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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Mr. Eric Musco, What is the deal?


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Hey folks,


We know that there have been many questions about the Contraband Slot Machine and its intent. Here are a few notes on it:

  • The Contraband Slot Machine is not bugged.
  • It is 100% not an exploit to use the Slot Machine.
  • If you feel the desire to sell access to your Stronghold, that’s totally up to you. As a reminder, do not scam people as that is against ToS.
  • We added the Slot Machine as a fun idea based on the positive feedback from the Nightlife event, so spend those credits to your heart’s content!

With that being said, we do hear the concern from many of you around the effects of the Jawa Junk’s drop rate on the economy. We are going to take a look at it and make changes accordingly. I will let you know once I know more. In the meantime, have fun! :rak_03:




What is the deal? 5 days ago you wrote this. That was Friday evening so not quite 5 days. Then the weekend. Then Monday you had your developers change this. What the heck changed in your mind over the weekend that caused you to "FIX" the slot machines?


You all did this in one day after telling us that everything was fine. Telling the community something like you did means we take it as truth. It wasn't a rumor someone posted. It wasn't something from a different website being told by someone who read it. It was from you. This is an example of why your company has such poor customer relations and support.

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The slot machine was not bugged. It was performing exactly as they intended to implement it. It was performing as expected. Nothing was bugged, and taking advantage of its services was not an exploit.


This is not the same thing as them not being happy with its output.

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What is the deal? 5 days ago you wrote this. That was Friday evening so not quite 5 days. Then the weekend. Then Monday you had your developers change this. What the heck changed in your mind over the weekend that caused you to "FIX" the slot machines?


You all did this in one day after telling us that everything was fine. Telling the community something like you did means we take it as truth. It wasn't a rumor someone posted. It wasn't something from a different website being told by someone who read it. It was from you. This is an example of why your company has such poor customer relations and support.


They reviewed the impact it had in the game and came to the conclusion that it was not what they wanted. Be happy we had a week getting a buffet of mats and certs nearly for free. Now back to reality......you can't seriously be surprised it was changed. Maybe surprised it was changed so drastically but not surprised that it was changed.

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What is the deal? 5 days ago you wrote this. That was Friday evening so not quite 5 days. Then the weekend. Then Monday you had your developers change this. What the heck changed in your mind over the weekend that caused you to "FIX" the slot machines?


You all did this in one day after telling us that everything was fine. Telling the community something like you did means we take it as truth. It wasn't a rumor someone posted. It wasn't something from a different website being told by someone who read it. It was from you. This is an example of why your company has such poor customer relations and support.


Eric has a problem, in my opinion. His professional credibility is on the line now... He is either a simple mouthpiece and doesn't know what he is talking about, or he is lying through his teeth...


I'm willing to assume the former, if he comes clean and pushes his boss to do the same... Or resigns and goes public...


Otherwise, it would have to be the latter and that would be sad because it means nothing he says is ever worth listening to again. All the good will he has ever built up will be gone forever.

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Eric has a problem, in my opinion. His professional credibility is on the line now... He is either a simple mouthpiece and doesn't know what he is talking about, or he is lying through his teeth...


I'm willing to assume the former, if he comes clean and pushes his boss to do the same... Or resigns and goes public...


Otherwise, it would have to be the latter and that would be sad because it means nothing he says is ever worth listening to again. All the good will he has ever built up will be gone forever.


Half of you kids will have forgotten about this in two days. Resigns? You're talking about a man's job because you were too insanely stupid to realise that a single item was breaking the game's economy. It was always going to be changed - there was no maybe, ifs or buts, there were just those smart enough to realise and those stupid enough to think they could get everything for nothing.

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The complaint was about the Jawa Junk, the purple stuff for rare mats. People didn't complain about the rest of the items. Musco even specifically mentioned the Jawa Junk.

What happened between addressing the JJ issue and rendering the whole thing worthless once you maxed out rep, we will never know I guess....


I have an idea, they know exactly what people won over the week. Personally I have over 450 certs, that's just me alone. Imagine people who put a BOT on that thing? I only did it every night for an hour or two. The fact they neutered the thing means they did not expect people to play it so much? Honestly Im sticking with the dev who thought up the drop rates on everything did so while playing candy crush on the toilet .

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I have an idea, they know exactly what people won over the week. Personally I have over 450 certs, that's just me alone. Imagine people who put a BOT on that thing? I only did it every night for an hour or two. The fact they neutered the thing means they did not expect people to play it so much? Honestly Im sticking with the dev who thought up the drop rates on everything did so while playing candy crush on the toilet .
And what you're gonna with those Certs? But 50 red carpets that will barely sell on GTN because of everyone else doing the same and finally bringing prices of BASIC decorations to resonable levels? Everything else that Certs can be used for is bound, few basic decorations change nothing in economy Edited by Pietrastor
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How could a bot even work on the slot machine. If you stand any place to long and do anything over and over the loots stop. I'm pissed off that I read that it was working as intended, so I pulled credits together and bought one. Now I have 4 million credit deco item. Bioware come take the junk slot machine you ruined and return my credits.... I wont hold my breath. I had use of the slot for 2 days. It did not drop like people claimed. I got some needed crafting items but nothing to break the bank. People cried because they did not have one...
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The complaint was about the Jawa Junk, the purple stuff for rare mats. People didn't complain about the rest of the items. Musco even specifically mentioned the Jawa Junk.

What happened between addressing the JJ issue and rendering the whole thing worthless once you maxed out rep, we will never know I guess....


Fpr the people complaining about the cartel cert drop rate reduction, realize as well there are really only so many items you can purchase with them and eventually you run out of things to buy with them as well. At that point they are also converted to currency like the rep items.


So drop rates for these do need tobe brought into line with them becing considered a currency convertible item.


UNLESS - they change all cartel decorations purchased with certs to bind on pickup and find a way around the restriction that would prevent you from donating the bound decoration to your guild.


This way you could buy a Twi'lek dancer with your cert, she goes into your inventory and is 'bound' but not added to your storehouse of decorations (you didn't right click her) then you go to your guild bank and donate her so your guild can put herin the guild stronghold or on the flagship and you can all drool at her pixels once she's placed.


But as long as they are marketable on the GTN, you have a method of converting certs to coins and so this needs to be part of the economic consideration of the drop rate of these items.


So, we want more of them dropped, support making the proceeds from them untradeable, including the decorations.

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Half of you kids will have forgotten about this in two days. Resigns? You're talking about a man's job because you were too insanely stupid to realise that a single item was breaking the game's economy. It was always going to be changed - there was no maybe, ifs or buts, there were just those smart enough to realise and those stupid enough to think they could get everything for nothing.


You don't know much about the real world if you think he'll be an effective community coordinator after this if nothing changes...


He'll be heckled and hounded during streams and at the Cantia events...


Do you not recall what happened during the stream before the 3.0 reveal, when they were late? It was brutal, but that one didn't involve real money.


This. One. Does.


Many of you are badly misunderstanding just how bad this mistake was.


Eric needs to distance himself to avoid looking responsible for it and/or lying directly to the customers about it.

Edited by Heat-Wave
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And what you're gonna with those Certs? But 50 red carpets that will barely sell on GTN because of everyone else doing the same and finally bringing prices of BASIC decorations to resonable levels? Everything else that Certs can be used for is bound, few basic decorations change nothing in economy


More like Female Twi'lek Dancers.. I was getting stacks and selling 6-8 a pop and over the week the average cost only changed 10-15k. Millions, I tell you tens of Millions made between those and midlithe crystals.. :) Truly the PVP and end-game have not much attraction to me - time is limited for me. For Casuals - this was a chance to catch up *just a bit* on some dough, and some mats and not be OVERLY EFFING CHARGED FOR THEM BY CRAFT HOARDERS. Thankfully I rarely worry about getting that optimal % out of my gear by spending millions to augment. Rather run more toons and whatnot with friends.. :)


Knowing how much I personally made - and how much buying was going on, and the # of people doing 'exactly' what I was doing and selling (based on the same mats and decos for sale when mine were, and noticing them *all* being bought off the first page all day every day) - there are a *lot* of credits floating around out there to be spent. All the better I say, let the credits flow out to everyone. As in RL - there eventually comes a point when money+splendor still doesn't =quality of life (or in this case - quality of MMOing and personal enjoyment time). Obviously some play the GTN, and could care less about the 'game' and will be very VOCAL about wanting to control that GTN market for whatever fantasies they have of spending these video credits on. (When you have enough credits to where you could go and for the F of it - just buy every single mount on the GTN - that's overkill.. yes?)


Do not fear though, I am just a casual Alt player (you know the silent majority whilst more 'vocal' others run around here running their mouths like they own the place). The minor millions I made off Midlithe Crystals and Deco's went mostly back into buying all the armor sets I'd missed out on during my hiatus after launch and a few mounts I was looking for.. I stashed a few stacks of certs and jawa junk for a rainy day in the future. Got myself a monkey lizard and throne from the Rep gained.. Back to doing what I *came* to a MMO to do - play, not stand in front of a slot machine for hours. (Great for a short run, as the original slot machine also was - I appreciate my minor profits this time though!). I bought mine btw off the GTN, I don't spend CC's on packs anymore or hypercrates - ever.


It's depressing and reassuring all at once to come read these forums from a 'this *isn't* serious business' perspective, and see all the drama, infighting, fear, and anger, angst, bullying - all being waved around from all sides at everyone via the anonymity of the internetz.. Yes, the human race is still the same in these forums as it is outside the door - just a bit more vocal and vindictive. (Keep it classy, human race!)

Edited by Dreadicus
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They didnt just simply nerf it, they beat it to death with a nerf bat, set fire to it and dragged its smoldering corpse across the dune sea on Tatoonie and chucked into the Sarrlac pit!


And then they bombarded it from starships in orbit until it was just a memory. :D

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The deal has been altered...

If Eric hadn't posted what he did, I would never have bought one, because I was (correctly, apparently) assuming it would get nerfed badly.

Although to be fair, even in my most pessimistic predictions, I did not imagine the nerf would be nearly that bad.


But after he posted this ? Well, it seemed like a good idea buy one. Great opportunity, officially approved, minor tweaks to jawa junk incoming at worst, still good for farming green mats and certificates, right ?


But now suddenly, it's worthless, I reached legend status with the rep (wasn't worth the 4.7M credits), it won't ever drop a certificate again or any amount of jawa tokens, let alone a vehicle. Because I'm going to cut my losses and stop using it now.

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I always admired Ripley's pragmatic approach to the Alien "problem". :D


If I remember correctly, it was originally Hicks idea ;)


But yes, this, on top of several other things that have been ignored, swept aside, and "lol whatevs"ed by bioware, I just have reached the nail/straw point.


Didn't you guys learn with the fiasco that was the ending of Mass Effect 3 that people aren't pleased by "suprises"?

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If I remember correctly, it was originally Hicks idea ;)


But yes, this, on top of several other things that have been ignored, swept aside, and "lol whatevs"ed by bioware, I just have reached the nail/straw point.


Didn't you guys learn with the fiasco that was the ending of Mass Effect 3 that people aren't pleased by "suprises"?


Nope, it was her idea... but Hicks agreed with her:


Vasquez: [after barely surviving the Alien surprise attack] Okay. We have several canisters of CM-20. I say we go back in there and nerve gas the whole ****in' nest.

Hicks: It's worth the try, but we don't know if that's gonna affect them.

Hudson: Let's just bug out and call it even, man! What are we even talking about this for?

Ripley: I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

Hudson: ****in' A!

Burke: Hold on a second. This installation has a substantial dollar value attached to it.

Ripley: They can *bill* me.

Burke: Okay, I know this is an emotional moment for all of us. I know that. But let's not make snap judgments, please. This is clearly an important species we're dealing with and I don't think that you or I, or *anybody*, has the right to arbitrarily exterminate them.

Ripley: Wrong.

Vasquez: Yeah, watch us.

Hudson: Maybe you haven't been keeping up on current events, but we just got our asses kicked, pal!

Burke: Look. I'm not blind to what is going on, but I cannot authorize that kind of action. I'm sorry.

Ripley: Well, *I* believe that Corporal *Hicks* has authority here.

Burke: *Corporal* Hicks has...?

Ripley: This operation is under military jurisdiction and Hicks is next in the chain of command. Am I right, Corporal?

Hicks: Yeah... yeah, that's right.

Burke: Yeah... look, Ripley, this is a multi-million dollar installation. He can't make that kind of decision. He's just a grunt!

Burke: [to Hicks] Uh, no offense.

Hicks: None taken.

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What is the deal? 5 days ago you wrote this. That was Friday evening so not quite 5 days. Then the weekend. Then Monday you had your developers change this. What the heck changed in your mind over the weekend that caused you to "FIX" the slot machines?


You all did this in one day after telling us that everything was fine. Telling the community something like you did means we take it as truth. It wasn't a rumor someone posted. It wasn't something from a different website being told by someone who read it. It was from you. This is an example of why your company has such poor customer relations and support.


wait wait wait... So now Eric owns the development teams and tells them what to work on? So your saying that the community manager is now in control of dev teams? hmmm are you stupid? Do you not know what a community manager does? sure he can pass things along to dev team managers but he doesn't control what they do. Not to mention he has to get approval on everything he ever posts., or even gets told what to say.


Please learn how things like this work in a business. Your basically saying that if I am a developer that someone in the advertising division controls what i do/say.



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he confirmed people were not using an exploit so people could breathe easy




he said they were looking into making changes to it, which they have done now.


What exactly is the issue here?


The usual complaints and seeking of something to raise a ruckus about.

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