hard through traditional methods

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From the very same Terms of Service WE ALL AGREE TO before we can play




So there is no options to get your money back as you agreed before hand to the possibility of this happening.


And jesus stop with the whining already


This game doesnt remotely reflect the product I agreed to purchase originally.

Its been massively dumbed down, made ultra easy, pandered to the very worst crowd of MMORPGs


By your way of thinking and reasoning EA owes me ALL my subs and purchase prices back because they changed the game in ways that were completely unpredictable (who could reasonably guess they would dumb game down this badly. Not anyone with any understanding of MMORPG history, thats for sure).


At least the slot machine changes were predictable to anyone with a brain

Over paying IWIN buttons rarely survive in this genre for long and these slots were no different


So your choice on this is cancel account if you really feel that strongly about it


suck it up buttercup and push forward in game.


Its not like getting the mats and rewards really that hard through traditional methods


I think I know what your Reddit name is, with you spewing that same Bioware fluffing garbage there too.

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So I see that these Slot Machines are a good way to gather resources along with Cartel Certs so I buy 3 hypercrates with Cartel Coins to finally get one. They then decide to make a mass overhaul to them effectively changing the item all together. So since this is nothing like what I got with my hypercrates, what are the options for getting my money back? Pretty sure they saw a great opportunity to get people to buy up crates and then once that slowed down, they change the most wanted item and claim it's due to customer feedback. Yeah, I don't buy it.


Tell ya what BioWare, if I file a ticket, can you guys just take all the garbage items from these packs that are in my banks and refund my purchases? I can't see how this can be seen as anything other than completely ripping off the consumer.


And yeah I know there are a lot of these threads and there needs to be more. This kind of stuff can't continue to happen. They need to stop baiting people into buying stuff then throwing the hammer at it. I know I wasn't forced into buying it, but I did because of the appeal and the fact that it sounded like Musco earlier said that they were working as intended and not being changed. At least not to this degree.


Just out of curiosity, but are you really saying that at no point did you think that this slot machine was simply too good to be true?

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I think I know what your Reddit name is, with you spewing that same Bioware fluffing garbage there too.


considering I dont have reddit Id be very interested in what my apparent name is!


Yeah you got me Dunderwaste

Im just such a EA fanboi who gushes and gushes and gushes over EA and never says a bad word about them

I been found out

Oh the horror and shame of it all


Reading comprehension really is not your strong suit is it?

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prior to 3.0, bw was taking great strides.

we had:



12x xp


You forgot: "Tons of whingeing about how the game was broken and doomed."


Which happened a lot pre-3.0, even with the release of the items you proclaim as wonderful about the game. This is just more of the same.


I haven't had a chance to use the slots post-patch, so I can't make a reasoned opinion on the nerf quite yet. I can't really use all the complaints as a way to measure how bad it is though. Why? Because this happens over nearly every change, bug (minor or not) or whatever that comes along.


So... great job, folks! I'm sure if you keep this up, the others will really believe there's a pack of wolves closing in this time.

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